883 resultados para Services marketing
This study extends understanding of consumers' decisions to adopt transformative services delivered via technology. It incorporates competitive effects into the model of goal-directed behavior which, in keeping with the majority of consumer decision making models, neglects to explicitly account for competition. A goal-level operationalization of competition, incorporating both direct and indirect competition, is proposed. A national web-based survey collected data from 431 respondents about their decisions to adopt mental health services delivered via mobile phone. The findings show that the extent to which consumers perceived using these transformative services to be more instrumental to achieving their goals than competition had the greatest impact on their adoption decisions. This finding builds on the limited empirical evidence for the inclusion of competitive effects to more fully explain consumers' decisions to adopt technology-based and other services. It also provides support for a broader operationalization of competition with respect to consumers' personal goals.
The rapid change of technological trends in the marketplace has increased the difficulty for social marketers to reach consumers using traditional marketing channels (Della et al., 2008). Traditionally, social marketing interventions have typically used more conventional supporting products and services such as water counters for water conservation or condoms for sex safety. However, recently social marketers are witnessing the diminishing effectiveness of more traditional social products and services in encouraging the uptake and maintenance of behaviour. In light of the technological trends in the marketplace and diminishing effect of previous social products and services (Lefebvre, 2009), social marketers have been encouraged to look to alternate means of delivering valuable offerings...
Purpose - This study investigates the relationship marketing (RM) strategy of a retail bank and examines whether - after its implementation - customer relationships were strengthened through perceived improvements in the banking relationship and consequent loyalty towards the bank. Design/methodology/approach - A survey was conducted on two profitability segments, of which the more profitable segment had been directly exposed to a customer oriented RM strategy, whereas the less profitable segment had been subjected to more sales oriented marketing communications. Findings - No significant differences were found between the segments on customers’ evaluations of the service relationship or their loyalty toward the bank. Furthermore regression analysis revealed that relationship satisfaction was less important as a determinant of loyalty in the more profitable segment. Research limitations/implications - This study was conducted as a case study of one specific branch of a bank group in Finland, which limits the external validity of its results. It was not possible to ascertain if, or to what extent, customers of the more profitable segment had received the intended RM treatment. Other limitations are also discussed. Practical implications - Customer orientation is desirable within retail banking and more studies are needed on the differential drivers of loyalty across customer profitability segments. By identifying the aspects of a banking relationship that are more highly valued among more profitable customers than among less profitable customers, bank managers would be able to more effectively devise appropriate strategies for different segments. Originality/value - The study contributes to the RM literature and marketing of financial services by providing empirical evidence of the effects of RM activities on customer relationship perceptions in different profitability segments.
The study concerns service management, and specifically the action service firms take with regard to customer dissatisfaction, customer complaints and complaining customers in high touch services. Customer dissatisfaction, customer complaints and complaining customers are called negative incidents in the study. The study fills a research gap in service management studies by investigating negative incidents as a part of an open service system. In contrast to main stream service management studies defining service quality as how the customer as a consumer defines it, in the present study, the concept of interactive service quality is adopted. The customer is considered as a co-producer of service who thus has a role to play in service quality and productivity. Additionally, the study juxtaposes the often opposed perspectives of the manager and the customer as well as the often forgotten silent voices of service employees and supervisors. The study proposes that the service firm as an entity does not act but it is the actors at the different hierarchical layers who act. Additionally, it is acknowledged in the study that the different actors at the different hierarchical layers have different knowledge of the service system and different objectives for service encounters. Therefore, they interpret the negative incidents from different perspectives and their actions upon negative incidents are subsequently guided by their interpretations. The research question is: how do service firms act upon negative incidents in high touch services? In order to answer to the research question a narrative research approach was chosen. The actors at the different hierarchical layers acted as informants of the study and provided stories about customer dissatisfaction, customer complaining and complaint handling in high touch services. Through storytelling, access to the socially constructed reality of service firms’ action was achieved. Stemming from the literature review, analysis of empirical data and my theoretical thinking, a theory about service firms’ action upon negative incidents in high touch services was developed and the research question was answered. The study contributes to service recovery and complaint management studies as well as to studies on customer orientation and its implementation in service firms. Additionally, the study has a methodological contribution to service management studies since it reflects service firms’ action with narratives from multiple perspectives. The study is positioned in the tradition of the Nordic School of Marketing Thought and presents service firms’ action upon negative incidents in high touch services as a complex human-centered phenomenon in which the actors at the different hierarchical layers have crucial roles to play. Ritva Höykinpuro is associated with CERS, the Centre for Relationship Marketing and Service Management at Hanken School of Economics.
The goods-dominated marketing model has major shortcomings as a guiding marketing theory. Its marketing mix approach is mainly geared towards buying and does not include consumption as an integral part of marketing theory. Although it is during the process of consuming goods and services that value is generated for customers and the foundation for repeat purchasing and customer relationships are laid, this process is left outside the scope of marketing. The focus in service marketing is not on a product but on interactions in service encounters. Consumption has become an integral part of a holistic marketing model. Other than standardized goods-based value propositions can be better understood when taking a servicebased approach. It is concluded that marketing based on a goods logic is but a special case of marketing based on a service logic and applicable only in certain contexts with standardized products.
The discussion of a service-dominant logic has made the findings of decades of service marketing research a topic of interest for marketing at large. Some fundamental aspects of the logic such as value creation and its marketing implications are more complex than they have been treated as so far and need to be further developed to serve marketing theory and practice well. Following the analysis in the present article it is argued that although customers are co-producers in service processes, according to the value-in-use notion adopted in the contemporary marketing and management literature they are fundamentally the creators of value for themselves. Furthermore, it is concluded that although by providing goods and services as input resources into customers’ consumption and value-generating processes firms are fundamentally value facilitators, interactions with customers that exist or can be created enable firms to engage themselves with their customers’ processes and thereby they become co-creators of value with their customers. As marketing implications it is observed that 1) the goal of marketing is to support customers’ value creation, 2) following a service logic and due to the existence of interactions where the firm’s and the customer’s processes merge into an integrated joint value creation process, the firm is not restricted to making value propositions only, but can directly and actively influence the customer’s value fulfilment as well and extend its marketing process to include activities during customer-firm interactions, and 3) although all goods and services are consumed as service, customers’ purchasing decisions can be expected to be dependant of whether they have the skills and interest to use a resource, such as a good, as service or want to buy extended market offerings including process-related elements. Finally, the analysis concludes with five service logic theses.
[ES] Este trabajo trata de profundizar en la comprensión del concepto de marketing interno (MI), considerado como un recurso operante desde la óptica de la Lógica Dominante del Servicio (LDS), así como en su influencia en la obtención de resultados empresariales superiores a los de la competencia. Para ello, se examina el efecto del MI en la predisposición de las empresas analizadas a que sus clientes y empleados de primera línea participen en el desarrollo de innovaciones de servicio, ampliando de este modo, de acuerdo con la LDS, las oportunidades de co-creación de valor disponibles para las organizaciones. Para contrastar las hipótesis planteadas se aplica un análisis de ecuaciones estructurales a la información facilitada por los gerentes de 240 hoteles de una muestra de ámbito nacional.
Objective: analyze and propose a theoretical model that describes blood donor decisions to help staff working in blood banks (nurses and others) in their efforts to capture and retain donors. Methods: analysis of several studies on the motivations to give blood in Spain over the last six years, as well as past literature on the topic, the authors' experiences in the last 25 years in over 15 Non Governmental Organizations with different levels of responsibilities, their experiences as blood donors and the informal interviews developed during those 25 years. Results: a model is proposed with different internal and external factors that influence blood donation, as well as the different stages of the decision-making process. Conclusion: the knowledge of the donation process permits the development of marketing strategies that help to increase donors and donations.
A Freguesia de Jacarepaguá, do Rio de Janeiro, nos últimos cinco anos recebeu mais de 80 lançamentos. Juntamente com a Barra da Tijuca, vem sendo um dos principais alvos do mercado imobiliário carioca, correspondendo a 95% das construções da cidade. Tornou-se bairro na década de 1980. Nas últimas décadas, tem sido foco de expansão urbana. Foi escolhida como espaço privilegiado para a análise das construções e práticas discursivas do mercado imobiliário. O objetivo foi entender o processo de comercialização e lançamento das habitações. Anúncios e materiais de propaganda de 52 empreendimentos permitiram identificar 21 grupos de discursos, ancorados em enunciados e imagens do verde, de famílias felizes e inúmeros itens de lazer que se constituíram em objetos de análise. Novos conceitos e produtos habitacionais são postos no mercado com o uso de inúmeras táticas e estratégias, embasadas no imaginário carioca do verde local e no ideário da casa própria. O marketing dos discursos é utilizado como produtor de sentido sobre o consumidor, sujeito urbano hipermoderno, desejoso de segurança, maior qualidade de vida, sustentabilidade, novos luxos e facilidades a sua disposição. O discurso sedutor é voltado para uma sociedade de consumo, onde inovações mercadológicas, crescentes facilidades financeiras e de crédito fomentam e retroalimentam o desejo e o sonho da casa própria. O crescente número de unidades lançadas estimula a concorrência, assume o posto de investimento lucrativo e fomenta a lógica de uma economia neoliberal. Paradoxalmente, destrói a casa-oïkos planetária. A nova habitação ganha itens ecoeficientes, certificações ecológicas e itens de entretenimento, serviços e lazer que extrapolam as necessidades básicas de abrigo e proteção para atingir o encantamento e o novo status do público alvo: o consumidor da classe média. Surgem novos conceitos de moradia, spas, clubes e boutiques. O mundo urbano é transportado para dentro dos muros. O espaço da habitação ganha inúmeros atributos de distinção e consumo. Desta forma, o produto habitação assume definitivamente a categoria de bem de consumo.
(ES)Este trabajo de fin de grado, se centra en conocer y comprender la singularidad del marketing aplicado a los servicios financieros atendiendo a sus características, aplicaciones, desarrollos y funciones y objetivos. Para ello, el trabajo comenzará por un análisis teórico elaborado tras la revisión crítica de la bibliografía referenciada al final del trabajo. Continuará con un estudio empírico en el que analizaremos diferentes estrategias y acciones de marketing llevadas a cabo por dos entidades bancarias españolas de características diferentes: BBVA y EVO Banco. Por último, concluiremos el trabajo con la enumeración de las principales conclusiones extraídas de nuestra investigación y en relación a la Bibliografía y Webgrafía consultada.
El trabajo que se presenta a continuación es un plan de marketing para la empresa Gastronomía Vasca, concretamente, para el desarrollo de uno de sus servicios, Menú 2.0, el cual se creó en 2012 y para el que se pretende establecer el camino de crecimiento para el periodo 2015/2016. Para la determinación del modo en el que desarrollar este crecimiento, en primer lugar, se va a analizar la situación en la que se encuentra actualmente tanto a nivel interno como respecto del entorno. Esto nos permitirá detectar las fortalezas y las debilidades que presenta la empresa, así como las amenazas y las oportunidades que le ofrece el entorno, y a partir de las cuales se definirán los objetivos que deben establecerse para Menú 2.0. Por último, tras la definición de los objetivos, se establecerán las estrategias y las acciones que se han de realizar para el cumplimiento de éstos. Además, se establecerán métodos de control para que la empresa pueda medir durante el desarrollo del plan, el cumplimiento de los objetivos planteados.
Aquaculture is currently responsible for an insignificant proportion of total fish production in Uganda. However, given the increasing demand for fresh fish in urban and peri-urban araes, and threats to the supply of fish from natural catch fisheries, the potential exists for a strong market in aquaculture. Small-scale fish farmers located relatively close to markets or all-season roads, and who can supply consistent and high quality produce, will have the widest range of marketing opportunities, and will likely be within the area of operation of potential traders and intermediaries that deliver fish to markets. Fish farmers that are not close to roads, or produce unreliable quantities and variable quality products may face high transaction costs of marketing their product, and decreasing net returns to production. The authors found that significant on-farm labor, and access to input markets are important factors leading to positive net returns to fish production. Areas with high population density and relatively low wages will be well suited to labor intensive aquaculture. The authors concluded that aquaculture development has good potential in certain areas of Uganda and should therefore be pursued as a potential development pathway. However, policy makers should consider the importance of the price of fresh fish relative to the cost of labor, as well as other factors including the importance of smallholder credit and access to extension services, when directing investments in aquaculture technology.
Published and unpublished research findings regarding charter and headboat fishing customers from 11 studies were reviewed to provide a marketing data base for operators and to guide further research efforts. Generally, charter/headboat fishing is a male-oriented activity. Customers were between 30 and 55 years of age. Although both groups of anglers considered themselves to be experienced, charterboat anglers had fished for more years. Charter anglers fished more often with their families and headboat anglers more often with their friends. Charterboat anglers reported higher incomes than headboat anglers. Relaxation, having fun, and escaping from daily pressures were generally more important to both groups of anglers than motives relative to catching fish. Most anglers indicated that the skills and performance of the captain and crew contributed heavily to the overall evaluation of their fishing experience. Anglers were more heavily influenced to choose a particular captain or boat by informal advertising methods (i.e., word-of-mouth recommendations, reputation, and visits to the marina) than formal methods (i.e., advertisements, brochures, radio, and television). Charter anglers relied more on word-of-mouth recommendations and headboat customers were more influenced by previous experiences. Implications for further research are discussed.