941 resultados para SALCEDO UNDA, GUADALUPE, 1924-1957 - VIDA MILITAR


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Bibliography: p. 28-34.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Siguense las reglas de vida que el diacono Agapito escriuio para el emperador Iustiniano ... : h. 136-146. Elogio al retrato de Don Aluaro de Baçan, Marques de Santa Cruz ... : h. 152-184.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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v. l. Vida de Luiz de Camões. Elogios dedicados a I. de Camões por alguns escriptores. Traducções dos Lusiadas o outras obras de


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Mallorca, the largest of the Balearic Islands, is a well-known summer holidays destination; an ideal place to relax and enjoy the sun and the sea. That tourist gaze reflected on postcards results from advertising campaigns, where cinema played an important role with documentaries and fiction films. The origins of that iconography started in the decades of the 1920’s and 1930’s, reflecting the so-called myth of the “island of calm”. On the other hand, the films of the 1950’s and 1960’s created new stereotypes related to the mass tourism boom. Busy beaches and the white bodies of tourists replaced white sandy beaches, mountains and landscapes shown up in the movies of the early decades of the 20th century. Besides, hotels and nightclubs also replaced monuments, rural landscapes and folk exhibitions. These tourist images mirror the social and spatial transformations of Mallorca, under standardization processes like other seaside mass tourist destinations. The identity was rebuilt on the foundations of "modernity". Although "balearization" has not ceased, nowadays filmmaking about Mallorca is advertising again a stereotype close to that one of the 1920s and 1930s, glorifying the myth of the "island of calm". This singular identity makes the island more profitable for capital that searches socio-spatial differentiation in post-fordist times.


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Analysis of the word lancea, of Hispanic origin after Varro, and of place names, people´s names and personal names derived from it. It confirms that the spear was the most important weapon in the Bronze Age, belonging to the iuventus and used as heroic and divine symbol. This analysis confirms also the personality of the Lusitanians, a people related to the Celts but with more archaic archaeological, linguistic and cultural characteristics originated in the tradition of the Atlantic Bronze in the II millennium BC. It is also relevant to better know the organisation of Broze and Iron Age societies and the origin of Indo-Europeans peoples in Western Europe and of pre-Roman peoples of Iberia.


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A partir del inventario post mortem de los libros de Pere Dorchal, sacerdote beneficiado en la catedral de Valencia, datado en 1419, se estudia la composición de la biblioteca de un predicador. Al mismo tiempo, se recompone su biografía.


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The first decades of the 19th century constituted a period of profound change for Chile, the principal results of which were to be seen in the consolidation of the process of independence from Spanish dominion in 1818. The consequences were not limited to a revolution of military and political nature; they also included a renovation of the cultural panorama -at least among the educated patriots who made an effort to distance themselves ideologically from the Monarchy-, with the implicit challenge of establishing a new order for Chile, based on legitimate and universally recognizable foundations. The inspirational framework for these efforts is usually associated with other revolutionary examples -France and the United States- that preceded the emancipation processes in Spanish America, as well as with the discourses of illustrated liberalism. As we will attempt to demonstrate in this study, a new reading of the texts written by the Creoles that lead the Chilean independence process may, nonetheless, also reveal the relevance of the classical tradition as a model for the configuration and legitimization of the first Republican projects that especially admired the ideals of Republicanism.


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O estudo apresenta-se com o objetivo de compreender diferentes dimensões que interpelam o campo da imigração, evidenciando a relevância das redes sociais e do capital social na mobilidade social dos imigrantes caboverdianos em Portugal. Neste estudo privilegiamos a metodologia qualitativa, dando primazia ao paradigma interpretativo. Foram feitas cinco entrevistas semi-estruturadas a imigrantes caboverdianos adultos residentes na comunidade do Cacém, concelho de Sintra. As narrativas dos imigrantes caboverdianos participantes revelam que as suas redes sociais estão bastantes fragilizadas. A falta de confiança, a escassa participação social em estruturas comunitárias, e o parco djunta-mó que parece existir entre eles, ressaltam como características que parecem inibir os imigrantes de interagir com redes diferentes, fechando-se entre si. Tais características na interação social afetam a emergência e o reforço do capital social necessário para uma integração bem-sucedida, dificultando a mobilidade social ascendente. Sendo a imigração uma importante expressão da questão social, o Serviço Social deveria assumir a centralidade do debate sobre as preocupações do tema apresentado, tanto a nível das características das trajetórias do imigrante, como das suas trajetórias de (não-)integração e in(ex)clusão social. As conclusões do estudo desafiam a (re)pensar as estratégias comunitárias para intervir socialmente no reforço da confiança, entreajuda e participação social, alinhadas com a (re)definição de políticas sociais justas, capazes de potenciar equidade nos processos de mobilidade social ascendente.


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Em Portugal e no Mundo Ocidental a população está a envelhecer, colocando esta nova realidade enormes desafios à sociedade. A sua crescente relevância deve-se sobretudo às consideráveis repercussões a nível pessoal, familiar, sociopolítico e económico e que afetam pessoas de todas as idades e a sociedade como um todo, colocando desafios específicos relativamente às relações interpessoais, à qualidade de vida e à saúde mental na pessoa idosa. Deste modo, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a associação entre a qualidade de vida, a depressão e as características das redes sociais pessoais dos idosos. Participaram no estudo 317 indivíduos, sendo 202 do sexo feminino e 115 do sexo masculino, com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, com uma média de 77 anos (DP=7,57). Na recolha de dados recorremos a três instrumentos: Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS Short Form 15), (Yesavage et al., 1983; Almeida & Almeida, 1999); Instrumento de Avaliação de Qualidade de Vida da OMS (WHOQOL), (OMS, 1998; Canavarro et al., 2006); Instrumento de Avaliação das Redes Sociais Pessoais (IARSP – Idosos), (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012). Dos resultados destacamos que as características funcionais da rede social pessoal se diferenciaram de forma estatisticamente significativa entre as subamostras de idosos segundo os níveis de qualidade de vida percebida. Saliente-se que, além da relação significativa entre a depressão e qualidade de vida, em que os idosos com um nível mais baixo de qualidade de vida percebida apresentam maiores níveis de depressão (p<0,001), as características funcionais das redes sociais apresentam uma associação clara com a qualidade de vida (p<0,005) e a maioria com a depressão (p<0,014), o que não acontece com as estruturais e com as relacionais-contextuais. Outros resultados indicam que indivíduos com diferentes níveis de qualidade de vida percebida possuem uma estrutura idêntica da rede social pessoal. Ao nível da análise da associação entre as variáveis funcionais da Rede Social Pessoal, Qualidade de Vida e Depressão, o modelo analítico transmite-nos indicadores de investigação e intervenção precisos, o que demonstra a necessidade da continuidade e aprofundamento do presente estudo num âmbito amostral mais alargado e heterogéneo. / In Portugal and in the eastern world, the aging of population creates huge challenges to societies. It's growing relevance is owed to considerable repercussions on the personal, familiar, socio-politic and economic level that affect people of all ages and society as a whole, creating specific challenges regarding interpersonal relationships, quality of life and mental health of the elderly. The current work has the objective of analyzing the association between quality of life, depression and the characteristics of personal social networks of the elderly. 317 individuals have participated in this study, 202 female and 115 male, with age equal or above 65 years old, with an average of 77 years old (DP=7,57). We used three assessment instruments to collect data: Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS Short Form 15), (Yesavage et al., 1983; Almeida & Almeida, 1999); WHO’s Quality of Life Evaluation instrument (WHOQOL) (WHO, 1998; Canavarro et al., 2006); Personal Social Network Analysis Tool (IARSP-Elderly),(Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012). The results show that the functional personal network characteristics are significantly different according to their level of quality of life. It should also be noted that not only there is a significant association between depression and quality of life, in which elderly people with a lower quality of life level show higher levels of depression (p<0,001), there is also a clear association between the functional social network characteristics and quality of life (p<0,005), and the majority with depression (p<0,014), which doesn’t happen with structural and relational-contextual social network characteristics. Other results indicate that different levels of quality of life acquire an identical social network structure. On the matter of association between the functional variables of social networks, quality of fife and depression, the analytic model shows precise indicators of research and intervention, which instills us a need to continue and enlarge this study with an wider and more heterogeneous sample.


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Objetivos: A investigação tem como objetivo geral analisar a associação entre a satisfação com a vida nos idosos e as características estruturais, funcionais e relacionais-contextuais das suas redes sociais pessoais. Metodologia: A recolha dos dados foi feita através de um questionário sociodemográfico, da Satisfaction With Life Scale – SWLS (Diener, 1985) que permite avaliar o grau de satisfação com a vida e também do Instrumento de Avaliação da Rede Social Pessoal – IARSP – Idosos (Guadalupe, 2009; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012) que possibilita a análise das características das redes sociais pessoais dos idosos. Participantes: A amostra é constituída por 416 idosos com idades compreendidas entre os 65 anos e os 98 anos (M = 76,15; DP = 7,584). Os participantes são de ambos os sexos, mas na sua maioria do sexo feminino (63,7%; n = 265). A maioria dos sujeitos da amostra é casada (51,2%; n = 213) e tem escolaridade (64,2%; n = 267). Resultados: Verifica-se que são as mulheres idosas, os casados e com escolaridade que percebem uma maior satisfação com a vida. Constata-se que existe uma maior proporção de idosos satisfeitos com a vida (53,8%; n = 83) em comparação com os medianamente satisfeitos (26,2%; n = 109) e com os insatisfeitos (20%; n = 83). Os idosos que apresentam uma maior satisfação percebida têm uma média mais elevada na proporção das relações familiares nas redes (M = 80,67), no apoio emocional, material e instrumental, informativo, companhia social, e no acesso a novos vínculos, e consideram estar muito satisfeitos tanto com a rede (M = 2,92) como com o apoio que esta disponibiliza (M = 2,77). Conclusão: Verificaram-se associações estatisticamente significativas nas características estruturais da rede, no entanto são as características funcionais que atestam os principais resultados que nos permitem afirmar uma associação entre satisfação com a vida nos idosos e as relações interpessoais, pelo conteúdo das relações e pelo apoio que percecionam. Concluímos que os idosos que se consideram satisfeitos com a vida apresentavam, na generalidade, características de rede social mais positivas quando comparados com os que percebiam menor satisfação com a vida. / Objectives: The research has as main objective to analyze the association between life satisfaction in the elderly and the structural, functional and relational-contextual characteristics of their personal social networks. Methodology: The data collection was done through a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Satisfaction With Life Scale – SWLS (Diener, 1985) that evaluates the degree of satisfaction with life and also the Personal Social Network Analysis Tool – IARSP – Elderly (Guadalupe, 2009; Guadalupe & Vicente, 2012) for the analysis of personal social networks’ characteristics. Participants: The sample consisted of 416 elderly aged between 65 and 98 years (M = 76,15; SD = 7,584). Participants are both genders, but mostly female (63,7%; n =265). Most of the participants are married (51,2%; n = 213) and have education (64,2%; n = 267). Results: It is found that are the older women, married and with education that perceive a greater satisfaction with life. There is a greater proportion of elderly satisfied with the lives (53,8%; n = 83) compared to the moderately satisfied (26,2%; n = 109) and the unsatisfied (20%; n = 83). Seniors who have a higher satisfaction have a higher average in the proportion of family relationships in their networks (M = 80,67), emotional support, material and instrumental, informational, social companionship, and access to new bonds, and consider to be very satisfied with their social network (M = 2,92) and with the social support that it provides (M = 2,77). Conclusion: There were statistically significant associations in the structural characteristics of the network, however are the functional characteristics that allow us to state an association between life satisfaction in the elderly through interpersonal relationships, the content of relations and the support they perceive. We conclude that elderly people who consider themselves satisfied with life showed, in general, have more positive characteristics of social personal network when compared to those who perceive less satisfaction with life.


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The present research deals with the modernization process of the Cidade da Parahyba2, between 1850 and 1924, and its relation with the cotton economy, which represented the main source of wealth accumulation for both the private and the public sectors throughout the First Republic. This study on urban history was developed by focusing on the understanding of the city s spatial formation, and despite its emphasis on the economic aspects involved, other factors that also contribute to the development of the social life were not put aside. The modernization process of the Cidade da Parahyba was also analyzed during the period established for the study according to a chronological and thematic approach that established comparisons with the financial situation of the State, whenever this was necessary, with special attention to the contribution of the cotton economy to the State´s revenues. It was possible to detect a lack of financial help and loans from the federal and municipal administrations for finishing several public works already underway in the capital, since the federal funds allocated to the State of Parahyba do Norte were rather employed in emergency works against droughts and in agricultural development. One can then conclude that the financial resources required for the urban interventions were withdrawn from the State s treasury itself, resources that were collected mainly from activities such as cotton exportation and cotton trading. Another factor shows the interdependence between the urban remodeling and the cotton economy: during the years marked by great droughts or by hard plagues on the cotton plantations, cotton production decreased, as well as the State s finances. The first measures taken by the State s administrators were to halt all projects of urban remodeling in progress in the Cidade da Parahyba, which was, clearly, the most privileged city by the State s presidents during the period analyzed. 2 The city of João Pessoa was named Cidade da Parahyba, a designation that remained until September 1930, when it received its present-day name in order to pay homage to the president of the State, João Pessoa Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, murdered in the city of Recife in August of that same year. At that time, the State of Paraíba was known as Parahyba do Norte. Since this work is limited to a period of time comprised within the First Republic, the names employed respect the terms used in those days