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Description of a simple method for counting bacteria with active electron transport systems in water and sediment samples. Sodium succinate, NADH and NADPH served as electron donors. It is possible to see several sites of electron transport in the larger cells. Especially impressive are the plankton-algae, protozoa, and small metazoa. This is a partial translation of the ”method” section only.


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To ascertain the effect of various concentrations of oxygen in water on the fry of rainbow trout experiments were made with aquaria at various concentrations of oxygen. The food supplied was chironomid larvae (Chironomus plumosus). A surplus of food was supplied to the fry. Indices are given of the reaction of the fry to different temperatures.


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There are two main ways in which gravel composition and changes therein arising from siltation, can influence the survival of young salmonids. First, the composition of the gravel will affect its permeability and, hence, may influence the survival of eggs and alevins through its effect upon the rate of supply of oxygen and the rate of removal of metabolic products. Second, the composition of the gravel may affect the ease, or otherwise, of emergence at the time of swim-up and alevins may become trapped in the gravel and perish. This aspect is the main concern of the present report. Experiments were conducted to examine the effects upon fry emergence of a sand layer deposited on the gravel surface. The study concludes that fry of brown trout and Atlantic salmon emerged through layers of sand up to 8 cm thick but the percentage emergence, even from the controls with no sand, was relatively low (5 - 68%). There was no firm evidence that the experimental treatments influenced percentage emergence, timing of emergence or weight of fry at the time of emergence.


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It is widely recognised that conventional culture techniques may underestimate true viable bacterial numbers by several orders of magnitude. The basis of this discrepancy is that a culture in or on media of high nutrient concentration is highly selective (either through ”nutrient shock” or failure to provide vital co-factors) and decreases apparent diversity; thus it is unrepresentative of the natural community. In addition, the non-culturable but viable state (NCBV) is a strategy adopted by some bacteria as a response to environmental stress. The basis for the non-culturable state is that cells placed in conditions present in the environment cannot be recultured but can be shown to maintain their viability. Consequently, these cells would not be detected by standard water quality techniques that are based on culture. In the case of pathogens, it may explain outbreaks of disease in populations that have not come into contact with the pathogen. However, the NCBV state is difficult to attribute, due to the failure to distinguish between NCBV and non-viable cells. This article will describe experiences with the fish pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and the application of molecular techniques for its detection and physiological analysis.


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Whilst current methods for the isolation and enumeration of Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts in water have provided some insight into their occurrence and significance, they are regarded as being inefficient, variable and time-consuming, with much of the interpretation being left to the expertise of the analyst. Two expectations of novel developments are to reduce the variability and subjectivity associated with the isolation and identification of oocysts. Flocculation, immunomagnetisable and flow cytometric techniques, for concentrating oocysts from water samples, should prove more reliable than current methods, whilst the development of more avid and specific monoclonal antibodies in conjunction with the use of nuclear fluorochromes will aid identification. Further insight into the viability, taxonomy, species identification, infectivity and virulence of the parasite should be forthcoming through the use of techniques such as the polymerase chain reaction, in situ hybridisation and non-uniform alternating current electrical fields. Such information is necessary in order to enable microbiologists, epidemiologists, engineers, utility operators and regulators to assess the safety of a water supply, with respect to Cryptosporidium contamination, more effectively.


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Male blue crabs, Callinectes Sapidus, guard their mates before and after mating, suggesting that the conditions regulating both types of mate guarding dictate individual reproductive success. I tested the hypothesis that large male blue crabs have advantages in sexual competition using experimental manipulations, a simulation model, and field data on crabs from mid-Chesapeake Bay between 1991-1994.


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Spawning success in relation to the size of spawner, clumping of eggs, percentage of spawning and frequency of spawning was studied in Penaeus monodon collected off Tamil Nadu, India. The results indicated positive correlation between the size of spawner and the fecundity and hatching percentage, but not the start of hatching. Hatching characteristics were influenced by clumping of eggs or abortive spawning; the greater the clumping, the longer the time taken for hatching, resulting in a lower hatching percentage. The start of hatching time increased when the frequency of spawning increased. Lower hatching rate was observed as the frequency of spawning increased.


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In the absence of analytical methods, the half-lives of biological activity of pesticides can be estimated by bioassays. To determine the half-lives of biological acivity of pesticides to fish, static bioassays were conducted in the laboratory with ten different formulations of pesticides using Labeo rohita as a bio-indicator. The half-lives of biological activity for ten different pesticides in soft water at pH 7.5 and 27°C, ranged from 4.6 days to 11.8 days. The half-life of biological activity of Sumithion 50% EC was only 4.6 days. In contrast, Dimecron 50% EC degraded very slowly and its half-life of biological activity on L. rohita was about 11.8 days. Sumithion 50% EC, Padan 50% SP, EPN 45% EC, Diazinon 40% EC and Diazinon 10 G degraded in less than five to seven days indicating that these pesticides are desirable for rice-fish culture. Contamination by pesticides with long-term residual toxicity in waters may eventually cause high levels of fish mortality.


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This is the Proposed Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for Phenol in Water prepared for the National Rivers Authority, and published by the Environment Agency in 1995. The report reviews the properties and uses of phenol, its fate, behaviour and reported concentrations in the environment and critically assesses the available data on its toxicity and bioaccumulation. The information is used to derive EQSs for the protection of fresh and saltwater life and for the abstraction of water to potable supply. Phenol is widely used as a chemical intermediate and the main sources for phenol in the environment are of anthropogenic origin. Phenol may also be formed during natural decomposition of organic material. The persistence of phenol in the aquatic environment is low with biodegradation being the main degradation process (half-lives of hours to days). Phenol is moderately toxic to aquatic organisms and its potential to bioaccumulate in aquatic organisms is low.


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This is the Proposed Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for Nonylphenol in Water produced by the Environment Agency in 1997. The report reviews the properties and uses of Nonylphenol, its fate, behaviour and reported concentrations in the environment, and critically assesses available data on its toxicity and bioaccumulation. The information is used to derive EQSs for the protection of fresh and saltwater life as well as for water abstracted to potable supply.Nonylphenol (NP) is used extensively in the production of other substances such as non-ionic ethoxylate surfactants. It is through the incomplete anaerobic biodegradation of these surfactants that most nonylphenol reaches the aquatic environment in effluents, e.g. from sewage treatment works and certain manufacturing operations. It was explicitly stated by the Environment Agency that the EQS was to be derived for NP and not Nonylphenol ethoxylates. However, since NP is unlikely to be present in the aquatic environment in the absence of other nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPE) degradation by-products, the toxicity, fate and behaviour of some of these (i.e. nonylphenol mono- and diethoxylates (NP1EO and NP2EO), mono- and di-nonylphenoxy carboxylic acids (NP1EC and NP2EC) have also been considered in this report. In the aquatic environment and during sewage treatment, NPEs are rapidly degraded to NP under aerobic conditions. NP may then be either fully mineralised or may be adsorbed to sediments. Since NP cannot be biodegraded under anaerobic conditions it can accumulate in sediments to high concentrations.