970 resultados para Sleep Quality
OBJECTIVE: The burnout syndrome has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The physiological mechanisms potentially involved in this link are underexplored. Knowing that a chronic low-grade systemic inflammatory state contributes to atherosclerosis, we investigated circulating cytokine levels in relation to burnout symptoms. METHODS: We studied 167 schoolteachers (median, 48 years; range, 23-63 years; 67% women) who completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory with its three subscales emotional exhaustion (EE), lack of accomplishment (LA), and depersonalization (DP). Levels of the proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and of the anti-inflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-10 were determined in fasting morning plasma samples. The TNF-alpha/IL-4 ratio and the TNF-alpha/IL-10 ratio were computed as two indices of increased inflammatory activity. Analyses were adjusted for demographic factors, medication, lifestyle factors (including sleep quality), metabolic factors, and symptoms of depression and anxiety. RESULTS: Higher levels of total burnout symptoms aggregating the EE, LA, and DP subscales independently predicted higher TNF-alpha levels (DeltaR(2)=.024, P=.046), lower IL-4 levels (DeltaR(2)=.021, P=.061), and a higher TNF-alpha/IL-4 ratio (DeltaR(2)=.040, P=.008). Higher levels of LA predicted decreased IL-4 levels (DeltaR(2)=.041, P=.008) and a higher TNF-alpha/IL-4 ratio (DeltaR(2)=.041, P=.007). The categorical dimensions of the various burnout scales (e.g., burnout yes vs. no) showed no independent relationship with any cytokine measure. CONCLUSION: Burnout was associated with increased systemic inflammation along a continuum of symptom severity rather than categorically. Given that low-grade systemic inflammation promotes atherosclerosis, our findings may provide one explanation for the increased cardiovascular risk previously observed in burned-out individuals.
We hypothesized that the 2 cardiovascular drugs aspirin and propranolol attenuate the prothrombotic response to acute psychosocial stress relative to placebo medication. We randomized 56 healthy subjects, double-blind, to 5-day treatment with an oral dose of either 100 mg of aspirin plus 80 mg of propranolol combined, single aspirin, single propranolol, or placebo medication. Thereafter, subjects underwent a 13-minute psychosocial stressor. Plasma levels of von Willebrand factor antigen (VWF:Ag), fibrinogen, coagulation factor VII (FVII:C) and XII (FXII:C) activity, and D-dimer were determined in blood samples collected immediately pre- and post-stress and 45 minutes post-stress. The stress-induced changes in prothrombotic measures were adjusted for gender, age, body mass index, mean arterial blood pressure, smoking status, and sleep quality. There was an increase in VWF:Ag levels from immediately pre-stress to 45 minutes post-stress in the placebo group relative to the 3 subject groups with verum medication (P's = 0.019; relative increase in VWF:Ag between 17% and 21%); however, the VWF:Ag response to stress was not significantly different between the three groups with verum medication. The stress responses in fibrinogen, FVII:C, FXII:C, and D-dimer were similar in all 4 medication groups. The combination of aspirin with propranolol, single aspirin, and single propranolol all attenuated the acute response in plasma VWF:Ag levels to psychosocial stress. This suggests that these cardiovascular drugs might exert limited protection from the development of stress-triggered coronary thrombosis.
This study of ambulance workers for the emergency medical services of the City of Houston studied the factors related to shiftwork tolerance and intolerance. The EMS personnel work a 24-hour shift with rotating days of the week. Workers are assigned to A, B, C, D shift, each of which rotate 24-hours on, 24-hours off, 24-hours on and 4 days off. One-hundred and seventy-six male EMTs, paramedics and chauffeurs from stations of varying levels of activity were surveyed. The sample group ranged in age from 20 to 45. The average tenure on the job was 8.2 years. Over 68% of the workers held a second job, the majority of which worked over 20 hours a week at the second position.^ The survey instrument was a 20-page questionnaire modeled after the Folkard Standardized Shiftwork Index. In addition to demographic data, the survey tool provided measurements of general job satisfaction, sleep quality, general health complaints, morningness/eveningness, cognitive and somatic anxiety, depression, and circadian types. The survey questionnaire included an EMS-specific scaler of stress.^ A conceptual model of Shiftwork Tolerance was presented to identify the key factors examined in the study. An extensive list of 265 variables was reduced to 36 key variables that related to: (1) shift schedule and demographic/lifestyle factors, (2) individual differences related to traits and characteristics, and (3) tolerance/intolerance effects. Using the general job satisfaction scaler as the key measurement of shift tolerance/intolerance, it was shown that a significant relationship existed between this dependent variable and stress, number of years working a 24-hour shift, sleep quality, languidness/vigorousness. The usual amount of sleep received during the shift, general health complaints and flexibility/rigidity (R$\sp2$ =.5073).^ The sample consisted of a majority of morningness-types or extreme-morningness types, few evening-types and no extreme-evening types, duplicating the findings of Motohashi's previous study of ambulance workers. The level of activity by station was not significant on any of the dependent variables examined. However, the shift worked had a relationship with sleep quality, despite the fact that all shifts work the same hours and participate in the same rotation schedule. ^
Home dream recall frequencies and nightmare frequencies show great inter-individual differences. Most of the studies trying to explain these differences, however, studied young participants, so these findings might not be true for persons older than 25 years. The present study investigated the relationship between dream recall, nightmare frequency, age, gender, sleep parameters, stress, and subjective health in a community-based sample (N = 455) with a mean age of about 55 years. Some of the factors that have been shown to be associated with dream recall and nightmare frequency were also associated with these variables in non-student sample like frequency of nocturnal awakenings, current stress, and tiredness during the day. We were not able to replicate the effect of sex-role orientation on dream recall and nightmare frequency, supporting the idea that age might mediate the effect of daytime variables on dream recall and nightmare frequency. As nightmare frequency was related to sleep quality, stress, health problems, and tiredness during the day, it would be desirable that clinicians include a question about nightmares in their anamneses.
In a cohort study among 2751 members (71.5% females) of the German and Swiss RLS patient organizations changes in restless legs syndrome (RLS) severity over time was assessed and the impact on quality of life, sleep quality and depressive symptoms was analysed. A standard set of scales (RLS severity scale IRLS, SF-36, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale) in mailed questionnaires was repeatedly used to assess RLS severity and health status over time and a 7-day diary once to assess short-term variations. A clinically relevant change of the RLS severity was defined by a change of at least 5 points on the IRLS scale. During 36 months follow-up minimal improvement of RLS severity between assessments was observed. Men consistently reported higher severity scores. RLS severity increased with age reaching a plateau in the age group 45-54 years. During 3 years 60.2% of the participants had no relevant (±5 points) change in RLS severity. RLS worsening was significantly related to an increase in depressive symptoms and a decrease in sleep quality and quality of life. The short-term variation showed distinctive circadian patterns with rhythm magnitudes strongly related to RLS severity. The majority of participants had a stable course of severe RLS over three years. An increase in RLS severity was accompanied by a small to moderate negative, a decrease by a small positive influence on quality of life, depressive symptoms and sleep quality.
Recent research suggests that some stressors (i.e. hindrance stressors) have mainly negative consequences, whereas others (i.e. challenge stressors) can simultaneously have positive and negative consequences (e.g., LePine et al., 2005). Although a number of studies have dealt with potential outcomes of challenge stressors, some criteria have received only limited attention (e.g., positive self-attitudes; cf. Widmer et al., 2012), and some have been neglected altogether (i.e., physical health outcomes). Furthermore, while sophisticated methods – such as meta-analyses (e.g., LePine et al., 2005), diary studies (Ohly & Fritz, 2010), and multi-source analyses (Wallace et al., 2009) – have been applied to the framework, there are no longitudinal studies. We report results from a longitudinal study containing three waves, with two time-lags of one month each (N = 393). We analyzed relationships between challenge stressors and work attitudes (e.g. job satisfaction), self attitudes (e.g. self-esteem), and health indicators (e.g. sleep quality) using cross-lagged SEM. We expected positive effects of challenge stressors to appear only when their negative variance is controlled (e.g. by including hindrance stressors as a suppressor variable; cf. Cavanaugh et al., 2000). As the positive aspects of challenge stressors relate to self-affirming experiences, we also expected positive effects to be especially strong for self attitudes. Regarding work attitudes, the only significant paths found were from work attitudes to challenge stressors over both time lags. Regarding health, there was a significant cross-sectional association at time 1, which was negative, as expected. Longitudinally, a positive path from challenge stressors to health for both time lags was found only when hindrances stressors were controlled, confirming the expected suppressor effect. Hindrance stressors had a negative effect on health. For self-attitudes, there was a positive cross-sectional association at time one. In addition, a positive effect on self attitudes was found longitudinally for both time lags, but only when hindrance stressors were controlled. Additional analyses showed that the positive longitudinal effect on health was mediated by self attitudes. Although the lack of associations with work attitudes was surprising, our results indicate that challenge stressors contain aspects that provide an opportunity to develop self-esteem through demanding work situations, thereby contributing to personal growth and thriving at the workplace. They also confirm the ambiguous nature of challenge stressors, as, with one exception, positive effects were found only when hindrance stressors were controlled (cf. Widmer et al., 2012). Finally, our results confirm the importance of self-related attitudes in the stress process.
O sono é imprescindível à existência humana, assumindo uma panóplia de funções cruciais nas diferentes faixas etárias. São inúmeros os fatores que podem contribuir para a sua alteração, sendo a vida universitária um deles. Tendo em conta os dados de incidência e prevalência de alterações neurocognitivas na população portuguesa, torna-se fundamental o estudo da qualidade do sono e as suas implicações a nível da ansiedade, depressão e stress nos estudantes de Ensino Superior do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. Objetivou-se “Avaliar a qualidade do sono dos estudantes do ensino superior” e “Analisar os níveis de ansiedade, depressão e stress vivenciados pelos estudantes do ensino superior”. Face aos objetivos delineados optou-se por um estudo descritivo-correlacional inserido no paradigma quantitativo e num plano transversal, com uma amostragem não probabilística por conveniência de 358 estudantes representativos do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. Para a colheita de dados utilizou-se uma Ficha Sociodemográfica, o Índice de Qualidade de Sono de Pittsburgh (IQSP) de Ramalho (2008) e a Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stress (EADS-21) de Pais Ribeiro, Honrado e Leal (2004). Como principais resultados, destaca-se a qualidade de sono, evidenciando-se que 53,6% (192) dos estudantes apresenta má qualidade de sono e os restantes 46,4% (166) têm boa qualidade de sono. Os estudantes com má qualidade de sono apresentaram níveis médios de stress, ansiedade e depressão mais elevados que os estudantes com boa qualidade de sono. Os níveis de stress, ansiedade e depressão evidenciados nos estudantes foram considerados díspares entre eles, sendo que o stress foi o mais significativo. Ao constatarmos que a má qualidade de sono é frequente nos estudantes do ensino superior tendo esta repercussões na sua saúde física e mental, concluímos que estamos perante um risco de saúde pública.
Le sommeil est un besoin vital et le bon fonctionnement de l’organisme dépend de la quantité et de la qualité du sommeil. Le sommeil est régulé par deux processus : un processus circadien qui dépend de l’activité des noyaux suprachiasmatiques de l’hypothalamus et qui régule le moment durant lequel nous allons dormir, et un processus homéostatique qui dépend de l’activité neuronale et se reflète dans l’intensité du sommeil. En effet, le sommeil dépend de l’éveil qui le précède et plus l’éveil dure longtemps, plus le sommeil est profond tel que mesuré par des marqueurs électroencéphalographiques (EEG). Des études ont montré que le bon fonctionnement de ces deux processus régulateurs du sommeil dépend de la plasticité synaptique. Ainsi, les éléments synaptiques régulant la communication et la force synaptique sont d’importants candidats pour agir sur la physiologie de la régulation du sommeil. Les molécules d’adhésion cellulaire sont des acteurs clés dans les mécanismes de plasticité synaptique. Elles régulent l’activité et la maturation des synapses. Des études ont montré que leur absence engendre des conséquences similaires au manque de sommeil. Le but de ce projet de thèse est d’explorer l’effet de l’absence de deux familles de molécule d’adhésion cellulaire, les neuroligines et la famille des récepteur Eph et leur ligand les éphrines dans les processus régulateurs du sommeil. Notre hypothèse est que l’absence d’un des membres de ces deux familles de molécule affecte les mécanismes impliqués dans le processus homéostatique de régulation du sommeil. Afin de répondre à notre hypothèse, nous avons étudié d’une part l’activité EEG chez des souris mutantes n’exprimant pas Neuroligine‐1 (Nlgn1) ou le récepteur EphA4 en condition normale et après une privation de sommeil. D’autre part, nous avons mesuré les changements moléculaires ayant lieu dans ces deux modèles après privation de sommeil. Au niveau de l’activité EEG, nos résultats montrent que l’absence de Nlgn1 augmente la densité des ondes lentes en condition normale et augment l’amplitude et la pente des ondes lentes après privation de sommeil. Nlgn1 est nécessaire au fonctionnement normal de la synchronie corticale, notamment après une privation de sommeil, lui attribuant ainsi un rôle clé dans l’homéostasie du sommeil. Concernant le récepteur EphA4, son absence affecte la durée du sommeil paradoxal ainsi que l’activité sigma qui dépendent du processus circadien. Nos résultats suggèrent donc que ce récepteur est un élément important dans la régulation circadienne du sommeil. Les changements transcriptionnels en réponse à la privation de sommeil des souris n’exprimant pas Nlgn1 et EphA4 ne sont pas différents des souris sauvages. Toutefois, nous avons montré que la privation de sommeil affectait la distribution des marques épigénétiques sur le génome, tels que la méthylation et l’hydroxyméthylation, et que l’expression des molécules régulant ces changements est modifiée chez les souris mutantes pour le récepteur EphA4. Nos observations mettent en évidence que les molécules d’adhésion cellulaire, Nlgn1 et le récepteur EphA4, possèdent un rôle important dans les processus homéostatique et circadien du sommeil et contribuent de manière différente à la régulation du sommeil.
Enquadramento: A Artrite Reumatóide (AR) é uma patologia com profundas implicações na funcionalidade das pessoas, com efeitos significativos não só ao nível do funcionamento físico, mas também a nível emocional, familiar, social e económico. Objetivos: Avaliar a funcionalidade das pessoas com artrite reumatóide e analisar a sua relação com as variáveis sócio demográficas, clínicas, dor e qualidade do sono. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo não experimental, transversal, descritivo-correlacional e de caráter quantitativo, que foi realizado numa amostra não probabilística por conveniência, constituída por 75 pessoas com o diagnóstico de artrite reumatóide, acompanhadas na Unidade de Dor, na Consulta de Reumatologia e na Medicina Física de Reabilitação do CHTV, EPE. Para a mensuração das variáveis utilizou-se um instrumento de colheita de dados que integra uma secção de caracterização sócio demográfica e clínica, o Índice da Qualidade de Sono de Pittsburgh – PSQI e o Health Assessment Questionnaire – HAQ. Resultados: Constatou-se que 60,0% dos inquiridos apresenta dificuldades/incapacidades leves no desempenho das atividades da vida diária, 32,0% apresenta já dificuldades moderadas e 8,0% incapacidade grave, sendo que o valor médio da funcionalidade global avaliado por meio do HAQ foi de 1,48, o que revela a existência de uma incapacidade moderada na nossa amostra. Das variáveis sócio demográficas, a idade (p=0,003), a situação laboral (p=0,000), a escolaridade (p=0,006) e os rendimentos mensais (p=0,001) têm influência no estado funcional das pessoas com AR. Das variáveis clínicas, a intensidade da dor (p=0,007) e o tempo de diagnóstico da doença (p=0,013) mostraram relacionarem-se com a funcionalidade. Em relação à qualidade do sono, apenas existem diferenças estatísticamente significativas nas subescalas “levantar-se” (p=0,030) e “caminhar” (p=0,034), sendo que a má qualidade de sono configurou-se em 94,7% dos inquiridos. Conclusão: As evidências encontradas neste estudo referem que a idade, a situação laboral, a escolaridade, os rendimentos mensais, o tempo de diagnóstico, a intensidade da dor e a qualidade do sono, associam-se a uma pior funcionalidade nas pessoas com AR. O diagnóstico precoce, a adoção de medidas para a promoção da boa qualidade do sono, a aplicação de medidas farmacológicas e não farmacológicas para o alívio da dor, e ações de formação direcionadas aos doentes com AR, devem ser estratégias a desenvolver junto desta população, numa tentativa de minimizar o impacto negativo que esta doença acarreta. Palavras-chave: artrite reumatóide, estado funcional, qualidade do sono.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Study Objectives: To measure sleeping difficulty and sleep quality among older women, explore experience and attitudes towards sleep, and test for negative association between difficulty sleeping and health-related quality of life. Design: Four-year longitudinal study. Setting: Women were participants in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health. Participants: Women were sampled according to use of sleeping medication and classified into 4 groups: sleeping badly and using sleeping medications; not sleeping badly, but using sleeping medications; sleeping badly, not using sleeping medications; not sleeping badly, not using sleeping medications. Interventions: None. Measurements and Results: Sleeping difficulty and sleeping-medication use were measured at Survey 1, Survey 2 (3 years later), and Survey 3 (4 years later). Survey 3 included: Nottingham Health Profile Sleep Subscale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Geriatric Depression Scale, Duke Social Support Index, Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form 36-item Health Survey, and a 21-item life events scale. Survey 3 was returned by 1011 women (84%). Sleeping problems were negatively associated with SF-36 subscale scores. Most associations remained significant after comorbid conditions, Geriatric Depression Scale, life events scores, and medication use were added to models. Most women with sleeping problems (72%) sought help from a doctor, and 54% used prescribed sleeping medications in the past month. Conclusions: Sleeping difficulty is a serious symptom for older women and is associated with poorer quality of life. Some of this effect can be explained by comorbidities, depression scores, life events, and use of sleeping medications.
Background: Migraine is a distressing disorder that is often triggered by stress and poor sleep. Only one randomized controlled trial (RCT) has assessed the effects of massage therapy on migraine experiences, which yielded some promising findings. Purpose: An RCT was designed to replicate and extend the earlier findings using a larger sample, additional stress-related indicators, and assessments past the final session to identify longer-term effects of massage therapy on stress and migraine, experiences. Methods: Migraine sufferers (N = 47) who were randomly assigned to massage or control conditions completed daily assessments of migraine experiences and sleep patterns for 13 weeks. Massage participants attended weekly massage sessions during Weeks 5 to 10. State anxiety, heart rates, and salivary cortisol were assessed before and after the sessions. Perceived stress and coping efficacy were assessed at Weeks 4, 10, and 13. Results: Compared to control participants, massage participants exhibited greater improvements in migraine frequency and sleep quality during the intervention weeks and the 3 follow-up weeks. Trends for beneficial effects of massage therapy on perceived stress and coping efficacy were observed. During sessions, massage induced decreases in state anxiety, heart rate, and cortisol. Conclusions: The findings provide preliminary support for the utility of massage therapy as a nonpharmacologic treatment for individuals suffering from migraines.
The insomnia disorder is defined as a difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep or waking up earlier than expected unable to return to sleep, followed by a feeling of nonrestorative and poor quality sleep, present for at least three months, with consequences on daytime functioning. Studies have shown that insomnia affects cognitive function, especially executive functions. However, researches that sought to investigate the relationship between primary insomnia and executive functioning were quite inconsistent from a methodological point of view, especially in regard to the variability of the used methods, the heterogeneity of diagnostic criteria for insomnia and the control of sleep altering drugs. In this sense, the present study aimed to investigate the relationship between insomnia and executive functions in adults. The participants were 29 people, from both genders, aged 20-55 years old. Participants were divided into three groups, one composed of 10 people with primary insomnia who used sleep medication (GIM), nine people with primary insomnia who did not use medication (GInM) and 10 healthy people who composed the control group (CG). The research was conducted in two stages. The first one involved a diagnostic evaluation for insomnia disorder through a clinical interview and the application of the following protocols: the Athens Insomnia Scale, the Insomnia Severity Index, Sleep Journal (for 14 days), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the Stanford Sleepiness Test, depression and anxiety Beck inventories, and Lipp’s Iventory of stress symptoms for adults. After this stage, the evaluation of executive functions was performed by applying a battery of neuropsychological tests composed by the following tests: Wisconsin, Stoop Test, Colored trails Test, the Tower of London Test, Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) and WAIS III subtest digit span, which measured selective attention, inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility, planning, problem solving, decision making and working memory, respectively. The results showed that insomniacs (GIM and GInM) showed higher sleep latency, shorter sleep duration and lower sleep efficiency compared to the CG. In regard to the performance in executive functions, no statistically significant difference between groups was observed in the evaluated modalities. However, the data show evidence that, compared to GInM and GC, the performance of GIM was lower on tasks that required quick responses and changes in attention focus. On the other hand, GInM, when compared to GIM and GC, showed a better performance on tasks involving cognitive flexibility. Furthermore, impaired sleep measures were correlated with the worst performance of insomniacs in all components evaluated. In conclusion, people with the insomnia disorder showed a performance similar to healthy people’s in components of the executive functioning. Thus, one can infer that there is a relationship between primary insomnia and executive functions in adults.
The teaching profession is often associated with extensive workload inside and outside the classroom, poor teaching conditions, among other challenges that can cause sleep problems. These problems may be even greater in women, due to the professional and domestic work hours and to the major sleep necessity. Considering that sleeping problems may result from the practice of poor sleep habits, sleep education programs are conducted with the aim to reduce sleep deprivation, irregularity on sleep schedules, daytime sleepiness and improve sleep quality. In this sense, the objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of working hours, gender and a sleep education program on sleeping habits, quality of sleep, daytime sleepiness and the level of stress in teachers of elementary and secondary education. For that, teachers filled the questionnaires that assessed: 1. Sleeping habits (Sleep & Health), 2. Chronotype (Horne & Ostberg), 3. Daytime sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness Scale), 4. Sleep Quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index), 5. Level of stress (The Inventory of Stress for Adults of Lipp) and 6. Daily pattern of sleep/wake cycle (Sleep Diary). The questionnaires 1, 4, 5 and 6 were repeated 3 weeks after the sleep education program. Teachers who begin work in the morning (7:11 ± 0:11 h) wake up earlier in the week and often have poor sleep quality compared to those who start in the afternoon (13:04 ± 00:12 h). Among those who begin work in the morning, the intermediate types and those with an evening tendency were more irregular in the wake up time than morning types and increased sleep duration on weekend. In relation to gender, women had longer sleep duration than men, although the majority presented excessive daytime sleepiness and poor sleep quality. However, when work schedule and age are similar between genders, the difference in sleep duration becomes a tendency and the difference in the percentage of excessive daytime sleepiness disappears, but the poor sleep quality persists in women. With respect to teachers who have gone through the sleep education program, there was an increase in knowledge about the subject, which may have contributed to the reduction in the frequency of coffee consumption close to bedtime and to the sleep quality improved in 18 % of participants. In the control group, there were random differences in knowledge in 3rd stage, and sleep quality improved in only 9% of teachers. The participation in the sleep education program was not enough to change the hours of sleep and decrease stress of teachers. Therefore, the start time school in the morning was preponderant in determining the wake up time of teachers, especially for intermediates types and those with an evening tendency. Furthermore, the poor quality of sleep was more common in women, and the sleep education program contributed to increase knowledge on the subject and to improve sleep quality.