999 resultados para Relações Inter-étnicas


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Este estudo busca investigar e compreender o fenômeno do envelhecimento da população no Brasil e também como as organizações estão se preparando para o envelhecimento da sua força de trabalho e para a gestão e transferência do conhecimento acumulado por seus colaboradores. A questão que norteia este estudo é: a transferência do conhecimento acontece entre as gerações antes da saída de pessoas para a aposentadoria? Para responder a estas questões, os referenciais foram os estudos de Ferrigno (2006), Davenport e Prusak (2003) e Takeuchi e Nonaka (2008) que apresentam categorias norteadoras para esta pesquisa, delimitada em duas empresas metalúrgicas no ABC Paulista e no Sindicato da categoria. A metodologia utilizada neste estudo foi qualitativa, com pesquisa exploratório-descritiva, por meio da aplicação de entrevista semiestruturada. De acordo com a pesquisa realizada constatou-se que as organizações compreendem a importância de lidarem com o processo de envelhecimento da força de trabalho em seu contexto organizacional e que é preciso estabelecer práticas para disseminação do conhecimento gerado por seu principal ativo (seu colaborador com maior idade) e promover a relação de aprendizagem intergeracional e a transferência do conhecimento acumulado.


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Este trabalho pretende apresentar e compreender o papel da gestão estratégica de pessoas, dentro de uma visão que contempla as relações interorganizacionais fora dos limites tradicionais de seu escopo nas empresas e expandidas além das dimensões formais e fronteiras que permeiam uma organização. Este estudo estabelece a importância e sistemáticas da gestão de atividades de RH, compartilhadas com a cadeia de valor externa, analisando-as nas práticas com os canais de distribuição junto aos clientes. Esta área organizacional é denominada pelo autor de GRE - Gestão das Relações Estratégicas. Baseando-se em uma pesquisa exploratória em 26 empresas, organizada a partir de cinco empresas nodais e seus canais de distribuição, utilizou-se a aplicação de um questionário de pesquisa com escala Likert e entrevistas pessoais semi-estruturadas junto aos gestores e profissionais de diversas áreas, bem como o tratamento estatístico dos dados com o programa SPSS, indicando a confirmação das questões de pesquisa relativas a GRE como sendo uma proposta de expansão das atividades do RH, focando em como se pode e devem entregar valor para a organização, para os aliados estratégicos, os investidores e fundamentalmente para os clientes.(AU)


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A preocupação desta pesquisa surge pela necessidade de se estudar a condição das mulheres e a relevância dos seus trabalhos na Igreja Católica e na sociedade atual. Estudar os fatores que possam contribuir ou prejudicar os trabalhos das mulheres se torna de máxima importância para repensar paradigmas pastorais e institucionais discriminatórios, que não são apenas religiosos, mas também culturais. Como no catolicismo romano as ações pastorais são majoritariamente exercidas por mulheres e estas não podem participar da hierarquia religiosa, as nossas pesquisas foram feitas com o intuito de responder a seguinte pergunta: Por que as mulheres insistem em trabalhar na Igreja mesmo sabendo que não poderão participar plenamente dos espaços decisórios? Ficou evidente que não se deva responder a essa pergunta com uma única resposta elaborada por bases teóricas, muito menos por dados apenas quantitativos. O que se pressupõe é a existência de um poder a ser comprovado que é, porém, complexo de ser investigado, considerando-se o emaranhado de relações no qual está inserido. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada na Arquidiocese de Porto Velho-RO e aí percebemos uma dialética: as mulheres, mesmo excluídas de certos trabalhos e proibidas de conquistarem alguns espaços, realizam-se no exercício das suas atividades por conseguirem fazer o necessário para a sobrevivência daquilo que a instituição lhe oferece. Além dos documentos do magistério teológico utilizamos teorias sobre relações de poder, eclesiologia e gênero, principalmente de Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza e Michael Foucault. Repensar cientificamente essa situação e relançar novas perspectivas diante das atuais circunstâncias eclesiais são partes das intenções deste trabalho, que também tem como objetivo buscar, através da hermenêutica de gênero, dados e fundamentos que ajudem a compreender essa situação, já reconhecida nos documentos oficiais da Igreja, mas ainda praticada de forma discriminatória. Portanto, este estudo propõe-se a: conhecer a Igreja Católica em Porto Velho-RO, tanto nos seus aspectos histórico-religiosos quanto nos sócio-culturais; demonstrar os dados e os levantamentos obtidos no campo; contribuir com os estudos sobre as influências históricas que prejudicaram a presença das mulheres no catolicismo; e repensar cientificamente as relações de poder no catolicismo propondo novos discursos e posturas pastorais. Concluindo apontaremos perspectivas que mostram o real poder das mulheres na Igreja, possibilitando a abertura de novos caminhos para as inter-relações e institucionalizações nas pastorais católicas. Enfim, este trabalho quer contribuir para a garantia da presença das mulheres nas esferas de decisão, tarefa de suma importância não só como direito delas nas instâncias religiosas, mas diante da sociedade como um todo. Por isso, com dados empíricos e bases teóricas objetiva-se com este trabalho possibilitar novas discussões sobre a situação das mulheres e a institucionalização do seu poder vigente e real, mas ainda informal e subjugado na Igreja Católica.(AU)


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This dissertation seeks to reflect about the relations between danced movement and body space (Kinesphere), and their contributions to the expansion of the expressive possibilities of the subject on dancing. According to Rudolf Laban there is no space that is empty, because it is always being modified and signified at every moment by the movement. Space exists because we interact with it, at the same time movement occours configuring a signifcant space that is incessantly transformed. In this sense, space, body and movement appear in this research as interconnected and interdependent. For this discussion we have as main interlocutor the studies of Rudolf Laban. The nature of this research is qualitative and descriptive. This is a context that embraces the phenomenon of dance and as such it is based on a dimension that doesn't deal with mensurability, but with the art scene, fruitful in its infinite openness to the creation of multiple significances for what has been lived. We also propose to present a report about the practical study developed in the discipline Coreologia in the licentiate course of Dance in UFRN, as well as the analysis of the interviews applied to students of this curricular component. The questions were developed in a way that lead to a reflection about the experience of those interviewed in this discipline, thus generating material for us to discuss how the students perceive dance based on the relational study between space and movement. We realize that this study may favor an understanding of the relations that the experienced movement in the act of the dance weaves along the spatiality that receives and fills our bodies, resignifying the vision of a space which is restrict to the mere place were the body moves and occupies. It also favors the reflections concerning the body that moves and creates spatiality when dancing, thereby bringing to the Performing Arts a chance to think and to experience on the expansion of the expressive gesture in dance and beyond it, led by the recognition of the principles that organize human movement pointed by Laban. It also contributes on the formation of the students in licentiate courses of Dance by questioning the ways to appropriate the contents worked in a graduation discipline as regards to the availability of the body for dance. This dissertation is divided in three parts, called Impulsos. In the First Impulso: “Primeiros Gestos Textuais”, we find an introduction to concepts and ideas of body, movement and space that permeates all the work. In the Second Impulso: "Nós", the triad body-space-motion is discussed using the metaphorical image of a knot that binds these three concepts. The third and final Impulso: "Enlaces" deal with impressions and discoveries lived during the experimentation of the principles of inter-actions studied here, in the lessons of the already mentioned discipline


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The investigation analyze s the role of the municipalities in the ongoing development of literacy teachers, having as a field of study the municipalities of Jaguaruana and Palhano, both in the State of Ceará. The political - educational space adopted as a sample of the study is the p eriod between the years 2003 and 2006, when the emphasis on cooperative action among the federated entities is observed in the Government’s guidelines and Brazilian educational policies, showing the municipal presence in the implementation and execution of these policies. T he historical - dialectical materialistic perspective, understood as an analysis of the social reality as historical elaboration and product of the human praxis, is expressed as the required theoretical - methodological path. The investigatio n is operationalized through interconnected stages: one that involves bibliographical and documental analysis, in which the theoretical input of the research is added, as well as the Federal, State and M unicipal documents accessed ; and another, regarding t he field work, studying the specific character of the object and its mutual rela tionships in the municipalities . The research brings the notion of intergovernmental relationships and cooperative mechanisms as central theoretical tools and, dialoguing with them, ideas such as decentralization, municipalization and municipal autonomy are inserted into a theoretical/practical body, through which the historical and logical aspects of the object are detailed. The study describes and interprets the policies of on going development of literacy teachers with focus on the national guidelines formulated since the 1990’s and on the govern mental incorporation in the national and subnational spaces. In this sense, the analysis is based on the comprehension of the interrel ationship between the municipal policies and the p olicies created by the S tate or Federal G overnments in order to offer ongoing development of literacy teachers. Considering the investigated sample, it shows how the municipal role and the relationships bet ween the State and municipalities of Ceará have emerged, as well as their characteristics regarding the education management policies, taking into account the practices of municipalization and cooperation between the State and municipalities in their histo rical composition. It shows the practices which aim at the ongoing development of literacy teachers observed in the researched municipalities, pointing out the realities and specific marks left by municipal presence in the area, demonstrating the assigned role and the role played. Based on the points of view of the managers interviewed in the municipalities of Jaguaruana e Palhano, it is possible to note the meaning and effectiveness of the policies carried out. With such elements, it discusses the municipa l asymmetries in their homogeneities and heterogeneities rega rding the execution of their federative role. The analysis shows that th e role of the municipalities vary according to the historical, political and social interventions in each municipality. In the fields of formulation and execution of educational policies, the actions of the municipal governments, situated and with expressive interferences, reveal asymmetries in the sense that some municipalities have bigger autonomy and participate more effect ively in the production and distribution of policies than others. In terms of the researched realities, the study shows that taking care of the policies of ongoing development of literacy teachers is not a task that should be assigned exclusively to the mu nicipalities, nonetheless it is a role that they play with varying degrees of success. This role is in fact a joint competence of the federated entities, in the scope the Brazilian cooperative federalism.


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This dissertation present an analysis of the interethnic conflict between Makuxi and Wapixana at the current moment in the Maloca of the Adobe, Aboriginal Land Fox-Mountain range of the Sun, in the State of Roraima. The theoretical field was boarded in the Ethnology, pursuing situations in local history, with edges in ethno-history. The research elapsed of the deepening necessity on the social relations and aboriginal politics, for the intercultural professional exercise of educator, appealing the bibliographical survey and participant comment as method; not directive interviews, photographs, filmings and daily register in of field, as techniques carried through in the period of 2006 to 2007. Although to inhabit in the same area and to establish marriages between itself, individuals and groups express tensions, aggravated with the landmark and legal recognition of the area, which generated inter dispute and intraetnias, mainly with the intrusion of farmers, rizicultores and the form of governmental influence. A relation of rivalry, individual and collective was evidenced, suggesting the strengthenig and not it fractionly, of the fights external politics, interns and in way to the cultural diversity and social adversity


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This dissertation present an analysis of the interethnic conflict between Makuxi and Wapixana at the current moment in the Maloca of the Adobe, Aboriginal Land Fox-Mountain range of the Sun, in the State of Roraima. The theoretical field was boarded in the Ethnology, pursuing situations in local history, with edges in ethno-history. The research elapsed of the deepening necessity on the social relations and aboriginal politics, for the intercultural professional exercise of educator, appealing the bibliographical survey and participant comment as method; not directive interviews, photographs, filmings and daily register in of field, as techniques carried through in the period of 2006 to 2007. Although to inhabit in the same area and to establish marriages between itself, individuals and groups express tensions, aggravated with the landmark and legal recognition of the area, which generated inter dispute and intraetnias, mainly with the intrusion of farmers, rizicultores and the form of governmental influence. A relation of rivalry, individual and collective was evidenced, suggesting the strengthenig and not it fractionly, of the fights external politics, interns and in way to the cultural diversity and social adversity


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LIMA, Victor Godeiro de Medeiros. Sobrepreço e superfaturamento de obras públicas e indicadores educacionais: uma análise de suas relações nos Estados brasileiros. 2016. 62 f., il. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Contábeis)—Programa Multiinstitucional e Inter-Regional de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis, UnB/UFPB/UFRN, Natal, 2016.


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This work outlines the historic development of the concept and main theories of energy transfer, as well as the principal experiments carried out to confirm or refute the proposed theories. Energy transfer in coordination compounds is also discussed with a focus on rare earth systems.


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Behavioral adaptiveness to different situations as well as behavioral individuality result from the interrelations between environmental sitmuli and the responses of an organism.These kind of interrelationships also shape the neural circuits as well as characterize the plasticity and the neural individuality of the organism. Studies on neural plasticity may analyze changes in neural circuitry after environmental manipulations or changes in behavior after lesions in the nervous system. Issues on neural plasticity and recovery of function refer both to physiology and behavior as well as to the subjacent mechanisms related to morphology, biochemistry and genetics. They may be approached at the systemic, behavioral, cellular and molecular levels. This work intends to characterize these kinds of studies pointing to their relations with the analyis of behavior and learning.The analysis of how the environmental-organismic interrelationships affect the neural substrates of behavior is pointed as a very stimulating area for investigation.


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In this paper we present a study of reading comprehension based on a contrastive argumentative-discursive approach. We examine the relationship between linguistic materiality and discursive processes, observing the connection between reading in a foreign language, writing production and textual memories in the mother tongue. In addition to an interest in practical language teaching and learning processes (in this case of Spanish and Portuguese), we investigate the question of politeness and the theoretical relationship between subjectivity, language, and textuality. The latter, being understood as the result of discourse regularities, is unique for each and every production, yet is also conditioned by plural discursive memories resulting from contradictory social relationships in a specific historical context (Foucault, 1986; Pêcheux, 1990). In the experiment presented here, we follow some of the procedures of the methodology applied in the European Galatea Project developed for the study of reading strategies in the inter-comprehension between Romance languages (Dabène, 1996). We use the procedure of simulation and the subjective projection of participants as well as the notion of discursive resonance in the analysis. The results, having to do with directness and indirectness in speech and the question of politeness in two typologically close languages, lead to the conclusion that the concept of politeness goes beyond a pragmatic strategy used to avoid conflicts to be approached as a marker of cultural identity constitution. The relevance of discursive awareness and its theoretical and practical consequences are then emphasized.


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In this article my main objective is to approach some questions related to the tests used in psychodiagnostics processes of children who are considered as having learning difficulties. Having the book Discipline and Punish (1975/1986) by Foucault as theoretical basis, I intend to investigate the hypothesis that the child is considered ill or abnormal due to the factors related to imposed norms and not to organic aspects and/or neurological pathology. My interest is to analyse the signs that allow us to point out the written language conception of tests. This language is expected and privileged, however it may not be the language that the child uses and experiences every day.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física