995 resultados para Shear bands


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The weakening mechanisms involved in the collapse of complex impact craters are controversial. The Araguainha impact crater, in Brazil, exposes a complex structure of 40 km in diameter, and is an excellent object to address this issue. Its core is dominated by granite. In addition to microstructural observations, magnetic studies reveal its internal fabric acquired during the collapse phase. All granite samples exhibit impact-related planar deformation features (PDFs) and planar fractures (PFs), which were overprinted by cataclasis. Cataclastic deformation has evolved from incipient brittle fracturing to the development of discrete shear bands in the center of the structure. Fracture planes are systematically decorated by tiny grains (<10 mu m) of magnetite and hematite, and the orientation of magnetic lineation and magnetic foliation obtained by the anisotropies of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and anhysteretic remanence (AAR) are perfectly coaxial in all studied sites. Therefore, we could track the orientation of deformation features which are decorated by iron oxides using the AMS and AAR. The magnetic fabrics show a regular pattern at the borders of the central peak, with orientations consistent with the fabric of sediments at the crater's inner collar and complex in the center of the structure. Both the cataclastic flow revealed from microstructural observations and the structural pattern of the magnetic anisotropy match the predictions from numerical models of complex impact structures. The widespread occurrence of cataclasis in the central peak, and its orientations revealed by magnetic studies indicate that acoustic fluidization likely operates at all scales, including the mineral scales. The cataclastic flow made possible by acoustic fluidization results in an apparent plastic deformation at the macroscopic scale in the core. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Diese Doktorarbeit untersucht das Verhalten von komplexenFluidenunter Scherung, insbesondere den Einfluss von Scherflüssenauf dieStrukturbildung.Dazu wird ein Modell dieser entworfen, welches imRahmen von Molekulardynamiksimulationen verwendet wird.Zunächst werden Gleichgewichtseigenschaften dieses Modellsuntersucht.Hierbei wird unter anderem die Lage desOrdnungs--Unordnungsübergangs von derisotropen zur lamellaren Phase der Dimere bestimmt.Der Einfluss von Scherflüssen auf diese lamellare Phase wirdnununtersucht und mit analytischen Theorien verglichen. Die Scherung einer parallelen lamellaren Phase ruft eineNeuausrichtung des Direktors in Flussrichtung hervor.Das verursacht eine Verminderung der Schichtdicke mitsteigender Scherrateund führt oberhalb eines Schwellwertes zu Ondulationen.Ein vergleichbares Verhalten wird auch in lamellarenSystemengefunden, an denen in Richtung des Direktors gezogen wird.Allerdings wird festgestellt, dass die Art der Bifurkationenin beidenFällen unterschiedlich ist.Unter Scherung wird ein Übergang von Lamellen parallelerAusrichtung zu senkrechter gefunden.Dabei wird beoachtet, dass die Scherspannung in senkrechterOrientierungniedriger als in der parallelen ist.Dies führt unter bestimmten Bedingungen zum Auftreten vonScherbändern, was auch in Simulationen beobachtet wird. Es ist gelungen mit einem einfachen Modell viele Apsekte desVerhalten vonkomplexen Fluiden wiederzugeben. Die Strukturbildung hängt offensichtlich nurbedingt von lokalen Eigenschaften der Moleküle ab.


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Mögliche Verformungsmechanismen, die zu den verschiedenen Glimmer- und Mineralfischen führen, sind: intrakristalline Verformung, Kristallrotation, Biegung und Faltung, Drucklösung in Kombination mit Ausfällung und dynamische Rekristallisation oder Mechanismen, die ein großes Mineral in mehrere kleine, fischförmige Kristalle aufspalten.Experimente mit ein neues Verformungsgerät und Objekten in zwei verschiedenen Matrixmaterialien werden beschrieben. Das eine ist PDMS, (Newtonianisch viskoses Polymer), und das andere Tapioca Perlen (Mohr-Couloumb Verhalten). Die Rotation von fischförmigen Objekten in PDMS stimmt mit der theoretischen Rotationsrate für ellipsenförmige Objekte in einem Newtonianischen Material überein. In einer Matrix von Tapioca Perlen nehmen die Objekte eine stabile Lage ein. Diese Orientierung ist vergleichbar mit der von Glimmerfischen. Die Verformung in der Matrix von Tapioca Perlen ist konzentriert auf dünne Scherzonen. Diese Ergebnisse implizieren, daß die Verformung in natürlichen Gesteinen auch in dünnen Scherzonen konzentriert ist.Computersimulationen werden beschrieben, mit denen der Einfluß der Eigenschaften einer Matrix auf die Rotation von Objekten und Verteilung von Deformation untersucht wird.Mit diesen Experimenten wird gezeigt, daß die Orientierung von Glimmerfischen nicht mit Verformung in einem nicht-linearen viskosen Material erklärt werden kann. Eine solche nicht-lineare Rheologie wird im Allgemeinen für die Erdkurste angenommen. Die stabile Orientierung eines Objektes kann mit weicheren Lagen in der Matrix erklärt werden.


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High-speed imaging directly correlates the propagation of a particular shear band with mechanical measurements during uniaxial compression of a bulk metallic glass. Imaging shows shear occurs simultaneously over the entire shear plane, and load data, synced and time-stamped to the same clock as the camera, reveal that shear sliding is coincident with the load drop of each serration. Digital image correlation agrees with these results. These data demonstrate that shear band sliding occurs with velocities on the order of millimeters per second. Fracture occurs much more rapidly than the shear banding events, thereby readily leading to melting on fracture surfaces.


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We report mineral chemistry, whole-rock major element compositions, and trace element analyses on Hole 735B samples drilled and selected during Leg 176. We discuss these data, together with Leg 176 shipboard data and Leg 118 sample data from the literature, in terms of primary igneous petrogenesis. Despite mineral compositional variation in a given sample, major constituent minerals in Hole 735B gabbroic rocks display good chemical equilibrium as shown by significant correlations among Mg# (= Mg/[Mg + Fe2+]) of olivine, clinopyroxene, and orthopyroxene and An (=Ca/[Ca + Na]) of plagioclase. This indicates that the mineral assemblages olivine + plagioclase in troctolite, plagioclase + clinopyroxene in gabbro, plagioclases + clinopyroxene + olivine in olivine gabbro, and plagioclase + clinopyroxene + olivine + orthopyroxene in gabbronorite, and so on, have all coprecipitated from their respective parental melts. Fe-Ti oxides (ilmenite and titanomagnetite), which are ubiquitous in most of these rocks, are not in chemical equilibrium with olivine, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase, but precipitated later at lower temperatures. Disseminated oxides in some samples may have precipitated from trapped Fe-Ti-rich melts. Oxides that concentrate along shear bands/zones may mark zones of melt coalescence/transport expelled from the cumulate sequence as a result of compaction or filter pressing. Bulk Hole 735B is of cumulate composition. The most primitive olivine, with Fo = 0.842, in Hole 735B suggests that the most primitive melt parental to Hole 735B lithologies must have Mg# 0.637, which is significantly less than Mg# = 0.714 of bulk Hole 735B. This suggests that a significant mass fraction of more evolved products is needed to balance the high Mg# of the bulk hole. Calculations show that 25%-45% of average Eastern Atlantis II Fracture Zone basalt is needed to combine with 55%-75% of bulk Hole 735B rocks to give a melt of Mg# 0.637, parental to the most primitive Hole 735B cumulate. On the other hand, the parental melt with Mg# 0.637 is far too evolved to be in equilibrium with residual mantle olivine of Fo > 0.89. Therefore, a significant mass fraction of more primitive cumulate (e.g., high Mg# dunite and troctolite) is yet to be sampled. This hidden cumulate could well be deep in the lower crust or simply in the mantle section. We favor the latter because of the thickened cold thermal boundary layer atop the mantle beneath slow-spreading ridges, where cooling and crystallization of ascending mantle melts is inevitable. These observations and data interpretation require reconsideration of the popular concept of primary mantle melts and relationships among the extent of mantle melting, melt production, and the composition and thickness of igneous crust.


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An experimental and numerical study of ballistic impacts on steel plates at various temperatures (700ºC, 400ºC and room temperature) has been carried out. The motivation for this work is the blade‐off event that may occur inside a jet engine turbine. However, as a first attempt to understand this complex loading process, a somewhat simpler approach is carried out in the present work. The material used in this study is the FV535 martensitic stainless steel, which is one of the most commonly used materials for turbine casings. Based on material test data, a Modified Johnson‐Cook (MJC) model was calibrated for numerical simulations using the LS‐DYNA explicit finite element code (see Figure 1). To check the mesh size sensitivity, 2D axisymmetric finite element models with three different mesh sizes and configurations were used for the various temperatures. Two fixed meshes with 64 and 128 elements over the 2mm thick plate and one mesh with 32 elements over the thickness with adaptive remeshing were used in the simulations. The formation of adiabatic shear bands in the perforation process has been found critical in order to achieve good results. Adiabatic shear bands are formed by the temperature rise due to the accumulation of plastic strain during impact (see Figure 2). The influence of the thermal softening in the plastic model has hence been analyzed for the room temperature impact tests, where the temperature gradient is highest


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A numerical and experimental study of ballistic impacts at various temperatures on precipitation hardened Inconel 718 nickel-base superalloy plates has been performed. A coupled elastoplastic-damage constitutive model with Lode angle dependent failure criterion has been implemented in LS-DYNA non-linear finite element code to model the mechanical behaviour of such an alloy. The ballistic impact tests have been carried out at three temperatures: room temperature (25 °C), 400 °C and 700 °C. The numerical study showed that the mesh size is crucial to predict correctly the shear bands detected in the tested plates. Moreover, the mesh size convergence has been achieved for element sizes on the same order that the shear bands. The residual velocity as well as the ballistic limit prediction has been considered excellent for high temperature ballistic tests. Nevertheless, the model has been less accurate for the numerical simulations performed at room temperature, being though in reasonable agreement with the experimental data. Additionally, the influence that the Lode angle had on quasi-static failure patterns such as cup-cone and slanted failure has been studied numerically. The study has revealed that the combined action of weakened constitutive equations and Lode angle dependent failure criterion has been necessary to predict the previously-mentioned failure patterns


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Cu-based bulk metallic glass (BMG) composites containing in situ TiB particles were successfully fabricated. The reinforcing TiB particles with a size of 5-10 mu m are uniformly distributed in the amorphous matrix. The particles have a good bonding to the matrix with a reaction layer. The BMG composites exhibit an obvious ductility with a plastic strain of 2% for the 17.5 vol.% TiB sample due to the suppression of shear band propagation and the generation of multiple shear bands during compressive testing. The hardness of the materials is increased from Hv543 for monolithic BMG to Hv650 for 23.6 vol.% TiB-containing BMG composite. (c) 2006 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Deformation microstructures in two batches of commercially pure copper (A and B) of allnost similar composition have been studied after rolling reductions from 5% to 95%. X- ray diffraction, optical metallography, scanning electron microscopy in the back-scattered mode, transmission and scanning electron microscopy have been used to examine the deformation microstructure. At low strains (~10 %) the deformation is accommodated by uniform octahedral slip. Microbands that occur as sheet like features usually on the {111} slip planes are formed after 10% reduction. The misorientations between rnicrobonds ond the matrix are usually small (1 - 2° ) and the dislocations within the bands suggest that a single slip system has been operative. The number of microbands increases with strain, they start to cluster and rotate after 60% reduction and, after 90 %, they become almost perfectly aligned with the rolling direction. There were no detectable differences in deformation microstructure between the two materials up to a deformation level of 60% but subsequently, copper B started to develop shear bands which became very profuse by 90% reduction. By contrast, copper A at this stage of deformation developed a smooth laminated structure. This difference in the deformation microstructures has been attributed to traces of unknown impurity in D which inhibit recovery of work hardening. The preferred orientations of both were typical of deformed copper although the presence of shear bands was associated wth a slightly weaker texture. The effects of rolling temperature and grain size on deformation microstructure were also investigated. It was concluded that lowering the rolling temperature or increasing the initial grain size encourages the material to develop shear bands after heavy deformation. Recovery and recrystallization have been studied in both materials during annealing. During recrystallization the growth of new grains showed quite different characteristics in the two cases. Where shear bands were present these acted as nucleation sites and produced a wide spread of recrystallized grain orientations. The resulting annealing textures were very weak. In the absence of shear bands, nucleation occurs by a remarkably long range bulging process which creates the cube orientation and an intensely sharp annealing texture. Cube oriented regions occur in long bands of highly elongated and well recovered cells which contain long range cumulative micorientations. They are transition bands with structural characteristics ideally suited for nucleation of recrystallization. Shear banding inhibits the cube texture both by creating alternative nuclei and by destroying the microstructural features necessary for cube nucleation.


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Instabilities of plastic flow in the form of localised shear bands were experimentally observed to result from equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) of magnesium alloy AZ31. The appearance of shear bands and their spacing were dependent on velocity of the pressing and applied back-pressure. A generic gradient plasticity theory involving second-order strain gradient terms in a constitutive model was applied to the case of AZ31 deformed by ECAP. Linear stability analysis was applied to the set of equations describing the deformation behaviour in the process zone idealised as a planar shear zone. A full analytical solution providing a dispersion relation between the rate of growth of a perturbation and the wave number was obtained. It was shown that the pattern of incipient localised shear bands exhibits a spectrum of characteristic lengths corresponding to admissible wave numbers. The interval of the spectrum of wave numbers of viable, i.e. growing, perturbations predicted by linear stability analysis was shown to be in good agreement with the experimentally observed spectrum. The effect of back-pressure applied during ECAP was also considered. The predicted displacement of the shear band spectrum towards lower wave numbers, shown to be a result of the decreased shear strain rate in the shear zone, was consistent with the experimentally observed increase of the band spacing with increased back-pressure. A good predictive capability of the general modelling frame used in conjunction with linear stability analysis was thus demonstrated in the instance of the particular alloy system and the specific processing conditions considered.


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The crush bands that form during plastic deformation of closed-cell metal foams are often inclined at 11-20 degrees to the loading axis, allowing for shear displacement of one part of the foam with respect to the other. Such displacement is prevented by the presence of a lateral constraint. This was analysed in this study, which shows that resistance against shear by the constraint leads to the strain-hardening effect in the foam that has been reported in a recent experimental study. (C) 2009 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the details of experimental studies on the shear behaviour of a recently developed, cold-formed steel beam known as LiteSteel Beam (LSB). The LSB section has a unique shape of a channel beam with two rectangular hollow flanges and is produced by a patented manufacturing process involving simultaneous cold-forming and dual electric resistance welding. To date, no research has been undertaken on the shear behaviour of LiteSteel beams with torsionally rigid, rectangular hollow flanges. In the present investigation, experimental studies involving more than 30 shear tests were carried out to investigate the shear behaviour of 13 different LSB sections. It was found that the current design rules in cold-formed steel structures design codes are very conservative for the shear design of LiteSteel beams. Significant improvements to web shear buckling occurred due to the presence of rectangular hollow flanges while considerable post-buckling strength was also observed. Experimental results are presented and compared with corresponding predictions from the current design codes in this paper. Appropriate improvements have been proposed for the shear strength of LSBs based on AS/NZS 4600 design equations.