861 resultados para Special education policy
After the international trends towards inclusive education, Chinese legislations mandate the inclusion of students with disabilities into the regular education classroom. The purpose of this study was to investigate the kindergarten teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education of children with disabilities in the regular classroom, in Wuhan, China, as well their sense of responsibility to include children with disabilities in regular classroom. Ninety kindergarten teachers from public and private kindergartens in Wuhan participated in this study. Descriptive analysis demonstrated that, in general, kindergarten teachers we studied have negative or contradictory attitudes towards inclusive education of children with disabilities in regular classroom. Statistically non-significant differences were found between teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion and teachers’ demographic variables (age, education degree, teaching experience, experience teaching children with disabilities, time experience with children with disabilities and training in special education). Significant correlation was found between teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education and their sense of responsibility to include children with disabilities in regular classroom. The results allowed the identification of some crucial aspects necessary to achieve the inclusive education
The integration of specific institutions for teacher education into the higher education system represents a milestone in the Swiss educational policy and has broad implications. This thesis explores organizational and institutional change resulting from this policy reform, and attempts to assess structural change in terms of differentiation and convergence within the system of higher education. Key issues that are dealt with are, on the one hand, the adoption of a research function by the newly conceptualized institutions of teacher education, and on the other, the positioning of the new institutions within the higher education system. Drawing on actor-centred approaches to differentiation, this dissertation discusses system-level specificities of tertiarized teacher education and asks how this affects institutional configurations and actor constellations. On the basis of qualitative and quantitative empirical data, a comparative analysis has been carried out including case studies of four universities of teacher education as well as multivariate regression analysis of micro-level data on students' educational choices. The study finds that the process of system integration and adaption to the research function by the various institutions have unfolded differently depending on the institutional setting and the specific actor constellations. The new institutions have clearly made a strong push to position themselves as a new institutional type and to find their identity beyond the traditional binary divide which assigns the universities of teacher education to the college sector. Potential conflicts have been identified in divergent cognitive normative orientations and perceptions of researchers, teacher educators, policy-makers, teachers, and students as to the mission and role of the new type of higher education institution. - L'intégration dans le système d'enseignement supérieur d'institutions qui ont pour tâche spécifique de former des enseignants peut être considérée comme un événement majeur dans la politique éducative suisse, qui se trouve avoir des conséquences importantes à plusieurs niveaux. Cette thèse explore les changements organisationnels et institutionnels résultant de cette réforme politique, et elle se propose d'évaluer en termes de différentiation et de convergence les changements structurels intervenus dans le système d'éducation tertiaire. Les principaux aspects traités sont d'une part la nouvelle mission de recherche attribuée à ces institutions de formation pédagogique, et de l'autre la place par rapport aux autres institutions du système d'éducation tertiaire. Recourant à une approche centrée sur les acteurs pour étudier les processus de différen-tiation, la thèse met en lumière et en discussion les spécificités inhérentes au système tertiaire au sein duquel se joue la formation des enseignants nouvellement conçue et soulève la question des effets de cette nouvelle façon de former les enseignants sur les configurations institutionnelles et les constellations d'acteurs. Une analyse comparative a été réalisée sur la base de données qualitatives et quantitatives issues de quatre études de cas de hautes écoles pédagogiques et d'analyses de régression multiple de données de niveau micro concernant les choix de carrière des étudiants. Les résultats montrent à quel point le processus d'intégration dans le système et la nouvelle mission de recherche peuvent apparaître de manière différente selon le cadre institutionnel d'une école et la constellation spécifique des acteurs influents. A pu clairement être observée une forte aspiration des hautes écoles pédagogiques à se créer une identité au-delà de la structure binaire du système qui assigne la formation des enseignants au secteur des hautes écoles spéciali-sées. Des divergences apparaissent dans les conceptions et perceptions cognitives et normatives des cher-cheurs, formateurs, politiciens, enseignants et étudiants quant à la mission et au rôle de ce nouveau type de haute école. - Die Integration spezieller Institutionen für die Lehrerbildung ins Hochschulsystem stellt einen bedeutsamen Schritt mit weitreichenden Folgen in der Entwicklung des schweizerischen Bildungswesens dar. Diese Dissertation untersucht die mit der Neuerung verbundenen Veränderungen auf organisatorischer und institutioneller Ebene und versucht, die strukturelle Entwicklung unter den Gesichtspunkten von Differenzierung und Konvergenz innerhalb des tertiären Bildungssystems einzuordnen. Zentrale Themen sind dabei zum einen die Einführung von Forschung und Entwicklung als zusätzlichem Leistungsauftrag in der Lehrerbildung und zum andern die Positionierung der pädagogischen Hochschulen innerhalb des Hochschulsystems. Anhand akteurzentrierter Ansätze zur Differenzierung werden die Besonderheiten einer tertiarisierten Lehrerbildung hinsichtlich der Systemebenen diskutiert und Antworten auf die Frage gesucht, wie die Reform die institutionellen Konfigurationen und die Akteurkonstellationen beeinflusst. Auf der Grundlage qualitativer und quantitativer Daten wurde eine vergleichende Analyse durchgeführt, welche Fallstudien zu vier pädagogischen Hochschulen umfasst sowie Regressionsanalysen von Mikrodaten zur Studienwahl von Maturanden. Die Ergebnisse machen deutlich, dass sich der Prozess der Systemintegration und die Einführung von Forschung in die Lehrerbildung in Abhängigkeit von institutionellen Ordnungen und der jeweiligen Akteurkonstellation unterschiedlich gestalten. Es lässt sich bei den neu gegründeten pädagogischen Hochschulen ein starkes Bestreben feststellen, sich als neuen Hochschultypus zu positionieren und sich eine Identität zu schaffen jenseits der herkömmlichen binären Struktur, welche die pädagogischen Hochschulen dem Fachhochschul-Sektor zuordnet. Potentielle Konflikte zeichnen sich ab in den divergierenden kognitiven und normativen Orientierungen und Wahrnehmungen von Forschern, Ausbildern, Bildungspolitikern, Lehrern und Studierenden hinsichtlich des Auftrags und der Rolle dieses neuen Typs Hochschule.
This report was developed to provide summary information to allow state agency staff, practitioners and juvenile justice system officials to access specific sections of Iowa’s Three Year Plan. It includes the “Service Network” section of Iowa’s 2006 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act formula grant Three-Year Plan. The complete Three Year Plan serves as Iowa’s application for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act formula grant funding. The information included in this report overviews some of the systems and services that relate to Iowa’s delinquency and CINA systems. The systems and services discussed include substance abuse , mental health, alternative or special education, and job training.
Immigrant Pupils in Special Education Schools The study focused on the opinions of immigrant pupils in the 1st–9th grades of basic education in four special education schools of the City of Turku and in need of special support about the following: 1. Their difficulties in going to school in general education before the transfer to a special education school. 2. Their opinions about the transfer process to special education and the changes in their school practice after being transferred to a special education school. 3. Their experiences about their school and coping in special education school. The study strengthened the idea that immigrant pupils need positive special treatment, linguistic support, individual guidance, small teaching groups and operating models that promote well-being on their integration and education path. The central educational idea of inclusive education is based on deconstructing the power structures concerning gender, ethnicity and “race” and approval of differences in the pupils. Shifting the emphasis from the pupil to working on the learning environment has resulted in special education no longer being primarily separate special education tied to a certain place, but directing the teaching more towards individuality. The central dimension of intercultural competence of a teacher working in a multicultural class seems to be the attitudes and approaches to a different pupil; the teacher must be interculturally sensitive when facing children and young people from a foreign culture. Education and teaching affect every sector of the pupil’s well-being. Learning and learning results have a connection with teaching, education and well-being. Every sector is important for the going to school and integration of an immigrant pupil in need of special support. The basis of the study is the equality of opportunities and the humanistic idea of the human being in the Finnish education policy. The immigrant pupils selected for the study represented the following language groups: Arabian, Albanian, Somali, Russian and Vietnamese. In the four special education schools, the number of immigrant pupils belonging to these language groups (2004) totalled 104. A total of 89 pupils i.e. 86% answered the questionnaire, which is sufficient considering the generalisation of the study. Although this is basically a quantitative study, the interviewing method was used in part of the study, because the questionnaires were in Finnish and consequently, it was difficult for some immigrant pupils to understand them. Understanding the questions was also affected by the fact that the age distribution in the study was very wide (7–18). According to the results of the study, the immigrants felt that the biggest drawbacks in general education were their inability to speak Finnish and lack of concentration. The actual process of being transferred to a special education class remained unclear for immigrant pupils, and they could do very little about the transfer themselves. The results show that immigrant pupils coped well in special education school; they felt that their learning ability and concentration improved in the small groups of the special education school. They considered the individual support given in the special education schools to be useful. The lower-grade immigrant pupils had a more positive attitude towards special education school than the upper-grade immigrant pupils. In all the special education schools the immigrant pupils experienced that they were in a good position in the class; girls felt this even a little more strongly than boys. The teacher-pupil-relationship was felt to be good. School bullying being so common was a negative feature experienced by immigrant pupils, who were often targets or bullies themselves. Immigrant pupils believed in their success at school and in the opportunities offered by special education schools. Generally they were of the opinion that pupils are not labelled by special school; however, upper-grade immigrant pupils were more hesitant than lower-grade immigrant pupils. This study aimed at bringing out the immigrant pupils’ own opinions. Teaching immigrant pupils in special education schools has not been very much studied in Finland, which made the topic new and even more challenging.
This study explores 5 teachers' perspectives on inclusive education. The literature reviewed gives a historical background of special education as well as discusses a number of current methods and techniques that have been implemented as a means to include exceptional students in regular classroom settings. This is a qualitative study that collected and interpreted data in narrative form. Common themes emerged from the accounts that were shared by the participants. This study found that the understanding of mUltiple intelligences and differentiated instruction might assist a teacher to better meet the needs of exceptional students within inclusive classrooms. Based on this study, it is determined that a range of considerations needs to be weighed when choosing an educational placement for a student with an exceptionality. Each decision needs to be based on the individual student and the options open to himlher. When a decision about class placement is to be made, not only are the student's strengths and needs to be considered, but also the school and community, the teacher, and the parents' desire for their child must be taken into account. More work still needs to be done around inclusive education that is at the practical level, so that the needs of both the student and the teacher can be met. Inclusive education did not mean the same thing to each person. It was individualized, just as each student is an individual and what works best for himlher is individual. In learning about inclusive education, settings and strategies need to be considered to allow for each individual student to achieve hislher personal best.
The purpose of this study was to investigate what students with Learning Disabilities perceive are the personal characteristics they possess and services they require to assist them to complete secondary school and to continue their education in a postsecondary setting. Twenty-one students (12 female and 9 male) participated in the study which consisted of an interview and completion of a questionnaire. The central findings were as follows: 1) the participants perceived that personal characteristics were important in secondary school and still remain of importance at th~ postsecondary level; 2) Many of the typical accommodations and services supposed to be provided in secondary schools were not provided to the participants in this study; 3) the participants believed that they had more academic than social problems. Recommendations for future research in this field are based on findings related to the transition of LD students from secondary school to postsecondary education.
Employer Perspectives on Secondary School Cooperative Education in a Southern Ontario City in Canada
Despite 2 Ontario Ministry of Education policy documents which mandate that regular program effectiveness surveys be completed in secondary school co-op programs, research was either not occurring or data were not being made available. A lack of co-op research also existed at the postsecondary level. The primary reason for this study was to determine the perspectives of current secondary school co-op employers in the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) and to identify any program strengths as well as any areas in which improvement can be made. A secondary aim of the study was to discover the reasons that some employers decline to participate in the co-op program, and why other employers decide to discontinue their co-op partnerships. An online survey was utilized with 2 Likert scales and open-ended questions to solicit responses from the 100 participants. The findings from this study strongly supported previous secondary and postsecondary co-op research. Overall, the HWDSB co-op program was found to be very strong, and employer satisfaction very high. There were, however, areas in which improvement could be made. Although most employers felt supported by institutions and felt that expectations were clearly communicated and were reasonable, there was evidence that many employers perceived a lack of institutional support which included factors such as communication, student placement and fit, and institutional responsiveness. In addition, some employers felt that students were underprepared for the workplace and lacked basic employability skills such as dependability and responsibility.
Depuis l’adoption de la politique de l’adaptation scolaire en 1999, le ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport a mis en place un plan d’action pour permettre l’intégration des élèves handicapés ou en difficulté d’adaptation ou d’apprentissage. L’intégration des élèves handicapés a fait l’objet de plusieurs études ; toutefois, peu d’entre elles se sont intéressées à l’intégration d’élèves présentant une déficience auditive et utilisant le langage parlé complété. Le but de cette étude est de mettre en lumière les perceptions d’élèves présentant une déficience auditive quant à l’utilisation du langage parlé complété en contexte d’intégration scolaire. Les concepts exploités dans ce mémoire sont relatifs à la surdité, aux élèves présentant une déficience auditive, aux modes de communication utilisés auprès de ces élèves, et plus particulièrement le langage parlé complété, de même qu’au contexte d’intégration scolaire québécois. Cette recherche est de type exploratoire et la méthode utilisée est qualitative. Cinq étudiants présentant une déficience auditive et âgés entre 12 et 17 ans ont participé à une entrevue semi-dirigée. Les résultats de ces entretiens montrent que ces élèves ont des perceptions positives et négatives face à l’utilisation du langage parlé complété en contexte d’intégration. Quoique de façon générale cela n’entrave pas leur intégration scolaire, les perceptions négatives se rapportent davantage à l’intégration sociale qu’à l’intégration scolaire.
La politique québécoise de l’adaptation scolaire confirme que le plan d’intervention (PI) constitue l’outil privilégié pour répondre aux besoins des élèves handicapés ou en difficulté d’adaptation ou d’apprentissage. Toutefois, la recension des écrits nous informe que le plan d’intervention est encore loin d’être efficace. Le Ministère de l’Éducation, des Loisirs et des Sports du Québec (MELS, 2004) ainsi que l’Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services des U.S. department of Education (dans Eichler, 1999) ont bien identifié et présenté explicitement cinq à six fonctions du PI mais, aucun des deux organismes ne définit ce qu’est une fonction, à quoi elle sert, son importance relative et ce qu’elle implique. De plus, on retrouve, explicitement ou implicitement, soit dans le cadre de référence pour l’établissement des PI (MELS, 2004), soit dans la revue de la littérature, soit dans les milieux de pratique plusieurs autres fonctions que le PI remplit ou devrait remplir. Ce flou entourant le concept de fonction entraîne un manque de rigueur dans la conception des PI, car « lorsque la totalité des fonctions a été identifiée, elle permet le développement d’un produit répondant à l’usage attendu » (Langevin et coll., 1998). Il y a d’emblée une somme de fonctions qu’un PI remplit déjà et d’autres sûrement à remplir. Or, cela n’a pas été élucidé, précisé et validé. Le but de la présente recherche a été de définir les rôles du PI au regard des besoins de ses différents utilisateurs. Les objectifs spécifiques ont été les suivants, 1) Identifier les différents utilisateurs d’un PI, 2) Identifier les besoins des différents utilisateurs d’un PI, 3) Identifier les fonctions qu’un PI doit remplir afin de satisfaire les besoins de ses utilisateurs, 4) Créer un cahier des charges fonctionnel pour la conception et l’évaluation d’un PI, 5) Identifier certains coûts reliés à la conception d’un PI. Afin d’atteindre les objectifs précités, nous avons eu recours à la méthode de l’analyse de la valeur pédagogique (AVP) (Langevin, Rocque et Riopel, 2008). La méthode d’AVP comportait une analyse des besoins des différents utilisateurs potentiels, une analyse de la recension des écrits, une analyse des encadrements légaux, une analyse de produits types et une analyse écosystémique. En conclusion, nous avons identifié les différents utilisateurs potentiels d’un PI, identifié les différents besoins de ces utilisateurs, identifié les fonctions qu’un PI doit remplir pour satisfaire leurs besoins, crée un cahier des charges fonctionnel (CdCF) pour la conception et l’évaluation des PI et identifié certains coûts liés à la conception d’un PI. Le CdCF pourra servir à concevoir des PI et à évaluer leur efficience. Une partie du CdCF pourra aussi remplir un rôle prescriptif pour la conception d’outil de soutien à l’élaboration du PI. Enfin, le CdCF pourra servir à la formation et à la recherche en éducation.
Ces prolégomènes étudient l’évolution conceptuelle et politique de l’intégration scolaire comme introduction à l’analyse de la construction de la légitimité de la politique de l’adaptation scolaire. Ils s’intéressent d’abord au mouvement des courants de scolarisation des élèves handicapés ou en difficulté d’adaptation ou d’apprentissage (EHDAA) et à leurs mutations au regard de leurs fondements. Puis, ils les explorent dans le contexte du Québec, à partir de l’étude de l’évolution de la Politique de l’adaptation scolaire de 1978 à 1999 et des changements intervenus dans l’orientation, l’organisation des services et l’identification des catégories d’élèves concernés par cette politique. Ces changements sont également mis en perspective avec la question de la mise en œuvre de la politique par les acteurs scolaires, considérée comme un espace de redéfinition des problèmes et de légitimation de la politique. Il montre que l’évolution de la Politique de l’adaptation scolaire se situe entre la permanence et le changement dans la conception de scolarisation des élèves HDAA sous-tendus par une difficile mise en œuvre et légitimation de la politique.
La primera infancia es la etapa comprendida entre los 0 y los 6 años, y es el momento en el cual el cerebro tiene mayor plasticidad, por lo que en la actualidad se cree que la educación debe iniciar en este momento de la vida. La educación inicial ha venido dejando de lado el interés por los procesos cognitivos y ha puesto su foco de atención en el desarrollo social y emocional de los niños. El objetivo del presente trabajo es describir las características de los programas de educación emocional en la primera infancia a través de la lente de la Psicología Positiva utilizando una metodología cualitativa documental y específicamente el estado del arte. Los resultados obtenidos se dividen en corte empírico y corte teórico; para los de corte empírico se encontró que si bien el target que se pretende impactar son los niños en la primera infancia, varios programas le apuntan a trabajar como primera instancia con los cuidadores de los niños. Por otro lado como variables más comunes se manejaban las habilidades interpersonales y la resolución de problemas. Para los de corte teórico se encontró que los programas se orientan bajo una pedagogía dinámica y que muchos se centran en enfoques orientados a la promoción de habilidades sociales.
Ações em torno da efetivação da política de Educação Inclusiva no contexto brasileiro tem sido uma realidade constatada no âmbito da legislação, prevendo ações de qualidade que favoreçam o acesso e a permanência de alunos com deficiência no ensino regular. Dentre essas ações, destaca-se a implantação das Salas de Recursos Multifuncionais (SRMF), visando à garantia do Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE). Nessa perspectiva, a presente pesquisa se propõe a descrever o AEE a um aluno com paralisia cerebral em uma escola municipal do Nordeste brasileiro e, também, seus desdobramentos em termos de articulação e atendimento às prerrogativas legais, utilizando-se o método estudo de caso. Participaram do estudo a diretora, a coordenadora pedagógica, as professoras da SRMF e da sala de aula regular, o aluno com paralisia cerebral e a mãe do aluno. Os dados construídos com base em observações e entrevistas, entre outros instrumentos, apontaram, nas análises, para a necessidade de articulação e definição de papéis entre as professoras da Sala de Recursos Multifuncionais e da sala de aula regular, de modo a atender às diretrizes do AEE bem como às ações voltadas para formação continuada e à parceria com a família, com vistas ao fortalecimento do AEE na escola regular.
O presente estudo visa identificar opiniões e conceções de cinco professoras de educação especial em relação ao seu contexto profissional e ao seu desempenho no mesmo. O estudo lida, assim, com as perspetivas dessas professoras, pretendendo-se caraterizar o seu pensamento sobre as condições reais para a inclusão de crianças com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE) e o seu papel nesse sentido, apesar dos constrangimentos existentes. Assume-se que o professor é, enquanto profissional, não só produto de valores pessoais, sociais e institucionais/políticos como também seu veículo. Os dados foram recolhidos através da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas às referidas professoras, seleccionadas pelos seus largos anos de experiência em escolas da região da Grande Lisboa. Os resultados do estudo sugerem que as professoras são afetadas no seu desempenho profissional por fatores pessoais e sociais e ainda pelas interações com professores titulares de turma, técnicos especializados e poder institucional. Pode ainda concluir-se que as professoras preocupam-se em fazer uma intervenção ecológica junto do aluno, preocupando-se não só com o seu desenvolvimento pessoal, como também com a sua inclusão na escola, família e sociedade. Ressaltam ainda, do estudo, preocupações no que concerne ao futuro destes alunos e à evolução da Educação Especial, resultado das políticas educativas vigentes.
This paper examines the implications of policy fracture and arms length governance within the decision making processes currently shaping curriculum design within the English education system. In particular it argues that an unresolved ‘ideological fracture’ at government level has been passed down to school leaders whose response to the dilemma is distorted by the target-driven agenda of arms length agencies. Drawing upon the findings of a large scale on-line survey of history teaching in English secondary schools, this paper illustrates the problems that occur when policy making is divorced from curriculum theory, and in particular from any consideration of the nature of knowledge. Drawing on the social realist theory of knowledge elaborated by Young (2008), we argue that the rapid spread of alternative curricular arrangements, implemented in the absence of an understanding of curriculum theory, undermines the value of disciplined thinking to the detriment of many young people, particularly those in areas of social and economic deprivation.