303 resultados para SLOT
The main objective of this thesis is to design and develop spectral signature based chipless RFID tags Multiresonators are essential component of spectral signature based chipless tags. To enhance the data coding capacity in spectral signature based tags require large number of resonances in a limited bandwidth. The frequency of the resonators have to be close to each other. To achieve this condition, the quality factor of each resonance needs to be high. The thesis discusses about various types of multiresonators, their practical implementation and how they can be used in design. Encoding of data into spectral domain is another challenge in chipless tag design. Here, the technique used is the presence or absence encoding technique. The presence of a resonance is used to encode Logic 1 and absence of a speci c resonance is used to encode Logic 0. Di erent types of multiresonators such as open stub multiresonators, coupled bunch hairpin resonators and shorted slot ground ring resonator are proposed in this thesis.
Quick in class exercise to familiarise students with key points in presentation. timing is tight, but possible to run four groups with four minute presentation, one minute feedback on each slot, and five minute wash up. Associated coursework specification and mark scheme included, but also located at This item will be online at: http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/4201/ slides specify two scenarios
summary of requirements and slot allocation
In this seminar slot, we will discuss Steve's research aims and plan. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have received substantial coverage in mainstream sources, academic media, and scholarly journals, both negative and positive. Numerous articles have addressed their potential impact on Higher Education systems in general, and some have highlighted problems with the instructional quality of MOOCs, and the lack of attention to research from online learning and distance education literature in MOOC design. However, few studies have looked at the relationship between social change and the construction of MOOCs within higher education, particularly in terms of educator and learning designer practices. This study aims to use the analytical strategy of Socio-Technical Interaction Networks (STIN) to explore the extent to which MOOCs are socially shaped and their relationship to educator and learning designer practices. The study involves a multi-site case study of 3 UK MOOC-producing universities and aims to capture an empirically based, nuanced understanding of the extent to which MOOCs are socially constructed in particular contexts, and the social implications of MOOCs, especially among educators and learning designers.
A lo largo de esta investigación se analizaron comparativamente tres experiencias auto-definidas como de Educación en Derechos Humanos, a saber, una organización no gubernamental, la Escuela de Derechos Humanos de Cinep; un colegio oficial de la ciudad de Bogotá, la IED Eduardo Umaña Mendoza; y un movimiento social, el Movimiento Nacional de Víctimas de Crímenes de Estado-Capítulo Bogotá. En lo fundamental, se analizaron los procesos de constitución de cada escenario, los discursos, y las prácticas políticas y pedagógicas a la luz de un enfoque antropológico de la Educación en Derechos Humanos. Lo que he denominado el enfoque o mirada antropológica de esta noción, implica, por una parte, una aproximación etnográfica alrededor de los discursos, las prácticas y los sentidos que los protagonistas movilizan en cada escenario con respecto a lo educativo, a los Derechos Humanos y a los sentidos de la Educación en Derechos Humanos, y por otra, la distinción entre la diversidad de redes de significado que precedieron su proceso de institucionalización, a lo cual denominaré campo simbólico, y su cohesión como un campo de saber dotado de claves analíticas propias. Campo simbólico y campo de saber operan como dos momentos analíticos diferenciables. A través del primero, se hacen evidentes las representaciones políticas, sociales y culturales heredadas del “mundo bipolar” y de la guerra fría que en términos generales exponen una defensa a ultranza de los valores y principios de la democracia liberal y de la lucha anti-comunista. Por otra parte, la noción de campo de saber permite 6 esbozar las trayectorias que le han permitido a la Educación en Derechos Humanos recrear nociones como la de sujeto de derechos o pedagogías de la memoria, claves que sin lugar a dudas cohesionan un cuerpo de saber ciertamente autónomo, dotado de fronteras porosas y móviles. La distinción entre una y otra esfera de análisis permite trazar cuando menos tres rutas de emergencia e institucionalización de la Educación en Derechos Humanos que, como se expondrá en el análisis de las experiencias, no trascurren paralelamente sino en medio de superposiciones, intersticios y desplazamientos. Así, se hacen plausibles las huellas del colonialismo, permanentemente ligadas a voces disonantes que eventualmente arrojan pistas en torno a una Educación en Derechos Humanos capaz de impugnar su propia institucionalización.
Des de diverses perspectives, alguns autors han remarcat la importància del verb en l'adquisició del llenguatge (Bloom, 1991; Pinker, 1989; Tomasello, 1992). Donat que la seva estructura semàntica proporciona un marc conceptual per incloure-hi estructures lingüistiques més àmplies, esdevé un element clau en el pas a una fase de parla organitzada gramaticalment. Es per aquest motiu que l'adquisició de la categoria formal de verb és essencial per poder entendre com els nens arriben a ser gramaticalment competents. En aquest estudi pretenem explorar com s'adquireix la classe formal de verb tenint en compte les diferents propostes que intenten explicar el procés de gramaticalització i, en concret, l'adquisició de les categories de mot. En les dades sobre l'adquisició inicial dels verbs, es troba que a partir dels tres anys hi ha un ús consistent del elements verbals, però abans d'aquesta edat alguns autors han descrit un ús dels marcadors morfològics limitat a alguns verbs (Bloom, 90) i també que la utilització de l'estructura argumental inicial sembla anar lligada a verbs individuals (Tomasello, 92, Olguin i Tomasello, 93). Aquestes dades apunten que en un principi els verbs serien utilitzats de forma lexicalitzada, de manera que s'adquiririen individualment.
Observations of the depth of ice particle evaporation beneath frontal cloud to improve NWP modelling
The evaporation (sublimation) of ice particles beneath frontal ice cloud can provide a significant source of diabatic cooling which can lead to enhanced slantwise descent below the frontal surface. The strength and vertical extent of the cooling play a role in determining the dynamic response of the atmosphere, and an adequate representation is required in numerical weather-prediction (NWP) models for accurate forecasts of frontal dynamics. In this paper, data from a vertically pointing 94 GHz radar are used to determine the characteristic depth-scale of ice particle sublimation beneath frontal ice cloud. A statistical comparison is made with equivalent data extracted from the NWP mesoscale model operational at the Met Office, defining the evaporation depth-scale as the distance for the ice water content to fall to 10% of its peak value in the cloud. The results show that the depth of the ice evaporation zone derived from observations is less than 1 km for 90% of the time. The model significantly overestimates the sublimation depth-scales by a factor of between two and three, and underestimates the local ice water content by a factor of between two and four. Consequently the results suggest the model significantly underestimates the strength of the evaporative cooling, with implications for the prediction of frontal dynamics. A number of reasons for the model discrepancy are suggested. A comparison with radiosonde relative humidity data suggests part of the overestimation in evaporation depth may be due to a high RH bias in the dry slot beneath the frontal cloud, but other possible reasons include poor vertical resolution and deficiencies in the evaporation rate or ice particle fall-speed parametrizations.
A new type of horn antenna for operation at 1.6 THz, that can be fabricated monolithically with 1/4-height micromachined waveguide, is described. Height, limitations imposed by the micromachining process are overcome by removing a tapered slot in the upper surface of a scalar horn, allowing the E-plane fields to extend outside the confines of the metallic structure before radiation, with a consequent reduction in E-plane beamwidth. 1.6 THz radiation pattern measurements for different designs show that, while there is scope for further optimisation, 3 dB beamwidths of 24 degrees and 17.5 degrees in the E- and H-planes, respectively, can be achieved.
A novel wide-band noise source for millimetre-wave spectrometry is described. It uses power combined Schottky diodes, reverse biased to avalanche breakdown, mounted in a wide-band tapered slot antenna. Power has been produced from 15 to 200 GHz with an equivalent temperature of 28200 K at 40 GHz.
Extratropical cyclones dominate autumn and winter weather over western Europe. The strongest cyclones, often termed windstorms, have a large socio-economic impact due to the strong surface winds and associated storm surges in coastal areas. Here we show that sting jets are a common feature of windstorms; up to a third of the 100 most intense North Atlantic winter windstorms over the last two decades satisfy conditions for sting jets. The sting jet is a mesoscale descending airstream that can cause strong near-surface winds in the dry slot of the cyclone, a region not usually associated with strong winds. Despite their localized transient nature these sting jets can cause significant damage, a prominent example being the storm that devastated southeast England on 16 October 1987. We present the first regional climatology of windstorms with sting jets. Previously analysed sting jet cases appear to have been exceptional in their track over northwest Europe rather than in their strength.
Meteosat infra-red imagery for the Great Storm of October 1987 is analysed to show a series of very shallow arc-shaped and smaller chevron-shaped cloud features that were associated with damaging surface winds in the dry-slot region of this extra-tropical cyclone. Hypotheses are presented that attribute these low-level cloud features to boundary-layer convergence lines ahead of wind maxima associated with the downward transport of high momentum from overrunning, so-called sting-jet, flows originating in the storm's main cloud head. Copyright © 2004 Royal Meteorological Society.
Extratropical cyclones dominate autumn and winter weather over western Europe. The strongest cyclones, often termed windstorms, have a large socio-economic impact due to the strong surface winds and associated storm surges in coastal areas. Here we show that sting jets are a common feature of windstorms; up to a third of the 100 most intense North Atlantic winter windstorms over the last two decades satisfy conditions for sting jets. The sting jet is a mesoscale descending airstream that can cause strong near-surface winds in the dry slot of the cyclone, a region not usually associated with strong winds. Despite their localized transient nature these sting jets can cause significant damage, a prominent example being the storm that devastated southeast England on 16 October 1987. We present the first regional climatology of windstorms with sting jets. Previously analysed sting jet cases appear to have been exceptional in their track over northwest Europe rather than in their strength.
Twitter has become a dependable microblogging tool for real time information dissemination and newsworthy events broadcast. Its users sometimes break news on the network faster than traditional newsagents due to their presence at ongoing real life events at most times. Different topic detection methods are currently used to match Twitter posts to real life news of mainstream media. In this paper, we analyse tweets relating to the English FA Cup finals 2012 by applying our novel method named TRCM to extract association rules present in hash tag keywords of tweets in different time-slots. Our system identify evolving hash tag keywords with strong association rules in each time-slot. We then map the identified hash tag keywords to event highlights of the game as reported in the ground truth of the main stream media. The performance effectiveness measure of our experiments show that our method perform well as a Topic Detection and Tracking approach.
Interoperability of water quality data depends on the use of common models, schemas and vocabularies. However, terms are usually collected during different activities and projects in isolation of one another, resulting in vocabularies that have the same scope being represented with different terms, using different formats and formalisms, and published in various access methods. Significantly, most water quality vocabularies conflate multiple concepts in a single term, e.g. quantity kind, units of measure, substance or taxon, medium and procedure. This bundles information associated with separate elements from the OGC Observations and Measurements (O&M) model into a single slot. We have developed a water quality vocabulary, formalized using RDF, and published as Linked Data. The terms were extracted from existing water quality vocabularies. The observable property model is inspired by O&M but aligned with existing ontologies. The core is an OWL ontology that extends the QUDT ontology for Unit and QuantityKind definitions. We add classes to generalize the QuantityKind model, and properties for explicit description of the conflated concepts. The key elements are defined to be sub-classes or sub-properties of SKOS elements, which enables a SKOS view to be published through standard vocabulary APIs, alongside the full view. QUDT terms are re-used where possible, supplemented with additional Unit and QuantityKind entries required for water quality. Along with items from separate vocabularies developed for objects, media, and procedures, these are linked into definitions in the actual observable property vocabulary. Definitions of objects related to chemical substances are linked to items from the Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology. Mappings to other vocabularies, such as DBPedia, are in separately maintained files. By formalizing the model for observable properties, and clearly labelling the separate concerns, water quality observations from different sources may be more easily merged and also transformed to O&M for cross-domain applications.
Analisar as principais opções de jogos ao alcance do apostador brasileiro, com uma ênfase maior nos Bingos. O interesse se deve essencialmente à mudança substancial no funcionamento dos Bingos após a introdução de máquinas caça-níqueis (também conhecidas como Vídeo-bingo). Essas máquinas atraíram (e viciaram) um número considerável de freqüentadores, e dessa forma mudaram a estratégia de funcionamento dos Bingos. O estudo descreverá a maneira como funcionava a operação dos Bingos antes do advento das máquinas de caça-níqueis, bem como seu funcionamento atual; investigará probabilisticamente as chances de um apostador nas máquinas de caça-níqueis; mencionará as estratégias dos Bingos através de uma análise probabilística do jogo de bingo e do comportamento do operador e demonstrará como um apostador pode presumivelmente obter lucro em partidas especiais de bingo. Finalizando o trabalho oferece algumas considerações finais sendo adotado para efeito comparativo, o Apêndice, que resume as chances e lucros esperados dos principais jogos de Cassino e Loteria.