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Anisotropic properties of the Bridgman grown layered semiconductor p-InTe were studied by analyzing the temperature dependence of electrical conductivity and Hall mobility parallel and perpendicular to the layer planes. The mobilities were μamalgamation or coproduct = 50–60 cm2V−1 sec−1 and μperpendicular = 10–15 cm2V−1sec−1 and varied as μ ≈ Tn where n = 1.43 due to impurity scattering. Pressure-induced semiconductor-metal transition occurred at about 50 kbar. The pressure coefficient of resistance was 3 times larger in the direction perpendicular to the layer plane due to the difference between inter and intra-planar bonding.


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The imprint of the changing surface concentration of minority carriers in photocurrent transients is marginalized in “switch off” transients as compared to “switch on” transients. When the surface level is situated close to either one of the band edges, it is shown that in principle it must be possible to obtain the energy of the surface level from “switch off” transients.The time constants for the “switch on” and “switch off” cases behave differently with potential. While in “switch off”, transient plots, the magnitude of the slope decreases monotonically with increasing band bending potentials; for the “switch on” however, though it decreases and is identical to “switch off” initially, beyond a certain increase in potential the magnitude of the slope shows an increase.


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The fracture properties of different concrete-concrete interfaces are determined using the Bazant's size effect model. The size effect on fracture properties are analyzed using the boundary effect model proposed by Wittmann and his co-workers. The interface properties at micro-level are analyzed through depth sensing micro-indentation and scanning electron microscopy. Geometrically similar beam specimens of different sizes having a transverse interface between two different strengths of concrete are tested under three-point bending in a closed loop servo-controlled machine with crack mouth opening displacement control. The fracture properties such as, fracture energy (G(f)), length of process zone (c(f)), brittleness number (beta), critical mode I stress intensity factor (K-ic), critical crack tip opening displacement CTODc (delta(c)), transitional ligament length to free boundary (a(j)), crack growth resistance curve and micro-hardness are determined. It is seen that the above fracture properties decrease as the difference between the compressive strength of concrete on either side of the interface increases. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Microwave switches operating in the X band were designed and fabricated using amorphous chalcogenide semiconductors of composition GexTeyAsz. Threshold devices were shown to operate as microwave modulators at modulation frequencies of up to 100 MHz. No delay time was observed at the highest frequency although the modulation efficiency decreased above 10 MHz owing to the finite recovery time which was approximately 0.3 × 10−8s. The devices can also be used as variolossers, the insertion loss being 0.5 dB in the OFF state and increasing on switching from 5 dB at 1 mA device current to 18 dB at 100 mA.The behaviour of the threshold switches can be explained in terms of the formation of a conducting filament in the ON state with a constant current density of 2 × 104Acm−2 that is shunted by the device capacitance. The OFF state conductivity σ varies as ωn (0.5 < n < 1) which is characteristic of hopping in localized states. However, there was evidence of a decrease in n or a saturation of the conductivity at high frequencies.As a result of phase separation memory switches require no holding current in the ON state and may be used as novel latching semiconductor phase-shifters.


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The recombination and the faradaic fluxes are shown to be sensitive to the location of a single level recombination center, when it is located near the band edges. As the surface level is shifted deeper into the band gap from either of the band edges, the back emission terms are dominated by electron capture and hole capture terms, and the occupancy of the surface level is no longer determined by its location in the band gap. However, when one of the back emission terms determines the surface state occupancy, it is shown that there exists a simple relation between the value of the surface level and the recombination and the faradaic fluxes respectively. Expressions to this effect are derived and verified in the case of the recombination flux, which characterized by the potential at which it attains its maximum value. For the faradaic flux the results are qualitative.


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We study the electronic structure of La1-xSrxMnO3+δ, x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4, across the semiconductor-metal transition, using various electron spectroscopy techniques. The negligible intensity seen at EF using ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy and bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy (BIS) indicate an unusual semiconductor-metal transition observed for x≥0.2, consistent with the resistivity data. The BIS spectra show doped hole states developing about 1.4 eV above EF as a function of x. Auger electron spectroscopy gives an estimate of the intra-atomic Coulomb energy in the O 2p manifold to be about 6.8 eV. The Mn 2p core-level spectrum of LaMnO3, analyzed in terms of a configuration-interaction calculation, gives parameter values of the charge-transfer energy Δ=5.0 eV, the hybridization strength between Mn 3d and O 2p states, t=3.8 eV, and the on-site Coulomb energy in Mn 3d states Udd=4.0 eV, suggesting a mixed character for the ground state of LaMnO3.


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The variation in the bulk modulus of semiconductor nanoparticles has been studied within first-principles electronic-structure calculations using the local density approximation (LDA) for the exchange correlation. Quantum Monte Carlo calculations carried out for a silicon nanocrystal Si87H76 provided reasonable agreement with the LDA results. An enhancement was observed in the bulk modulus as the size of the nanoparticle was decreased, with modest enhancements being predicted for the largest nanoparticles studied here, a size just accessible in experiments. To access larger sizes, we fit our calculated bulk moduli to the same empirical law for all materials, the asymptote of which is the bulk value of the modulus. This was found to be within 2-10% of the independently calculated value. The origin of the enhancement has been discussed in terms of Cohen's empirical law M.L. Cohen, Phys. Rev. B 32, 7988 (1985)] as well as other possible scenarios.


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The mode I and mode II fracture toughness and the critical strain energy release rate for different concrete-concrete jointed interfaces are experimentally determined using the Digital Image Correlation technique. Concrete beams having different compressive strength materials on either side of a centrally placed vertical interface are prepared and tested under three-point bending in a closed loop servo-controlled testing machine under crack mouth opening displacement control. Digital images are captured before loading (undeformed state) and at different instances of loading. These images are analyzed using correlation techniques to compute the surface displacements, strain components, crack opening and sliding displacements, load-point displacement, crack length and crack tip location. It is seen that the CMOD and vertical load-point displacement computed using DIC analysis matches well with those measured experimentally.


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Hybrid monolayer arrays of metal and semiconductor quantum dots have been prepared to study the exciton-plasmon interaction. We observed crossover from strong quenching to enhancement in photoluminescence of the quantum dots as a function of the emission wavelength for fixed interparticle spacings. Remarkably, the enhancement is observed even for extremely short separation at which strong quenching has been observed and predicted earlier. A significant redshift in emission maxima is also observed for quantum dots with quenched emission. The possible role of collective phenomena as well as strong interactions in such ordered hybrid arrays in controlling the emission is discussed. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3553766]


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Tin sulfide (SnS) is a material of interest for use as an absorber in low cost solar cells. Single crystals of SnS were grown by the physical vapor deposition technique. The grown crystals were characterized to evaluate the composition, structure, morphology, electrical and optical properties using appropriate techniques. The composition analysis indicated that the crystals were nearly stoichiometric with Sn-to-S atomic percent ratio of 1.02. Study of their morphology revealed the layered type growth mechanism with low surface roughness. The grown crystals had orthorhombic structure with (0 4 0) orientation. They exhibited an indirect optical band gap of 1.06 eV and direct band gap of 1.21 eV with high absorption coefficient (up to 10(3) cm(-1)) above the fundamental absorption edge. The grown crystals were of p-type with an electrical resistivity of 120 Omega cm and carrier concentration 1.52 x 10(15) cm(-3). Analysis of optical absorption and diffuse reflectance spectra showed the presence of a wide absorption band in the wavelength range 300-1200 nm, which closely matches with a significant part of solar radiation spectrum. The obtained results were discussed to assess the suitability of the SnS crystal for the fabrication of optoelectronic devices. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Niobium pentoxide thin films have been deposited on silicon and platinum-coated silicon substrates by reactive magnetron sputtering. The as-deposited films were amorphous and showed good electrical properties in terms of a dielectric permittivity of about 30, and leakage current density of 10(-6) A cm(-2) al a field of 120 kV cm(-1). A rapid thermal annealing process at 800 degrees C further increased the dielectric constant to 90 and increased the leakage current density to 5 x 10(-6) A cm(-2). The current-voltage characteristics observed at low and high fields suggested a combination of phenomena at different regimes of applied electric field. The capacitance-voltage characteristics performed in the metal-insulator-semiconductor configuration indicated good electronic interfaces with a nominal trap density of 4.5 x 10(12) cm(-2) eV(-1), which is consistent with the behavior observed with conventional dielectrics such as SiO2 on silicon surfaces.


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Analytical expressions which include depletion layer effects on low-injection carrier relaxation are being presented for the first time here. Starting from the continuity equation for the minority carriers, we derive expressions for the output signal pertinent to time-resolved microwave and luminescence experiments. These are valid for the time domain that usually overlaps with the time scales of surface processes, such as charge transfer and trapping. Apart from the usual pulse form of illumination, theoretical expressions pertaining to other forms of illumination such as switch-on and switch-off transient modes, a periodic mode, and a steady state and their various inter-relationships are derived here. The expressions obtained are seen to be generalizations of existing flat-band low-injection results in the Limit of early or initial band bendings. The importance of the depletion layer as an experimental parameter is clearly seen in the limit of larger band bendings wherein it is shown, unlike the flat-band case, to exhibit pure exponential forms of carrier relaxation. Our results are consistent with the main conclusions of the numerical and experimental work published recently. Furthermore, this work provides the actual functional relationships between the applied potential and observed carrier decay. This should enable one to extract the surface kinetic parameters, after deciding on the dominant mode of carrier relaxation at the interface, whether charge transfer or trapping, by studying the potential dependence of the fate of relaxation.


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The study of interfaces in quasicrystalline alloys is relatively new. Apart From the change in orientation, symmetry and chemistry which can occur across homophase and heterophase boundaries in crystalline materials, we have the additional, exciting possibility of an interface between quasicrystalline and its rational approximant. High resolution electron microscopy is a powerful technique to study the structural details of such interfaces. We report the results of a HREM study of the interface between the icosahedral phase and the related Al13Fe4 type monoclinic phase in melt spun and annealed Al65Cu20Fe15 alloy.