979 resultados para SPSS


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为利用廉价的培养基生产纤维素酶复合制剂,本实验采用培养基配方选择试验和双温度培养法对康氏木霉F244产酶特性进行了研究.在测定滤纸酶(FPA)、棉花酶、羧甲基纤维素酶(CMCase)、β-葡萄糖苷酶和果胶酶活力的基础上利用SPSS建立回归方程,全相关系数分别达到0.852,0.941,0.964,0.703,0.899,而后通过无约束规划求解找到最佳配方,并对酶活进行了预报和对比.结果表明:各酶活最大时对培养基各成分的含量要求不同;应用稻草粉质量分数20.3%,麸皮质量分数26.1%,(NH4)2SO4质量分数7.9%,水分质量分数45.7%的配方发酵时,F244的FPA、棉花酶、CMCase、β-葡萄糖苷酶、果胶酶活可望达14.1,20.1,43.9,21.6,16.8 IU/g,基本与里氏木霉Q9414在其推荐培养基上的产酶水平相当,而且该配方用料来源广泛,成本低廉,工艺简单,产品安全无毒.


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利用修正的Thornthwaite最大蒸发力公式,计算了辽西地区不同市的水分亏缺量。各市最大潜在蒸发散计算结果是:朝阳1180.6 mm,锦州1146.0 mm,葫芦岛1140.1 mm,阜新1030.3 mm;水分亏缺量计算结果为:朝阳-658.3 mm,锦州-538.4 mill,葫芦岛-544.8 mm,阜新-626.9 mm。利用美国spss数理统计软件计算了油松与蒙古栎的胸径连年生长量和对应的各年1—12月份的月均温、月降雨量、平均相对湿度的回归关系,表明油松生长与温度紧密,蒙古栎生长与水分关系紧密。


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边界效应受多种因子影响,在不同时空尺度下表现出不同的边界效应深度。目前关于边界效应深度影响因子的研究只有少量定性报道,缺少定量分析。以岷江上游林农边界为例,分析了生物量边界效应深度的影响因子。应用G IS软件,将边界类型图与数字高程图、土地利用图、降雨数据的叠加,获取边界所处海拔、坡度、坡向、降雨以及边界两侧斑块面积。在SPSS软件中对已获得的边界效应深度与以上诸因子进行多元线性回归分析。研究结果表明:林农边界效应深度与海拔和坡度存在显著线性回归关系,呈负相关,即海拔越低、坡度越小边界效应深度越大;坡向对边界效应深度影响较小,降雨和林块面积对边界效应深度影响不明显。


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有机锡化合物被广泛用作塑料制品中的稳定剂、船舶油漆的防污剂、工业催化剂、农林业杀虫杀菌剂以及用于木材的防腐保存等,已经引起严重的环境污染。世界上许多国家纷纷制定相应的法规对其使用加以禁止或限制。我国目前还没有明确的限制有机锡使用的法律法规,缺少有机锡污染的第一手资料,更没有长期的控制、监测与研究计划。由于有机锡的种类繁多,理化性质存在差别,所以在提取、分离和测定中均存在较大的困难。从我国这方面己有的工作来看,缺乏各种高选择性的分离方法和高灵敏度的检测方法是制约这项研究广泛开展的原因之一。有机锡的痕量与超痕量分析技术是当今环境和食品安全分析领域的前沿技术。 本论文利用高效液相色谱和电感耦合等离子体质谱联用技术建立了海洋环境中多种有机化合物的同时快速检测方法;发展了多种海洋环境样品中有机锡的前处理技术;研究了有机锡在海洋生物中的分布、代谢及降解过程中化学形态的变化;同时发展了海洋环境中多种痕量元素的快速检测方法。所建立的高效液相色谱和电感耦合等离子体质谱联用技术可同时、快速分析5种有机锡的形态(三甲基锡TMT、二苯基锡DPhT、二丁基锡DBT、三丁基锡TBT和三苯基锡TPhT),其检出限均低于0.3μg/L。 用所建立方法对南海海洋生物样品中的有机锡污染进行了研究,利用SPSS软件对检测结果进行了探讨,发现在所研究海洋生物样品的97.2%中可检出丁基锡和苯基锡化合物,其浓度分布处于该化合物检出限~1487.8ng/g范围内。其中,贝类样品中总有机锡的平均浓度为416.9ng/g,远远高于鱼类样品中总有机锡的平均浓度(211.9ng/g)。海洋生物中存在高浓度的有机锡说明本海域有机锡污染严重,已经对生态环境造成了严重影响,危害到人类生活。其主要的污染源是防污涂料的应用,目前紧迫的问题是采取必要的措施来控制有机锡的使用。 本工作建立了海水样品和沉积物样品中五种有机锡的简单快速萃取方法。采用加入2%的环庚三烯酚(tropolone)的二氯甲烷CH2Cl2对海水中的有机锡进行萃取,大大提高了有机锡的萃取率,减少了萃取的时间,二苯基锡(DPhT)、二丁基锡(DBT)、三丁基锡(TBT)和三苯基锡(TPhT)的萃取率均在80%以上,仅三甲基锡(TMT)的萃取率较低(在50%左右),究其原因,可能是因为在萃取的过程中三甲基锡(TMT)产生了降解。采用流动相和0.2%环庚三烯酚酮(tropolone)对沉积物国际标准物质PACS-2进行超声萃取及高速离心后,用所建方法进行了分析。结果表明,测定值与标准值吻合。研究表明,所建立的方法可用于实际环境沉积物中有机锡的形态分析。 本文建立了流动注射与电感耦合等离子体质谱联用技术直接同时测定海水中多种痕量元素的方法。该方法采用痕量进样技术,能够有效地减少海水中Na,Mg, Ca和Cl等大量基体元素对待测痕量元素测定的干扰,减少这些元素在电感耦合等离子体采样锥上的盐沉积,可以同时测量海水中的V、Cr、Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Mo、Cd、Pb,Hg和U等痕量级元素。用所建的方法测定南海海域海水中的重金属元素,发现Cd,Cr,As等有毒有害元素的污染很轻,均符合Ⅰ级海水的限量。 在海洋沉积物样品处理研究中,本工作改进了不需要赶走HF酸就可以对沉积物消解完全的密闭容器消解法,由于减少了赶走HF酸的步骤,使消解的时间由原来的二十个小时降低为十个小时,大大降低了消解的时间。采用该样品消解方法,并用ICP-MS测定了南黄海海域沉积物中锡及其他重金属元素的含量。建立了微波消解-ICP-MS测定海洋生物中锡、砷、镉、汞及铅等有害重金属元素的分析方法,并用于南黄海7个及南海海域29个海产品中的测定。测定结果表明海洋生物中上述有毒有害元素有不同程度的超标问题;不同种类,不同产地的海洋生物中重金属元素的含量有一定的差别,这些研究结果为海产品安全质量控制提供了有价值的科学信息。 在上述各章工作的基础上,本文研究了有机锡在海洋生物中的分布、代谢及降解过程,并初步建立了高效液相-电喷雾-飞行时间质谱(LC-APCI-TOF-MS)测定有机锡的方法,可对未知的有机锡化合物进行结构表征。有机锡在贝类中不同的组织显示,其内脏中有机锡的含量高于肌肉中有机锡含量。常规的煮、炸、蒸及微波的烹饪方式并不能降解海产品中的有机锡化合物。


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To understand the present actuality of the marine ecosystem in the southern coastal water region of the Shandong Peninsula and the impact of the global change and the human activities to the marine ecosystem of the region, the macrobenthic community structure was researched based on data from 26 sampling stations carried out on four seasonal cruises from December 2006 to November 2007. The data was analyzed using PRIMER 6.0 and SPSS 15.0 software packages. The results showed that 236 macrobenthic species in total were collected from the research region by the field works. Most of the species belong to Polychaeta (76 species), Mollusca (75) and Crustacea (60). Of which, 33 species were common species by the four cruises. The dominant species were different among the four seasons, however, the polychaete species Nephtys oligobranchia and Sternaspis scutata were always dominant in the four seasons. The abundances and biomasses of the macrobenthos from the research region were variable in tire four seasons. The results of CLUSTER and MDS analysis showed that the similarities of macrobenthic structures among the stations were low, most of the similarities were at about 40% of similarity values, only that of two stations were up to 60%. In accordance with the similarity values of the macrobenthic structures, the 26 stations were clustered as six groups at arbitrary similarity level of 30%. The ABC curve indicated that the marcofauna communities in the research region had riot been disturbed distinctly. The results of BIOENV and BVSTEP (Spearman) analysis implied that the concentrations of organic matter in bottom water and heavy metal copper in sediment, water depth and temperature of bottom were the most significant environmental factors to affect the macrobentic community.


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In this experiment, we tested the hypothesis that males of root voles (Microtus oeconomus Pallas) of different social ranks display different behavioural strategies. To document behavioural differences between social ranks, we investigated patterns in the behavioural responses to urine cues from familiar and novel individu in a choice maze. Ten pairs of male voles were efectively used in this experiment. All behaviour was recorded with OBSERVER 5.0. When experiment was finished, video tapes were transformed into digital data. Then all data were analyzed by SPSS. The results showed that the approach latency of subordinates was shorter for familiar odours than novel ones, dominant individuals preferentially entered the strange odourant box, subordinates preferred familiar odours over novel ones, subordinates spent more time visiting familiar odours compared to the novel odours, dominants preferred novel odours to familiar ones, subordinates approached familiar odours more frequently than novel ones and self-groomed more often in the familiar odourant box than in the novel box, and dominant and subordinate individuals showed significantly different countermarking behaviours to familiar and novel odours. In conclusion, the dominants and subordinates displayed different behaviour patterns when faced to familiar and novel conspecific males' urine cues. The data support our hypothesis that differences in social rank induce differences in behavioural patterns.


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对河流地球化学特征的研究可以获得有关流域化学风化以及化学元素在地球表生系统生物地球化学循环的相关信息。同时,流域风化作用是全球长期碳旋回及与其有关的环境效应的一个重要组成部分。我国学者对大流域的碳酸盐岩地区进行了大量研究,但硅酸盐地区的研究相对薄弱,研究指出:中国河流水的离子组成主要受碳酸盐风化作用和蒸发岩溶蚀作用的影响,受铝硅酸盐风化作用的影响不如前两者明显。硅酸盐岩的风化产物在一定程度上控制着地表水系的地球化学组成,因而对硅酸盐岩区河流的地球化学组成变化的研究,有助于我们了解硅酸盐岩地区的化学风化作用与水文地球化学特征的关系,以及控制河流水体地球化学组成变化的多种因素。赣江是长江的主要支流,在江西省国民经济、生态环境保护和社会生活中占有重要的地位。尤为重要的是,赣江流域广泛分布有硅酸岩岩石和土壤,是世界上硅酸岩连片分布的典型地区之一。由赣江水体和悬浮物携带输送的各类物质组分经鄱阳湖输入长江是全球元素地球化学循环的重要组成部分,对全球环境变化研究有重要意义。 本论文利用赣江流域物理化学参数、化学质量平衡和同位素地球化学研究手段,重点讨论赣江流域的水化学特征、主要离子来源,并探讨主要的化学风化反应。定量计算了流域化学风化侵蚀速率及其对大气CO2消耗的影响,探讨了河流水化学特征与人为活动、气候、地形、岩性等因素之间的关系。得出如下主要结论和几点新认识。 赣江流域河流受控于中亚热带湿润季风气候条件下,碳酸盐硅酸盐化学风化和人为活动的共同影响,以快速的碳酸盐和典型硅酸盐的化学风化共同侵蚀作用区别于其他地区河流。枯水期和丰水期样品中,阳离子中Na+和Ca+含量最高,其次是Mg2+,K+含量最低;阴离子中,Cl-,HCO3-占主导地位,SO42-次之,NO3-含量最低;溶解性硅的含量变化范围不大。赣江流域河水的化学组成反映了硅酸盐岩化学风化作用对河水化学组成控制的典型特征。 受赣江流域气候、岩性、地形和人为活动的影响,枯水期丰水期离子成分主要来源于岩石/土壤的化学风化。碳酸盐岩矿物风化与硅酸盐岩矿物相比是普遍而快速的,所以赣江流域风化很大程度上会受碳酸盐所支配。此外,人为输入影响与赣江流域发达的农业、工业生产产生污染相一致。 赣江流域HCO3-与Ca2+、HCO3-与Mg2+、SO42-与Mg2+、Na+与Cl-均存在明显的相关关系。Na+与SO42-、HCO3-与Si、Na+与Si、K+与Si不存在相关性或相关性不明显。赣江流域样品Si/(Na*+K)比值范围低,表明风化作用在表生环境中进行,风化作用中主要是富含阳离子的次生矿物。Si浓度受生物影响很小,主要是岩性的作用。 除了岩石风化溶解作用,赣江流域盆地区域降水量将直接影响地表径流和河流流量。河流流量对各主要离子浓度的影响顺序为HCO3->Ca2+>Mg2+>SO42- >Na+>Cl-,起到稀释作用。所以赣江流域河水特征受岩性和气候条件的共同作用。 赣江流域高的锶同位素比值(87Sr/86Sr)表明了赣江流域Sr来源的硅酸岩风化典型特征,丰水期河流溶解态Sr浓度有所下降。锶同位素为大气降水和岩石风化的混合型,并且辨别出两个碳酸盐硅酸盐是最主要的岩石风化溶解端元组分。 利用SPSS统计软件,对9个离子组分作为变量进行主成分分析(PCA)和因子分析,解析出主要影响因素。分析统计结果表明两类岩石和人为输入对河水溶解质的贡献率分别是:碳酸盐最大,其次是硅酸盐,人为活动输入最小。并定量的计算出碳酸盐、硅酸盐、大气CO2和人类活动对于赣江溶质组成的相对贡献率。根据径流量和流域面积,计算得到每年赣江流域岩石风化作用的大气CO2消耗分别为枯水期520.2×103mol/km2和丰水期383.4×103mol/km2,较强烈的碳酸盐风化溶解和明显的硅酸盐风化特征导致了赣江流域岩石风化作用的CO2消耗率高于世界平均水平。扣除大气CO2和人类活动输入的贡献后,估算得到赣江流域的年均化学风化率为30.3t/km2•a,在影响河流化学风化的众多因素中,地质和气候因素起着主导作用。赣江流域对于全球的大气CO2源汇效应是明显的汇项。


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The decision making of customers has been a great concern in the field of customer research. Although China has entered the era of brand consumption and development, due to the different understanding of the regarded attributes between companies and customers, the phenomenon of “The awarded products don’t sell well, but the products which sell well can’t get the award.” appears. At the same time there is little research on the relationship between the brand and the customers has been conducted in China now. Traditional research on customer psychology employ questionnaires, depth interview and group discussions as the major methods. In cognitive psychology, the limitation of explicit memory has been revealed by implicit memory; moreover, unconscious cognition and implicit memory can also influence customers' remark of the brand. Therefore, the traditional methods are not accurate enough. Reaction time is an effective way to reveal testing equality, and it can also reveal implicit cognition. Based on the researches intends to investigate the validity of attention attributes in the method of reaction time by questionnaires and time reaction testing of 360 customers in 3 cities, which may, probably, overcomes the limitation of the traditional research methods. The 352 valid samples were analyzed by SPSS. The results showed there was no distinct corresponding relationship between the product attributes and reaction time. The different key attributes from questionnaire importance rating and the shortest reaction time standards were used to regressively analyze the results of customers’ overall rating (such as overall satisfaction,objective quality, recommend intention).The results indicated that the coefficiency of regression of the special attributes chosen from reaction time to overall rating was distinct, while the coefficiency of the special attributes chosen from importance rating to overall rating was not. The main conclusions are: 1. Regarded attributes can be obtained by the reaction time of brand performance rating. 2. Regarded attributes obtained by the reaction time of brand performance rating are more accurate than those by importance rating questionnaires. 3. The brand’s core attributes should includes regarded attributes during the decision making process.


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Abstract Objective: Study the relationship between sex hormones and cognitive function in aged male. Methods: The serum sex hormones including Free Testosterone(FT), Total Testosterone(TT), Estradiol(E2), Prolactin(PRL) and Luteotropic Hormone(LH) of 74 elderly men(47-75 years old, mean 58.73) were measured by radioimmunoassay. They were all applied the cognitive tests of episodic memory and verbal fluency. For the episodic memory, four experiments examined picture, digit and words memory separately. Four verbal fluency tests were performed in the middle of each episodic memory. The 74 men were divided into two groups according to the levels of their sex hormones respectively, with each group had 37 subjects. Data was analyzed by the software of SPSS 11.0. Results: Mean age and the mean years of formal education had no significant difference between the groups; Men in the group with higher levels of FT had significantly higher scores in the tests of picture memory and words memory;Men in the group with higher levels of TT had significantly higher scores in the tests of verbal fluency4, picture memory and words memory;Men in the group with higher levels of E2 had significantly higher scores in the tests of picture memory and verbal fluency3,4;There were no correlations between PRL or LH and the cognitive tests. Conclusions: 1 Sex hormones (especially FT, TT, E2) did have effect on the cognitive function in aged male, higher levels of hormones related with higher scores of some cognitive tests. 2 Among the cognitive functions, picture memory and words memory performance seemed being effected by the sex hormones most.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Empresariais


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Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Medicina Dentária


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos de obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação, ramo de Marketing e Publicidade