943 resultados para Tangible-intangible


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Identificar e interpretar, a partir de abordagem etnográfica, o patrimônio cultural dos trabalhadores do Ver-o-Peso, a feira mais famosa de Belém do Pará, é o objetivo deste trabalho. Não o patrimônio cultural brasileiro, reconhecido por meio do tombamento em 1977, como conjunto arquitetônico e paisagístico, mas o patrimônio que constitui elemento agregador para esse grupo social, fator de pertencimento e identidade coletiva, que é detentor de valores e significados, ainda que, raramente, seja percebido e identificado por esses trabalhadores dessa forma. A pesquisa, realizada por meio de observação participante, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e informais aconteceu no período de 2005 a 2007, em quatro etapas. O patrimônio cultural identificado é, sobretudo de natureza imaterial, mas também está presente em tomo de coisas materiais como o espaço, no sentido de um território com temporal idade própria que é também um lugar, demarcado por práticas sociais e operações cotidianas, as quais envolvem múltiplas dimensões da vida social. Nesse espaço objetos, expressões corporais, sentimentos e sociabilidade associadas e desenvolvidas no fazer diário, prenhes de significados e possibilidades estimulam o imaginário e ativam memórias. De geração a geração esse legado é o responsável, juntamente com aqueles que o preservam, reinterpretam e transmitem, pela manutenção da "essência" do Ver-o-Peso, assim como pelo sentido de pertencimento e identificação de seus trabalhadores com esse lugar ao longo dos anos. A despeito da negligência por parte de muitas instituições, esses trabalhadores e trabalhadoras preservam sua cultura.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Abstract This paper discusses the quality of basic education legitimized by the external evaluation and publicized by the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB) - an index that combines the performance of students in the assessment and the school flow, culminating with the establishment of an objective parameter (grade) that aims to reflect the Brazilian educational quality. The arguments are based on the premise that these two elements are incipient to determine the quality of education in the country without taking into account other factors that affect quality, namely: socio-economic and cultural level of the students, teacher training, enhancement of teaching, tangible and intangible working conditions, school management, school infrastructure, supplies, etc. The reflection leading to the debate on the lack of evidence to establish the quality of education travels the ways of the external evaluation in Brazil, the technical rationality of the school management referenced primarily by the IDEB and its governance to achieve the goals determined by this index. The purpose of this essay is to contribute to the current debate on the IDEB as a proposer and mobilizer of policies for the Brazilian public schools.


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The Creative Economy is an experimental laboratory for the creation , innovation , invention and reinvention of the universe of media - analog and digital . The scenery in the media and converging technologies favors the process of “ creative destruction and destructive creation “ of this field . The mapping of basins and technological corridors distributed through the territory of concentrated areas creates an infrastructural chassis for the production of content , information and entertainment . As locus and logos of immaterial production , digital ecology that gives speed to the flow of production - planning, fundraising , publishing , distribution and enjoyment - and allows the dispossession of their local clusters , the fragmentation and dilution of their creative chains . The collective cultural production and creation appropriating these capilarizados articles and produce content against political, economic and social status quo . The land is fertile and favorable to the emergence of radical media and rebels that recreate the public sphere , and edit poor public spheres , alternative , radical and efficient , the tactical point of view . This article aims to contribute to studies and research that scour the ecosystem of the media for understanding the management of their creative processes, actors and critics of tangible and intangible resources that support their communication actions .


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT


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Intangible resources have raised the interests of scholars from different research areas due to their importance as crucial factors for firm performance; yet, contributions to this field still lack a theoretical framework. This research analyses the state-of-the-art results reached in the literature concerning intangibles, their main features and evaluation problems and models. In search for a possible theoretical framework, the research draws a kind of indirect analysis of intangibles through the theories of the firm, their critic and developments. The heterodox approaches of the evolutionary theory and resource-based view are indicated as possible frameworks. Based on this theoretical analysis, organization capital (OC) is identified, for its features, as the most important intangible for firm performance. Empirical studies on the relationship intangibles-firm performance have been sporadic and have failed to reach firm conclusions with respect to OC; in the attempt to fill this gap, the effect of OC is tested on a large sample of European firms using the Compustat Global database. OC is proxied by capitalizing an income statement item (Selling, General and Administrative expenses) that includes expenses linked to information technology, business process design, reputation enhancement and employee training. This measure of OC is employed in a cross-sectional estimation of a firm level production function - modeled with different functional specifications (Cobb-Douglas and Translog) - that measures OC contribution to firm output and profitability. Results are robust and confirm the importance of OC for firm performance.


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Microcredit has been a tool to alleviate poverty since long. This research is aimed to observe the efficiency of microcredit in the field of social exclusion. The development of questionnaires and use of existing tools was used to observe the tangible and intangible intertwining of microcredit and by doing so the effort was concentrated to observe whether microcredit has a direct effect on social exclusion or not. Bangladesh was chosen for the field study and 85 samples were taken for the analysis. It is a time period research and one year time was set to receive the sample and working on the statistical analysis. The tangible aspect was based on a World Bank questionnaire and the social capital questionnaire was developed through different well observed tools. The borrowers of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, is the research sample whish shows a strong correlation between their tangible activity and social life. There are significant changes in tangible aspect and social participation observed from the research. Strong correlation between the two aspects was also found taking into account that the borrowers themselves have a vibrant social life in the village.


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The concept of competitiveness, for a long time considered as strictly connected to economic and financial performances, evolved, above all in recent years, toward new, wider interpretations disclosing its multidimensional nature. The shift to a multidimensional view of the phenomenon has excited an intense debate involving theoretical reflections on the features characterizing it, as well as methodological considerations on its assessment and measurement. The present research has a twofold objective: going in depth with the study of tangible and intangible aspect characterizing multidimensional competitive phenomena by assuming a micro-level point of view, and measuring competitiveness through a model-based approach. Specifically, we propose a non-parametric approach to Structural Equation Models techniques for the computation of multidimensional composite measures. Structural Equation Models tools will be used for the development of the empirical application on the italian case: a model based micro-level competitiveness indicator for the measurement of the phenomenon on a large sample of Italian small and medium enterprises will be constructed.


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The decline of traditional religions in Japan in the past century, and especially since the end of World War Two, has led to an explosion of so-called “new religions” (shin shūkyō 新宗教), many of which have made forays into the political realm. The best known—and most controversial—example of a “political” new religion is Sōka Gakkai 創価学会, a lay Buddhist movement originally associated with the Nichiren sect that in the 1960s gave birth to a new political party, Komeitō 公明党 (lit., Clean Government Party), which in the past several decades has emerged as the third most popular party in Japan (as New Komeitō). Since the 1980s, Japan has also seen the emergence of so-called “new, new religions” (shin shin shūkyō 新新宗教), which tend to be more technologically savvy and less socially concerned (and, in the eyes of critics, more akin to “cults” than the earlier new religions). One new, new religion known as Kōfuku-no-Kagaku 幸福の科学 (lit., Institute for Research in Human Happiness or simply Happy Science), founded in 1986 by Ōkawa Ryūho 大川隆法, has very recently developed its own political party, Kōfuku Jitsugentō 幸福実現党 (The Realization of Happiness Party). This article will analyse the political ideals of Kōfuku Jitsugentō in relation to its religious teachings, in an attempt to situate the movement within the broader tradition of religio-political syncretism in Japan. In particular, it will examine the recent “manifesto” of Kōfuku Jitsugentō in relation to those of New Komeitō and “secular” political parties such as the Liberal Democratic Party (Jimintō 自民党) and the Democratic Party (Minshutō 民主党).


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Since the UsedSoft ruling of the CJEU in 2012, there has been the distinct feeling that – like the big bang - UsedSoft signals the start of a new beginning. As we enter this brave new world, the Copyright Directive will be read anew: misalignments in the treatment of physical and digital content will be resolved; accessibility and affordability for consumers will be heightened; and lock-in will be reduced as e-exhaustion takes hold. With UsedSoft as a precedent, the Court can do nothing but keep expanding its own ruling. For big bang theorists, it is only a matter of time until the digital first sale meteor strikes non-software downloads also. This paper looks at whether the UsedSoft ruling could indeed be the beginning of a wider doctrine of e-exhaustion, or if it is simply a one-shot comet restrained by provisions of the Computer Program Directive on which it was based. Fighting the latter corner, we have the strict word of the law; in the UsedSoft ruling, the Court appears to willingly bypass the international legal framework of the WCT. As far as expansion goes, the Copyright Directive was conceived specifically to implement the WCT, thus the legislative intent is clear. The Court would not, surely, invoke its modicum of creativity there also... With perhaps undue haste in a digital market of many unknowns, it seems this might well be the case. Provoking the big bang theory of e-exhaustion, the UsedSoft ruling can be read as distinctly purposive, but rather than having copyright norms in mind, the standard for the Court is the same free movement rules that underpin the exhaustion doctrine in the physical world. With an endowed sense of principled equivalence, the Court clearly wishes the tangible and intangible rules to be aligned. Against the backdrop of the European internal market, perhaps few legislative instruments would staunchly stand in its way. With firm objectives in mind, the UsedSoft ruling could be a rather disruptive meteor indeed.


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The purpose of the article is to provide first a doctrinal summary of the concept, rules and policy of exhaustion, first, on the international and EU level, and, later, under the law of the United States. Based upon this introduction, the paper turns to the analysis of the doctrine by the pioneer court decisions handed over in the UsedSoft, ReDigi, the German e-book/audio book cases, and the pending Tom Kabinet case from the Netherlands. Questions related to the licence versus sale dichotomy; the so-called umbrella solution; the “new copy theory”, migration of digital copies via the internet; the forward-and-delete technology; the issue of lex specialis and the theory of functional equivalence are covered later on. The author of the present article stresses that the answers given by the respective judges of the referred cases are not the final stop in the discussion. The UsedSoft preliminary ruling and the subsequent German domestic decisions highlight a special treatment for computer programs. On the other hand, the refusal of digital exhaustion in the ReDigi and the audio book/e-book cases might be in accordance with the present wording of copyright law; however, they do not necessarily reflect the proper trends of our ages. The paper takes the position that the need for digital exhaustion is constantly growing in society and amongst businesses. Indeed, there are reasonable arguments in favour of equalizing the resale of works sold in tangible and intangible format. Consequently, the paper urges the reconsideration of the norms on exhaustion on the international and EU level.