285 resultados para Siemens
Mainframes, corporate and central servers are becoming information servers. The requirement for more powerful information servers is the best opportunity to exploit the potential of parallelism. ICL recognized the opportunity of the 'knowledge spectrum' namely to convert raw data into information and then into high grade knowledge. Parallel Processing and Data Management Its response to this and to the underlying search problems was to introduce the CAFS retrieval engine. The CAFS product demonstrates that it is possible to move functionality within an established architecture, introduce a different technology mix and exploit parallelism to achieve radically new levels of performance. CAFS also demonstrates the benefit of achieving this transparently behind existing interfaces. ICL is now working with Bull and Siemens to develop the information servers of the future by exploiting new technologies as available. The objective of the joint Esprit II European Declarative System project is to develop a smoothly scalable, highly parallel computer system, EDS. EDS will in the main be an SQL server and an information server. It will support the many data-intensive applications which the companies foresee; it will also support application-intensive and logic-intensive systems.
We present a method to enhance fault localization for software systems based on a frequent pattern mining algorithm. Our method is based on a large set of test cases for a given set of programs in which faults can be detected. The test executions are recorded as function call trees. Based on test oracles the tests can be classified into successful and failing tests. A frequent pattern mining algorithm is used to identify frequent subtrees in successful and failing test executions. This information is used to rank functions according to their likelihood of containing a fault. The ranking suggests an order in which to examine the functions during fault analysis. We validate our approach experimentally using a subset of Siemens benchmark programs.
Previous studies of the Stroop task propose two key mediators: the prefrontal and cingulate cortices but hints exist of functional specialization within these regions. This study aimed to examine the effect of task modality upon the prefrontal and cingulate response by examining the response to colour, number, and shape Stroop tasks whilst BOLD fMRI images were acquired on a Siemens 3 T MRI scanner. Behavioural analyses indicated facilitation and interference effects and a noticeable effect of task difficulty. Some modular effects of modality were observed in the prefrontal cortex that survived exclusion of task difficulty related activations. No effect of task-relevant information was observed in the anterior cingulate. Future comparisons of the mediation of selective attention need to consider the effects of task context and task difficulty. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Executive summary Nature of the problem (science/management/policy) • Freshwater ecosystems play a key role in the European nitrogen (N) cycle, both as a reactive agent that transfers, stores and processes N loadings from the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems, and as a natural environment severely impacted by the increase of these loadings. Approaches • This chapter is a review of major processes and factors controlling N transport and transformations for running waters, standing waters, groundwaters and riparian wetlands. Key findings/state of knowledge • The major factor controlling N processes in freshwater ecosystems is the residence time of water, which varies widely both in space and in time, and which is sensitive to changes in climate, land use and management. • The effects of increased N loadings to European freshwaters include acidification in semi-natural environments, and eutrophication in more disturbed ecosystems, with associated loss of biodiversity in both cases. • An important part of the nitrogen transferred by surface waters is in the form of organic N, as dissolved organic N (DON) and particulate organic N (PON). This part is dominant in semi-natural catchments throughout Europe and remains a significant component of the total N load even in nitrate enriched rivers. • In eutrophicated standing freshwaters N can be a factor limiting or co-limiting biological production, and control of both N and phosphorus (P) loading is oft en needed in impacted areas, if ecological quality is to be restored. Major uncertainties/challenges • The importance of storage and denitrifi cation in aquifers is a major uncertainty in the global N cycle, and controls in part the response of catchments to land use or management changes. In some aquifers, the increase of N concentrations will continue for decades even if efficient mitigation measures are implemented now. • Nitrate retention by riparian wetlands has oft en been highlighted. However, their use for mitigation must be treated with caution, since their effectiveness is difficult to predict, and side effects include increased DON emissions to adjacent open waters, N2O emissions to the atmosphere, and loss of biodiversity. • In fact, the character and specific spatial origins of DON are not fully understood, and similarly the quantitative importance of indirect N2O emissions from freshwater ecosystems as a result of N leaching losses from agricultural soils is still poorly known at the regional scale. • These major uncertainties remain due to the lack of adequate monitoring (all forms of N at a relevant frequency), especially – but not only – in the southern and eastern EU countries. Recommendations (research/policy) • The great variability of transfer pathways, buffering capacity and sensitivity of the catchments and of the freshwater ecosystems calls for site specific mitigation measures rather than standard ones applied at regional to national scale. • The spatial and temporal variations of the N forms, the processes controlling the transport and transformation of N within freshwaters, require further investigation if the role of N in influencing freshwater ecosystem health is to be better understood, underpinning the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive for European freshwaters.
TRPA1 is an excitatory ion channel expressed by a subpopulation of primary afferent somatosensory neurons that contain substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide. Environmental irritants such as mustard oil, allicin, and acrolein activate TRPA1, causing acute pain, neuropeptide release, and neurogenic inflammation. Genetic studies indicate that TRPA1 is also activated downstream of one or more proalgesic agents that stimulate phospholipase C signaling pathways, thereby implicating this channel in peripheral mechanisms controlling pain hypersensitivity. However, it is not known whether tissue injury also produces endogenous proalgesic factors that activate TRPA1 directly to augment inflammatory pain. Here, we report that recombinant or native TRPA1 channels are activated by 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE), an endogenous alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehyde that is produced when reactive oxygen species peroxidate membrane phospholipids in response to tissue injury, inflammation, and oxidative stress. HNE provokes release of substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide from central (spinal cord) and peripheral (esophagus) nerve endings, resulting in neurogenic plasma protein extravasation in peripheral tissues. Moreover, injection of HNE into the rodent hind paw elicits pain-related behaviors that are inhibited by TRPA1 antagonists and absent in animals lacking functional TRPA1 channels. These findings demonstrate that HNE activates TRPA1 on nociceptive neurons to promote acute pain, neuropeptide release, and neurogenic inflammation. Our results also provide a mechanism-based rationale for developing novel analgesic or anti-inflammatory agents that target HNE production or TRPA1 activation.
Research Elektronics är ett företag som utvecklar elektroniska system. I sinalösningar använder de bl.a. Siemens C500 Mikroprocessorer. Företagetplanerar nu att gå över till Philips LPC 2292 som bygger på en 32-bitarsARM-kärna. Denna mikroprocessor har högre prestanda och är merkostnadseffektiv.Uppgiften bestod av att göra ett monitorprogram som bl.a. kan ladda in ochköra andra program i mikroprocessorn samt undersöka och redigerainnehållet i minnen och register. Programmet ska användas till test ochutveckling av andra program till den aktuella mikroprocessorn. Tanken meddenna monitor är att den ska ha liknande funktion och utseendet som enmonitor som Research redan använder för mikroprocessorn Siemens c500serie, för att dessa ska kunna gå över till att använda den nyamikroprocessorn på samma sätt som den nuvarande.Tanken med programmet är att det ska vara en grund som Research senareska kunna modifiera och utveckla under deras arbete. Programmet harskrivits i assembler för att programmera nära hårdvaran. Resultatet blev ettprogram med de funktioner som i förväg var bestämda.
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Comunicação da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul.
Esta dissetação propõe um estudo da metodologia utilizada no Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produto (PDP) da Siemens Metering Ltda, uma empresa do ramo eletroeletrônico, aboradando o mesmo através de uma visão sistêmica, com o suporte de ferramentas de qulaidade, sendo o objetivo principal a utilização integrada das ferramentas QFD e FMEA no processo de desenvolvimento de produto tornando possÃvel a prevenção de falhas, melhorando a eficiência do processo. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho foram feitos estudos junto a áreas da empresa onde se identificou que o método atualmente empregado em 98% dos projetos desenvolvidos acarretava falhas no desenvolvimento e conseqüentes atrasos dos cronogramas dos problemas ocorridos, o faturamento previsto não era cumprido, ficando em média com 2% do faturamento total da empresa, quando a previsão era de 12% em média. O impacto financeiro de reduções de custo propostas e não implementadas geraram a empresa um montante de R$ 250.000,00/ano, de despesas que poderiam ter sido evitadas A proposta de melhoria constitiu em definir uma metodologia de desenvolvimento de produto com suporte de ferrramentas de qualidade, QFD e FMEA. A abordagem sistêmica do processo possibilitou a identificação dos pontos relevantes do projeto, de forma a atender os requisitos do cliente, bem como a definiçaõ de ações de prevenção em pontos importantes para o projeto. A combinação destas ações possibilita que o processo de desenvolvimento de produto seja mais confiável, quanto a prazos e também em relação ao desempenho do produto resultante. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho, foram selecionados dois projetos em desenvolvimento pela atual metodologia, onde a proposta foi aplicada, de forma que, foi possÃvel identificar os pontos que anteriormente não haviam sido identificados como relevantes para as etapas de desenvolvimento já concluÃdas. A aplicação do QFD possibilitou transformar a qualidade demandada em requisitos do produto e do processo. O FMEA, aplicado a um item de cada projeto, possibilitou a definição de ações preventivas que se implementadas com sucesso, minimizam a possibilidade de falha do produto acabado. Os resultados demonstram que a nova metodologia se aplicada na etapa inicial do processo de desenvolvimento de produto, permite um ganho de produtividade e de confiabilidade em relação aos resultados obtidos com o processo atual.
The objective of this paper was to evaluate the hepatobiliary function of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis under triple treatment, using the technetium-99m-DISIDA (99mTc-DISIDA) hepatobiliary scintigraphy. Ten men and three women with pulmonary tuberculosis were subjected to hepatobiliary scintigraphy at the beginning of triple treatment (M1) and two months after it (M2). Patients were from the urban area, of low socioeconomic level, malnourished, and chronic alcohol and/or tobacco users. Ten normal individuals were evaluated as controls. Radiotracer images were acquired on a computerized gamma camera (Orbiter-Siemens) and T1/2 uptake and excretion values were calculated. Nutritional status and serum hepatic enzyme levels for each patient were evaluated at M1 and M2. None presented clinical or laboratory antecedent of hepatobiliary disease. At M1, there were no hepatic serum or kinetic alterations of the 99mTc-DISIDA. At M2, patients presented better nutritional conditions than at M1; there was increased serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and reduced excretion time for 99mTc-DISIDA, which was interpreted as a more adaptive than toxic phenomenon, yet not all alterations were significant and none manifested clinically. Apparently, triple treatment acted on the liver inducing the P450 cytochrome enzymatic system, accelerating radiotracer excretion, which follows the same path as the bilirubins.
Resistivity (DC) method using vertical electrical soundings (Schlumberger array) are conducted In the vicinity of Canoas/RS, applied to environmental studies with the objective of Investigating groundwater conditions, The present paper shows a geoelectrlcal Identification of the lithology and an estimate of the relationship between the resistivity and Dar Zarrouk parameters (transverse unit resistance and longitudinal unit conductance) with the properties such as aquifer transmlssivlty and protection of ground water resources, In the saturated sediments, resistivity values defined the following sequence: clay layers (resistivity < 40 ohm-m) and sand layers (resistivity > 40 ohm-m), Two sand layers were identified; one corresponding to the unconfined aquifer and another to the confined aquifer between two clay layers, In the map of the transverse unit resistance of the unconfined aquifer, the tendencies of high values can be associated with the zones of high transmissivity; hence, these zones are suggested for the installation of monitoring wells, The map of longitudinal conductance Illustrates the Impermeability of the confining clay layer, Values of S > 1.0 siemens would indicate zones in which the confined aquifer would be protected; In comparison, values of S < 1.0 siemens would indicate zones of probable risks of contamination. © 2006 Sociedade Brasileira de GeofÃsica.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB