986 resultados para T-CELL TOLERANCE
Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2), produced and secreted by adult β-cells, functions as an autocrine activator of the β-cell insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor signaling pathway. Whether this autocrine activity of IGF2 plays a physiological role in β-cell and whole-body physiology is not known. Here, we studied mice with β-cell-specific inactivation of Igf2 (βIGF2KO mice) and assessed β-cell mass and function in aging, pregnancy, and acute induction of insulin resistance. We showed that glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) was markedly reduced in old female βIGF2KO mice; glucose tolerance was, however, normal because of increased insulin sensitivity. While on a high-fat diet, both male and female βIGF2KO mice displayed lower GSIS compared with control mice, but reduced β-cell mass was observed only in female βIGF2KO mice. During pregnancy, there was no increase in β-cell proliferation and mass in βIGF2KO mice. Finally, β-cell mass expansion in response to acute induction of insulin resistance was lower in βIGF2KO mice than in control mice. Thus, the autocrine action of IGF2 regulates adult β-cell mass and function to preserve in vivo GSIS in aging and to adapt β-cell mass in response to metabolic stress, pregnancy hormones, and acute induction of insulin resistance.
Le corps humain emploie le glucose comme source principale d'énergie. L'insuline, sécrétée par les cellules ß-pancreatiques situées dans les îlots de Langerhans, est l'hormone principale assurant un maintien constant du taux de glucose sanguin (glycémie). Les prédispositions génétiques, le manque d'activité physique et un régime déséquilibré peuvent entraîner une perte de sensibilité à l'insuline et des taux de glucose dans le sang élevé (hyperglycémie), une condition nommée diabète de type 2. Cette maladie est initiée par une sensibilité diminuée à l'insuline dans les tissus périphériques, entraînant une demande accrue en insuline. Cette pression continue finie par épuiser les cellules ß-pancreatiques, qui sécrètent alors des niveaux d'insuline insuffisant en trainant l'apparition du diabète. Le vieillissement est un facteur de risque important pour les maladies métaboliques dont le diabète de type 2 faits partis. En effet la majeure partie des diabétiques de type 2 ont plus de 45 ans. Il est connu que le vieillissement entraine une perte de sensibilité à l'insuline, une sécrétion altérée d'insuline, une baisse de réplication et une plus grande mort des ß-cellules pancréatiques. Le but de ma thèse était de mieux comprendre les mécanismes contribuante au dysfonctionnement des cellules ß- pancréatiques lors du vieillissement. Les travaux du « Human Genome Project » ont révélés que seulement 2% de notre génome code pour des protéines. Le reste non-codant fut alors désigné sous le nom de « ADN déchets ». Cependant, l'étude approfondie de cet ADN non-codant ces dernières deux décennies a démontré qu'une grande partie code pour des «MicroARNs », des ARNs courts (20-22 nucleotides) découverts en 1997 chez le vers C.elegans. Depuis lors ces molécules ont été intensivement étudiées, révélant un rôle crucial de ces molécules dans la fonction et la survie des cellules en conditions normales et pathologiques. Le but de cette thèse était d'étudier le rôle des microARNs dans le dysfonctionnement des cellules ß lors du vieillissement. Nos données suggèrent qu'ils peuvent jouer un rôle tantôt salutaire, tantôt nocif sur les cellules ß. Par exemple, certains microARNs réduisent la capacité des cellules ß à se multiplier ou réduisent leur survie, alors que d'autres protègent ces cellules contre la mort. Pour conclure, nous avons démontré les microARNs jouent un rôle important dans le dysfonctionnement des cellules ß lors du vieillissement. Ces nouvelles découvertes préparent le terrain pour la conception de futures stratégies visant à améliorer la résistance des cellules ß pancréatiques afin de trouver de nouveaux traitements du diabète de type 2. -- Le diabète de type 2 est une maladie métabolique due à la résistance à l'action de l'insuline des tissus cibles combinée à l'incapacité des cellules ß pancréatiques à sécréter les niveaux adéquats d'insuline. Le vieillissement est associé à un déclin global des fonctions de l'organisme incluant une diminution de la fonction et du renouvellement des cellules ß pancréatiques. Il constitue ainsi un risque majeur de développement des maladies métaboliques dont le diabète de type 2. Le but de cette thèse était d'étudier le rôle des microARNs (une classe d'ARN non- codants) dans le dysfonctionnement lié au vieillissement des cellules ß. L'analyse par microarray des niveaux d'expression des microARN dans les îlots pancréatiques de rats Wistar mâles âgés de 3 et 12 mois nous a permis d'identifier de nombreux changements d'expression de microARNs associés au vieillissement. Afin d'étudier les liens entre ces modifications et le déclin des cellules ß, les changements observés lors du vieillissement ont été reproduits spécifiquement dans une lignée cellulaire, dans des cellules ß primaires de jeune rats ou de donneurs humains sains. La diminution du miR-181a réduit la prolifération des cellules ß, tandis que la diminution du miR-130b ou l'augmentation du miR-383 protège contre l'apoptose induite par les cytokines. L'augmentation du miR-34a induit l'apoptose et inhibe la prolifération des cellules ß en réponse aux hormones Exendin-4 et prolactine et au facteur de croissance PDGF-AA. Cette perte de capacité réplicative est similaire à celle observée dans des cellules ß de rats âgés de 12 mois. Dans la littérature, la perte du récepteur au PDGF-r-a est associée à la diminution de la capacité proliférative des cellules ß observée lors du vieillissement. Nous avons pu démontrer que PDGF-r-a est une cible directe de miR- 34a, suggérant que l'effet néfaste de miR-34a sur la prolifération des cellules ß est, du moins en partie, lié à l'inhibition de l'expression de PDGF-r-a. L'expression de ce miR est aussi plus élevée dans le foie et le cerveau des animaux de 1 an et augmente avec l'âge dans les ilôts de donneurs non-diabétiques. Ces résultats suggèrent que miR-34a pourrait être non seulement impliqué dans l'affaiblissement des fonctions pancréatiques associé à l'âge, mais également jouer un rôle dans les tissus cibles de l'insuline et ainsi contribuer au vieillissement de l'organisme en général. Pour conclure, les travaux obtenus durant cette thèse suggèrent que des microARNs sont impliqués dans le dysfonctionnement des cellules ß pancréatiques durant le vieillissement. -- Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by impaired glucose tolerance, of the insulin sensitive tissues and insufficient insulin secretion from the pancreatic ß-cells to sustain the organism demand. Aging is a risk factor for the majority of the metabolic diseases including type 2 diabetes. With aging is observed a decline in all body function, due to decrease both in cell efficiency and renewal. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the potential role of microRNAs (short non- coding RNAs) in the pancreatic ß-cell dysfunction associated with aging. Microarray analysis of microRNA expression profile in pancreatic islets from 3 and 12 month old Wistar male rats revealed important changes in several microRNAs. To further study the link between those alterations and the decline of ß-cells, the changes observed in old rats were mimicked in immortalized ß-cell lines, primary young rat and human islets. Downregulation of miR-181a inhibited pancreatic ß-cell proliferation in response to proliferative drugs, whereas downregulation of miR-130b and upregulation of miR-383 protected pancreatic ß-cells from cytokine stimulated apoptosis. Interestingly, miR-34a augmented pancreatic ß-cell apoptosis and inhibited ß-cell proliferation in response to the proliferative chemicals Exendin-4, prolactin and PDGF-AA. This loss of replicative capacity is reminiscent of what we observed in pancreatic ß-cells isolated from 12 month old rats. We further observed a correlation between the inhibitory effect of miR-34a on pancreatic ß-cell proliferation and its direct interfering effect of this microRNA on PDGF-r-a, which was previously reported to be involved in the age-associated decline of pancreatic ß-cell proliferation. Interestingly miR-34a was upregulated in the liver and brain of 1 year old animals and positively correlated with age in pancreatic islets of normoglycemic human donors. These results suggest that miR-34a might be not only involved in the age-associated impairment of the pancreatic ß-cell functions, but also play a role in insulin target tissues and contribute to the aging phenotype on the organism level. To conclude, we have demonstrated that microRNAs are indeed involved in the age-associated pancreatic ß-cell dysfunction and they can play both beneficial and harmful roles in the context of pancreatic ß-cell aging.
NLRC5 is a transcriptional regulator of MHC class I (MHCI), which maintains high MHCI expression particularly in T cells. Recent evidence highlights an important NK-T-cell crosstalk, raising the question on whether NLRC5 specifically modulates this interaction. Here we show that NK cells from Nlrc5-deficient mice exhibit moderate alterations in inhibitory receptor expression and responsiveness. Interestingly, NLRC5 expression in T cells is required to protect them from NK-cell-mediated elimination upon inflammation. Using T-cell-specific Nlrc5-deficient mice, we show that NK cells surprisingly break tolerance even towards 'self' Nlrc5-deficient T cells under inflammatory conditions. Furthermore, during chronic LCMV infection, the total CD8(+) T-cell population is severely decreased in these mice, a phenotype reverted by NK-cell depletion. These findings strongly suggest that endogenous T cells with low MHCI expression become NK-cell targets, having thus important implications for T-cell responses in naturally or therapeutically induced inflammatory conditions.
Bacterial programmed cell death and quorum sensing are direct examples of prokaryote group behaviors, wherein cells coordinate their actions to function cooperatively like one organism for the benefit of the whole culture. We demonstrate here that 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide (HQNO), a Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing-regulated low-molecular-weight excreted molecule, triggers autolysis by self-perturbing the electron transfer reactions of the cytochrome bc1 complex. HQNO induces specific self-poisoning by disrupting the flow of electrons through the respiratory chain at the cytochrome bc1 complex, causing a leak of reducing equivalents to O2 whereby electrons that would normally be passed to cytochrome c are donated directly to O2. The subsequent mass production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) reduces membrane potential and disrupts membrane integrity, causing bacterial cell autolysis and DNA release. DNA subsequently promotes biofilm formation and increases antibiotic tolerance to beta-lactams, suggesting that HQNO-dependent cell autolysis is advantageous to the bacterial populations. These data identify both a new programmed cell death system and a novel role for HQNO as a critical inducer of biofilm formation and antibiotic tolerance. This newly identified pathway suggests intriguing mechanistic similarities with the initial mitochondrial-mediated steps of eukaryotic apoptosis.
NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">Preserving β cell function during the development of obesity and insulin resistance would limit the worldwide epidemic of type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) calcium (Ca(2+)) depletion induced by saturated free fatty acids and cytokines causes β cell ER stress and apoptosis, but the molecular mechanisms behind these phenomena are still poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that palmitate-induced sorcin (SRI) down-regulation, and subsequent increases in glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit-2 (G6PC2) levels contribute to lipotoxicity. SRI is a calcium sensor protein involved in maintaining ER Ca(2+) by inhibiting ryanodine receptor activity and playing a role in terminating Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release. G6PC2, a GWAS gene associated with fasting blood glucose, is a negative regulator of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS). High fat feeding in mice and chronic exposure of human islets to palmitate decreases endogenous SRI expression while levels of G6PC2 mRNA increase. Sorcin null mice are glucose intolerant, with markedly impaired GSIS and increased expression of G6pc2. Under high fat diet, mice overexpressing SRI in the β cell display improved glucose tolerance, fasting blood glucose and GSIS, whereas G6PC2 levels are decreased and cytosolic and ER Ca(2+) are increased in transgenic islets. SRI may thus provide a target for intervention in T2DM.
Molekyylimarkkerit ja pitkäaikainen alfainterferonihoito munuaissyövässä Munuaissyöpäpotilaiden viiden vuoden elossaololuku on noin 50 %. Aikaisempien tutkimuksien mukaan viiden vuoden elossaololuku metastasoituneessa munuaissyövässä on 3-16 %, kun käytettiin alfainterferonia sisältävää hoitoa. Tyypillisesti alfainterferonia on käytetty vähemmäin kuin 6 kuukautta. Avoimia kysymyksiä ovat alfainterferonin optimaalinen hoitoannos ja hoidon kesto yksin tai yhdessä uusien täsmähoitojen kanssa. Tärkeimmät tavoitteet olivat tutkia 1) jaksotetun pitkäaikaisen alfainterferonihoidon tehoa ja siedettävyyttä metastasoituneessa munuaissyövässä ja 2) p53-, Ki-67- ja COX-2-proteiinituotannon ennusteellista merkitystä munuaissyövässä. Tutkimuksessa 117 metastasoituneelle munuaissyöpää sairastaneelle potilaalle etsittiin yksilöllinen hänen sietämänsä maksimaalinen hoitoannos rekombinanttia alfa2a-interferonia (Roferon-ATM). Hoitoa pyrittiin jatkamaan 24 kuukauden ajan. Kolmen hoitoviikon jälkeen pidettiin yhden viikon tauko. Hoito lopetettiin, jos ilmaantui vakavia haittavaikutuksia tai tauti eteni. Toisessa tutkimuksessa proteiinituotanto analysoitiin immunohistokemiallisesti munuaissyöpäpotilaiden kasvainnäytteistä, joita oli säilytetty parafiinissa. Kasvainnäytteet oli otettu talteen munuaisen poistoleikkauksen yhteydessä. Nämä potilaat jaettiin kolmeen eri ryhmään: metastasointi primaarivaiheessa (n=29), metastasointi myöhemmin (n=37) ja ei metastasointia (n=51). Keskimääräinen alfainterferonihoidon kesto oli 11 kuukautta (kk) [0,5 – 32 kk]. Objektiivinen hoitovaste todettiin 17 %:lla, tautitilanne pysyi ennallaan 42 %:lla ja myöhäinen vaste (yli 12 kk:tta hoidon aloittamisesta) todettiin 3 %:lla. Aika vasteen saavuttamisesta taudin etenemiseen oli keskimäärin 8 kk ja elinaika 19,1 kk. Viiden vuoden elossaololuku oli 16 %. Jos metastasoituneella munuaissyöpäpotilaalla oli keuhkometastasointi, hän selvisi todennäköisemmin viisi vuotta kuin muut potilaat. Henkeä uhkaavia sivuvaikutuksia ei todettu. Yli 12 kk:n ajan kestävä alfainterferonihoito on hyödyllistä niille potilaille, jotka ovat saaneet objektiivisen hoitovasteen tai tautitilanne on pysynyt ennallaan. Positiivinen p53- ja Ki-67-ekspressio yhdessä viittaavat suureen metastasoinnin todennäköisyyteen. Positiivinen COX-2-ekspressio viittaa viivästyneeseen metastaasien ilmaantumiseen. Metastasoituneilla potilailla positiiviset p53- ja Ki-67-ekspressiot viittaavat huonoon ennusteeseen, mutta positiivinen COX-2 ekspressio viittaa suotuisaan ennusteeseen. Positiivinen COX-2- ja negatiivinen Ki-67-ekspressio yhdessä viittaavat parantuneeseen ennusteeseen metastasoituneessa munuaissyövässä.
In the present review we address oral tolerance as an important biological phenomenon and discuss how it is affected by aging. Other factors such as frequency of feeding and previous digestion of the antigen also seem to influence the establishment of oral tolerance. We also analyze immunoglobulin isotypes of specific antibodies formed by tolerant and immunized animals of different ages submitted to different conditions of oral antigen administration. Isotypic patterns were studied as a parameter for assessing the pathways of B and T cell interactions leading to antibody production
As a T cell-dependent phenomenon, oral tolerance is not expected to depend necessarily on native configuration of antigens. We investigated the induction of oral tolerance with modified ovalbumin (Ova). Oral administration of heat-denatured (HD-Ova) and cyanogen bromide-degraded ovalbumin was less effective than native Ova in inducing oral tolerance in B6D2F1 mice. HD-Ova was effective in suppressing delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions but did not suppress specific antibody formation. Injection of Ova directly into the stomach, but not into the ileum or cecum, suppressed subsequent immunization to DTH reactions. Gavage with protease inhibitors (aprotinin or ovomucoid) before gavage with Ova was ineffective in blocking tolerance induction. Treatment with hydroxyurea to destroy cycling cells 24 h before gavage with Ova blocked oral tolerance induction and also the possibility to passively transfer tolerance to naive recipients with the serum of mice gavaged with Ova 1 h before. The implications of these findings about oral tolerance induction are discussed
Low levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) are considered to be an indirect index of hyperinsulinemia, predicting the later onset of diabetes mellitus type 2. In the insulin resistance state and in the presence of an increased pancreatic ß-cell demand (e.g. obesity) both absolute and relative increases in proinsulin secretion occur. In the present study we investigated the correlation between SHBG and pancreatic ß-cell secretion in men with different body compositions. Eighteen young men (30.0 ± 2.4 years) with normal glucose tolerance and body mass indexes (BMI) ranging from 22.6 to 43.2 kg/m2 were submitted to an oral glucose tolerance test (75 g) and baseline and 120-min blood samples were used to determine insulin, proinsulin and C-peptide by specific immunoassays. Baseline SHBG values were significantly correlated with baseline insulin (r = -0.58, P<0.05), proinsulin (r = -0.47, P<0.05), C-peptide (r = -0.55, P<0.05) and also with proinsulin at 120 min after glucose load (r = -0.58, P<0.05). Stepwise regression analysis revealed that proinsulin values at 120 min were the strongest predictor of SHBG (r = -0.58, P<0.05). When subjects were divided into obese (BMI >28 kg/m2, N = 8) and nonobese (BMI £25 kg/m2, N = 10) groups, significantly lower levels of SHBG were found in the obese subjects. The obese group had significantly higher baseline proinsulin, C-peptide and 120-min proinsulin and insulin levels. For the first time using a specific assay for insulin determination, a strong inverse correlation between insulinemia and SHBG levels was confirmed. The finding of a strong negative correlation between SHBG levels and pancreatic ß-cell secretion, mainly for the 120-min post-glucose load proinsulin levels, reinforces the concept that low SHBG levels are a suitable marker of increased pancreatic ß-cell demand.
The gut mucosa is a major site of contact with antigens from food and microbiota. Usually, these daily contacts with natural antigens do not result in inflammatory reactions; instead they result in a state of systemic hyporesponsiveness named oral tolerance. Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are associated with the breakdown of the immunoregulatory mechanisms that maintain oral tolerance. Several animal models of IBD/colitis are available. In mice, these include targeted disruptions of the genes encoding cytokines, T cell subsets or signaling proteins. Colitis can also be induced by intrarectal administration of chemical substances such as 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid in 50% ethanol. We report here a novel model of colitis induced by intrarectal administration of 50% ethanol alone. Ethanol-treated mice develop an inflammatory reaction in the colon characterized by an intense inflammatory infiltrate in the mucosa and submucosa of the large intestine. They also present up-regulation of both interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) and interleukin-4 (IL-4) production by cecal lymph node and splenic cells. These results suggest a mixed type of inflammation as the substrate of the colitis. Interestingly, cells from mesenteric lymph nodes of ethanol-treated mice present an increase in IFN-gamma production and a decrease in IL-4 production indicating that the cytokine balance is altered throughout the gut mucosa. Moreover, induction of oral tolerance to ovalbumin is abolished in these animals, strongly suggesting that ethanol-induced colitis interferes with immunoregulatory mechanisms in the intestinal mucosa. This novel model of colitis resembles human IBD. It is easy to reproduce and may help us to understand the mechanisms involved in IBD pathogenesis.
We studied the effect of oral and portal vein administration of alloantigens on mouse skin allograft survival. Graft receptor BALB/c mice received spleen cells (30, 90, 150 or 375 x 10(6)) from donor C57BL/6 mice intragastrically on three successive days, starting seven days before the skin graft. Allograft survival was significantly increased with the feeding of 150 x 10(6) allogeneic spleen cells by one gavage (median survival of 12 vs 14 days, P <= 0.005) or when 300 x 10(6) cells were given in six gavage (12 vs 14 days, P < 0.04). A similar effect was observed when 150 x 10(6) spleen cells were injected into the portal vein (12 vs 14 days, P <= 0.03). Furthermore, prolonged allograft survival was observed with subcutaneous (12 vs 16 days, P <= 0.002) or systemic (12 vs 15 days, P <= 0.016) application of murine interleukin-4 (IL-4), alone or in combination with spleen cell injection into the portal vein (12 vs 18 days, P <= 0.0018). Taken together, these results showed that tolerance induction with spleen cells expressing fully incompatible antigens by oral administration or intraportal injection partially down-modulates skin allograft rejection. Furthermore, these findings demonstrated for the first time the effect of subcutaneous or systemic IL-4 application on allograft skin survival suggesting its use as a beneficial support therapy in combination with a tolerance induction protocol.
Pilocarpine-induced (320 mg/kg, ip) status epilepticus (SE) in adult (2-3 months) male Wistar rats results in extensive neuronal damage in limbic structures. Here we investigated whether the induction of a second SE (N = 6) would generate damage and cell loss similar to that seen after a first SE (N = 9). Counts of silver-stained (indicative of cell damage) cells, using the Gallyas argyrophil III method, revealed a markedly lower neuronal injury in animals submitted to re-induction of SE compared to rats exposed to a single episode of pilocarpine-induced SE. This effect could be explained as follows: 1) the first SE removes the vulnerable cells, leaving behind resistant cells that are not affected by the second SE; 2) the first SE confers increased resistance to the remaining cells, analogous to the process of ischemic tolerance. Counting of Nissl-stained cells was performed to differentiate between these alternative mechanisms. Our data indicate that different neuronal populations react differently to SE induction. For some brain areas most, if not all, of the vulnerable cells are lost after an initial insult leaving only relatively resistant cells and little space for further damage or cell loss. For some other brain areas, in contrast, our data support the hypothesis that surviving cells might be modified by the initial insult which would confer a sort of excitotoxic tolerance. As a consequence of both mechanisms, subsequent insults after an initial insult result in very little damage regardless of their intensity.
We evaluated changes in glucose tolerance of 17 progressors and 62 non-progressors for 9 years to improve our understanding of the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Changes in anthropometric measurements and responses to an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) were analyzed. We identified 14 pairs of individuals, one from each group, who were initially normal glucose tolerant and were matched for gender, age, weight, and girth. We compared initial plasma glucose and insulin curves (from OGTT), insulin secretion (first and second phases) and insulin sensitivity indices (from hyperglycemic clamp assay) for both groups. In the normal glucose tolerant phase, progressors presented: 1) a higher OGTT blood glucose response with hyperglycemia in the second hour and a similar insulin response vs non-progressors; 2) a reduced first-phase insulin secretion (2.0 ± 0.3 vs 2.3 ± 0.3 pmol/L; P < 0.02) with a similar insulin sensitivity index and a lower disposition index (3.9 ± 0.2 vs 4.1 ± 0.2 µmol·kg-1·min-1 ; P < 0.05) vs non-progressors. After 9 years, both groups presented similar increases in weight and fasting blood glucose levels and progressors had an increased glycemic response at 120 min (P < 0.05) and reduced early insulin response to OGTT (progressors, 1st: 2.10 ± 0.34 vs 2nd: 1.87 ± 0.25 pmol/mmol; non-progressors, 1st: 2.15 ± 0.28 vs 2nd: 2.03 ± 0.39 pmol/mmol; P < 0.05). Theses data suggest that β-cell dysfunction might be a risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response that can lead to tissue damage and death. In order to increase our understanding of sepsis, experimental models are needed that produce relevant immune and inflammatory responses during a septic event. We describe a lipopolysaccharide tolerance mouse model to characterize the cellular and molecular alterations of immune cells during sepsis. The model presents a typical lipopolysaccharide tolerance pattern in which tolerance is related to decreased production and secretion of cytokines after a subsequent exposure to a lethal dose of lipopolysaccharide. The initial lipopolysaccharide exposure also altered the expression patterns of cytokines and was followed by an 8- and a 1.5-fold increase in the T helper 1 and 2 cell subpopulations. Behavioral data indicate a decrease in spontaneous activity and an increase in body temperature following exposure to lipopolysaccharide. In contrast, tolerant animals maintained production of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide when terminally challenged by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). Survival study after CLP showed protection in tolerant compared to naive animals. Spleen mass increased in tolerant animals followed by increases of B lymphocytes and subpopulation Th1 cells. An increase in the number of stem cells was found in spleen and bone marrow. We also showed that administration of spleen or bone marrow cells from tolerant to naive animals transfers the acquired resistance status. In conclusion, lipopolysaccharide tolerance is a natural reprogramming of the immune system that increases the number of immune cells, particularly T helper 1 cells, and does not reduce oxidative stress.
We evaluated the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), glutamine synthetase (GS), ionized calcium binding adaptor protein-1 (Iba-1), and ferritin in rats after single or repeated lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment, which is known to induce endotoxin tolerance and glial activation. Male Wistar rats (200-250 g) received ip injections of LPS (100 µg/kg) or saline for 6 days: 6 saline (N = 5), 5 saline + 1 LPS (N = 6) and 6 LPS (N = 6). After the sixth injection, the rats were perfused and the brains were collected for immunohistochemistry. After a single LPS dose, the number of GFAP-positive cells increased in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC; 1 LPS: 35.6 ± 1.4 vs control: 23.1 ± 2.5) and hippocampus (1 LPS: 165.0 ± 3.0 vs control: 137.5 ± 2.5), and interestingly, 6 LPS injections further increased GFAP expression in these regions (ARC = 52.5 ± 4.3; hippocampus = 182.2 ± 4.1). We found a higher GS expression only in the hippocampus of the 6 LPS injections group (56.6 ± 0.8 vs 46.7 ± 1.9). Ferritin-positive cells increased similarly in the hippocampus of rats treated with a single (49.2 ± 1.7 vs 28.1 ± 1.9) or repeated (47.6 ± 1.1 vs 28.1 ± 1.9) LPS dose. Single LPS enhanced Iba-1 in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN: 92.8 ± 4.1 vs 65.2 ± 2.2) and hippocampus (99.4 ± 4.4 vs 73.8 ± 2.1), but had no effect in the retrochiasmatic nucleus (RCA) and ARC. Interestingly, 6 LPS increased the Iba-1 expression in these hypothalamic and hippocampal regions (RCA: 57.8 ± 4.6 vs 36.6 ± 2.2; ARC: 62.4 ± 6.0 vs 37.0 ± 2.2; PVN: 100.7 ± 4.4 vs 65.2 ± 2.2; hippocampus: 123.0 ± 3.8 vs 73.8 ± 2.1). The results suggest that repeated LPS treatment stimulates the expression of glial activation markers, protecting neuronal activity during prolonged inflammatory challenges.