385 resultados para SCR J1845-6357
In dieser Arbeit wurde der Aufbau und der Einsatz einer Laser-Extraktionsanlage für Edelgase dargestellt. Diese neue Anlage stellt eine Erweiterung eines bereits bestehenden Edelgas-Massenspektrometers dar. Ein Großteil der Arbeit befasste sich mit dem Aufbau und der Abschätzung der Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Erste Untersuchungen waren Tiefenprofile an Meteoriten. Dabei stand die Unterscheidung der zwei Komponenten der kosmischen Strahlung im Mittelpunkt. Es ist erstmalig gelungen einen Beitrag zur Produktion von stabilen Nukliden durch die 'solare kosmische Strahlung' direkt nachzuweisen. Ebenfalls konnten die zwei unterschiedlichen Komponenten gegeneinander abgeschätzt und eine zweistufige Bestrahlung belegt werden. An Hand eines zweistufigen Modells wurde gezeigt, dass der Nachweis eines SCR-Beitrags durch Radionuklide deutlicher ausfallen muss, als der über stabile Nuklide. Der direkte Nachweis durch die Analyse der Neon-Isotope ist somit bei einer 'ungewöhnlichen' Bestrahlungsgeschichte erfolgt. Die empirischen Produktionsraten (Eugster) wurden so interpretiert, dass sie eine Superposition der Produkte aus galaktischer- und solarer kosmischer Strahlung darstellen, welche von den 'theoretischen' Modellen vorhergesagt werden.
Dieses Experiment untersuchte die Effekte der unterschiedlichen Fragen- bzw. Itemtypen (Stimuli), des Wahrheitsgehalts der Antworten und der elektrodermalen Labilität auf die Hautleitfähigkeitsreaktionen (SCR) und die phasische Herzschlagfrequenz (HR) für zwei relativ neue Befragungstechniken der forensischen Psychophysiologie ('Lügendetektion'): Directed Lie Test (DLT) und Guilty Actions Test (GAT).Achtzig Männer begingen einen simulierten Schmuckdiebstahl. Jeweils die Hälfte entwendete entweder einen Ring oder eine Kette. Während dieser Tat wurden jedoch alle Probanden mit den kritischen Details beider Scheinverbrechen konfrontiert. Anschließend absolvierten sie entweder einen DLT oder einen GAT. Die relevanten Stimuli der Tests bezogen sich auf beide Scheinverbrechen und wurden - intraindividuell variiert - wahrheitswidrig und wahrheitsgemäß verneint. Darüber hinaus umfaßte der DLT inhaltlich parallelisierte Paare von Kontrollfragen. Die Probanden wurden instruiert, die jeweiligen Kontrollfragen eines Paars wahrheitswidrig versus wahrheitsgemäß zu verneinen. Die Testverfahren beinhalteten außerdem nicht tatbezogene, irrelevante Stimuli, die wahrheitsgemäß beantwortet wurden. Für beide Befragungstechniken fand man Reaktionsunterschiede zwischen den Stimulustypen, insbesondere stärkere SCR-Magnituden und eine niedrigere HR auf die wahrheitswidrig verneinten relevanten Stimuli. Bei den Kontrollfragen des DLT zeigten sich jedoch keine signifikanten Effekte des Wahrheitsgehalts. Die elektrodermale Labilität hatte keinen bedeutsamen Einfluß auf die Reaktionsunterschiede. Die Ergebnisse wurden vor allem anhand psychophysiologischer Theorien der Aufmerksamkeit, Konflikte und Informationsverarbeitung interpretiert.
Patienten mit akuter, selbstlimitierender HCV-Infektion und solche mit IFN-a Therapieresponse (SCR) zeigten eine hochregulierte NS3-spezifische T-Helferzellantwort.Über die funktionelle Bedeutung der T-Helferzellantwort und der Antikörpersynthese besteht jedoch noch Unklarheit.In dieser Studie wurde die proliferative Antwort der PBMC von Patienten mit anhaltender Therapieresponse (SCR; n=8), Non-Respondern (NR; n=13) und unbehandelten HCV-Patienten(UTR; n=10) sowie gesunden Kontrollen (HC; n=5) auf die rekombinanten HCV-Antigene Core, Helicase, NS3, NS4 und NS5-4 bestimmt und ihre Sekretion von IFN-.
L'elaborato illustra le metodologie e le tecnologie impiegate per adeguare i motori ad accensione per compressione alla normativa di omologazione Euro VI. In particolare, viene analizzata la soluzione basata sulla riduzione del rapporto di compressione, che permette la contestuale diminuzione delle emissioni di NOx e di particolato, senza penalizzare i consumi e senza richiedere l'uso di sistemi di post-trattamento SCR.
La figura del designer detiene un ruolo chiave nella progettazione di un nuovo prodotto: a lui spetta l'importante compromesso fra scelte ingegneristiche, di mercato e di stile. Lo studio qui condotto analizza da un punto di vista qualitativo e quantitativo le linee di carattere che delineano il profilo base di un'autovettura, in riferimento al particolare segmento automobilistico ed al suo stile. In tal modo si vuole porre una base alla "genetica dello stile", ovvero la caratterizzazione matematica dello stile.
Hybrid vehicles (HV), comprising a conventional ICE-based powertrain and a secondary energy source, to be converted into mechanical power as well, represent a well-established alternative to substantially reduce both fuel consumption and tailpipe emissions of passenger cars. Several HV architectures are either being studied or already available on market, e.g. Mechanical, Electric, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Hybrid Vehicles. Among the others, Electric (HEV) and Mechanical (HSF-HV) parallel Hybrid configurations are examined throughout this Thesis. To fully exploit the HVs potential, an optimal choice of the hybrid components to be installed must be properly designed, while an effective Supervisory Control must be adopted to coordinate the way the different power sources are managed and how they interact. Real-time controllers can be derived starting from the obtained optimal benchmark results. However, the application of these powerful instruments require a simplified and yet reliable and accurate model of the hybrid vehicle system. This can be a complex task, especially when the complexity of the system grows, i.e. a HSF-HV system assessed in this Thesis. The first task of the following dissertation is to establish the optimal modeling approach for an innovative and promising mechanical hybrid vehicle architecture. It will be shown how the chosen modeling paradigm can affect the goodness and the amount of computational effort of the solution, using an optimization technique based on Dynamic Programming. The second goal concerns the control of pollutant emissions in a parallel Diesel-HEV. The emissions level obtained under real world driving conditions is substantially higher than the usual result obtained in a homologation cycle. For this reason, an on-line control strategy capable of guaranteeing the respect of the desired emissions level, while minimizing fuel consumption and avoiding excessive battery depletion is the target of the corresponding section of the Thesis.
Traditionally, the study of internal combustion engines operation has focused on the steady-state performance. However, the daily driving schedule of automotive engines is inherently related to unsteady conditions. There are various operating conditions experienced by (diesel) engines that can be classified as transient. Besides the variation of the engine operating point, in terms of engine speed and torque, also the warm up phase can be considered as a transient condition. Chapter 2 has to do with this thermal transient condition; more precisely the main issue is the performance of a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system during cold start and warm up phases of the engine. The proposal of the underlying work is to investigate and identify optimal exhaust line heating strategies, to provide a fast activation of the catalytic reactions on SCR. Chapters 3 and 4 focus the attention on the dynamic behavior of the engine, when considering typical driving conditions. The common approach to dynamic optimization involves the solution of a single optimal-control problem. However, this approach requires the availability of models that are valid throughout the whole engine operating range and actuator ranges. In addition, the result of the optimization is meaningful only if the model is very accurate. Chapter 3 proposes a methodology to circumvent those demanding requirements: an iteration between transient measurements to refine a purpose-built model and a dynamic optimization which is constrained to the model validity region. Moreover all numerical methods required to implement this procedure are presented. Chapter 4 proposes an approach to derive a transient feedforward control system in an automated way. It relies on optimal control theory to solve a dynamic optimization problem for fast transients. From the optimal solutions, the relevant information is extracted and stored in maps spanned by the engine speed and the torque gradient.
Elaborato che si propone di evidenziare come i veicoli a benzina e a diesel possano soddisfare la normativa Euro 6. Si analizza il funzionamento dei principali sistemi di after-treatment come: catalizzatore SCR e DeNOx, trappola LNT, filtri FAP e DPF, sistemi EGR, per i motori ad accensione per compressione e catalizzatore TWC per motori ad accensione comandata. Parallelamente, si spiega l'evoluzione della normativa da Euro 6b a Euro 6c in termini di riduzione del numero di particelle di particolato emesse per km e come rispondere a queste più restrittive condizioni; viene introdotto, in via ancora sperimentale, il filtro antiparticolato GPF e un sistema di misurazione di nano particelle di dimensioni inferiori a 23 nm cioè una rivalutazione del metodo PMP. Contestualmente si definisce il progetto CARS 2020, il quale aggiunge una limitazione anche sulla quantità di anidride carbonica emessa a 95 g/km e le eventuali possibili soluzioni per rispettarla: da un maggior uso di combustibili alternativi a miglioramenti tecnologici dei motori stessi. Infine si studiano gli sviluppi dei cicli di omologazione, dal 2017 infatti entreranno in gioco test su strada con dispositivi PEMS on-board e cicli armonizzati WLTC. Le procedure RDE e WLTP permetteranno di testare i vecioli in maniera più reale e globale, rispettivamente, riuscendo a fornire anche valori attendibili dei consumi registrati durante le prove.
Robust and accurate identification of intervertebral discs from low resolution, sparse MRI scans is essential for the automated scan planning of the MRI spine scan. This paper presents a graphical model based solution for the detection of both the positions and orientations of intervertebral discs from low resolution, sparse MRI scans. Compared with the existing graphical model based methods, the proposed method does not need a training process using training data and it also has the capability to automatically determine the number of vertebrae visible in the image. Experiments on 25 low resolution, sparse spine MRI data sets verified its performance.
Abstract Objective. We assessed the relationships between (I) ultrasonography calcaneus T-scores (PIXI) and mandibular cortex characteristics on oral panoramic radiographs in older subjects; and (II) osteoporosis and periodontitis. Material and methods. We examined 778 subjects (53% women) aged 59-96 years. Periodontitis was defined by alveolar bone loss assessed from panoramic radiographs. Results. PIXI calcaneus T-values ?-2.5 (osteoporosis) were found in 16.3% of women and in 8.1% of men. PIXI calcaneus T-values <-1.6 (osteoporosis, adjusted) were found in 34.2% of women and in 21.4% of men. The age of the subjects and PIXI T-values were significantly correlated in women (Pearson's r = 0.37, P < 0.001) and men (Pearson's r = 0.19, P < 0.001). Periodontitis was found in 18.7% of subjects defined by alveolar bone level ?5 mm. Subjects with osteoporosis defined by adjusted PIXI T-values had fewer remaining teeth [mean difference 4.1, 95% confidence interval (CI) -1.1 to -6.5, P < 0.001]. The crude odds ratio (OR) of an association between the panoramic assessment of mandibular cortex erosions as a sign of osteoporosis and the adjusted T-value (T-value cut-off <-1.6) was 4.8 (95% CI 3.1-7.2, P < 0.001; Pearson ?(2) = 60.1, P < 0.001). A significant OR between osteoporosis and periodontitis was only found in women for the T-value cut-off ?-2.5 (crude OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.1-3.3, P < 0.03). Conclusions. An association between osteoporosis and periodontitis was only confirmed in women. The likelihood that the mandibular cortex index agrees with adjusted PIXI T-values is significant.
Experimental measurements are used to characterize the anisotropy of flow stress in extruded magnesium alloy AZ31 sheet during uniaxial tension tests at temperatures between 350°C and 450°C, and strain rates ranging from 10-5 to 10-2 s-1. The sheet exhibits lower flow stress and higher tensile ductility when loaded with the tensile axis perpendicular to the extrusion direction compared to when it is loaded parallel to the extrusion direction. This anisotropy is found to be grain size, strain rate, and temperature dependent, but is only weakly dependent on texture. A microstructure based model (D. E. Cipoletti, A. F. Bower, P. E. Krajewski, Scr. Mater., 64 (2011) 931–934) is used to explain the origin of the anisotropic behavior. In contrast to room temperature behavior, where anisotropy is principally a consequence of the low resistance to slip on the basal slip system, elevated temperature anisotropy is found to be caused by the grain structure of extruded sheet. The grains are elongated parallel to the extrusion direction, leading to a lower effective grain size perpendicular to the extrusion direction. As a result, grain boundary sliding occurs more readily if the material is loaded perpendicular to the extrusion direction.
To assess the effects on intra-oral halitosis by a mouth rinse containing zinc acetate (0.3%) and chlorhexidine diacetate (0.025%) with and without adjunct tongue scraping.