286 resultados para Spastic Paraplegia
BACKGROUND: The most important adverse effect of BoNT-A is the systemic diffusion of the toxin. There is some evidence that the administration of high doses can increase the risk of systemic diffusion and the development of clinically evident adverse effects, however an international consensus does not exist about its maximum dose. AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in autonomic heart drive induced by high doses (higher than 600 units) of incobotulinumtoxinA injection in spastic stroke patients. Moreover, the treatment safety by monitoring adverse events occurrence was assessed. DESIGN: Case control study. POPULATION: Eleven stroke survivors with spastic hemiplegia. METHODS: Patients were treated with intramuscular focal injections of IncobotulinumtoxinA (NT 201; Xeomin®, Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany). Doses were below 12 units/Kg. Each patient underwent an ECG recording before injection and 10 days after treatment. Linear and non-linear Heart Rate variability (HRV) measures were derived from ECGs with a dedicated software. RESULTS: None of the variable considered showed statistically significant changes after BoNT-A injection. CONCLUSION: The use of incobotulinumtoxinA in adult patients at doses up to 12 units/kg seems to be safe regarding autonomic heart drive. CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: The use of IncobotulinumtoxinA up to 600 units could be a safe therapeutic option in spastic hemiplegic stroke survivors.
Os protocolos de 5.361 necropsias de cães realizadas no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria de 1965 a 2006 foram revisados à procura de casos de cinomose. Seiscentos e oitenta e três casos (12,7%) da doença foram encontrados, dos quais 620 apresentavam sinais neurológicos. Desses 620, os seguintes dados foram recuperados para cada caso: idade, sinais clínicos, achados histopatológicos e presença ou não de doença concomitante. Faixas etárias foram classificadas como filhotes (até 1 ano), adultos (de 1 a 9 anos) e idosos (10 anos de idade ou mais). Lesões histológicas foram observadas em 565 (91,1%) dos 620 casos com sinais neurológicos de cinomose e em 554 desses casos a idade foi registrada no protocolo com a seguinte distribuição por faixa etária: 45,9% de filhotes, 51,4% de adultos e 2,7% de idosos. Os sinais neurológicos compreendiam um largo espectro de distúrbios motores, posturais e do comportamento, que podiam ocorrer juntos ou individualmente. Os sinais clínicos mais freqüentes foram mioclonia (38,4%), incooordenação motora (25,0%), convulsões (18,5%) e paraplegia (13,4%). Em 98,4% dos 565 cães com alterações histopatológicas no encéfalo, foram observadas desmielinização, encefalite não-supurativa ou uma combinação dessas duas lesões. Corpúsculos de inclusão foram observados em diferentes células de 343 dos 565 cães com alterações histopatológicas no encéfalo. Em 170 (49,6%) o tipo celular com inclusão não foi mencionado no protocolo; nos restantes, as inclusões foram vistas em astrócitos (94,8% dos casos), neurônios (3,5%), oligodendrócitos (1,1%) e células do epêndima (0,6%). Levando em consideração o tipo de lesões e as faixas etárias, casos com desmielinização e encefalite não-supurativa ocorreram em 40,0% dos filhotes, 51,2% dos adultos e 72,7% dos cães idosos. Somente desmielinização foi descrita em 48,4% dos filhotes, 41,3% dos adultos e 35,7% dos cães idosos. Somente encefalite não-supurativa foi descrita em 11,6% dos filhotes, 7,5% dos adultos e 7,1% dos cães idosos.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a recuperação funcional de 37 cães com diagnóstico de doença do disco intervertebral (DDIV) toracolombar, sem percepção da dor profunda superior a 48 horas e não submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico. Os dados identificados foram: raça, idade, sexo, localização da lesão, perda da percepção da dor profunda, duração dos sinais clínicos, recuperação funcional, retorno da percepção da dor profunda, recidivas, eutanásias ou morte. Foi observada recuperação funcional em 11 cães (55%), sendo seis deles entre 30 e 60 dias após o início dos sinais clínicos. Dos onze cães que tiveram recuperação funcional satisfatória, dois (18%) não tiveram retorno da percepção à dor profunda. Pode-se concluir que cães com diagnóstico de DDIV sem percepção à dor profunda superior a 48 horas e não submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico podem apresentar recuperação funcional satisfatória e são necessários, no mínimo, 30 dias do início dos sinais clínicos para estabelecer um prognóstico quanto ao retorno dos movimentos voluntários.
Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa, aguapei or mandiyura, is responsible for lysosomal storage in goats. The shrub contains several alkaloids, mainly swansonine which inhibits lysosomal α-mannosidase and Golgi mannosidase II. Poisoning occurs by inhibition of these hydrolases. There is neuronal vacuolation, endocrine dysfunction, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal injury, and immune disorders. Clinical signs and pathology of the experimental poisoning of goats by Ipomoea carnea in Argentina are here described. Five goats received fresh leaves and stems of Ipomoea. At the beginning, the goats did not consume the plant, but later, it was preferred over any other forage. High dose induced rapid intoxication, whereas with low doses, the course of the toxicosis was more protracted. The goats were euthanized when they were recumbent. Cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, pons and colliculi, were routinely processed for histology. In nine days, the following clinical signs developed: abnormal fascies, dilated nostrils and abnormal postures of the head, cephalic tremors and nystagmus, difficulty in standing. Subsequently, the goats had a tendency to fall, always to the left, with spastic convulsions. There was lack in coordination of voluntary movements due to Purkinje and deep nuclei neurons damage. The cochlear reflex originated hyperreflexia, abnormal posture, head movements and tremors. The withdrawal reflex produced flexor muscles hypersensitivity at the four legs, later depression and stupor. Abnormal responses to sounds were related to collicular lesions. Thalamic damage altered the withdrawal reflex, showing incomplete reaction. The observed cervical hair bristling was attributed to a thalamic regulated nociceptive response. Depression may be associated with agonists of lysergic acid contained in Ipomoea. These clinical signs were correlated with lesions in different parts of the CNS.
O objetivo deste estudo retrospectivo foi avaliar a recuperação funcional de cães paraplégicos sem percepção à dor profunda (PDP) com doença do disco intervertebral (DDIV) toracolombar submetidos à hemilaminectomia dorsolateral. Foram incluídos somente cães com DDIV entre os segmentos da medula espinhal T3 e L3, que estavam paraplégicos sem PDP submetidos à cirurgia descompressiva. Foi observada recuperação funcional satisfatória em 73,3% dos cães (n=11), sendo um, aos cinco dias, sete entre 15 e 30 dias e três acima de 30 dias do procedimento cirúrgico. A duração da perda da PDP antes da cirurgia em cinco cães recuperados foi entre 12 e 48 horas e, em seis cães, acima de 48 horas. Cães paraplégicos sem PDP em decorrência da DDIV toracolombar podem apresentar recuperação funcional satisfatória quando submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico mesmo sem percepção a dor profunda com tempo superior a 48 horas. Futuras pesquisas serão necessárias para avaliar a eficiência do tratamento cirúrgico, principalmente para aqueles que perderam a PDP acima de 48 horas.
A mielomalácia hemorrágica progressiva (MHP) é uma afecção rara e fatal, em que ocorre necrose aguda isquêmica e progressiva do parênquima da medula espinhal, levando à liquefação da mesma. Pode ocorrer após extrusão do disco intervertebral, trauma medular ou embolismo fibrocartilaginoso. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar casos de mielomalácia hemorrágica progressiva em cães atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Estadual de Londrina entre os anos 2000 e 2011, realizando-se a análise dos prontuários de atendimento e acompanhamento dos casos. Os animais do presente estudo atendiam a alguns critérios de inclusão, como histórico de paraplegia com sinais de neurônio motor superior, piora dos sinais progredindo para tetraplegia flácida, alterações clínicas progressivas e/ou alterações nos exames complementares. Foram analisados os aspectos epidemiológicos (raça, idade e sexo), clínicos (evolução dos sinais clínicos e neurológicos), laboratoriais (análise do líquido cefalorraquidiano), radiográficos (radiografias simples e contrastadas) e o tempo decorrido desde o início dos sinais clínicos até óbito ou eutanásia. A raça Teckel foi a mais acometida (43%), a média de idade foi de 5,04 anos e no atendimento inicial a síndrome toracolombar grau V foi a alteração mais encontrada, além de hiperpatia e progressão cranial da diminuição do reflexo cutâneo do tronco. Em sete cães a causa da MHP foi a doença do disco intervertebral toracolombar, em um cão a causa foi o trauma medular, em dois cães a MHP foi decorrente de linfoma e em quatro cães a causa provável foi doença de disco intervertebral. Alterações na análise do líquido cerebroespinhal, na mielografia e na evolução dos sinais clínicos e neurológicos foram extremamente importantes para diagnosticar a MHP. Seis animais progrediram para tetraplegia e quatro cães já apresentavam tetraplegia flácida no atendimento inicial. Em outros quatro pacientes, a identificação de sinais sugestivos de MHP antes desta progressão levou à indicação de eutanásia. Como o prognóstico é ruim e ocasiona sofrimento ao animal, o clínico deve estar atento ao histórico de paraplegia com posterior mudança da síndrome de neurônio motor superior para neurônio motor inferior, diminuição do reflexo cutâneo do tronco cranialmente e presença de respiração abdominal, sendo que algumas alterações em exames complementares encontradas neste trabalho também podem auxiliar no diagnóstico precoce da MHP, como o líquido cerebroespinhal xantocrômico com aumento de proteínas, hemácias e pleocitose. Na mielografia o edema medular e a presença de contraste no interior do tecido nervoso, frente às alterações clínicas e liquóricas, são sugestivas de MHP.
Nos últimos 20 anos, uma doença neurológica desconhecida acometeu populações de gatos da Região da Campanha do RS e tornou-se um desafio diagnóstico para os veterinários locais. Os gatos afetados desenvolviam inicialmente paralisia da cauda, seguida de paraparesia progressiva nos membros pélvicos, alteração da marcha, posição plantígrada e ataxia proprioceptiva. Após longos períodos de evolução clínica (12-24 meses), quando se tornavam marcadamente paraparéticos e começavam a apresentar escaras de decúbito, eram sacrificados pelos proprietários. Na necropsia, demonstravam graus variados de atrofia dos músculos pélvicos e algum grau de avermelhamento das meninges entre T10 e L7, devido à presença de miríades de pequenos vasos sanguíneos, uma típica lesão varicosa, semelhante a um hamartoma vascular. Histologicamente, tais lesões consistiam de distensão do espaço subaracnóideo por vasos sanguíneos dilatados e tortuosos, repletos de sangue e, ocasionalmente, de trombos, que ocluíam parcial ou totalmente seus lúmens. Essas varizes venulares eram aleatoriamente circundadas por infiltrado inflamatório granulomatoso ou linfocítico com pequenos focos de eosinófilos maduros. No lúmen das vênulas varicosas havia secções transversais e longitudinais de parasitos. Com base na morfologia desses parasitos, em sua localização anatômica (vasos sanguíneos meníngeos) e na espécie afetada (gato), o nematódeo foi identificado como Gurltia paralysans. O objetivo desse trabalho é apresentar em detalhes os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos dessa intrigante mielopatia de gatos e estabelecer definitivamente seu diagnóstico definitivo: paraplegia crural parasitária felina, uma doença descoberta no Chile, na década de 1930, e agora, pela primeira vez, descrita no Brasil.
Tx1, a neurotoxin isolated from the venom of the South American spider Phoneutria nigriventer, produces tail elevation, behavioral excitation and spastic paralysis of the hind limbs after intracerebroventricular injection in mice. Since Tx1 contracts isolated guinea pig ileum, we have investigated the effect of this toxin on acetylcholine release, as well as its binding to myenteric plexus-longitudinal muscle membranes from the guinea pig ileum. [125I]-Tx1 binds specifically and with high affinity (Kd = 0.36 ± 0.02 nM) to a single, non-interacting (nH = 1.1), low capacity (Bmax 1.1 pmol/mg protein) binding site. In competition experiments using several compounds (including ion channel ligands), only PhTx2 and PhTx3 competed with [125I]-Tx1 for specific binding sites (K0.5 apparent = 7.50 x 10-4 g/l and 1.85 x 10-5 g/l, respectively). PhTx2 and PhTx3, fractions from P. nigriventer venom, contain toxins acting on sodium and calcium channels, respectively. However, the neurotoxin PhTx2-6, one of the isoforms found in the PhTx2 pool, did not affect [125I]-Tx1 binding. Tx1 reduced the [3H]-ACh release evoked by the PhTx2 pool by 33%, but did not affect basal or KCl-induced [3H]-ACh release. Based on these results, as well as on the homology of Tx1 with toxins acting on calcium channels (w-Aga IA and IB) and its competition with [125I]-w-Cono GVIA in the central nervous system, we suggest that the target site for Tx1 may be calcium channels.
Ionizing radiation can change the molecular structure and affect the biological properties of biomolecules. This has been employed to attenuate animal toxins. Crotamine is a strongly basic polypeptide (pI 10.3) from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom composed of 42 amino acid residues. It induces skeletal muscle spasms leading to a spastic paralysis of hind limbs in mice. The objective of the present study was to carry out a biochemical study and a toxic activity assay on native and irradiated crotamine. Crotamine was purified from C.d. terrificus venom by Sephadex G-100 gel filtration followed by ion-exchange chromatography, and irradiated at 2 mg/ml in 0.15 M NaCl with 2.0 kGy gamma radiation emitted by a 60Co source. The native and irradiated toxins were evaluated in terms of structure and toxic activity (LD50). Irradiation did not change the protein concentration, the electrophoretic profile or the primary structure of the protein although differences were shown by spectroscopic techniques. Gamma radiation reduced crotamine toxicity by 48.3%, but did not eliminate it.
The objective of the present study was to describe motor behavioral changes in association with histopathological and hematological findings in Wistar rats inoculated intravenously with human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1)-infected MT2 cells. Twenty-five 4-month-old male rats were inoculated with HTLV-1-infected MT2 cells and 13 control rats were inoculated with normal human lymphocytes. The behavior of the rats was observed before and 5, 10, 15, and 20 months after inoculation during a 30-min/rat testing time for 5 consecutive days. During each of 4 periods, a subset of rats was randomly chosen to be sacrificed in order to harvest the spinal cord for histopathological analysis and to obtain blood for serological and molecular studies. Behavioral analyses of the HTLV-1-inoculated rats showed a significant decrease of climbing, walking and freezing, and an increase of scratching, sniffing, biting, licking, and resting/sleeping. Two of the 25 HTLV-1-inoculated rats (8%) developed spastic paraparesis as a major behavioral change. The histopathological changes were few and mild, but in some cases there was diffuse lymphocyte infiltration. The minor and major behavioral changes occurred after 10-20 months of evolution. The long-term observation of Wistar rats inoculated with HTLV-1-infected MT2 cells showed major (spastic paraparesis) and minor motor abnormalities in association with the degree of HTLV-1-induced myelopathy.
HTLV-1 Tax expression exerts an inhibitory effect on the Foxp3 transcription factor in CD4+CD25+ T-regulatory cells (Treg). For a better understanding of the role of Tax mRNA in the gene expression of cellular markers we measured Tax, Foxp3, CTLA-4, GITR, TGF-β, and IL-10 mRNA in Treg cells of 50 patients with human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1)-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP; 27 women and 23 men; mean age: 56.7 years). The control group consisted of 23 non-infected subjects (12 women and 11 men) with a mean age of 51.3 years. Real-time PCR was used to measure mRNA of Tax proteins and several cellular markers of Treg function. Determinations revealed a high level of Tax mRNA in HAM/TSP (124.35 copies/100 CD4+CD25+ T cells). Foxp3, GITR, and CTLA-4 mRNA levels were lower in HAM/TSP patients (mean ± SD, 22.07 ± 0.78, 9.63 ± 0.36, and 4.54 ± 0.39, respectively) than in non-infected controls (47.15 ± 12.94, 22.14 ± 1.91, and 21.07 ± 2.31). Both groups had similar levels of TGF-β and IL-10. An inverse relationship was found between Tax levels and Foxp3, CTLA-4, and GITR levels. Conversely, there was a direct correlation between levels of Foxp3, GITR, and CTLA-4. Disease severity and evolution time did not correlate with Tax or Foxp3 levels. The present results suggest that Tax and Foxp3 mRNA vary with the same degree of disease severity in HAM/TSP patients. Tax fluctuations may affect CTLA-4 and GITR expression via the Foxp3 pathway, causing virus-induced dysfunction of CD4+CD25+ T cells in HAM/TSP patients.
Human T lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is the causal agent of myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP), a disease mediated by the immune response. HTLV-1 induces a spontaneous proliferation and production of pro-inflammatory cytokines by T cells, and increasing interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) levels are potentially involved in tissue damage in diseases related to HTLV-1. This exaggerated immune response is also due to an inability of the natural regulatory mechanisms to down-modulate the immune response in this group of patients. TNF-α inhibitors reduce inflammation and have been shown to improve chronic inflammatory diseases in clinical trials. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of pentoxifylline, forskolin, rolipram, and thalidomide to decrease in vitro production of TNF-α and IFN-γ in cells of HTLV-1-infected subjects. Participants of the study included 19 patients with HAM/TSP (mean age, 53 ± 11; male:female ratio, 1:1) and 18 HTLV-1 carriers (mean age, 47 ± 11; male:female ratio, 1:2.6). Cytokines were determined by ELISA in supernatants of mononuclear cell cultures. Pentoxifylline inhibited TNF-α and IFN-γ synthesis with the minimum dose used (50 µM). The results with forskolin were similar to those observed with pentoxifylline. The doses of rolipram used were 0.01-1 µM and the best inhibition of TNF-α production was achieved with 1 µM and for IFN-γ production it was 0.01 µM. The minimum dose of thalidomide used (1 µM) inhibited TNF-α production but thalidomide did not inhibit IFN-γ production even when the maximum dose (50 µM) was used. All drugs had an in vitro inhibitory effect on TNF-α production and, with the exception of thalidomide, all of them also decreased IFN-γ production.
La récupération optimale des amplitudes articulaires (AAs) et de la force musculaire est un objectif crucial de la réadaptation fonctionnelle intensive (RFI) à la suite d’une lésion médullaire (LM). Le but de la présente étude était de documenter les changements d’AAs des membres supérieurs durant la RFI chez des individus (n = 197) ayant subi une LM et d’établir le lien avec l’autonomie fonctionnelle. Les données (AA, force musculaire, spasticité, déficiences secondaires, autonomie fonctionnelle) ont été collectées à l’admission et au congé de la RFI. Des analyses descriptives, des tests d’association entre les changements d’AAs et des variables indépendantes (douleur, spasticité, déficiences secondaires, force) et des analyses multivariées ont été utilisées. Les individus ayant une paraplégie présentent peu de déficit d’AAs à l’épaule comparés à ceux ayant une tétraplégie. Parmi ces derniers, une majorité présente des AAs sous les valeurs de normalité en fin de RFI. Le groupe D, établi selon l’évaluation de l’American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA D) présente des pertes d’AAs plus importante qu’attendue. La douleur au niveau articulaire est un facteur influençant les changements d’AAs, particulièrement dans ce groupe. La force musculaire chez les personnes ayant une tétraplégie sévère (ASIA ABC) est plus faible que celle du groupe ayant une lésion moins sévère (ASIA D). Généralement, le gain de force corrèle avec le gain d’AA. La force musculaire, les AAs et le nombre de déficiences secondaires sont les principaux éléments influençant l’autonomie fonctionnelle. En conclusion, la perte d’AA est plus importante à l’articulation de l’épaule et, pour plusieurs individus, malgré un gain significatif, les AAs n’atteignent pas les valeurs de référence au congé de la RFI. La force musculaire et certaines déficiences secondaires sont des éléments à considérer pour expliquer les pertes d’AAs et d’autonomie fonctionnelle. Les études futures devront clarifier certains aspects dont l’atteinte de la rotation médiale qui semble montrer un patron différent de récupération en comparaison des autres mouvements de l’épaule. De plus, les études devront montrer si ces changements et résultats sont maintenus après le congé de la RFI.
L'évolution des soins médicaux auprès de la population ayant une lésion médullaire (LM) s'est traduite par une amélioration du profil fonctionnel des personnes atteintes. Ainsi une proportion importante retrouve une capacité à se tenir debout et à marcher qu'il convient d'évaluer adéquatement. Si quelques outils spécifiques à la population lésée médullaire existent pour évaluer leur ambulation, aucune évaluation de l'équilibre debout n'a été validée auprès de cette clientèle. L'échelle de Berg est un outil recommandé auprès de diverses populations, entre autres celles possédant des pathologies d'origine neurologique; et le score obtenu semble lié au niveau d'autonomie à la marche ainsi qu'aux aides techniques utilisées. L'objectif de ce projet de recherche était donc d'établir la validité concomitante de l'échelle de Berg auprès de la population LM et d'explorer les liens entre le score Berg et l'aide technique utilisée. Pour ce faire, trente-deux sujets BM ASIA D ont été recrutés parmi la clientèle hospitalisée de l'Institut de réadaptation Gingras-Lindsay de Montréal. L'évaluation de l'équilibre debout a été réalisée à l'aide de l'échelle de Berg ainsi que des tests statiques, dynamiques et des limites de stabilité du Balance Master. Le Walking Index for Spinal Cord Injury (WISCI), le Spinal Cord Injury Functional Ambulation Inventory (SCI-FAI), la vitesse de marche sur 10m et le Timed up and go ont été utilisés pour évaluer l'ambulation. Des analyses descriptives et corrélatives ont été effectuées sur les données obtenues. Une corrélation forte (0.714
Les ataxies autosomiques récessives sont un groupe de troubles neurologiques hétérogènes caractérisés par une incoordination brute des mouvements musculaires impliquant le dysfonctionnement nerveux du cervelet qui coordonne le mouvement. Plusieurs formes héréditaires ont été décrites dont la plus connue : l’ataxie de Friedriech. Dans cette thèse nous rapportons l'identification et la caractérisation d’une nouvelle forme dans la population québécoise. L’ataxie récessive spastique avec leucoencéphalopathie (ARSAL; aussi connue comme l’ataxie autosomique récessive spastique de type 3 (SPAX3); OMIM 611390) est la deuxième ataxie spastique décrite dans la population canadienne française. En effet, près de 50 % de nos cas sont originaires de la région de Portneuf. En 2006, nous avons décrit les caractéristiques cliniques de cette nouvelle forme d’ataxie. Un premier criblage du génome entier, constitué de plus de 500 marqueurs microsatellites, a permis la localisation du locus sur le chromosome 2q33-34. Suite au séquençage de plus de 37 gènes candidats et afin de rétrécir cet intervalle candidat, nous avons utilisé une micro-puce d’ADN constituée de marqueurs SNP «single nucleotide polymorphism» et nous avons identifié un deuxième intervalle candidat de 0.658Mb au locus 2q33 dans lequel se trouvent moins de 9 gènes. L’identification et la caractérisation de ces mutations a nécessité l’utilisation de diverses technologies de pointe. Trois mutations (une délétion et deux réarrangements complexes) dans le gène mitochondrial tRNA-synthetase (MARS2) ont été identifiées dans notre cohorte. Nous émettons l’hypothèse que la nature des mutations complexes est responsable d’un dérèglement de la transcription du gène, ce qui a un impact néfaste sur la fonction mitochondriale et le tissu neuronal.