985 resultados para Root canal sealing
Aim: A retrospective clinical audit was carried out on records of endodontic treatment performed by dental undergraduates. The audit was performed to evaluate the technical quality of root canal fillings performed by dental undergraduates and determine the associated factors. Methods: 140 records of patients who had received root canal treatment by dental undergraduates were evaluated through periapical radiographs by two examiners (κ =0.74). The root canal fillings had their quality evaluated according to extent, condensation and presence of procedural mishap. Possible factors associated with technical quality such as tooth type, canal curvature, student level and quality of record keeping were evaluated. Data were statistically analyzed using chi-square test (p<0.05). Results: Among the 140 root-filled teeth, acceptable extent, condensation and no-mishap were observed in 72.1%, 66.4% and 77.9% cases respectively. Overall, the technical quality of 68 (48.6%) root-filled teeth was considered acceptable. Overall, non-acceptable root canal fillings were significantly more likely to be observed in molars (69.2%), moderately and severely curved canals (71.4%) and junior students (61.5%). There was no association between acceptable root canal fillings and quality of record keeping. Conclusions: The technical quality of root canal fillings was acceptable in 48.6% cases and it was associated with tooth type, degree of canal curvature and student seniority.
Aim: To analyze the root canal organic tissue dissolution capacity promoted by irrigating solutions, with or without the use of different agitation techniques. Methods: Bovine pulp tissue fragments were initially weighed. The following irrigating solutions were tested: 2.5% sodium hypochlorite, 2% chlorhexidine digluconate solution, and distilled water. The irrigating protocols were: immersion, mechanical agitation with endodontic files, and ultrasonic or sonic systems (Endoactivactor® and Easy Clean®). At the end of the protocols, the pulps were weighed to determine their final weight. For comparison, the average percentage of tissue dissolution in relation to the groups was analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test complemented by multiple comparisons test. The significance level was set at 5%. Results: Among the irrigation solutions, 2.5% sodium hypochlorite showed a higher dissolving power than 2% chlorhexidine digluconate and distilled water. Furthermore, ultrasonic and sonic systems were more effective irrigating protocols than immersion and mechanical agitation with endodontic files. Conclusions: The combination of sodium hypochlorite with an agitation system promotes a greater degree of tissue degradation.
Aim: To evaluate the physicochemical and mechanical properties of Portland cement-based experimental sealers (ES) with different radiopacifying agents (zirconium oxide and niobium oxide micro- and nanoparticles) in comparison with the following conventional sealers: AH Plus, MTA Fillapex and Sealapex. Methodology: The materials were tested for setting time, compressive strength, flow, film thickness, radiopacity, solubility, dimensional stability and formaldehyde release. Data were subjected to anova and Tukey tests (P < 0.05). Results: MTA Fillapex had the shortest setting time and lowest compressive strength values (P < 0.05) compared with the other materials. The ES had flow values similar to the conventional materials, but higher film thickness (P < 0.05) and lower radiopacity (P < 0.05). Similarly to AH Plus, the ES were associated with dimensional expansion (P > 0.05) and lower solubility when compared with MTA Fillapex and Sealapex (P < 0.05). None of the endodontic sealers evaluated released formaldehyde after mixing. Conclusion: With the exception of radiopacity, the Portland cement-based experimental endodontic sealers presented physicochemical properties according to the specifications no 57 ANSI/ADA (ADA Professional Product Review, 2008) and ISO 6876 (Dentistry - Root Canal Sealing Materials, 2012, British Standards Institution, London, UK). The sealers had setting times and flow ability that was adequate for clinical use, satisfactory compressive strength and low solubility. Additional studies should be carried out with the purpose of decreasing the film thickness and to determine the ideal ratio of radiopacifying agents in Portland cement-based root canal sealers. © 2013 International Endodontic Journal.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Introdução: Ao longo do tempo o Tratamento Endodôntico Não Cirúrgico tem sido das áreas da Medicina Dentária que mais tem evoluído. Todos os passos do tratamento têm sido revistos de forma a aumentar a taxa de sucesso. O controlo microbiológico é crucial para que o tratamento seja um sucesso a curto, médio e longo prazo. A assepsia deve ser mantida em todas as fases deste tratamento para que este seja um sucesso. Objetivo: Ao longo do meu percurso académico pude concluir que a fase da descontaminação dos cones, aquando a obturação (fase final do Tratamento Endodôntico Não Cirúrgico) era desvalorizada, o que me levou a efetuar uma revisão bibliográfica de modo a poder melhorar os meus conhecimentos e técnica. Material e Métodos: Para a elaboração deste trabalho foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica recorrendo aos seguintes motores de busca: B-on, PubMed, Scielo e ScienceDirect, com as seguintes palavras-chave: “decontamination in endodontics”;” disinfection in endodontics”; “root canal irrigants”; “endodontics microbiology”; “Candida albicans“; “Enterococcus faecalis”; “sodium hypochlorite ”; “alcohol”; “contamination during Obturation”; “clorohexidine”; “filling materials endodontics”; “termoplastic gutta-percha”; “obturation material”; “Mineral Trioxide Aggregate”; “resilon”; “resin cement”; “resin material for root canal obturation”; “resin sealer”; “root canal”; “root canal sealing”; “root canal filling materials”; “condensation in endodontics”; “lateral condensation”; “gutta-percha”; “microlekeage”; “system B”; “fluid filtration model”;“dye penetration”. Como critério de inclusão estabeleceu-se que os artigos deveriam ser em Português, Inglês ou Espanhol e publicados entre 1995 e 2015. Dos resultados apresentados foram utilizados 110 artigos, pesquisados entre Maio de 2015 e 20 de Outubro de 2015. Foram ainda consultados livros de referência nestes mesmos locais. Conclusão: a presença de bactérias e os seus subprodutos no sistema tridimensional de canais está diretamente implicado com o insucesso do Tratamento Endodôntico. A descontaminação dos cones de guta-percha, é, portanto, um processo importante no Tratamento Endodôntico pois impede que os cones sejam colocados nos canais radiculares, estando contaminados por microorganismos que inviabilizam o tratamento efetuado. A submersão dos cones durante um minuto em clorohexidina a 2% ou hipoclorito a 5,25% está indicado e comprovado como um processo eficiente de desinfeção dos cones.
Introdução: O adequado selamento do sistema de canais radiculatres (SCR) obtido através da obturação, evita a infiltração de micro-organismos entre as paredes do canal radicular e o material obturador, reduzindo a possibilidade de insucesso do tratamento endodôntico (TE). A falta de selamento coronal, o atraso da colocação da restauração permanente, a fratura da restauração coronal, assim como uma espessura inadequada da restauração provisória, inferior a 4mm, podem, entre outros factores, ser predisponentes para a recontaminação do SCR obturado. Sendo o selamento da entrada do SCR uma importante etapa do TE, neste estudo pretendeu-se avaliar diferentes materiais para tal procedimento, avaliando qual o material que proporciona menor infiltração. Materiais e métodos: Neste estudo foram utilizados 70 dentes humanos monocanalares, que foram divididos aleatoriamente em 6 grupos. Grupo I (15 dentes) foram selados com ionómero de vidro modificado por resina (Ionoseal - VOCO®), Grupo II (15 dentes) foram selados com ionómero de vidro modicifado por resina (GC Fuji II LC- GA America®), Grupo III (15 dentes) foram selados por um compósito fluído (GrandioSO Heavy Flow - VOCO®), Grupo IV (15 dentes) foram selados por um compósito nanohíbrido (GrandioSO - VOCO®). O Grupo V (5 dentes) e o Grupo VI (5 dentes) foram usados como controlo negativo e positivo, respectivamente. Os dentes foram submetidos a termociclagem de 500 ciclos, de 60 segundos de duração cada um, com variações de temperatura de 5°C - 55°C. Em seguida, foram imersos em corante azul de metileno a 2% para avaliação da infiltração dos materiais. Resultados: Em geral, Ionoseal® demonstrou maior infiltração de corante que os outros materiais, e quando comparado com os demais grupos a diferença foi significativa. Porem entre os grupos 1, 2 e 3 não houve diferença estatística significante. Conclusões: LC Fuji II®, GrandioSo® Nano partícula Flow e GrandioSo® Nano partícula podem ser usados como barreira intracanalar.
To investigate the ability of BioRoot RCS, a tricalcium silicate-based root canal sealer and AH Plus to effectively fill the root canals of contralateral teeth using three evaluation methods, and to investigate also the correlation between the methods. The prepared root canals of ten pairs of contralateral mandibular premolar teeth were filled with gutta-percha and sealer using lateral compaction. The percentage of voids within the root canal was assessed by micro-computed tomography, whilst sealing ability was investigated by fluid transport and leakage of fluorescent microspheres. The interaction of sealer with dentine, and sealer penetration were assessed by confocal microscopy. The void volume, fluid flow, microsphere leakage and sealer interaction with dentine for both materials were compared. Nonparametric (Mann-Whitney) tests were used to compare the % void and fluid transport of the two sealers. Spearman correlation was used to assess the pairwise relationships between the techniques. The level of significance was set to 0.05. BioRoot RCS exhibited significantly more percentage of voids than AH Plus. There was no difference in fluid flow and microsphere penetration. BioRoot RCS exhibited a different pattern of sealer penetration and interaction with the dentine walls compared to AH Plus. For both materials, the pairwise correlations between the three techniques were close to zero, indicating weak relationships. MicroCT analysis revealed a higher void volume for BioRoot RCS. The other techniques did not show a difference between the sealing ability of the sealers. The correlation between the three ex vivo methods of assessment was weak demonstrating their complementarity rather than their concordance.