999 resultados para Sequential Release


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Limitations in quality bedding material have resulted in the growing need to re-use litter during broiler farming in some countries, which can be of concern from a food-safety perspective. The aim of this study was to compare the Campylobacter levels in ceca and litter across three litter treatments under commercial farming conditions. The litter treatments were (a) the use of new litter after each farming cycle; (b) an Australian partial litter re-use practice; and (c) a full litter re-use practice. The study was carried out on two farms over two years (Farm 1, from 2009–2010 and Farm 2, from 2010–2011), across three sheds (35,000 to 40,000 chickens/shed) on each farm, adopting three different litter treatments across six commercial cycles. A random sampling design was adopted to test litter and ceca for Campylobacter and Escherichia coli, prior to commercial first thin-out and final pick-up. Campylobacter levels varied little across litter practices and farming cycles on each farm and were in the range of log 8.0–9.0 CFU/g in ceca and log 4.0–6.0 MPN/g for litter. Similarly the E. coli in ceca were ∼log 7.0 CFU/g. At first thin-out and final pick-up, the statistical analysis for both litter and ceca showed that the three-way interaction (treatments by farms by times) was highly significant (P < 0.01), indicating that the patterns of Campylobacter emergence/presence across time vary between the farms, cycles and pickups. The emergence and levels of both organisms were not influenced by litter treatments across the six farming cycles on both farms. Either C. jejuni or C. coli could be the dominant species across litter and ceca, and this phenomenon could not be attributed to specific litter treatments. Irrespective of the litter treatments in place, cycle 2 on Farm 2 remained campylobacter-free. These outcomes suggest that litter treatments did not directly influence the time of emergence and levels of Campylobacter and E. coli during commercial farming.


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A simple yet efficient method for the minimization of incompletely specified sequential machines (ISSMs) is proposed. Precise theorems are developed, as a consequence of which several compatibles can be deleted from consideration at the very first stage in the search for a minimal closed cover. Thus, the computational work is significantly reduced. Initial cardinality of the minimal closed cover is further reduced by a consideration of the maximal compatibles (MC's) only; as a result the method converges to the solution faster than the existing procedures. "Rank" of a compatible is defined. It is shown that ordering the compatibles, in accordance with their rank, reduces the number of comparisons to be made in the search for exclusion of compatibles. The new method is simple, systematic, and programmable. It does not involve any heuristics or intuitive procedures. For small- and medium-sized machines, it canle used for hand computation as well. For one of the illustrative examples used in this paper, 30 out of 40 compatibles can be ignored in accordance with the proposed rules and the remaining 10 compatibles only need be considered for obtaining a minimal solution.


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A spatial sampling design that uses pair-copulas is presented that aims to reduce prediction uncertainty by selecting additional sampling locations based on both the spatial configuration of existing locations and the values of the observations at those locations. The novelty of the approach arises in the use of pair-copulas to estimate uncertainty at unsampled locations. Spatial pair-copulas are able to more accurately capture spatial dependence compared to other types of spatial copula models. Additionally, unlike traditional kriging variance, uncertainty estimates from the pair-copula account for influence from measurement values and not just the configuration of observations. This feature is beneficial, for example, for more accurate identification of soil contamination zones where high contamination measurements are located near measurements of varying contamination. The proposed design methodology is applied to a soil contamination example from the Swiss Jura region. A partial redesign of the original sampling configuration demonstrates the potential of the proposed methodology.


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This thesis investigated how a year-4 teacher used a pedagogical approach referred to as the Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) model of instruction for teaching Science Inquiry Skills in a primary classroom. Through scaffolding her students' learning using the GRR, the teacher guided her students towards developing an understanding about Scientific Inquiry leading to the foundations of scientific literacy. A learning environment was established in which students engaged in rich conversations, designed and conducted experiments using fair testing procedures, analysed and offered justifications for results, and negotiated knowledge claims in ways similar to some of those in the scientific community.


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STUDIES with rats have shown that during lactation there is an inhibition of luteinising hormone (LH)-dependent physiological events, such as implantation1, and a return to oestrus cyclicity2. This inhibition has been shown to occur only during the intense suckling phase and it has been correlated with the high levels of prolactin present in the circulation at this time. Although exogenous prolactin could substitute for the effects of intense suckling, it could do so only under the permissive influence of minimal suckling stimulus. We have shown that there is, in these conditions, a lowering of LH levels, and that this is due to interference by prolactin with the pituitary responsiveness to LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) (K. Muralidhar, R. M. and N. R. M., unpublished). Using the lactating monkey, we have now demonstrated a similar inhibitory effect of prolactin on pituitary responsiveness to LHRH, suggesting a mechanism by which amenorrhoeic conditions are maintained during lactation.


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A simple procedure for the state minimization of an incompletely specified sequential machine whose number of internal states is not very large is presented. It introduces the concept of a compatibility graph from which the set of maximal compatibles of the machine can be very conveniently derived. Primary and secondary implication trees associated with each maximal compatible are then constructed. The minimal state machine covering the incompletely specified machine is then obtained from these implication trees.


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Characterising the release of different types of Engineered Nanoparticles (ENPs) from various processes is of critical importance for the assessment of human exposure, as well as understanding the possible health effects of these particles. Therefore, the main aim of this chapter is to present a comprehensive review of studies which report on the release of airborne ENPs in different nanotechnology workplaces. The chapter will cover topics of relevance to the occupational characterisation of ENP emissions, ranging from the identification of different particle release sources and scenarios, to measurement methods and working towards a more uniform approach to characterisation. Furthermore, a brief review of ENP exposure control strategies, together with the application of mathematical modelling as an effective tool for the characterisation of emissions at nanotechnology workplaces is included.


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Background Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is an immune-mediated arthritis particularly targeting the spine and pelvis and is characterised by inflammation, osteoproliferation and frequently ankylosis. Current treatments that predominately target inflammatory pathways have disappointing efficacy in slowing disease progression. Thus, a better understanding of the causal association and pathological progression from inflammation to bone formation, particularly whether inflammation directly initiates osteoproliferation, is required. Methods The proteoglycan-induced spondylitis (PGISp) mouse model of AS was used to histopathologically map the progressive axial disease events, assess molecular changes during disease progression and define disease progression using unbiased clustering of semi-quantitative histology. PGISp mice were followed over a 24-week time course. Spinal disease was assessed using a novel semi-quantitative histological scoring system that independently evaluated the breadth of pathological features associated with PGISp axial disease, including inflammation, joint destruction and excessive tissue formation (osteoproliferation). Matrix components were identified using immunohistochemistry. Results Disease initiated with inflammation at the periphery of the intervertebral disc (IVD) adjacent to the longitudinal ligament, reminiscent of enthesitis, and was associated with upregulated tumor necrosis factor and metalloproteinases. After a lag phase, established inflammation was temporospatially associated with destruction of IVDs, cartilage and bone. At later time points, advanced disease was characterised by substantially reduced inflammation, excessive tissue formation and ectopic chondrocyte expansion. These distinct features differentiated affected mice into early, intermediate and advanced disease stages. Excessive tissue formation was observed in vertebral joints only if the IVD was destroyed as a consequence of the early inflammation. Ectopic excessive tissue was predominantly chondroidal with chondrocyte-like cells embedded within collagen type II- and X-rich matrix. This corresponded with upregulation of mRNA for cartilage markers Col2a1, sox9 and Comp. Osteophytes, though infrequent, were more prevalent in later disease. Conclusions The inflammation-driven IVD destruction was shown to be a prerequisite for axial disease progression to osteoproliferation in the PGISp mouse. Osteoproliferation led to vertebral body deformity and fusion but was never seen concurrent with persistent inflammation, suggesting a sequential process. The findings support that early intervention with anti-inflammatory therapies will be needed to limit destructive processes and consequently prevent progression of AS.


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Poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) and poly(methacrylic acid) multilayer capsules based on hydrogen bonding have been prepared by the layer-by-layer approach and used to encapsulate and release rifampicin, an antituberculosis drug. Removal of silica core using a buffer of ammonium fluoride and hydrofluoric acid at about pH 3 was found to produce better capsules than hydrofluoric acid alone. An eight-layered capsule had a wall thickness of 20 rim. Maximum encapsulation was found to be about 86 mu g at 40 degrees C with 1 +/- 0.2 x 10(6) capsules. Release studies showed a burst kind of release and maximum release was obtained above pH 7 where the capsules disintegrate rapidly thereby releasing the drug in a short period. Interactions studies with Mycobacterium smegmatis showed that the capsules were cytocompatible and the released drug functioned with the same efficacy as the free drug.


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The crucial role of the drug carrier surface chemical moeities on the uptake and in vitro release of drug is discussed here in a systematic manner. Mesoporous alumina with a wide pore size distribution (2-7 nm) functionalized with various hydrophilic and hydrophobic surface chemical groups was employed as the carrier for delivery of the model drug ibuprofen. Surface functionalization with hydrophobic groups resulted in low degree of drug loading (approximately 20%) and fast rate of release (85% over a period of 5 h) whereas hydrophilic groups resulted in a significantly higher drug payloads (21%-45%) and slower rate of release (12%-40% over a period of 5 h). Depending on the chemical moiety, the diffusion controlled (proportional to time(-0.5)) drug release was additionally observed to be dependent on the mode of arrangement of the functional groups on the alumina surface as well as on the pore characteristics of the matrix. For all mesoporous alumina systems the drug dosages were far lower than the maximum recommended therapeutic dosages (MRTD) for oral delivery. We envisage that the present study would aid in the design of delivery systems capable of sustained release of multiple drugs.


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Molecular motors are proteins that convert chemical energy into mechanical work. The viral packaging ATPase P4 is a hexameric molecular motor that translocates RNA into preformed viral capsids. P4 belongs to the ubiquitous class of hexameric helicases. Although its structure is known, the mechanism of RNA translocation remains elusive. Here we present a detailed kinetic study of nucleotide binding, hydrolysis, and product release by P4. We propose a stochastic-sequential cooperative model to describe the coordination of ATP hydrolysis within the hexamer. In this model the apparent cooperativity is a result of hydrolysis stimulation by ATP and RNA binding to neighboring subunits rather than cooperative nucleotide binding. Simultaneous interaction of neighboring subunits with RNA makes the otherwise random hydrolysis sequential and processive. Further, we use hydrogen/deuterium exchange detected by high resolution mass spectrometry to visualize P4 conformational dynamics during the catalytic cycle. Concerted changes of exchange kinetics reveal a cooperative unit that dynamically links ATP binding sites and the central RNA binding channel. The cooperative unit is compatible with the structure-based model in which translocation is effected by conformational changes of a limited protein region. Deuterium labeling also discloses the transition state associated with RNA loading which proceeds via opening of the hexameric ring. Hydrogen/deuterium exchange is further used to delineate the interactions of the P4 hexamer with the viral procapsid. P4 associates with the procapsid via its C-terminal face. The interactions stabilize subunit interfaces within the hexamer. The conformation of the virus-bound hexamer is more stable than the hexamer in solution, which is prone to spontaneous ring openings. We propose that the stabilization within the viral capsid increases the packaging processivity and confers selectivity during RNA loading. Finally, we use single molecule techniques to characterize P4 translocation along RNA. While the P4 hexamer encloses RNA topologically within the central channel, it diffuses randomly along the RNA. In the presence of ATP, unidirectional net movement is discernible in addition to the stochastic motion. The diffusion is hindered by activation energy barriers that depend on the nucleotide binding state. The results suggest that P4 employs an electrostatic clutch instead of cycling through stable, discrete, RNA binding states during translocation. Conformational changes coupled to ATP hydrolysis modify the electrostatic potential inside the central channel, which in turn biases RNA motion in one direction. Implications of the P4 model for other hexameric molecular motors are discussed.


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Mechanical stirring of ammonia borane with CuCl2 in the solid state resulted in the release of hydrogen at room temperature through the intermediacy of [NH4](+)[BCl4](-).