962 resultados para Reserve carbohydrates and tillering


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La semilla es el principal órgano reproductivo de las plantas espermatofitas, permitiendo la dispersión de las poblaciones y asegurando su supervivencia gracias a su tolerancia a la desecación y a su capacidad para germinar bajo condiciones ambientales óptimas. El rendimiento y valor económico de los cereales, que constituyen la primera cosecha mundial, depende, en buena medida, de la eficacia con que se acumulan en la semilla sustancias de reserva: proteínas, carbohidratos y lípidos. El principal carbohidrato acumulado en la semilla de cebada es el almidón y la fracción mayoritaria de proteínas es la de las prolaminas (solubles en etanol al 70%); estas proteínas tienen muy bajo contenido en lisina, un aminoácido esencial en la dieta de animales monogástricos. Con el fin de mejorar el valor nutricional de la semilla de cebada, se han obtenido diferentes mutantes con un mayor contenido en este aminoácido. Riso 1508 es un mutante de cebada rico en lisina cuya mutación lys3a, de efectos pleiotrópicos, segrega como un único gen mendeliano. Entre otros, presenta una reducción drástica de la expresión de algunos genes que codifican proteínas de reserva de tipo prolamina, en concreto, presenta reducida la expresión de los genes que codifican B-, C- y ϒ-Hordeínas y del inhibidor de tripsina CMe, pero no tiene alterada la expresión del gen que codifica las D-Hordeínas. Este último gen carece en su promotor del motivo GLM (5’‐(G/A)TGA(G/C)TCA(T/C)‐3’), que es reconocido por factores transcripcionales bZIP. En este trabajo, el mutante de cebada Riso 1508 se ha utilizado como herramienta para profundizar en el conocimiento de la regulación génica en semillas durante las fases de la maduración y la germinación. Para ello, en una primera aproximación, se llevó a cabo un análisis transcriptómico comparando el genotipo mutante con el silvestre durante la maduración de la semilla. Además de confirmar variaciones en los genes que codifican proteínas de reserva, este análisis indicó que también estaban afectados los genes relacionados con metabolismo de carbohidratos. Por ello se decidió caracterizar la familia multigénica de sacarosas sintasa (SUSy) en cebada. Se anotaron dos nuevos genes, HvSs3 y HvSs4, cuya expresión se comparó con la de los genes HvSs1 y HvSs2, previamente descritos en el laboratorio. La expresión de los cuatro genes en tejidos diferentes y su respuesta a estreses abióticos se analizó mediante RT-qPCR. HvSs1 y HvSs2 se expresaron preferencialmente durante el desarrollo del endospermo, y HvSs1 también fue un tránscrito abundante durante la germinación. HvSs1 se indujo en hojas en condiciones de anoxia y HvSs3 por estrés hídrico, y ambos genes se indujeron por tratamientos de frío. La localización subcelular de las cuatro isoformas no fue sólo citoplásmica, sino que también se localizaron en zonas próximas a retículo endoplásmico y en la cara interna de la membrana plasmática; además, se observó una co-localización de HvSS1 con el marcador de mitocondrias. Estos datos sugieren un papel distinto aunque parcialmente solapante de las cuatro Sacarosa Sintasas de cebada, descritas hasta la fecha. Las cinéticas de expresión de los genes que codifican los TFs más importantes implicados en la regulación génica durante el desarrollo del endospermo de cebada, se analizaron por RT-qPCR en ambos genotipos, demostrando que los TFs de la clase DOF aparecieron desregulados durante todo el proceso en Riso 1508 comparado con el cv. Bomi, aunque también se observaron diferencias significativas en algunos de los que codifican bZIPs. Estudios previos indicaban que el ortólogo de BLZ2 en maíz, O2, se regula post-traduccionalmente mediante un mecanismo de fosforilación/defosforilación reversible, y que la forma defosforilada es la fisiológicamente activa. En este trabajo se demostró que BLZ2 está sujeto a este tipo de regulación y que la proteín-fosfatasa HvPP2C2 está implicada en el proceso. La interacción de HvPP2C2 y BLZ2 tiene lugar en el núcleo celular únicamente en presencia de 100 μM ABA. En el mutante Riso 1508, BLZ2 se encuentra en un estado hiperfosforilado tanto durante la maduración como durante la germinación de la semilla, lo que dificultaría la unión de BLZ2 a las secuencias GLM en los promotores de los genes que codifican B-, C-,y ϒ- Hordeínas y CMe. Summary The seed is the main reproductive organ of spermatophyte plants allowing the spread of populations and ensuring their survival through its desiccation tolerance and because of their ability to germinate under optimum environmental conditions. Yield and economic value of cereal crops, that constitute the first world crop, depend largely on the efficiency with which they accumulate in the seed reserve substances: proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. The main carbohydrate accumulated in the barley seed is starch and the major protein fraction is that of prolamins (soluble in 70% ethanol); these proteins have a very low lysine content, an essential amino-acid for the diet of monogastric animals. In order to improve the nutritional value of the barley seed, different mutants have been obtained with a higher content of this amino-acid. Riso 1508 is one lysine-rich mutant whose mutation (lys3a) segregates as a single Mendelian gene with pleiotropic effects, such as a drastic reduction of genes encoding the trypsin inhibitor CMe and the B-, C-and ϒ-hordeins, but has not altered the expression of the gene encoding the D-hordeins. This latter gene lacks in its promotor the GLM motif (5’‐(G/A)TGA(G/C)TCA(T/C)‐3’), that is recognised by bZIP transcription factors In this work we have used the barley mutant Riso 1508 as a tool for better understanding gene regulation in seeds during the maturation and germination phases. To this aim, a transcriptomic analysis was performed comparing wild and mutant genotypes during seed maturation. Besides confirming variations in the expression of genes encoding reserve proteins, this analysis indicated that some genes related with carbohydrate metabolism were also affected. It was therefore decided to characterize the multigene family of sucrose synthases (SUSy) in barley. Two new genes were annotated, HvSs3 and HvSs4, and its expression was compared with that of genes HvSs1 and HvSs2, previously described in our laboratory. The expression of the four genes in different tissues and in response to abiotic stresses was analyzed by RTqPCR. HvSs1 and HvSs2 were preferentially expressed during the development of the endosperm, and the HvSs1 transcript was also abundant upon germination. HvSs1 was induced in leaves by anoxic conditions, HvSs3 by water stress, and both genes were induced by cold treatments. The subcellular localization of all four isoforms was not only cytoplasmic, but they could be found along the endoplasmic reticulum and at the inner side of the cell membrane; HvSS1, was also associated with the mitochondrial marker. These data suggest a distinct but partially overlapping roles for the barley sucrose synthases, described so far. The expression kinetics of the genes encoding the most important TFs involved in gene regulation during barley endosperm development was analyzed by RT-qPCR in both genotypes. These data show that the genes encoding DOF TFs were mis-regulated throughout the process in Riso 1508, although significant differences were also found among some of those encoding bZIPs. Previous studies indicated that the BLZ2 orthologue in maize, O2, was post-translationally regulated by reversible phosphorylation/dephosphorylation and that the dephosphorylated protein is the physiologically active form. In this work we demostrate that BLZ2 is under a similar regulation and that the proteinphosphatase HvPP2C2 is implicated in the process. The interaction between HvPP2C2 and BLZ2 takes place in the cell nucleus only in the presence of 100 μM ABA. In the Riso 1508 mutant, BLZ2 is found in a hyperphosphorylated state in the maturation phase and upon seed germination; because of this, the BLZ2 binding to the GLM promoter sequences of genes encoding B-, C- y ϒ- Hordeins and CMe would be decreased in the mutant.


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Introducción: Diversos cambios ocurren en el sistema cardiovascular materno durante el embarazo, lo que genera un gran estrés sobre este sistema especialmente durante el tercer trimestre, pudiendo acentuarse en presencia de determinados factores de riesgo. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron, valorar las adaptaciones cardiovasculares producidas por un programa específico de ejercicio físico; su seguridad sobre el sistema cardiovascular materno y los resultados del embarazo; y su eficacia en el control de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Material y métodos: El diseño del estudio fue un ensayo clínico aleatorizado. 151 gestantes sanas fueron evaluadas mediante un ecocardiograma y un electrocardiograma en la semana 20 y 34 de gestación. Un total de 89 gestantes participaron en un programa de ejercicio físico (GE) desde el primer hasta el tercer trimestre de embarazo, constituido principalmente por 25-30 minutos de trabajo aeróbico (55-60% de la frecuencia cardiaca de reserva), trabajo de fortalecimiento general y específico, y un trabajo de tonificación del suelo pélvico; desarrollado 3 días a la semana con una duración de 55-60 minutos cada sesión. Las gestantes aleatoriamente asignadas al grupo de control (GC; n=62) permanecieron sedentarias durante el embarazo. El estudio fue aprobado por el Comité Ético de investigación clínica del Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada. Resultados: Las características basales fueron similares entre ambos grupos. A diferencia del GC, las gestantes del GE evitaron el descenso significativo del gasto cardiaco indexado, entre el 2º y 3ºT de embarazo, y conservaron el patrón geométrico normal del ventrículo izquierdo; mientras que en el GC cambió hacia un patrón de remodelado concéntrico. En la semana 20, las gestantes del GE presentaron valores significativamente menores de frecuencia cardiaca (GC: 79,56±10,76 vs. GE: 76,05±9,34; p=0,04), tensión arterial sistólica (GC: 110,19±10,23 vs. GE: 106,04±12,06; p=0,03); tensión arterial diastólica (GC: 64,56±7,88 vs. GE: 61,81±7,15; p=0,03); tiempo de relajación isovolumétrica (GC: 72,94±14,71 vs. GE: 67,05±16,48; p=0,04); y un mayor tiempo de deceleración de la onda E (GC: 142,09±39,11 vs. GE: 162,10±48,59; p=0,01). En la semana 34, el GE presentó valores significativamente superiores de volumen sistólico (GC: 51,13±11,85 vs. GE: 56,21±12,79 p=0,04), de llenado temprano del ventrículo izquierdo (E) (GC: 78,38±14,07 vs. GE: 85,30±16,62; p=0,02) y de tiempo de deceleración de la onda E (GC: 130,35±37,11 vs. GE: 146,61±43,40; p=0,04). Conclusión: La práctica regular de ejercicio físico durante el embarazo puede producir adaptaciones positivas sobre el sistema cardiovascular materno durante el tercer trimestre de embarazo, además de ayudar en el control de sus factores de riesgo, sin alterar la salud materno-fetal. ABSTRACT Background: Several changes occur in the maternal cardiovascular system during pregnancy. These changes produce a considerable stress in this system, especially during the third trimester, which can be increased in presence of some risk factors. The aims of this study were, to assess the maternal cardiac adaptations in a specific exercise program; its safety on the maternal cardiovascular system and pregnancy outcomes; and its effectiveness in the control of cardiovascular risk factors. Material and methods: A randomized controlled trial was designed. 151 healthy pregnant women were assessed by an echocardiography and electrocardiography at 20 and 34 weeks of gestation. A total of 89 pregnant women participated in a physical exercise program (EG) from the first to the third trimester of pregnancy. It consisted of 25-30 minutes of aerobic conditioning (55-60% of their heart rate reserve), general and specific strength exercises, and a pelvic floor muscles training; 3 times per weeks during 55-60 minutes per session. Pregnant women randomized allocated to the control group (CG) remained sedentary during pregnancy. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada. Results: Baseline characteristics were similar between groups. Difference from the CG, pregnant women from the EG prevented the significant decrease of the cardiac output index, between the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, and preserved the normal left ventricular pattern; whereas in the CG shifted to concentric remodeling pattern. At 20 weeks, women in the EG had significant lower heart rate (CG: 79,56±10,76 vs. EG: 76,05±9,34; p=0,04), systolic blood pressure (CG: 110,19±10,23 vs. EG: 106,04±12,06; p=0,03); diastolic blood pressure (CG: 64,56±7,88 vs. EG: 61,81±7,15; p=0,03); isovolumetric relaxation time (GC: 72,94±14,71 vs. GE: 67,05±16,48; p=0,04); and a higher deceleration time of E Wave (GC: 142,09±39,11 vs. GE: 162,10±48,59; p=0,01). At 34 weeks, the EG had a significant higher stroke volume (CG: 51,13±11,85 vs. EG: 56,21±12,79 p=0,04), early filling of left ventricular (E) (CG: 78,38±14,07 vs. EG: 85,30±16,62; p=0,02) and deceleration time of E wave (CG: 130,35±37,11 vs. EG:146,61±43,40; p=0,04). Conclusion: Physical regular exercise program during pregnancy may produce positive maternal cardiovascular adaptations during the third trimester of pregnancy. In addition, it helps to control the cardiovascular risk factors without altering maternal and fetus health.


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To investigate the proposed molecular characteristics of sugar-mediated repression of photosynthetic genes during plant acclimation to elevated CO2, we examined the relationship between the accumulation and metabolism of nonstructural carbohydrates and changes in ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) gene expression in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to elevated CO2. Long-term growth of Arabidopsis at high CO2 (1000 μL L−1) resulted in a 2-fold increase in nonstructural carbohydrates, a large decrease in the expression of Rubisco protein and in the transcript of rbcL, the gene encoding the large subunit of Rubisco (approximately 35–40%), and an even greater decline in mRNA of rbcS, the gene encoding the small subunit (approximately 60%). This differential response of protein and mRNAs suggests that transcriptional/posttranscriptional processes and protein turnover may determine the final amount of leaf Rubisco protein at high CO2. Analysis of mRNA levels of individual rbcS genes indicated that reduction in total rbcS transcripts was caused by decreased expression of all four rbcS genes. Short-term transfer of Arabidopsis plants grown at ambient CO2 to high CO2 resulted in a decrease in total rbcS mRNA by d 6, whereas Rubisco content and rbcL mRNA decreased by d 9. Transfer to high CO2 reduced the maximum expression level of the primary rbcS genes (1A and, particularly, 3B) by limiting their normal pattern of accumulation through the night period. The decreased nighttime levels of rbcS mRNA were associated with a nocturnal increase in leaf hexoses. We suggest that prolonged nighttime hexose metabolism resulting from exposure to elevated CO2 affects rbcS transcript accumulation and, ultimately, the level of Rubisco protein.


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As a rural state, Ohio has a vital interest in addressing rural health and information needs. NetWellness is a Web-based consumer health information service that focuses on the needs of the residents of Ohio. Health sciences faculty from the state's three Carnegie Research I universities—University of Cincinnati, Case Western Reserve University, and The Ohio State University—create and evaluate content and provide Ask an Expert service to all visitors. Through partnerships at the state and local levels, involving public, private, commercial, and noncommercial organizations, NetWellness has grown from a regional demonstration project in 1995 to a key statewide service. Collaboration with public libraries, complemented by alliances with kindergarten through twelfth grade agencies, makes NetWellness Ohio's essential health information resource.


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Microalgae have many applications, such as biodiesel production or food supplement. Depending on the application, the optimization of certain fractions of the biochemical composition (proteins, carbohydrates and lipids) is required. Therefore, samples obtained in different culture conditions must be analyzed in order to compare the content of such fractions. Nevertheless, traditional methods necessitate lengthy analytical procedures with prolonged sample turn-around times. Results of the biochemical composition of Nannochloropsis oculata samples with different protein, carbohydrate and lipid contents obtained by conventional analytical methods have been compared to those obtained by thermogravimetry (TGA) and a Pyroprobe device connected to a gas chromatograph with mass spectrometer detector (Py–GC/MS), showing a clear correlation. These results suggest a potential applicability of these techniques as fast and easy methods to qualitatively compare the biochemical composition of microalgal samples.


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Sediment and interstitial water from Sites 651 and 653 (ODP Leg 107) were investigated by organic geochemical methods to characterize labile organic compound classes (amino compounds and carbohydrates) and to evaluate their progressive diagenetic and thermal degradation in deep-sea sediments. Downhole distribution of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) appears related to redox zones associated with bacterial activity and of diagenetic recrystallization of biogenic tests and not so much to organic matter concentrations in ambient sediments. DOC ranges from 250 to 8300 µmol/L (3-100.1 ppm). Amino acids contribute 10%-0.3% of DOC; carbohydrates range from 78 to 5 µmol/L. Rate of degradation of amino acids by thermal effects and/or bacterial activity at both sites (significantly different in sedimentation rates: average 41 cm/1000 yr in the top 300 m at Site 651, average 3.9 cm/1000 yr in the Pliocene/Quaternary sequence at Site 653 to 220 mbsf) is more dependent on exposure time rather than on the depth within the sediment column. Variability in neutral, acidic, and basic amino acid fractions of total amino acids (with a range of 1.1-0.02 µmol/g sediment; up to 2.5% of organic carbon) varies with carbonate content and by differences in thermal stability of amino acids. Distribution patterns of monosaccharides are interpreted to result from differences in organic matter sources, sedimentation rates, and the degree of organic matter decomposition prior to and subsequent to burial. Total particulate carbohydrates range from 1.82 to 0.21 µmol/g sediment and contribute about 8% to the sedimentary organic matter. Investigation of trace metals in the interstitial waters did not show any correlation of either DOC, amino compounds, or carbohydrates.


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Abnormalities in the growth plate may lead to short stature and skeletal deformity including Leri Weil syndrome, which has been shown to result from deletions or mutations in the SHOX gene, a homeobox gene located at the pseudoautosomal region of the X and Y chromosome. We studied the expression of SHOX protein, by immunohistochemistry, in human fetal and childhood growth plates and mRNA by in situ hybridization in childhood normal and Leri Weil growth plate. SHOX protein was found in reserve, proliferative, and hypertrophic zones of fetal growth plate from 12 wk to term and childhood control and Leri Weil growth plates. The pattern of immunostaining in the proliferative zone of childhood growth plate was patchy, with more intense uniform immunostaining in the hypertrophic zone. In situ hybridization studies of childhood growth plate demonstrated SHOX mRNA expression throughout the growth plate. No difference in the pattern of SHOX protein or mRNA expression was seen between the control and Leri Weil growth plate. These findings suggest that SHOX plays a role in chondrocyte function in the growth plate.


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This study examined how the floc characteristics affect dewaterability of activated sludge. The floc properties were characterized by morphological parameters (floc size distribution, fractal dimension and filament index), physical properties (flocculating ability, surface charge, relative hydrophobicity and viscosity), and chemical constituents in sludge and extracted extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), including the polymeric compounds protein, humic substances, carbohydrates and the ions Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe3+ and Al3+. The dewaterability was defined in terms of the bound water content and capillary suction time (CST). The bound water and CST corresponded to a similar indication with respect to dewaterability of activated sludge. The floc physical parameters were the most important factors which effect significantly on the water binding ability of the sludge flocs. The morphological characteristics had relatively weak impact on the dewaterability. The polymeric components protein and carbohydrate had a significant contribution to enhance the water binding ability of the sludge flocs. The effect of humic substances in the sludge on the dewaterability was, however, insignificant. The CST had good statistical correlations with the polymeric constituents measured in both sludge and the extracted EPS, and the bound water was only correlated well with the individual polymers measured in the sludge. High concentration of Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe3+ and Al3+ had significant improvement for dewaterability. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Community-based coastal resource management has been widely applied within the Philippines. However, small-scale community-based reserves are often inefficient owing to management inadequacies arising because of a lack of local support or enforcement or poor design. Because there are many potential pitfalls during the establishment of even small community-based reserves, it is important for coastal managers, communities, and facilitating institutions to have access to a summary of the key factors for success. Reviewing relevant literature, we present a framework of lessons learned during the establishment of protected areas, mainly in the Philippines. The framework contains summary guidance on the importance of (1) an island location, (2) small community population size, (3) minimal effect of land-based development, (4) application of a bottom-up approach, (5) an external facilitating institution, (6) acquisition of title, (7) use of a scientific information database, (8) stakeholder involvement, (9) the establishment of legislation, (10) community empowerment, (11) alternative livelihood schemes, (12) surveillance, (13) tangible management results, (14) continued involvement of external groups after reserve establishment, and (15) small-scale project expansion. These framework components guided the establishment of a community-based protected area at Danjugan Island, Negros Occidental, Philippines. This case study showed that the framework was a useful guide that led to establishing and implementing a community-based marine reserve. Evaluation of the reserve using standard criteria developed for the Philippines shows that the Danjugan Island protected area can be considered successful and sustainable. At Danjugan Island, all of the lessons synthesized in the framework were important and should be considered elsewhere, even for relatively small projects. As shown in previous projects in the Philippines, local involvement and stewardship of the protected area appeared particularly important for its successful implementation. The involvement of external organizations also seemed to have a key role in the success of the Danjugan Island project by guiding local decision-makers in the sociobiological principles of establishing protected areas. However, the relative importance of each component of the framework will vary between coastal management initiatives both within the Philippines and across the wider Asian region.


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In the early 1990's, outline designs for two wetland nature reserves were being prepared: the Teeside International Nature Reserve (TINR) and the Cardiff Bay Barrage Environmental Compensation Measures at Redwick, Gwent. The initial design for both proposals identified reedbed as a desirable habitat for establishment. The initial design works identified the importance of reedbed evapotranspiration [ET(Reed)] within the water budget, however, literature searches identified a paucity of information on this parameter. Field experiments for the measurement of ET(Reed) from Phragmites australis are described for three sites distributed across England and Wales. Reference Crop Evapotranspiration (ETo) was calculated using techniques recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organisation. A technique for the calculation of a reedbed crop coefficient [Kc(Reed)[, from ET(Reed) and ETo data is discussed. Kc(Reed) values produced in the project were found to be similar to those developed previously in continental Europe. Mean monthly and crop development stage Kc(Reed) values are presented which are applicable in the UK and possibly worldwide. A conceptual hydrological model of surface water fed reedbed systems is developed, and used to calculate the hydrological sustainability of reedbed creation areas in the UK. Finally, the water budget model is verified using data from a small clay catchment located on the TINR. In addition, a methodology is developed for the hydrological design of surface water fed reedbed systems, and recommendations required for the feasibility, design and establishment stage of reedbed creation sites. Further research needs are also identified.


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Torrefaction experiments were carried out for three typical South African biomass samples (softwood chips, hardwood chips and sweet sorghum bagasse) to a weight loss of 30wt.%. During torrefaction, moisture, non-structural carbohydrates and hemicelluloses were reduced, resulting in a structurally modified torrefaction product. There was a reduction in the average crystalline diameter (La) (XRD), an increase in the aromatic fraction and a reduction in aliphatics (substituted and unsubstituted) (CPMAS 13C NMR). The decrease in the aliphatic components of the lignocellulosic material under the torrefaction conditions also resulted in a slight ordering of the carbon lattice. The degradation of hemicelluloses and non-structural carbohydrates increased the inclusive surface area of sweet sorghum bagasse, while it did not change significantly for the woody biomasses.


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Following the intrinsically linked balance sheets in his Capital Formation Life Cycle, Lukas M. Stahl explains with his Triple A Model of Accounting, Allocation and Accountability the stages of the Capital Formation process from FIAT to EXIT. Based on the theoretical foundations of legal risk laid by the International Bar Association with the help of Roger McCormick and legal scholars such as Joanna Benjamin, Matthew Whalley and Tobias Mahler, and founded on the basis of Wesley Hohfeld’s category theory of jural relations, Stahl develops his mutually exclusive Four Determinants of Legal Risk of Law, Lack of Right, Liability and Limitation. Those Four Determinants of Legal Risk allow us to apply, assess, and precisely describe the respective legal risk at all stages of the Capital Formation Life Cycle as demonstrated in case studies of nine industry verticals of the proposed and currently negotiated Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the United States of America and the European Union, TTIP, as well as in the case of the often cited financing relation between the United States and the People’s Republic of China. Having established the Four Determinants of Legal Risk and its application to the Capital Formation Life Cycle, Stahl then explores the theoretical foundations of capital formation, their historical basis in classical and neo-classical economics and its forefathers such as The Austrians around Eugen von Boehm-Bawerk, Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich von Hayek and most notably and controversial, Karl Marx, and their impact on today’s exponential expansion of capital formation. Starting off with the first pillar of his Triple A Model, Accounting, Stahl then moves on to explain the Three Factors of Capital Formation, Man, Machines and Money and shows how “value-added” is created with respect to the non-monetary capital factors of human resources and industrial production. Followed by a detailed analysis discussing the roles of the Three Actors of Monetary Capital Formation, Central Banks, Commercial Banks and Citizens Stahl readily dismisses a number of myths regarding the creation of money providing in-depth insight into the workings of monetary policy makers, their institutions and ultimate beneficiaries, the corporate and consumer citizens. In his second pillar, Allocation, Stahl continues his analysis of the balance sheets of the Capital Formation Life Cycle by discussing the role of The Five Key Accounts of Monetary Capital Formation, the Sovereign, Financial, Corporate, Private and International account of Monetary Capital Formation and the associated legal risks in the allocation of capital pursuant to his Four Determinants of Legal Risk. In his third pillar, Accountability, Stahl discusses the ever recurring Crisis-Reaction-Acceleration-Sequence-History, in short: CRASH, since the beginning of the millennium starting with the dot-com crash at the turn of the millennium, followed seven years later by the financial crisis of 2008 and the dislocations in the global economy we are facing another seven years later today in 2015 with several sordid debt restructurings under way and hundred thousands of refugees on the way caused by war and increasing inequality. Together with the regulatory reactions they have caused in the form of so-called landmark legislation such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, the JOBS Act of 2012 or the introduction of the Basel Accords, Basel II in 2004 and III in 2010, the European Financial Stability Facility of 2010, the European Stability Mechanism of 2012 and the European Banking Union of 2013, Stahl analyses the acceleration in size and scope of crises that appears to find often seemingly helpless bureaucratic responses, the inherent legal risks and the complete lack of accountability on part of those responsible. Stahl argues that the order of the day requires to address the root cause of the problems in the form of two fundamental design defects of our Global Economic Order, namely our monetary and judicial order. Inspired by a 1933 plan of nine University of Chicago economists abolishing the fractional reserve system, he proposes the introduction of Sovereign Money as a prerequisite to void misallocations by way of judicial order in the course of domestic and transnational insolvency proceedings including the restructuring of sovereign debt throughout the entire monetary system back to its origin without causing domino effects of banking collapses and failed financial institutions. In recognizing Austrian-American economist Schumpeter’s Concept of Creative Destruction, as a process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one, Stahl responds to Schumpeter’s economic chemotherapy with his Concept of Equitable Default mimicking an immunotherapy that strengthens the corpus economicus own immune system by providing for the judicial authority to terminate precisely those misallocations that have proven malignant causing default perusing the century old common law concept of equity that allows for the equitable reformation, rescission or restitution of contract by way of judicial order. Following a review of the proposed mechanisms of transnational dispute resolution and current court systems with transnational jurisdiction, Stahl advocates as a first step in order to complete the Capital Formation Life Cycle from FIAT, the creation of money by way of credit, to EXIT, the termination of money by way of judicial order, the institution of a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Court constituted by a panel of judges from the U.S. Court of International Trade and the European Court of Justice by following the model of the EFTA Court of the European Free Trade Association. Since the first time his proposal has been made public in June of 2014 after being discussed in academic circles since 2011, his or similar proposals have found numerous public supporters. Most notably, the former Vice President of the European Parliament, David Martin, has tabled an amendment in June 2015 in the course of the negotiations on TTIP calling for an independent judicial body and the Member of the European Commission, Cecilia Malmström, has presented her proposal of an International Investment Court on September 16, 2015. Stahl concludes, that for the first time in the history of our generation it appears that there is a real opportunity for reform of our Global Economic Order by curing the two fundamental design defects of our monetary order and judicial order with the abolition of the fractional reserve system and the introduction of Sovereign Money and the institution of a democratically elected Transatlantic Trade and Investment Court that commensurate with its jurisdiction extending to cases concerning the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership may complete the Capital Formation Life Cycle resolving cases of default with the transnational judicial authority for terminal resolution of misallocations in a New Global Economic Order without the ensuing dangers of systemic collapse from FIAT to EXIT.


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Introduction - Knowledge on the metabolic changes and nutritional needs during the postsurgical anabolic phase in infants is scarce. This analysis explores the associations of resting energy expenditure (REE) and macronutrient utilization with body composition of full-term infants, during catch-up growth after corrective surgery of major congenital anomalies. Methods - A cohort of full-term appropriate for-gestational-age neonates subjected to corrective surgery of major congenital anomalies were recruited after gaining weight for at least one week. REE and macronutrient utilization, measured by respiratory quotient (RQ), were assessed by indirect calorimetry using the Deltatrac II Metabolic Monitor ®. Body composition, expressed as fat-free mass (FFM), fat mass (FM) and adiposity defined as percentage of FM (% FM), was measured by air displacement plethysmography using the Pea Pod ®. Results - Four infants were included at 3 to 5 postnatal weeks. Recommended energy and macronutrient intakes for healthy term infants were provided. Through the study, the median (min-max) REE (Kcal/Kg FFM/d) was 70.8 (60.6-96.1) and RQ was 0.99 (0.72-1.20). Steady increases in both body weight and FFM were associated with initial decrease in FM and adiposity followed by their increase. Low RQ preceded decrease in adiposity. Conclusion - The marked adiposity depletion, not expected during steady weight gain in the postsurgical period, prompts us to report this finding. The subsequent adiposity catch-up was associated with relatively high REE and RQ, suggesting preferential oxidation of carbohydrates and preservation of lipids for fat storage.


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Watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) is a semi-aquatic plant of the Brassicaceae family highly appreciated in the Mediterranean cuisine. It features sharp, peppery and slightly tangy taste and contains health-promoting phytochemicals. Its consumption as a fresh-cut product has increased in recent years, as well as the global market of minimally processed vegetables. This demand is driven by the growing interest in the role of food in promoting the human health and wellbeing and to meet consumer needs for fresh-like and more convenient foods. Due to the reduced shelf-life of this plant, the suitability of inert gas-enriched atmospheres and ionizing irradiation for preserving visual, nutritional and functional quality attributes during cold storage was studied. Watercress samples were gathered in the Northeast region of Portugal, rinsed in tap water and a portion was immediately analyzed (non-stored control). The remaining fresh material was packaged in polyethylene bags under N2- and Ar-enriched atmospheres, conventional atmosphere (air) and vacuum (no atmosphere). Samples under conventional atmosphere were irradiated at 1, 2 and 5 kGy of gamma-rays (predicted doses) in a 60Co experimental chamber. A non-irradiated control followed all the experiment. Then, all packaged samples were stored at 4 ºC for 7 days. The studied quality parameters included the colour that was measured with a Konica Minolta colorimeter, and total soluble solids and pH determined in squeezed juice. The proximate composition (moisture, proteins, fat, ash, carbohydrates and energy) was evaluated using the AOA C procedures. Organic acids, free sugars, fatty acids and tocopherols were analyzed by chromatographic techniques. Samples were also evaluated for its DPPH• scavenging activity, reducing power, and lipid peroxidation inhibition capacity trough the inhibition of the β-carotene bleaching and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBAR S) formation. Differences among treatments were analyzed using the one-way analysis of variance (ANO VA) and a linear discriminant analysis (LDA ) was used to evaluate the effects on the overall postharvest quality. After evaluating the effect on the individual quality parameters, the LDA revealed that the Ar-enriched atmosphere and the irradiation at 2 kGy were suitable processing choices for preserving the integrity of the non-stored control samples during cold storage. Thus, these non-thermal treatments were highlighted for shelf-life extension of fresh-cut watercress.


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The short shelf life of mushrooms is a barrier for their distribution and, therefore, there has been extensive research to find technologies that ensure the preservation of mushrooms, maintaining their organoleptic and nutritional properties (1]. Irradiation has proved its technological feasibility to be safely used in the reduction of food losses, being recognized by international organizations as a valid conservation alternative in extending shelflife of many foods. The aim of the present work was to validate the use of 2 kGy dose of gamma radiation to maintain chemical composition of wild mushrooms. Boletus pinophilus Pihit & Dermek and Clitocybe subconnexa Murrill wild samples were obtained in Tnis-os-Montes; subsequently, the samples were divided in two groups: control (non-irradiated, 0 kGy) and irradiated (2 kGy). The irradiation of the samples was performed in a 6°Co experimental chamber. Moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrates and ash were determined following the standard procedures [2]. Free sugars and tocopherols were determined by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a refraction index detector (HPLC-RI) and a fluorescence detector, respectively; fatty acids were determined by gas-liquid chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) [3]. The protein and ash content was preserved in both groups, although the sugars and tocopherols decreased in the irradiated samples. Sugars and fatty acids showed significant changes after irradiation treatment, particularly in B. pinophillus, nevertheless, the magnitude of the obtained differences did not seem to be sufficient to affect the chemical profiles of the assayed mushrooms. Overall, the detected chemical changes might be considered as allowable, in view of the high advantages offered by gamma irradiation at decontamination and/or disinfestation level.