996 resultados para Resolução da ONU 2222


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O vídeo mostra um conceito da lógica proposicional que é a prova por resolução. A vantagem dessa aplicação é a simplicidade, pois emprega apenas uma regra de inferência. Para verificar se o argumento é válido, por exemplo, são necessário três passos: converter cada premissa para FNC e negar a conclusão, separar as cláusulas, e construir a árvore de derivação ou refutação.


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Esta investigação teve como objetivo, compreender como é que a avaliação da resolução de problemas contribui para melhorar a aprendizagem da resolução de problemas. A dificuldade na resolução de problemas é de facto um fenómeno mundial com uma extensão considerável em termos cronológicos. Tendo-se escrito muito acerca deste assunto, a verdade é que continua a colocar muitos pontos de interrogação, no que concerne aos métodos e estratégias para ultrapassar este problema. Combinar a avaliação com a resolução de problemas nem sempre é fácil. A resolução de problemas é muito importante para que se cinja a uma visão simplista, temos que perceber que esta se reveste de uma oportunidade para alargar e diversificar os instrumentos de avaliação. Para além disso, permite que os alunos com dificuldades se envolvam ativamente com os seus colegas, numa busca cooperativa pela solução do problema, beneficiando assim ambas as partes. No sentido de verificar o acima referido, os alunos foram colocados em grupos e foi-lhes proposto uma ficha de trabalho de problemas. Os problemas propostos foram os mais diversificados possíveis, no sentido de apelar aos vários tipos de raciocínio e estratégias. Para este estudo foi escolhida uma turma do 5º ano com alunos com bons resultados em matemática e outros com dificuldades. No que concerne à metodologia de investigação, optou-se pela qualitativa e descritiva, com uma pequena nuance quantitativa para consubstanciar o estudo.


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O artigo apresenta os principais elementos que compõem a questão ambiental na sociedade global, através de sua relação entre economia, meio ambiente e política internacional. A primeira parte expõe o debate ambiental no contexto internacional, enfocando-o a partir dos anos 1960, período em que os problemas ambientais surgem com mais intensidade e com eles os protestos sociais nos países centrais. Os encontros sobre política ambiental internacional foram realizados com mais frequência nos anos setenta como a conferência internacional sobre meio ambiente, a primeira chancelada pela ONU em Estocolmo, 1972. Nas décadas de 1970/1980 as autoridades governamentais reconheceram a urgência na resolução da crise ambiental e passaram a traçar estratégias para a mitigação e contenção da crise. A década de 1990 é marcada pela Conferência Rio 1992, que lançou o desenvolvimento sustentável, o qual recomenda que as gerações presentes devem se reproduzir sem comprometer a capacidade de reprodução das gerações futuras. Os encaminhamentos da terceira conferência internacional sobre meio ambiente (Johanesburgo, 2002) condicionaram a questão ambiental à necessidade da formulação de leis ambientais por parte dos Estados Nacionais e instrumentos económicos de gestão ambiental. Na Rio + 20, o tema central foi a economia verde, que surge como alternativa ao desenvolvimento sustentável e se relaciona a mitigação das mudanças climáticas, produção de baixo carbono, eficiência energética, energia renovável etc. O texto se encerra explanando sobre a questão ambiental internacional na sociedade global.


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This work considers a ethnography boarding on the Apãniekra Jê-Timbira group of Central Brazil - leaving of a proposal of agreement of the group in perspectives of historical situations, analyzing its social organization from situational approaches. Taking the ethnography as main tool of production of data, the focus of the research takes dimension, when in the course of the ethnography situation, they come out, from certain events, social dramas that if ramify in crises, conflicts, faccionalismo. I analyze the mechanisms elaborated for the group to neutralize these dramas , such as the constitution of a tribal court , composites for native mediators and external mediators, dynamics ritual processes and politicians.


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The habitat loss and fragmentation are considered the main threats to the biodiversity. These threats operate at the landscape level, which drives the need to manage entire landscapes, not just its components. Although systematic monitoring of the Atlantic Forest biome has been ongoing since the late eighties, current data on forest fragmentation for the sub-region of Pernambuco are practically nonexistent. This study aimed to map out, with high spatial resolution, the remnants of Atlantic forest in Rio Grande do Norte, and conduct a landscape level analysis. The results show that the landscape is highly fragmented, where about 13.6% to 17% of biome remains. Most of the fragments is less than 10 ha, while a few fragments have area larger than 100 ha. Although the high degree of fragmentation, the average distance between fragments found was small (128 m), this estimate is lower than has been observed for the biome (1440m). There is evidence that abrupt changes in the quantification of landscape structure can occur when one observes the fragmentation at high spatial resolution. The results presented here can be used in management actions, in order to make the scenario more conducive to maintaining biodiversity.


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We propose a new approach to reduction and abstraction of visual information for robotics vision applications. Basically, we propose to use a multi-resolution representation in combination with a moving fovea for reducing the amount of information from an image. We introduce the mathematical formalization of the moving fovea approach and mapping functions that help to use this model. Two indexes (resolution and cost) are proposed that can be useful to choose the proposed model variables. With this new theoretical approach, it is possible to apply several filters, to calculate disparity and to obtain motion analysis in real time (less than 33ms to process an image pair at a notebook AMD Turion Dual Core 2GHz). As the main result, most of time, the moving fovea allows the robot not to perform physical motion of its robotics devices to keep a possible region of interest visible in both images. We validate the proposed model with experimental results


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In this work it is presented a research developed in the initial training of teachers of the chemistry graduation course at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The intervention was realized in two classes in the context of a discipline in the curricular structure with nineteen undergraduate students of chemistry. The study utilizes characteristics of the qualitative approach and uses observation, questionnaires, interviews and examination papers. The experiment involved a sequence of activities fundamented on the Problem Solving (PS) teaching strategy to approach chemical concepts. The proposal was planned and organized according to the theoretical presupposition of the work developed by the authors of the Science Education in PS, of teaching experience and from the initial hypotheses of the research. The goal was that the future teachers could experience the strategy and advance to the new meanings. The themes addressed in the activities were the difference between exercises and problems, exercises turning into problems, the steps of problem solving and some implications of the teaching strategy for the work of the teacher. The results showed evidence that through a process of collective reflection, and from the difficulties experienced in the strategy practice, the undergraduates are introduced to new perspectives of reflection and action of teaching practice, and understanding some benefits of innovative proposals for the teaching of chemistry. It also showed that, although this theme is approached, in some moments of the graduation, the future teachers don‟t know when or how to realize activities in this perspective. From the aspects that rose in research we highlighted the difficulties in the problem solving steps, the use of the strategy in school and the knowledge and skills of the teacher for planning activities in Problem Solving


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The present study aims to check whether the use of activities mediated by the History of Mathematics can contribute to improve the understanding of resolution the 2nd degree equation for teachers and undergraduates that reproduce methods of solving such equations, uncritically, without domain of the justifications for their actions. For this, we adapted a didactic sequence with activities that aims to cause a rediscovery of resolutive formula of 2nd degree equation through the method known as cut and paste. Finally, we presented the activity module containing the didactic sequence used during the study, as suggestion for use in the classroom, by the math teacher


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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As plantas aquáticas têm papel fundamental no equilíbrio dos ecossistemas, porém seu crescimento desequilibrado pode obstruir canais, represas e reservatórios e afetar múltiplos usos da água. em relação a plantas aquáticas submersas, a utilização de medidas de controle torna-se mais complexa, em face da dificuldade em mapear e quantificar volumetricamente as áreas colonizadas. Nessas situações, considera-se que o uso de dados hidroacústicos possibilite o mapeamento e a mensuração dessas áreas, auxiliando na elaboração de propostas de manejo sustentáveis desse tipo de vegetação aquática. Assim, o presente trabalho utilizou dados acústicos e a técnica de krigagem para realizar a inferência espacial do biovolume de plantas aquáticas submersas. Os dados foram obtidos em três levantamentos ecobatimétricos realizados em uma área de estudos localizada no rio Paraná, caracterizada por condições favoráveis para proliferação de vegetação aquática submersa e dificuldade de navegação. Para delimitar as áreas caracterizadas pela presença de plantas aquáticas submersas, utilizou-se uma imagem multiespectral de alta resolução espacial World View-2. O mapeamento do biovolume das plantas aquáticas submersas nas áreas de ocorrência do fenômeno foi realizado a partir da inferência do biovolume por krigagem e do fatiamento dos valores inferidos em intervalos de 15%. A partir do mapa gerado, foi possível identificar os locais de maior concentração de macrófitas submersas, com predominância de valores de biovolume entre 15-30% e 30-45%, confirmando a viabilidade da utilização da krigagem na inferência espacial do biovolume, a partir de medidas ecobatimétricas georreferenciadas e com o suporte de imagem de alta resolução espacial.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The spatial resolution improvement of orbital sensors has broadened considerably the applicability of their images in solving urban areas problems. But as the spatial resolution improves, the shadows become even a more serious problem especially when detailed information (under the shadows) is required. Besides those shadows caused by buildings and houses, clouds projected shadows are likely to occur. In this case there is information occlusion by the cloud in association with low illumination and contrast areas caused by the cloud shadow on the ground. Thus, it's important to use efficient methods to detect shadows and clouds areas in digital images taking in count that these areas care for especial processing. This paper proposes the application of Mathematical Morphology (MM) in shadow and clouds detection. Two parts of a panchromatic QuickBird image of Cuiab-MT urban area were used. The proposed method takes advantage of the fact that shadows (low intensity - dark areas) and clouds (high intensity - bright areas) represent the bottom and top, respectively, of the image as it is thought to be a topographic surface. This characteristic allowed MM area opening and closing operations to be applied to reduce or eliminate the bottom and top of the topographic surface.


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This research presents a methodology for prediction of building shadows cast on urban roads existing on high-resolution aerial imagery. Shadow elements can be used in the modeling of contextual information, whose use has become more and more common in image analysis complex processes. The proposed methodology consists in three sequential steps. First, the building roof contours are manually extracted from an intensity image generated by the transformation of a digital elevation model (DEM) obtained from airborne laser scanning data. In similarly, the roadside contours are extracted, now from the radiometric information of the laser scanning data. Second, the roof contour polygons are projected onto the adjacent roads by using the parallel projection straight lines, whose directions are computed from the solar ephemeris, which depends on the aerial image acquisition time. Finally, parts of shadow polygons that are free from building perspective obstructions are determined, given rise to new shadow polygons. The results obtained in the experimental evaluation of the methodology showed that the method works properly, since it allowed the prediction of shadow in high-resolution imagery with high accuracy and reliability.


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A Center for Weather Forecast and Climatic Studies of National Institute for Space Research (CPTEC/INPE) has provided to the Brazilian Geodetic community, since 2004, an alternative to correct the GNSS observables from the tropospheric refraction. Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Model is used to generate Zenital Tropospheric Delay (ZTD). For the version 1, it was developed a model with horizontal resolution of 100 km, which was updated with Eta model, with resolution of 20 km. This paper provides the most significative details of the current version, as well an evaluation of its quality, using for such ZTD estimates from GPS data collect at RBMC. Comparing to the old version, considerable improvement could be observed from the new model, mainly in Brasilia and Curitiba, reaching up to 55% improvement. When all stations were used in the quality control, almost null bias and RMS of about 4 to 5 cm could be observed.


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Mira and R Coronae Borealis (R CrB) variable stars are evolved objects surrounded by circumstellar envelopes (CSE) composed of the ejected stellar material. We present a detailed high-spatial resolution morfological study of the CSE of three stars: IRC+10216, the closest and more studied Carbon-Rich Mira; o Ceti, the prototype of the Mira class; and RY Sagitarii (RY Sgr), the brightest R CrB variable of the south hemisphere. JHKL near-infrared adaptive optics images of IRC+10216 with high dynamic range and Vband images with high angular resolution and high depth, collected with the VLT/NACO and VLT/FORS1 instruments, were analyzed. NACO images of o Ceti were also analyzed. Interferometric observations of RY Sgr collected with the VLTI/MIDI instrument allowed us to explore its CSE innermost regions (»20 40 mas). The CSE of IRC+10216 exhibit, in near-infrared, clumps with more complex relative displacements than proposed in previous studies. In V-band, the majority of the non-concentric shells, located in the outer CSE layers, seem to be composed of thinner elongated shells. In a global view, the morphological connection between the shells and the bipolar core of the nebulae, located in the outer layers, together with the clumps, located in the innermost regions, has a difficult interpretation. In the CSE of o Ceti, preliminar results would be indicating the presence of possible clumps. In the innermost regions (.110 UA) of the CSE of RY Sgr, two clouds were detected in different epochs, embedded in a variable gaussian envelope. Based on a rigorous verification, the first cloud was located at »100 R¤ (or »30 AU) from the centre, toward the east-north-east direction (modulo 180o) and the second one was almost at a perpendicular direction, having aproximately 2£ the distance of the first cloud. This study introduces new constraints to the mass-loss history of these kind of variables and to the morphology of their innermost CSE regions