988 resultados para Sickle-cell disease


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Introduction: This study is about the training of community health agents (CHA) in the municipality of Araraquara SP about the topic of sickle cell disease which this purpose is improving the knowledge and care provided by these professionals. Method: Educational intervention with CHA for training in sickle cell disease and using as indicator qualitative and quantitative, a questionnaire to assessment before and after the intervention process. Results: The process of training increased significantly the knowledge of CHA in sickle cell disease. In the questionnaire before, 30% of participants scored above 40 points, while after 97% achieved grades above 40 points. Moreover, it was possible to assessment the development of skills through the solution of a simulated case. Processes interventionist educational are great validity in the process of Pharmaceutical Care Conclusion: The Health Education for CHA may contribute to the improvement of care and treatment of patients with sickle cell disease through humanized health care


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The hydroxyurea, a cytotoxic drug, is the mainly available therapeutical strategy for the treatment of sickle cell disease. This study aimed to evaluate the mutagenic and genotoxic potential of the hydroxyurea through the Salmonella/Microsome assay and micronucleus test in peripheral blood of mice. The doses were evaluated at 29.25-468 μmol/plate in Salmonella/Microsome assay in presence and absence of metabolic activation the drug. In the micronucleus test the doses were evaluated at 12.5; 25; 50; 75 and 100 mg/kg. The results show that hydroxyurea present mutagenic activity in TA98 and TA100 in doses above 117 μmol/plate and 234 μmol/plate respectively. The drug induced a significant increase in the frequency of micronuclei in reticulocytes of mice at concentrations of 50, 75 and 100 mg/kg, compared to negative control (water). These results demonstrated the mutagenic and genotoxic potential of hydroxyurea.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Human parvovirus B19 (B19V) infection can be a life-threatening condition among patients with hereditary (chronic) hemolytic anemias. Our objective was to characterize the infection molecularly among patients with sickle cell disease and thalassemia. Forty-seven patients (37 with sickle cell disease, and 10 with beta-thalassemia major) as well as 47 healthy blood donors were examined for B19V infection by anti-B19V IgG enzyme immunoassay, quantitative PCR, which detects all B19V genotypes, and DNA sequencing. B19V viremia was documented in nine patients (19.1%) as two displayed acute infection and the rest had a low titre viremia (mean 3.4 x 10(4) copies/mL). All donors were negative for B19V DNA. Anti-B19V IgG was detected in 55.3% of the patients and 57.4% among the donors. Based on partial NS1 fragments, all patient isolates were classified as genotype 1 and subgenotype 1A. The evolutionary events of the examined partial NS1 gene sequence were associated with a lack of positive selection. The quantification of all B19V genotypes by a single hydrolytic probe is a technically useful method, but it is difficult to establish relationships between B19V sequence characteristics and infection outcome.


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Hb S-Sao Paulo (SP) [HBB:c.20A > T p.Glu6Val: c.196A > G p.Lys65Glu] is a new double-mutant hemoglobin that was found in heterozygosis in an 18-month-old Brazilian male with moderate anemia. It behaves like Hb S in acid electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing and solubility testing but shows different behavior in alkaline electrophoresis, cation-exchange HPLC and RP-HPLC. The variant is slightly unstable, showed reduced oxygen affinity and also appeared to form polymers more stable than the Hb S. Molecular dynamics simulation suggests that the polymerization is favored by interfacial electrostatic interactions. This provides a plausible explanation for some of the reported experimental observations. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Priapism, abnormally prolonged penile erection in the absence of sexual excitation, is associated with ischemia-mediated erectile tissue damage and subsequent erectile dysfunction. It is common among males with sickle cell disease (SCD), and SCD transgenic mice are an accepted model of the disorder. Current strategies to manage priapism suffer from a poor fundamental understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the disorder. Here we report that mice lacking adenosine deaminase (ADA), an enzyme necessary for the breakdown of adenosine, displayed unexpected priapic activity. ADA enzyme therapy successfully corrected the priapic activity both in vivo and in vitro, suggesting that it was dependent on elevated adenosine levels. Further genetic and pharmacologic evidence demonstrated that A2B adenosine receptor-mediated (A2BR-mediated) cAMP and cGMP induction was required for elevated adenosine-induced prolonged penile erection. Finally, priapic activity in SCD transgenic mice was also caused by elevated adenosine levels and A2BR activation. Thus, we have shown that excessive adenosine accumulation in the penis contributes to priapism through increased A2BR signaling in both Ada -/- and SCD transgenic mice. These findings provide insight regarding the molecular basis of priapism and suggest that strategies to either reduce adenosine or block A2BR activation may prove beneficial in the treatment of this disorder.


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BACKGROUND The mechanisms of childhood and perinatal arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) are poorly understood. Multiple risk factors include cerebral arteriopathy, congenital cardiac disease, infection, sickle cell disease, and maternal-fetal conditions in neonates. For infections and parainfectious conditions being the most important a possible inflammatory pathophysiology has long been suspected. This pilot study aims to detect, whether there are any abnormalities of inflammatory markers associated with childhood and neonatal stroke. METHODS The concentration of 23 different metalloproteinases (MMPs), tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs), endothelial factors, vascular cell adhesion proteins, and cytokines in plasma were measured in 12 children with AIS, 7 healthy age matched controls and 6 full term neonates with perinatal AIS. RESULTS At the time of the acute event children with AIS had significantly elevated levels of MMP-9, TIMP4, IL-6, IL-8 and CRP compared to controls (p < 0.05). Except for lower IL-6 and CRP levels the pattern of children with a history of varizella-zoster virus (VZV) and other viral infections did not differ to the non-infectious group. Median levels of MMP-1, MMP-2, TIMP-1, TIMP-2, sE-selectin, sICAM-1, sVCAM-1, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-alpha, VEGF, Fetuin A were found to be higher in the neonatal group when compared with older children. CONCLUSION This pilot study supports the assumption of an inflammatory process and up-regulation of metalloproteinases and their inhibitors, and altered pattern of circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines, CRP and vWF levels in pediatric and neonatal AIS. It highlights the feasibility but also difficulties for similar larger future studies that should aim to clarify childhood stroke etiopathogenesis and consecutive further therapeutic options.


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The role of clinical chemistry has traditionally been to evaluate acutely ill or hospitalized patients. Traditional statistical methods have serious drawbacks in that they use univariate techniques. To demonstrate alternative methodology, a multivariate analysis of covariance model was developed and applied to the data from the Cooperative Study of Sickle Cell Disease.^ The purpose of developing the model for the laboratory data from the CSSCD was to evaluate the comparability of the results from the different clinics. Several variables were incorporated into the model in order to control for possible differences among the clinics that might confound any real laboratory differences.^ Differences for LDH, alkaline phosphatase and SGOT were identified which will necessitate adjustments by clinic whenever these data are used. In addition, aberrant clinic values for LDH, creatinine and BUN were also identified.^ The use of any statistical technique including multivariate analysis without thoughtful consideration may lead to spurious conclusions that may not be corrected for some time, if ever. However, the advantages of multivariate analysis far outweigh its potential problems. If its use increases as it should, the applicability to the analysis of laboratory data in prospective patient monitoring, quality control programs, and interpretation of data from cooperative studies could well have a major impact on the health and well being of a large number of individuals. ^


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beta zero-Thalassemia is an inherited disorder characterized by the absence of beta-globin polypeptides derived from the affected allele. The molecular basis for this deficiency is a mutation of the adult beta-globin structural gene or cis regulatory elements that control beta-globin gene expression. A mouse model of this disease would enable the testing of therapeutic regimens designed to correct the defect. Here we report a 16-kb deletion that includes both adult beta-like globin genes, beta maj and beta min, in mouse embryonic stem cells. Heterozygous animals derived from the targeted cells are severely anemic with dramatically reduced hemoglobin levels, abnormal red cell morphology, splenomegaly, and markedly increased reticulocyte counts. Homozygous animals die in utero; however, heterozygous mice are fertile and transmit the deleted allele to progeny. The anemic phenotype is completely rescued in progeny derived from mating beta zero-thalassemic animals with transgenic mice expressing high levels of human hemoglobin A. The beta zero-thalassemic mice can be used to test genetic therapies for beta zero-thalassemia and can be bred with transgenic mice expressing high levels of human hemoglobin HbS to produce an improved mouse model of sickle cell disease.


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O ensino dos processos de julgamento clínico e de raciocínio diagnóstico para estudantes de enfermagem torna-se cada vez mais importante para a qualificação dos cursos de graduação em enfermagem e alcance do compromisso com a formação clínica por excelência do enfermeiro, em uma realidade de saúde cada vez mais complexa. Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar o julgamento clínico e o raciocínio diagnóstico de estudantes de enfermagem, correlacionar estes dois processos e identificar diferenças entre estudantes da fase intermediária e os concluintes do curso, de uma Escola do interior paulista. Para avaliar o julgamento clínico, construímos um cenário de simulação clínica de alta-fidelidade, representando uma paciente com anemia falciforme em crise de dor e, ainda, traduzimos e adaptamos à cultura brasileira o instrumento Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric (LASATER, 2007); para avaliar o raciocínio diagnóstico, utilizamos o instrumento já adaptado por Rodrigues (2012) denominado de Inventário de Raciocínio Diagnóstico (BORDAGE; GRANT; MARSDEN, 1990). Os resultados demonstraram que os estudantes de enfermagem apresentaram, predominantemente, nível Proficiente na maioria das dimensões de julgamento clínico (66,7% dos estudantes do grupo concluinte e 56,5% dos estudantes do grupo intermediário). Já para o raciocínio diagnóstico, a maioria dos estudantes foi considerada com ampla habilidade para realizar diagnósticos de enfermagem (91,3% dos estudantes do grupo intermediário e 83,4% dos estudantes do grupo concluinte). Destaca-se que dos concluintes 11,1% apresentaram habilidade máxima. Os estudantes do último ano de graduação em enfermagem apresentaram desempenho superior na fase de interpretação do julgamento clínico (p=0,021). Não se observou diferença entre os grupos para o raciocínio diagnóstico (p=0,334). Houve moderada correlação entre julgamento clínico e raciocínio diagnóstico; e ainda, a fase de reconhecimento do julgamento clínico apresentou-se moderadamente correlacionada ao processo de raciocínio diagnóstico. Considerando que o raciocínio diagnóstico está presente no processo de julgamento clínico, principalmente no momento da investigação do caso clínico (fase Reconhecimento do julgamento clínico) e que as habilidades de raciocinio diagnóstico se manifestam predominantemente nesta fase, a compreensão e o desenvolvimento destes processos pelos estudantes devem ser valorizados nos currículos de graduação em enfermagem