174 resultados para Sprawl
La presente comunicación pretende abordar, desde un punto de vista integrador centrado en el análisis de la dinámica económica y territorial con la que se relaciona, el proceso de ampliación del aeropuerto de Málaga, poniendo en relación las necesidades arrastradas de tiempos pasados, con los beneficios e impactos derivados más inmediatos. Un estudio de caso significativo debido al rol que el aeropuerto desempeña como destino turístico internacional de primer orden y, asimismo, incentivo adicional y pieza clave en el proceso urbanizador contemporáneo en la costa mediterránea andaluza.
El intenso proceso de urbanización que ha vivido la costa mediterránea española con la instalación de la actividad turística ha llevado consigo una serie de repercusiones territoriales. Una de ellas ha sido el incremento del consumo de agua gracias al aumento de la urbanización de baja densidad caracterizada por la presencia de nuevas naturalezas urbanas como son jardines y piscinas. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo conocer y analizar el uso del agua en el exterior de los hogares de las urbanizaciones del litoral de Alicante. La metodología llevada a cabo ha consistido en la realización de diferentes entrevistas a los propietarios de estas viviendas, para de esta manera, conocer de primera mano el uso que hacen del recurso hídrico en el exterior de la vivienda. La principal conclusión extraída ha sido que los residentes han adoptado en los últimos años diferentes estrategias y cambios en el uso del agua en los espacios ajardinados con el objetivo de reducir el consumo de agua.
O crescimento espraiado e periférico das cidades nos países dependentes, tal qual o Brasil, tem reproduzido um movimento de segregação socioespacial das classes de baixos rendimentos, as quais são relegadas a condições ambientais insalubres. Nos países centrais do capitalismo, sob formas distintas, se observa também desde os anos 1960 discussões com respeito à expansão urbana para áreas cada vez maiores, seja por fenômenos como o urban sprawl anglo-saxão, ou a urbanização difusa, dos países da Europa latina. Diante desse quadro, com a publicação do Livro Verde sobre o Ambiente Urbano, documento elaborado em 1990 pela Comissão das Comunidades Européias para fornecer subsídios à elaboração das políticas urbano-ambientais, tem se propagado a ideia de que a promoção de “cidades compactas” seria uma solução adequada para reverter o atual estágio de expansão urbana para novas áreas, aumentando as densidades demográficas em áreas infraestruturadas, sobretudo por meio da reabilitação de edificações e terrenos ociosos localizados nos centros tradicionais, os quais tem passado por processos de abandono, perda de população e deterioração física do patrimônio edificado. Tendo isso em vista, na presente comunicação temos por objetivo analisar como a temática ambiental tem se inserido no contexto das discussões sobre a requalificação de centros antigos com foco na promoção de habitações para as classes populares. Para tal realizamos revisão da literatura sobre o tema proposto bem como procuramos identificar os princípios que tem regido tais políticas com relação ao tema ambiental. A relevância do tema encontra-se na necessidade de buscar caminhos alternativos a política habitacional e urbana brasileira, a qual tem reproduzido um modelo predatório de reprodução do espaço urbano.
The downtown main street of small towns is traditionally the economic, cultural, and social heart of the community, thereby requiring particular attention from planners and researchers alike. Considering modern threats to main streets including suburban sprawl and "big box" development, revitalization strategies are essential to ensuring longevity and vitality of small towns’ cores, in terms of economy, built environment, heritage, and identity. The Main Street Approach was established to mitigate challenges by providing a revitalization tool-kit for small Canadian towns, focusing on organization, marketing and promotion, economic and commercial development, and design and physical improvements. To better understand existing municipal tools for downtown revitalization in Ontario, a comparative analysis of the towns of Carleton Place and Perth's policies was conducted using the four pillars of the Main Street Approach as benchmark for best practice, and recommendations for other small towns to better incorporate revitalization policies were suggested.
The Smart Growth Task Force was formed by the Illinois House of Representatives to examine the problems resulting from the rapid loss of prime Illinois farmland to suburban sprawl and to identify solutions.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Esta dissertação estuda as dinâmicas entre religião, urbanização, migração e periferia urbana na Igreja Mundial do Poder de Deus em Vila Alpina. O processo de urbanização brasileiro inicia na década de 1930 e transforma profundamente a sociedade brasileira, especialmente a região sudeste do país. A urbanização incentivou importantes fenômenos sociais como: os fluxos migratórios, alta densidade demográfica e especulação imobiliária que ao colidiram nas grandes metrópoles criaram polos de segregação, exclusão e anomia social. O estudo análise em quais aspectos a Igreja Mundial do Poder de Deus em Vila Alpina exerce papel de emancipadora da população migrante, reconstruindo identidades fragmentas pelos constantes fluxos migratórios e a adaptação a inadequação das novas culturas. São estudados os indicadores sociais da Igreja Mundial do Poder de Deus, a partir do campo estatístico, vinculando e comparando os dados obtidos com as estatísticas realizadas pelo Censo 2010 da cidade, do distrito e do bairro. A partir de uma observação densa é levantado aspectos etnográficos dos cultos da igreja a fim de estabelecer uma análise das práticas da igreja, mensagem e identidade religiosa de seus participantes. Por fim é elaborada, a partir de aplicação de questionários, realização de entrevistas e densa observação de campo aspectos etnográficos dos adeptos da igreja, e verificação da existência de redes sociais abarcadas na igreja, associativismo religiosos e o acumulo do capital simbólico, visando a emancipação e reestruturação do sujeito migrante.
County jurisdictions in America are increasingly exercising self-government in the provision of public community services through the context of second order federalism. In states exercising this form of contemporary governance, county governments with "reformed" policy-making structures and professional management practices, have begun to rival or surpass municipalities in the delivery of local services with regional implications such as environmental protection (Benton 2002, 2003; Marando and Reeves, 1993). ^ The voter referendum, a form of direct democracy, is an important component of county land preservation and environmental protection governmental policies. The recent growth and success of land preservation voter referendums nationwide reflects an increase in citizen participation in government and their desire to protect vacant land and its natural environment from threats of over-development, urbanization and sprawl, loss of open space and farmland, deterioration of ecosystems, and inadequate park and recreational amenities. ^ The study's design employs a sequential, mixed method. First, a quantitative approach employs the Heckman two-step model. It is fitted with variables for the non-random sample of 227 voter referendum counties and all non-voter referendum counties in the U.S. from 1988 to 2009. Second, the qualitative data collected from the in-depth investigation of three South Florida county case studies with twelve public administrator interviews is transformed for integration with the quantitative findings. The purpose of the qualitative method is to complement, explain and enrich the statistical analysis of county demographic, socio-economic, terrain, regional, governance and government, political preference, environmentalism, and referendum-specific factors. ^ The research finds that government factors are significant in terms of the success of land preservation voter referendums; more specifically, the presence of self-government authority (home rule charter), a reformed structure (county administrator/manager or elected executive), and environmental interest groups. In addition, this study concludes that successful counties are often located coastal, exhibit population and housing growth, and have older and more educated citizens who vote democratic in presidential elections. The analysis of case study documents and public administrator interviews finds that pragmatic considerations of timing, local politics and networking of regional stakeholders are also important features of success. Further research is suggested utilizing additional public participation, local government and public administration factors.^
In this work the landscape morphodynamics was used to check the strength and importance of the changes carried out by man on the environment over time, in Natal-RN municipality. The occupation of partially preserved natural areas was analyzed, but environmentally fragile, such as riparian forests, vegetation on the banks of waterways, which play regulatory role of the water flow, and the dunes, which guarantee the rapid recharge of aquifers. The impacts of urban sprawl in Natal Southern and West zones Were identified and characterized, through a detailed mapping in the period between 1969 and 2013 the main Permanent Preservation Areas - PPA (banks of rivers and lagoons, and dunes remaining) and their temporal changes. For this were used aerial photographs and satellite imagery, altimetry data, and pre-existing information, which allowed the creation of a spatial database, and evolution of maps of impervious areas, evolution of the use and occupation and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) from contour lines with contour interval of 1 meter. Based on this study presents a diagnosis of the environmental situation and the state of conservation of natural areas, over the last 44 years, compared to human pressures. In general, it was found that the urban settlement has advanced about 60% of studied natural areas. This advance was growing by the year 2006, when there was a slowdown in the process, except for the Environmental Protection Zone (EPZ) 03, where the river Pitimbú and your PPA, which experienced a more significant loss area. The urban occupation affected the natural drainage and contributed to the contamination of groundwater Natal, due to increased sealed area, the release of liquid and solid waste, as well as the removal of riparian vegetation. Changed irreversibly the natural landscape, and reduced the quality and quantity of water resources necessary for the population. Thus, it is necessary to stimulate the adoption of use and protection of PPA planning measures, to the preservation of the San Valley Region inserted into the EPZ 01, and integrate more remaining dunes, in good condition, this EPZ, due to the importance of those remaining on the environment and the maintenance of quality of life. It is suggested, also, protection of catchment areas, such as PPA ponds and Pitimbú River. Finally, it is expected that this study can assist the managers in making decisions in urban and environmental planning of the municipality
This study aims to understand the growth dynamics of Ceará-Mirim city considering the aspects that define its current urban sprawl. We chose to use as methodological approach the concept of space as a product and producer of social relations and the same constitutes by objects and actions that relate in a dialectical process over time. As a research tool, it took place bibliographical study that features the historical aspects of use and occupation, in order to evidence the regional ground agents that explain its current urban setting. Then, it was collected a secondary data of economic analysis activities from municipality and their impact on local social structure. Between these aspects, the sugar economy, even in decline, had appeared as defining the boundaries of urban growth. At the regional scale, other factors were discussed in a way of urban influence processes forming the Greater Natal (RMNatal), and Ceará-Mirim appears integrating into this scale in a very low level according to Metropolis Observatory (2012). However, we have pointed out that in recent years, especially in growth vector of BR 406, settled metropolitan scope equipment. These objects have been associating in a real estate sector's reasoning while the possible "metropolization" have been promoting as investments in the city's expansion area.
In Brazil, the discussion about the urban voids appear related to the capitalist urban expansion process, when the urban growth act the cities were expanding toward the periphery, leaving in the interstices vacant land, kept out of the market waiting for the real estate valuation. In Natal, the formation of voids was triggered by the process of fragmentation of space promoted mainly by the urban sprawl with the emergence of new neighborhoods, lots of openings, housing developments and the emergence of new lines of commercial centrality. In this sense, this study aims to understand the role played by urban voids in the real estate dynamics and the production process of the Natal city space. For this, it was adressed the concept building on the conception of different authors and were characterized four types of gaps that best explained the phenomenon in the context of the work proposal addressed, such as idle, empty expectant, empty-brownfield areas and institutional areas. For each of these events were considered an example in the general context of the city through semi-structured interviews with technicians, managers and public officials in promoting the city and /or related to management of urban voids.
The downtown main street of small towns is traditionally the economic, cultural, and social heart of the community, thereby requiring particular attention from planners and researchers alike. Considering modern threats to main streets including suburban sprawl and "big box" development, revitalization strategies are essential to ensuring longevity and vitality of small towns’ cores, in terms of economy, built environment, heritage, and identity. The Main Street Approach was established to mitigate challenges by providing a revitalization tool-kit for small Canadian towns, focusing on organization, marketing and promotion, economic and commercial development, and design and physical improvements. To better understand existing municipal tools for downtown revitalization in Ontario, a comparative analysis of the towns of Carleton Place and Perth's policies was conducted using the four pillars of the Main Street Approach as benchmark for best practice, and recommendations for other small towns to better incorporate revitalization policies were suggested.
Photovoltaic (PV) systems offer a way to generate electricity locally in an urban setting while avoiding the environmental impacts of more widely used energy sources such as oil, coal, nuclear and natural gas. This report attempts to measure the benefits of incorporating solar technologies into urban residential land uses and identifies challenges to their widespread use by comparing implementation among three distinct residential neighbourhoods common to Canadian cities. The City of Kingston, Ontario is used as the location for this study.
Las características urbanísticas de las expansiones urbanas postindustriales desarrolladas en las últimas décadas en numerosas ciudades españolas presentan diferencias notables con las de barrios centrales y pericentrales más compactos preexistentes. Con el fin de estudiar cómo son percibidas por los ciudadanos de Vitoria-Gasteiz dichas diferencias urbanísticas, se realizaron 250 encuestas a residentes en los barrios compactos de la ciudad sobre sus preferencias entre el paisaje urbano de su barrio y el de los barrios postindustriales. Se observó que la gran mayoría de los encuestados prefirieron su compacto barrio en aspectos de sociabilidad, accesibilidad a servicios y bienestar global. Los resultados obtenidos se contrastaron con los de un estudio previo en el que una encuesta similar fue realizada a residentes en un barrio postindustrial. Se discuten las implicaciones de los resultados para desarrollar una práctica urbanística más sostenible y que integre la percepción de los usuarios de la ciudad.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08