823 resultados para SINGLE-MODE VCSELS
Three subjects related to epitaxial GaAs-GaAlAs optoelectronic devices are discussed in this thesis. They are:
1. Embedded Epitaxy
This is a technique of selective multilayer growth of GaAs- Ga1-xAlxAs single crystal structures through stripe openings in masking layers on GaAs substrates. This technique results in prismatic layers of GaAs and Ga1-xAlxAs "embedded" in each other and leads to controllable uniform structures terminated by crystal faces. The dependence of the growth habit on the orientation of the stripe openings has been studied. Room temperature embedded double heterostructure lasers have been fabricated using this technique. Threshold current densities as low as 1.5 KA/cm2 have been achieved.
2. Barrier Controlled PNPN Laser Diode
It is found that the I-V characteristics of a PNPN device can be controlled by using potential barriers in the base regions. Based on this principle, GaAs-GaAlAs heterostructure PNPN laser diodes have been fabricated. GaAlAs potential barriers in the bases control not only the electrical but also the optical properties of the device. PNPN lasers with low threshold currents and high breakover voltage have been achieved. Numerical calculations of this barrier controlled structure are presented in the ranges where the total current is below the holding point and near the lasing threshold.
3. Injection Lasers on Semi-Insulating Substrates
GaAs-GaAlAs heterostructure lasers fabricated on semi-insulating substrates have been studied. Two different laser structures achieved are: (1) Crowding effect lasers, (2) Lateral injection lasers. Experimental results and the working principles underlying the operation of these lasers are presented. The gain induced guiding mechanism is used to explain the lasers' far field radiation patterns. It is found that Zn diffusion in Ga1-xAlxAs depends on the Al content x, and that GaAs can be used as the diffusion mask for Zn diffusion in Ga1-xAlxAs. Lasers having very low threshold currents and operating in a stable single mode have been achieved. Because these lasers are fabricated on semi-insulating substrates, it is possible to integrate them with other electronic devices on the same substrate. An integrated device, which consists of a crowding effect laser and a Gunn oscillator on a common semi-insulating GaAs substrate, has been achieved.
Strength at extreme pressures (>1 Mbar or 100 GPa) and high strain rates (106-108 s-1) of materials is not well characterized. The goal of the research outlined in this thesis is to study the strength of tantalum (Ta) at these conditions. The Omega Laser in the Laboratory for Laser Energetics in Rochester, New York is used to create such extreme conditions. Targets are designed with ripples or waves on the surface, and these samples are subjected to high pressures using Omega’s high energy laser beams. In these experiments, the observational parameter is the Richtmyer-Meshkov (RM) instability in the form of ripple growth on single-mode ripples. The experimental platform used for these experiments is the “ride-along” laser compression recovery experiments, which provide a way to recover the specimens having been subjected to high pressures. Six different experiments are performed on the Omega laser using single-mode tantalum targets at different laser energies. The energy indicates the amount of laser energy that impinges the target. For each target, values for growth factor are obtained by comparing the profile of ripples before and after the experiment. With increasing energy, the growth factor increased.
Engineering simulations are used to interpret and correlate the measurements of growth factor to a measure of strength. In order to validate the engineering constitutive model for tantalum, a series of simulations are performed using the code Eureka, based on the Optimal Transportation Meshfree (OTM) method. Two different configurations are studied in the simulations: RM instabilities in single and multimode ripples. Six different simulations are performed for the single ripple configuration of the RM instability experiment, with drives corresponding to laser energies used in the experiments. Each successive simulation is performed at higher drive energy, and it is observed that with increasing energy, the growth factor increases. Overall, there is favorable agreement between the data from the simulations and the experiments. The peak growth factors from the simulations and the experiments are within 10% agreement. For the multimode simulations, the goal is to assist in the design of the laser driven experiments using the Omega laser. A series of three-mode and four-mode patterns are simulated at various energies and the resulting growth of the RM instability is computed. Based on the results of the simulations, a configuration is selected for the multimode experiments. These simulations also serve as validation for the constitutive model and the material parameters for tantalum that are used in the simulations.
By designing samples with initial perturbations in the form of single-mode and multimode ripples and subjecting these samples to high pressures, the Richtmyer-Meshkov instability is investigated in both laser compression experiments and simulations. By correlating the growth of these ripples to measures of strength, a better understanding of the strength of tantalum at high pressures is achieved.
The dispersion compensation effect of the chirped fiber grating (CFG) is analyzed theoretically, and analytic expressions are derived for composite second-order (CSO) distortion in analog modulated sub-carrier multiplexed (AM-SCM) cable television (CATV) systems with externally and directly modulated transmitters. Simulations are given for the two kinds of modulations and for standard single mode fiber and non-zero dispersion shift fiber (NZDSF) systems. The results show that CFG could be used as a dispersion compensator in directly modulated systems, but its dispersion coefficient should be adjusted much more precisely than the externally modulated system. The requirements for the NZDSF system could be loosened much. It is proposed that directly modulated source may be used as a transmitter in CATV systems combined with tunable CFG dispersion compensator being adjusted precisely, which may be more cost-effective than externally modulation technology. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Coupling a single-mode laser diode with 200 mW to a single-mode fiber (SMF) through an orthonormal aspherical cylindrical lens and a GRIN lens for the intersatellite optical communication system is proposed and demonstrated. We experimentally studied how the coupling efficiency changes with the SMF's position displacement and axial angle variation, and obtained 80 mW output power at the end of the SMF, which shows that the coupling units have satisfied the designed request. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
The mode-area, scaling properties of helical-core optical fibres are numerically studied and the limit of core size for achievable single-mode operation is explored. By appropriate design, helical-core fibres can operate in a single mode with possible scaling up to 300 mu m in core diameter with numerical aperture 0.1.
采用遮挡法引入相移制作了掺Yb相移光纤光栅(PS-FBG)。在制作光栅的过程中,将其作为激光器的谐振腔,通过监测激光器的输出功率来确定相移大小。当激光器的输出功率开始下降时,停止曝光,此时引入的相移为π/2。为了使光栅的特性尽快稳定下来需要对光栅进行退火,这将导致引入的相移小于π/2。为了弥补退火过程中引起的相移降低,需要对退火后的光栅进行二次曝光,以使光栅的相移恢复π/2。利用该方法制作了一只光纤光栅激光器。当抽运功率为100 mW时,获得了25 mW的输出功率,信噪比(SNR)为60 dB。在1 h内
针对多普勒激光雷达激光源短期频率漂移低于1 MHz的要求,设计了一种共焦干涉仪作为频率标准进行稳频。通过对三种不同材料制成的共焦法布里-珀罗(Fabry-Perot)干涉仪中心频率随温度漂移情况进行分析对比,选用零膨胀微晶玻璃材料制作共焦法布里-珀罗干涉仪,腔镜和隔离器通过光胶的方式进行组合,并且置于温控精度优于0.01 K的双层密封温控箱中。经过实验测量,共焦法布里-珀罗干涉仪的自由光谱范围为370 MHz,透射谱半峰全宽(FWHM)为1.7 MHz,精细度为220。采用该共焦干涉仪进行稳频,理论稳频精度可达0.15 MHz,满足激光多普勒雷达单频激光源的稳频要求。
报道了激光二极管泵浦的被动传导冷却的Q开关Nd:YAG zigzag 板条激光器,谐振腔采用平平腔和非稳腔。在20Hz运转时,得到脉宽均为10ns的150 mJ,光光效率19%的多模输出和100 mJ、13%光学效率的单模输出,并进行了相关的热效应测试,结果表明该激光器具有效率高、结构紧凑、光束质量好,在空间环境应用具有很好的发展潜力。
大模场面积(LMA)光纤激光器的光束质量通常比单模光纤激光器的光束质量差。采用光纤拉锥的方法进行模式选择,从而提高大模场直径光纤激光器的光束质量。拉锥区距光纤激光器的输出端约5 mm,纤芯最小为9 μm,约为未拉锥部分纤芯直径26 μm的1/3。实验研究表明,在拉锥后,光纤激光器的光束质量因子M2由3.50减小为1.81,相应的斜率效率由63.6%减小为51.1%。虽然拉锥后最大输出功率减少了约19.8%,但其亮度增大为拉锥前的3倍。