980 resultados para Software-Defined Networking, OpenFlow, rete programmabile


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This book provides the latest in a series of books growing out of the International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information and Systems Sciences and Engineering. It includes chapters in the most advanced areas of Computing, Informatics, Systems Sciences and Engineering. It has accessible to a wide range of readership, including professors, researchers, practitioners and students. This book includes a set of rigorously reviewed world-class manuscripts addressing and detailing state-of-the-art research projects in the areas of Computer Science, Informatics, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering. It includes selected papers form the conference proceedings of the Ninth International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2013). Coverage includes topics in: Industrial Electronics, Technology & Automation, Telecommunications and Networking, Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, Engineering Education, Instructional Technology, Assessment, and E-learning.


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Content Distribution Networks are mandatory components of modern web architectures, with plenty of vendors offering their services. Despite its maturity, new paradigms and architecture models are still being developed in this area. Cloud Computing, on the other hand, is a more recent concept which has expanded extremely quickly, with new services being regularly added to cloud management software suites such as OpenStack. The main contribution of this paper is the architecture and the development of an open source CDN that can be provisioned in an on-demand, pay-as-you-go model thereby enabling the CDN as a Service paradigm. We describe our experience with integration of CDNaaS framework in a cloud environment, as a service for enterprise users. We emphasize the flexibility and elasticity of such a model, with each CDN instance being delivered on-demand and associated to personalized caching policies as well as an optimized choice of Points of Presence based on exact requirements of an enterprise customer. Our development is based on the framework developed in the Mobile Cloud Networking EU FP7 project, which offers its enterprise users a common framework to instantiate and control services. CDNaaS is one of the core support components in this project as is tasked to deliver different type of multimedia content to several thousands of users geographically distributed. It integrates seamlessly in the MCN service life-cycle and as such enjoys all benefits of a common design environment, allowing for an improved interoperability with the rest of the services within the MCN ecosystem.


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Dicto is a declarative language for specifying architectural rules using a single uniform notation. Once defined, rules can automatically be validated using adapted off-the-shelf tools.


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El presente proyecto fin de carrera, realizado por el ingeniero técnico en telecomunicaciones Pedro M. Matamala Lucas, es la fase final de desarrollo de un proyecto de mayor magnitud correspondiente al software de vídeo forense SAVID. El propósito del proyecto en su totalidad es la creación de una herramienta informática capacitada para realizar el análisis de ficheros de vídeo, codificados y comprimidos por el sistema DV –Digital Video-. El objetivo del análisis, es aportar información acerca de si la cinta magnética presenta indicios de haber sido manipulada con una edición posterior a su grabación original, además, de mostrar al usuario otros datos de interés como las especificaciones técnicas de la señal de vídeo y audio. Por lo tanto, se facilitará al usuario, analista de vídeo forense, información que le ayude a valorar la originalidad del contenido del soporte que es sujeto del análisis. El objetivo específico de esta fase final, es la creación de la interfaz de usuario del software, que informa tanto del código binario de los sectores significativos, como de su interpretación tras el análisis. También permitirá al usuario el reporte de los resultados, además de otras funcionalidades que le permitan la navegación por los sectores del código que han sido modificados como efecto colateral de la edición de la cinta magnética original. Otro objetivo importante del proyecto ha sido la investigación de metodologías y técnicas de desarrollo de software para su posterior implementación, buscando con esto, una mayor eficiencia en la gestión del tiempo y una mayor calidad de software con el fin de garantizar su evolución y sostenibilidad en el futuro. Se ha hecho hincapié en las metodologías ágiles que han ido ganando relevancia en el sector de las tecnologías de la información en las últimas décadas, sustituyendo a metodologías clásicas como el desarrollo en cascada. Su flexibilidad durante el ciclo de vida del software, permite obtener mejores resultados cuando las especificaciones no están del todo definidas, ajustándose de este modo a las condiciones del proyecto. Resumiendo las especificaciones técnicas del software, C++ es el lenguaje de programación orientado a objetos con el que se ha desarrollado, utilizándose la tecnología MFC -Microsoft Foundation Classes- para la implementación. Es un proyecto MFC de tipo cuadro de dialogo,creado, compilado y publicado, con la herramienta de desarrollo integrado Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. La arquitectura con la que se ha estructurado es la arquetípica de tres capas, compuesta por la interfaz de usuario, capa de negocio y capa de acceso a datos. Se ha visto necesario configurar el proyecto con compatibilidad con CLR –Common Languages Runtime- para poder implementar la funcionalidad de creación de reportes. Acompañando a la aplicación informática, se presenta la memoria del proyecto y sus anexos correspondientes a los documentos EDRF –Especificaciones Detalladas de Requisitos funcionales-, EIU –Especificaciones de Interfaz de Usuario , DT -Diseño Técnico- y Guía de Usuario. SUMMARY. This dissertation, carried out by the telecommunications engineer Pedro M. Matamala Lucas, is in its final stage and is part of a larger project for the software of forensic video called SAVID. The purpose of the entire project is the creation of a software tool capable of analyzing video files that are coded and compressed by the DV -Digital Video- System. The objective of the analysis is to provide information on whether the magnetic tape shows signs of having been tampered with after the editing of the original recording, and also to show the user other relevant data and technical specifications of the video signal and audio. Therefore the user, forensic video analyst, will have information to help assess the originality of the content of the media that is subject to analysis. The specific objective of this final phase is the creation of the user interface of the software that provides information about the binary code of the significant sectors and also its interpretation after analysis. It will also allow the user to report the results, and other features that will allow browsing through the sections of the code that have been modified as a secondary effect of the original magnetic tape being tampered. Another important objective of the project is the investigation of methodologies and software development techniques to be used in deployment, with the aim of greater efficiency in time management and enhanced software quality in order to ensure its development and maintenance in the future. Agile methodologies, which have become important in the field of information technology in recent decades, have been used during the execution of the project, replacing classical methodologies such as Waterfall Development. The flexibility, as the result of using by agile methodologies, during the software life cycle, produces better results when the specifications are not fully defined, thus conforming to the initial conditions of the project. Summarizing the software technical specifications, C + + the programming language – which is object oriented and has been developed using technology MFC- Microsoft Foundation Classes for implementation. It is a project type dialog box, created, compiled and released with the integrated development tool Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. The architecture is structured in three layers: the user interface, business layer and data access layer. It has been necessary to configure the project with the support CLR -Common Languages Runtime – in order to implement the reporting functionality. The software application is submitted with the project report and its annexes to the following documents: Functional Requirements Specifications - Detailed User Interface Specifications, Technical Design and User Guide.


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Acourse focused on the acquisition of integration competencies in ship production engineering, organized in collaboration with selected industry partners, is presented in this paper. The first part of the course is dedicated to Project Management: the students acquire skills in defining, using MS-PROJECT, the work breakdown structure (WBS), and the organization breakdown structure (OBS) in Engineering projects, through a series of examples of increasing complexity with the final one being the construction planning of a vessel. The second part of the course is dedicated to the use of a database manager, MS-ACCESS, in managing production related information.Aseries of increasing complexity examples is treated, the final one being the management of the piping database of a real vessel. This database consists of several thousand pipes, for which a production timing frame is defined connecting this part of the course with the first one. Finally, the third part of the course is devoted to working withFORAN,an Engineering Production application developed bySENERand widely used in the shipbuilding industry. With this application, the structural elements where all the outfittings will be located are defined through cooperative work by the students, working simultaneously in the same 3D model. In this paper, specific details about the learning process are given. Surveys have been posed to the students in order to get feedback from their experience as well as to assess their satisfaction with the learning process, compared to more traditional ones. Results from these surveys are discussed in the paper.


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n this article, a tool for simulating the channel impulse response for indoor visible light communications using 3D computer-aided design (CAD) models is presented. The simulation tool is based on a previous Monte Carlo ray-tracing algorithm for indoor infrared channel estimation, but including wavelength response evaluation. The 3D scene, or the simulation environment, can be defined using any CAD software in which the user specifies, in addition to the setting geometry, the reflection characteristics of the surface materials as well as the structures of the emitters and receivers involved in the simulation. Also, in an effort to improve the computational efficiency, two optimizations are proposed. The first one consists of dividing the setting into cubic regions of equal size, which offers a calculation improvement of approximately 50% compared to not dividing the 3D scene into sub-regions. The second one involves the parallelization of the simulation algorithm, which provides a computational speed-up proportional to the number of processors used.


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Software needs to be accessible for persons with disabilities and there are several guidelines to assist developers in building more accessible software. Regulation activities are beginning to make the accessibility of software a mandatory requirement in some countries. One such activity is the European Mandate M 376, which will result in a European standard (EN 301 549) defining functional accessibility requirements for information and communication technology products and services. This paper provides an overview of Mandate M 376 and EN 301 549, and describes the requirements for software accessibility defined in EN 301 549, according to a feature-based approach


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To our knowledge, no current software development methodology explicitly describes how to transit from the analysis model to the software architecture of the application. This paper presents a method to derive the software architecture of a system from its analysis model. To do this, we are going to use MDA. Both the analysis model and the architectural model are PIMs described with UML 2. The model type mapping designed consists of several rules (expressed using OCL and natural language) that, when applied to the analysis artifacts, generate the software architecture of the application. Specifically the rules act on elements of the UML 2 metamodel (metamodel mapping). We have developed a tool (using Smalltalk) that permits the automatic application of these rules to an analysis model defined in RoseTM to generate the application architecture expressed in the architectural style C2.


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Software needs to be accessible for persons with disabilities and there are several guidelines to assist developers in building more accessible software. Regulation activities are beginning to make the accessibility of software a mandatory requirement in some countries. One such activity is the European Mandate M 376, which will result in a European standard (EN 301 549) defining functional accessibility requirements for information and communication technology products and services. This paper provides an overview of Mandate M 376 and EN 301 549, and describes the requirements for software accessibility defined in EN 301 549, according to a feature-based approach.


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Este artículo presenta el análisis de los resultados obtenidos al aplicar TSPi en el desarrollo de un proyecto software en una microempresa desde el punto de vista de la calidad y la productividad. La organización en estudio necesitaba mejorar la calidad de sus procesos pero no contaba con los recursos económicos que requieren modelos como CMMI-DEV. Por esta razón, se decidió utilizar un proceso adaptado a la organización basado en TSPi, observándose una reducción en la desviación de las estimaciones, un incremento en la productividad, y una mejora en la calidad.---ABSTRACT---This article shows the benefits of developing a software project using TSPi in a “Very Small Enterprise” based in quality and productivity measures. An adapted process from the current process based on the TSPi was defined and the team was trained in it. The workaround began by gathering historical data from previous projects in order to get a measurement repository, and then the project metrics were collected. Finally, the process, product and quality improvements were verified.


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This article introduces a small setting case study about the benefits of using TSPi in a software project. An adapted process from the current process based on the TSPi was defined. The pilot project had schedule and budget constraints. The process began by gathering historical data from previous projects in order to get a measurement repository. The project was launched with the following goals: increase the productivity, reduce the test time and improve the product quality. Finally, the results were analysed and the goals were verified


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This article presents a case study about the TSPi benefits in a software project under a Small Settings environment. An adapted process based on the TSPi was defined. The pilot project had a schedule and budget restricted. The process began collecting historical projects data in order to get a measure repository. The project was launched defining the following goals: increase the productivity, reduce the test time and improve the product quality. Finally, the results were analysed and the goals were verified.


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La Ingeniería de Pruebas está especializada en la verificación y validación del Software,y formalmente se define como: “Proceso de desarrollo que emplea métodos rigurosos para evaluar la corrección y calidad del producto a lo largo de todo su ciclo de vida” [3]. Este proceso comprende un conjunto de métodos, procedimientos y técnicas formalmente definidas las cuales, usadas de forma sistemática, facilitan la identificación de la mayor cantidad de errores y fallos posibles de un software. Un software que pase un proceso riguroso de pruebas es un producto de calidad que seguramente facilitará la labor del Ingeniero de Software en la corrección de futuras incidencias, algunas de ellas generadas tras la implantación en el entorno real. Este proceso constituye un área de la Ingeniería del Software y una especialidad por tanto, de la misma. De forma simple, la consecución de una correcta Verificación y Validación del Software requiere de algunas actividades imprescindibles como: - Realizar un plan de pruebas del proyecto. - Actualizar dicho plan y corregirlo en caso necesario. - Revisar los documentos de análisis de requisitos. - Ejecutar las pruebas en las diferentes fases del desarrollo del proyecto. - Documentar el diseño y la ejecución de las pruebas. - Generar documentos con los resultados y anomalías de las pruebas ya ejecutadas. Actualmente, la Ingeniería de Pruebas no es muy reconocida como área de trabajo independiente sino más bien, un área inmersa dentro de la Ingeniería de Software. En el entorno laboral existe el perfil de Ingeniero de Pruebas, sin embargo pocos ingenieros de software tienen claro querer ser Ingenieros de Pruebas (probadores o testers) debido a que nunca han tenido la oportunidad de enfrentarse a actividades prácticas reales dentro de los centros de estudios universitarios donde cursan la carrera. Al ser un área de inherente ejercicio profesional, la parte correspondiente de la Ingeniería de Pruebas suele enfocarse desde un punto de vista teórico más que práctico. Hay muchas herramientas para la creación de pruebas y de ayuda para los ingenieros de pruebas, pero la mayoría son de pago o hechas a medida para grandes empresas que necesitan dicho software. Normalmente la gente conoce lo que es la Ingeniería de Pruebas únicamente cuando se empieza a adquirir experiencia en dicha área en el ejercicio profesional dentro de una empresa. Con lo cual, el acercamiento durante la carrera no necesariamente le ha ofrecido al profesional en Ingeniería, la oportunidad de trabajar en esta rama de la Ingeniería del Software y en algunos casos, NOVATests: Metodología y herramienta software de apoyo para los Ingenieros de Prueba Junior 4 los recién egresados comienzan su vida profesional con algún desconocimiento en este sentido. Es por el conjunto de estas razones, que mi intención en este proyecto es proponer una metodología y una herramienta software de apoyo a dicha metodología, para que los estudiantes de carreras de Ingeniería Software y afines, e ingenieros recién egresados con poca experiencia o ninguna en esta área (Ingenieros de Pruebas Junior), puedan poner en práctica las actividades de la Ingeniería de Pruebas dentro de un entorno lo más cercano posible al ejercicio de la labor profesional. De esta forma, podrían desarrollar las tareas propias de dicha área de una manera fácil e intuitiva, favoreciendo un mayor conocimiento y experiencia de la misma. ABSTRACT The software engineering is specialized in the verification and validation of Software and it is formally defined as: “Development process which by strict methods evaluates and corrects the quality of the product along its lifecycle”. This process contains a number of methods, procedures and techniques formally defined which used systematically make easier the identification of the highest quantity of error and failures within a Software. A software going through this rigorous process of tests will become a quality product that will help the software engineer`s work while correcting incidences. Some of them probably generated after the deployment in a real environment. This process belongs to the Software engineering and therefore it is a specialization itself. Simplifying, the correct verification and validation of a software requires some essential activities such as: -Create a Test Plan of the project - Update this Test Plan and correct if necessary - Check Requirement’s specification documents -Execute the different tests among all the phases of the project - Create the pertinent documentation about design and execution of these tests. - Generate the result documents and all the possible incidences the tests could contain. Currently, the Test engineering is not recognized as a work area but an area immerse within the Software engineering. The professional environment includes the role of Test engineer, but only a few software engineers have clear to become Test engineers (testers) because they have never had the chance to face this activities within the university study centers where they take study of this degree. Since there are little professional environments, this area is focused from a theoretical way instead of a more practical vision. There are plenty of tools helping the Test engineer, but most of them are paid tools or bespoke tools for big companies in need of this software. Usually people know what test engineering is by starting working on it and not before, when people start acquiring experience in this field within a company. Therefore, the degree studied have not approach this field of the Software engineering before and in some cases the graduated students start working without any knowledge in this area. Because of this reasons explained, it is my intention to propose this Project: a methodology and a software tool supporting this methodology so the students of software engineering and similar ones but also graduated students with little experience in this area (Junior Test Engineers), can afford practice in this field and get used to the activities related with the test engineering. Because of this they will be able to carry out the proper tasks of this area easier, enforcing higher and better knowledge and experience of it.


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Los ataques a redes de información son cada vez más sofisticados y exigen una constante evolución y mejora de las técnicas de detección. Para ello, en este proyecto se ha diseñado e implementado una plataforma cooperativa para la detección de intrusiones basada en red. En primer lugar, se ha realizado un estudio teórico previo del marco tecnológico relacionado con este ámbito, en el que se describe y caracteriza el software que se utiliza para realizar ataques a sistemas (malware) así como los métodos que se utilizan para llegar a transmitir ese software (vectores de ataque). En el documento también se describen los llamados APT, que son ataques dirigidos con una gran inversión económica y temporal. Estos pueden englobar todos los malware y vectores de ataque existentes. Para poder evitar estos ataques, se estudiarán los sistemas de detección y prevención de intrusiones, describiendo brevemente los algoritmos que se tienden a utilizar en la actualidad. En segundo lugar, se ha planteado y desarrollado una plataforma en red dedicada al análisis de paquetes y conexiones para detectar posibles intrusiones. Este sistema está orientado a sistemas SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Adquisition) aunque funciona sobre cualquier red IPv4/IPv6, para ello se definirá previamente lo que es un sistema SCADA, así como sus partes principales. Para implementar el sistema se han utilizado dispositivos de bajo consumo llamados Raspberry PI, estos se ubican entre la red y el equipo final que se quiera analizar. En ellos se ejecutan 2 aplicaciones desarrolladas de tipo cliente-servidor (la Raspberry central ejecutará la aplicación servidora y las esclavas la aplicación cliente) que funcionan de forma cooperativa utilizando la tecnología distribuida de Hadoop, la cual se explica previamente. Mediante esta tecnología se consigue desarrollar un sistema completamente escalable. La aplicación servidora muestra una interfaz gráfica que permite administrar la plataforma de análisis de forma centralizada, pudiendo ver así las alarmas de cada dispositivo y calificando cada paquete según su peligrosidad. El algoritmo desarrollado en la aplicación calcula el ratio de paquetes/tiempo que entran/salen del equipo final, procesando los paquetes y analizándolos teniendo en cuenta la información de señalización, creando diferentes bases de datos que irán mejorando la robustez del sistema, reduciendo así la posibilidad de ataques externos. Para concluir, el proyecto inicial incluía el procesamiento en la nube de la aplicación principal, pudiendo administrar así varias infraestructuras concurrentemente, aunque debido al trabajo extra necesario se ha dejado preparado el sistema para poder implementar esta funcionalidad. En el caso experimental actual el procesamiento de la aplicación servidora se realiza en la Raspberry principal, creando un sistema escalable, rápido y tolerante a fallos. ABSTRACT. The attacks to networks of information are increasingly sophisticated and demand a constant evolution and improvement of the technologies of detection. For this project it is developed and implemented a cooperative platform for detect intrusions based on networking. First, there has been a previous theoretical study of technological framework related to this area, which describes the software used for attacks on systems (malware) as well as the methods used in order to transmit this software (attack vectors). In this document it is described the APT, which are attacks directed with a big economic and time inversion. These can contain all existing malware and attack vectors. To prevent these attacks, intrusion detection systems and prevention intrusion systems will be discussed, describing previously the algorithms tend to use today. Secondly, a platform for analyzing network packets has been proposed and developed to detect possible intrusions in SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Adquisition) systems. This platform is designed for SCADA systems (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) but works on any IPv4 / IPv6 network. Previously, it is defined what a SCADA system is and the main parts of it. To implement it, we used low-power devices called Raspberry PI, these are located between the network and the final device to analyze it. In these Raspberry run two applications client-server developed (the central Raspberry runs the server application and the slaves the client application) that work cooperatively using Hadoop distributed technology, which is previously explained. Using this technology is achieved develop a fully scalable system. The server application displays a graphical interface to manage analytics platform centrally, thereby we can see each device alarms and qualifying each packet by dangerousness. The algorithm developed in the application calculates the ratio of packets/time entering/leaving the terminal device, processing the packets and analyzing the signaling information of each packet, reating different databases that will improve the system, thereby reducing the possibility of external attacks. In conclusion, the initial project included cloud computing of the main application, being able to manage multiple concurrent infrastructure, but due to the extra work required has been made ready the system to implement this funcionality. In the current test case the server application processing is made on the main Raspberry, creating a scalable, fast and fault-tolerant system.


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La presente tesis doctoral contribuye al problema del diagnóstico autonómico de fallos en redes de telecomunicación. En las redes de telecomunicación actuales, las operadoras realizan tareas de diagnóstico de forma manual. Dichas operaciones deben ser llevadas a cabo por ingenieros altamente cualificados que cada vez tienen más dificultades a la hora de gestionar debidamente el crecimiento exponencial de la red tanto en tamaño, complejidad y heterogeneidad. Además, el advenimiento del Internet del Futuro hace que la demanda de sistemas que simplifiquen y automaticen la gestión de las redes de telecomunicación se haya incrementado en los últimos años. Para extraer el conocimiento necesario para desarrollar las soluciones propuestas y facilitar su adopción por los operadores de red, se propone una metodología de pruebas de aceptación para sistemas multi-agente enfocada en simplificar la comunicación entre los diferentes grupos de trabajo involucrados en todo proyecto de desarrollo software: clientes y desarrolladores. Para contribuir a la solución del problema del diagnóstico autonómico de fallos, se propone una arquitectura de agente capaz de diagnosticar fallos en redes de telecomunicación de manera autónoma. Dicha arquitectura extiende el modelo de agente Belief-Desire- Intention (BDI) con diferentes modelos de diagnóstico que gestionan las diferentes sub-tareas del proceso. La arquitectura propuesta combina diferentes técnicas de razonamiento para alcanzar su propósito gracias a un modelo estructural de la red, que usa razonamiento basado en ontologías, y un modelo causal de fallos, que usa razonamiento Bayesiano para gestionar debidamente la incertidumbre del proceso de diagnóstico. Para asegurar la adecuación de la arquitectura propuesta en situaciones de gran complejidad y heterogeneidad, se propone un marco de argumentación que permite diagnosticar a agentes que estén ejecutando en dominios federados. Para la aplicación de este marco en un sistema multi-agente, se propone un protocolo de coordinación en el que los agentes dialogan hasta alcanzar una conclusión para un caso de diagnóstico concreto. Como trabajos futuros, se consideran la extensión de la arquitectura para abordar otros problemas de gestión como el auto-descubrimiento o la auto-optimización, el uso de técnicas de reputación dentro del marco de argumentación para mejorar la extensibilidad del sistema de diagnóstico en entornos federados y la aplicación de las arquitecturas propuestas en las arquitecturas de red emergentes, como SDN, que ofrecen mayor capacidad de interacción con la red. ABSTRACT This PhD thesis contributes to the problem of autonomic fault diagnosis of telecommunication networks. Nowadays, in telecommunication networks, operators perform manual diagnosis tasks. Those operations must be carried out by high skilled network engineers which have increasing difficulties to properly manage the growing of those networks, both in size, complexity and heterogeneity. Moreover, the advent of the Future Internet makes the demand of solutions which simplifies and automates the telecommunication network management has been increased in recent years. To collect the domain knowledge required to developed the proposed solutions and to simplify its adoption by the operators, an agile testing methodology is defined for multiagent systems. This methodology is focused on the communication gap between the different work groups involved in any software development project, stakeholders and developers. To contribute to overcoming the problem of autonomic fault diagnosis, an agent architecture for fault diagnosis of telecommunication networks is defined. That architecture extends the Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) agent model with different diagnostic models which handle the different subtasks of the process. The proposed architecture combines different reasoning techniques to achieve its objective using a structural model of the network, which uses ontology-based reasoning, and a causal model, which uses Bayesian reasoning to properly handle the uncertainty of the diagnosis process. To ensure the suitability of the proposed architecture in complex and heterogeneous environments, an argumentation framework is defined. This framework allows agents to perform fault diagnosis in federated domains. To apply this framework in a multi-agent system, a coordination protocol is defined. This protocol is used by agents to dialogue until a reliable conclusion for a specific diagnosis case is reached. Future work comprises the further extension of the agent architecture to approach other managements problems, such as self-discovery or self-optimisation; the application of reputation techniques in the argumentation framework to improve the extensibility of the diagnostic system in federated domains; and the application of the proposed agent architecture in emergent networking architectures, such as SDN, which offers new capabilities of control for the network.