840 resultados para Readings and recitations.
En esta tesis se estudia la vivienda “Tempe à pailla” (1932-1934) construida por Eileen Gray para uso propio, en la localidad francesa de Castellar. La expresión “cuarto propio” en el título del trabajo identifica este proyecto con la búsqueda de un lugar para la autoexperimentación. “Tempe à pailla” es el resultado de una enseñanza autodidacta adquirida por Eileen Gray gracias a la convivencia con los protagonistas del movimiento moderno, en el marco de la Francia de entreguerras. Las experiencias artesanales de E. Gray previas a la arquitectura y los instrumentos de aprendizaje permiten comprender el desarrollo de una mente crítica que cuestiona continuamente lo observado. Por ello, para demostrar la influencia de los postulados de los movimientos contemporáneos en la evolución de sus creaciones, y como preámbulo al análisis de “Tempe à pailla” se realiza un recorrido por las técnicas experimentadas y se analizan dos de sus primeros ejercicios de proyecto: “Vivienda de tres plantas” (1923) y “Maison pour un ingénieur” (1926). La enseñanza adquirida en torno a la herramienta del dibujo analítico y técnico, junto a su investigación en el campo de lo pictórico trasladada al mobiliario realizado en laca, o al diseño y tejido de tapices, constituyen un conjunto de prácticas que desembocan, primero en el acondicionamiento de interiores, para ensayar novedosas composiciones espaciales entre sus objetos y, por último, en el proyecto de arquitectura como disciplina capaz de conjugar todo lo experimentado anteriormente. El binomio Intuición más Método, en todos estos itinerarios prácticos de Eileen Gray, combinado con una mirada atenta hacia las obras, exposiciones, lecturas y revistas especializadas de su tiempo, amalgaman una personalidad compleja que investigó progresivamente, primero en el ámbito de la domesticidad, y en su etapa de madurez en torno a los mínimos de habitar y a los espacios colectivos. El propósito de esta tesis es descubrir cómo los aspectos sociales, artísticos y arquitectónicos del contexto, entrelazados con la propia subjetividad crítica de la arquitecto conforman los fundamentos de esta vivienda y condicionan las decisiones de una mente que proyecta copiando, reelaborando y descartando entre lo conocido y lo aprendido. La elección de esta casa como protagonista de la investigación persigue, en primer lugar, descubrir su relación con los discursos del momento, constituyéndose en objeto arquitectónico paradigmático de un diálogo continuado y abierto. Y en segundo lugar, establecer una síntesis valorativa de la coherencia o la falta de ella en las decisiones objetivas del proyecto, confrontándolas con otros ejemplos. Para alcanzar estos dos objetivos se ha diseccionado la casa desde cinco perspectivas: su vínculo con la preexistencia del lugar, su organización en planta alejada de cualquier tipo normalizado, su vocabulario como reflejo de la modernidad, las relaciones espacio-temporales conseguidas y la sinergia establecida entre el equipamiento doméstico y la arquitectura. Este desarrollo ha hecho posible situar “Tempe á pailla” como un punto de inflexión en la arquitectura de Eileen Gray, y un ejemplo donde fue capaz de anticipar las futuras revisiones del movimiento moderno en aspectos como: la adecuación y empatía de lo construido con el lugar de emplazamiento, el rechazo a las connotaciones del concepto de “machine d’habiter” y la búsqueda de un confort enfatizado por la percepción, la experiencia e incluso los efectos psicológicos del interior doméstico. La relectura de esta casa, enmarcada dentro de la trayectoria práctica de su autora, invita a fijar la mirada en un inexcusable aprendizaje, previo a lo arquitectónico, que aúne la TEORÍA y la PLÁSTICA del momento con ensayos materializados en la PRÁCTICA, demostrando que, para madurar el conocimiento y proyectar con criterio crítico, es imprescindible el factor TIEMPO. ABSTRACT This thesis examines the housing “Tempe à pailla” (1932-1934) built by Eileen Gray for her own use, in the French village of Castellar. The expression “own room” in the title of the work identifies this project as the searching for a place for self experimentation. “Tempe à pailla” is the result of a self-directed learning acquired by the authoress due to coexistence with the protagonists of the modern movement, within the framework of the interwar France. Gray’s craft experiences previous to the architecture along the learning tools allow us to understand the development of a critical mind that questions continuously what she observes. Therefore to demonstrate the influence of the postulates of the contemporary movements in the evolution of her creations, and as a preamble to analysis of “Tempe à pailla”, this thesis makes a tour, along the techniques that she experienced, and studies two of her first exercises of project: “Three-storey housing”(1923) and “Maison pour an ingénieur” (1926). Lesson learned around the analytical tool of architectural drawing, together her research in the field of painting transferred to furniture made in lacquer, or to the design and fabric of tapestries, they constitute a set of craft experiences that lead, first in the conditioning of interiors, rehearsing novel spatial compositions among her objects and finally in the architectural project as a discipline capable of combining everything she learnt previously The binomial Intuition plus Method in all of these practicals Eileen Gray’s itineraries, combined with her look toward the works, exhibitions, readings and journals of her time, become together a complex personality that progressively innovates firstly in the context of domesticity and, in her stage of maturity, on the minimum living and collective spaces. The purpose of this thesis is to discover how the social, artistic and architectural aspects of the context, interlaced with the own critical subjectivity of the architect shape the foundations of this housing and determine the decisions of a mind that projects copying, re-elaborating and rejecting among the aspects known and learned. The choice of this house as the protagonist of the thesis aims, first to discover the relationship with the speeches of her time, becoming a paradigmatic architectural object of a continued and open dialogue. And secondly, to establish a evaluative synthesis of the consistency or lack of it in the project decisions, confronting them with others appropriate examples. To achieve these two objectives the house has been dissected from five perspectives: Its link with the preexistence of the place, its organization on floor away any standard type, its vocabulary as a reflection of modernity reached spatial-temporal relations and the synergy established between the domestic equipment and architecture. The development has made possible to place “Tempe à pailla” as a turning point in the architecture of Eileen Gray, and an example where she was able to anticipate future revisions of the modern movement in aspects such as: adaptation and empathy of the architecture with the site, the rejection of the connotations of the concept of “machine d’habiter” and the pursuit of comfort emphasized by the perception, the experience and even the psychological effects of the domestic interior. The re-reading of this singular and reduced House, framed within the practical trajectory of her authoress, invites to gaze inexcusable learning prior to the architecture, which combines the THEORY and the PLASTIC with trials materialized in PRACTICE, demonstrating that the essential factor to mature knowledge and planning with critical criteria, is the TIME.
“La ciudad radical” es una tentativa de catálogo de ciudades radicales, un atlas abierto de los límites imaginarios de la convivencia colectiva. Llamo al catálogo “tentativa” porque un catálogo siempre es abierto. Abierto en un doble sentido, en sentido de inacabado, siempre caben futuras revisiones, adiciones, modificaciones, alteraciones de orden… y en el sentido de permitir multitud lecturas y posibilidades abiertas de interpretación. El tema central de este trabajo es, el imaginario, lo imaginario, la fantasía, la ficción…como condición fundamental de creación en el ámbito social. En lo imaginario, y en el imaginario, reside la infinita y reiterativa capacidad de la sociedad para inventarse y re-inventarse, para crearse y re-crearse en el mundo, a través de la ciudad. Ciudad radical es una ciudad extremada, en la que una de sus rasgos ha sido llevado al extremo. Pero radical (del latín radix) también quiere decir raíz, origen, fundamento. El objeto del catálogo también es doble. Por un lado, el interés de generar un compendio de ciudades radicales, extremadas, acumuladas en la historia. Por otro lado, el objeto del catálogo es aproximarnos a la idea que nos hemos hecho, a lo largo de la historia, de nuestra gran “obra” en la tierra, el artificio esencialmente humano que es la ciudad. El análisis de las ciudades radicales sirve de método para la aproximación a la idea de ciudad y para desentrañar las metáforas urbanas que nos habitan, aquellas que nos hacen pensar la ciudad y en las que la ciudad nos piensa. En última instancia esta tesis pretender encontrar indicios que nos ayuden en la respuesta de una pregunta esencial, por qué ciudades, qué fuerzas nos empujan hacia los otros bajo la forma de la ciudad, desde los orígenes. La historia de nuestras sociedades es la historia de nuestras ciudades. La historia de la ciudad, es nuestra historia. La ciudad es la gran creación humana en la tierra, el objeto y el sujeto de la convivencia, del hábitat social. En este sentido la radicalización nos acerca a la esencia humana, desde el extremo llegamos al centro, al origen. Pensamos la ciudad, la ciudad nos piensa. Creamos la ciudad, la ciudad nos crea. La ciudad es radical en un doble sentido, está en el extremo y está en el origen, que es también el fin. ABSTRACT “The radical city” is an attempt to catalogue radical cities throughout history, it aims to be an open atlas of the imaginary limits of coexistence and the living together. I call this work an “attempt” of catalogue due to the implied open nature of catalogues. Open in the sense of unfinished, there is always space for adding, reviewing, modifying, altering…but also open in the sense of multiple readings and several possibilities for interpretation, which this work allows. The main background theme underlying this catalogue, providing context to the way of understanding human beings, is the imaginary, imagination, fantasy, and fiction as the fundamental condition for social creation. The imaginary is where the endless and reiterative capacity for societies to invent and re-invent themselves, to create and re-create themselves through the city, lies in. Radical city is an extreme city, which one of the features has been pushed to the limit. Radical, (from the Latin form, radix) also means root, origin and fundament. The object of this catalogue is double as well. On the one hand, the intention of putting together, as accumulating, a whole range of radical and extreme cities throughout history. On the other hand, the intention of the catalogue is approaching the idea, the way we, as humans, envision our own creation on Earth, the city as a purely and essentially human invention. In this sense, the analysis of radically produced cities helps as a means to understand, or at least, to get closer to the idea of the city itself; to figure out the urban metaphors envisioning “us” as living in cities, those metaphors determining the way we envision “inhabiting” as an essential need, and which set up the imaginary limits within we, as social individuals, dream of the city or the way in which the city, as the radix, “dreams of ourselves”. Ultimately, this work aims to approach the answer to a fundamental question, why cities? Which forces push us towards the others in the form of the city since forever? The history of our societies is the history of our cities. The history of our cities is our own history. Cities are our greatest invention, object and subject of coexistence, radical trigger for the living together. In this sense, radicalization helps us to get closer to human essence, is by approaching the limits that we can we reach the centre, the origin. We envision the city and¬¬¬ the city envisions us. The city is radical in a double way, is both origin and limits, origin and end.
Two folio-sized leaves containing a handwritten draft of a report of a committee explaining proposed changes to the academic schedule of Harvard undergraduates. The report discusses the rearrangement of lectures, exercises, disputations, and recitations and the specific reasoning behind the changes. The first page of the report is written on the verso of an essay by student Henry Daingerfield titled, "Wishing of all employments is the worst," and the second page of the report is written on the verso of an essay on the importance of teaching morals to the young by Bradstreet Story (later known as Dudley Story Bradstreet, Harvard AB 1792), dated 1790.
O latim das inscrições romanas no território português não foi até à data alvo de um estudo individualizado. A única obra na qual o assunto foi tratado analisa o latim de toda a Península Ibérica e foi publicada há pouco mais de cem anos, estando desactualizada. As inscrições romanas do território português estão publicadas em diferentes obras. O Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum continua a ser uma referência fundamental, mas, ao longo do século XX, foram publicados novos estudos, que actualizam leituras ou divulgam novas epígrafes. Desta forma, para caracterizar o latim das inscrições romanas no território português, é necessário constituir um corpus que inevitavelmente terá de incluir epígrafes provenientes de diversas publicações. A análise do latim das inscrições compreende aspectos fonéticos, morfológicos, sintácticos e lexicais. São seleccionados apenas aspectos relevantes para o estudo do texto epigráfico. O tratamento de cada um dos aspectos está dividido numa componente teórica, na qual se faz um balanço das conclusões da literatura científica, e numa componente prática, na qual se relatam os dados das inscrições do território português. O latim das inscrições do território português pode ser caracterizado como conservador, predominando nele o respeito pela correcção da língua. Para esta caracterização conservadora, contribui a presença de arcaísmos nas desinências nominais e verbais, alguns no século II. Por outro lado, não deixa de manifestar, à semelhança do latim de outras regiões, nomeadamente de Pompeios, algumas particularidades inovadoras, como a monotongação do ditongo ae ou a oscilação na grafia das vogais. Além destes aspectos, são ainda perceptíveis ténues diferenças internas, visto que há fenómenos documentados apenas em algumas regiões.
Includes index.
Indexed in Granger's Index to poetry and recitations.
Seinte Marherete, a text of 1200 [Mss. Reg. 17. A. XXVII. fol. 37. Ms. Bodl. 34]--Seinte Margarete, a text of 1330 [Ms. Harl. 2277. fol. 84. b]--Meidan Maregrete, from Hickes [Ms. Trin. coll. Cantab. Hickes, vol. I, p. 224]--Various readings and notes.--Seinte Marherete modernized.--On the language of S. Marherete.--Glossary.
After ingestion of a standardized dose of ethanol, alcohol concentrations were assessed, over 3.5 hours from blood (six readings) and breath (10 readings) in a sample of 412 MZ and DZ twins who took part in an Alcohol Challenge Twin Study (ACTS). Nearly all participants were subsequently genotyped on two polymorphic SNPs in the ADH1B and ADH1C loci known to affect in vitro ADH activity. In the DZ pairs, 14 microsatellite markers covering a 20.5 cM region on chromosome 4 that includes the ADH gene family were assessed, Variation in the timed series of autocorrelated blood and breath alcohol readings was studied using a bivariate simplex design. The contribution of a quantitative trait locus (QTL) or QTL's linked to the ADH region was estimated via a mixture of likelihoods weighted by identity-by-descent probabilities. The effects of allelic substitution at the ADH1B and ADH1C loci were estimated in the means part of the model simultaneously with the effects sex and age. There was a major contribution to variance in alcohol metabolism due to a QTL which accounted for about 64% of the additive genetic covariation common to both blood and breath alcohol readings at the first time point. No effects of the ADH1B*47His or ADH1C*349Ile alleles on in vivo metabolism were observed, although these have been shown to have major effects in vitro. This implies that there is a major determinant of variation for in vivo alcohol metabolism in the ADH region that is not accounted for by these polymorphisms. Earlier analyses of these data suggested that alcohol metabolism is related to drinking behavior and imply that this QTL may be protective against alcohol dependence.
Esta pesquisa se insere nas discussões sobre comunicação midiática nas interações sociais. Traz como tema a charge enquanto narrativa midiatizada do cotidiano, a partir de um estudo de natureza bibliográfica e de um exercício de aplicação no qual foram estudadas as charges de Angeli reunidas na coletânea O lixo da história, publicada pela editora Companhia das Letras. Dentre os autores e teorias trabalhadas destacam-se: a conceituação de narrativa, proposta por Luiz Gonzaga Motta; a ideia da midiatização da sociedade, a partir da discussão de José Luiz Braga; a teoria de mediações culturais de Jesús Martin-Barbero; os estudos de cotidiano de Michel de Certeau; e o entendimento de cultura, fundamentado nos Estudos Culturais. A partir das leituras e análise realizadas, a pesquisa trouxe a tona as percepções de que a charge é uma narrativa do absurdo e narrativa absurda de um momento histórico, de maneira a inseri-la enquanto monumento historiográfico do cotidiano. Assim como é feito com as narrativas jornalísticas, a charge demanda uma visão crítica, observando não apenas a sua forma, mas sim o seu contexto.
Background/aims The MPS 9000 uses a psychophysical technique known as heterochromatic flicker photometry to measure macular pigment optical density (MPOD). Our aim was to determine the measurement variability (noise) of the MPS 9000. Methods Forty normally sighted participants who ranged in age from 18 to 50 years (25.4±8.2 years) were recruited from staff and students of Aston University (Birmingham, UK). Data were collected by two operators in two sessions separated by 1 week in order to assess test repeatability and reproducibility. Results The overall mean MPOD for the cohort was 0.35±0.14. There was no significant negative correlation between MPS 9000 MPOD readings and age (r=-0.192, p=0.236). Coefficients were 0.33 and 0.28 for repeatability, and 0.25 and 0.26 for reproducibility. There was no significant correlation between mean and difference MPOD values for any of the four pairs of results. Conclusions When MPOD is being monitored over time then any change less than 0.33 units should not be considered clinically significant as it is very likely to be due to measurement noise. The size of the coefficient appears to be positively correlated with MPOD.
Objective: To explore views of patients with type 2 diabetes about self monitoring of blood glucose over time. Design: Longitudinal, qualitative study. Setting: Primary and secondary care settings across Lothian, Scotland. Participants: 18 patients with type 2 diabetes. Main outcome measures: Results from repeat in-depth interviews with patients over four years after clinical diagnosis. Results: Analysis revealed three main themes - the role of health professionals, interpreting readings and managing high values, and the ongoing role of blood glucose self monitoring. Self monitoring decreased over time, and health professionals' behaviour seemed crucial in this: participants interpreted doctors' focus on levels of haemoglobin A1c, and lack of perceived interest in meter readings, as indicating that self monitoring was not worth continuing. Some participants saw readings as a proxy measure of good and bad behaviour - with women especially, chastising themselves when readings were high. Some participants continued to find readings difficult to interpret, with uncertainty about how to respond to high readings. Reassurance and habit were key reasons for continuing. There was little indication that participants were using self monitoring to effect and maintain behaviour change. Conclusions: Clinical uncertainty about the efficacy and role of blood glucose self monitoring in patients with type 2 diabetes is mirrored in patients' own accounts. Patients tended not to act on their self monitoring results, in part because of a lack of education about the appropriate response to readings. Health professionals should be explicit about whether and when such patients should self monitor and how they should interpret and act upon the results, especially high readings.
Background/aims. The MacuScope uses a psychophysical technique called heterochromic flicker photometry to measure macular pigment optical density (MPOD). Our aim was to determine the measurement variability (noise) of the MacuScope. Methods. Thirty-eight normally sighted participants who ranged in age from 19 to 46 years (25.7±7.6 years) were recruited from staff and students of Aston University. Data were collected by two operators, HB and JA, in two sessions separated by 1 week in order to assess test repeatability and reproducibility. Results. The overall mean MPOD for the cohort was 0.47±0.14. There was a significant negative correlation between MacuScope MPOD readings and age (r=-0.368, p=0.023). Coefficients were 0.45 and 0.58 for repeatability, and 0.49 and 0.36 for reproducibility. For each pair of results, there was a significant positive correlation between mean and difference MPOD values. Conclusions. If MPOD is being monitored over time then any change less than 0.58 units should not be considered clinically significant as it is very likely to be due to instrument noise. The size of the coefficient appears to be positively correlated with MPOD.
Background: The aim was to evaluate the validity and repeatability of the auto-refraction function of the Nidek OPD-Scan III (Nidek Technologies, Gamagori, Japan) compared with non-cycloplegic subjective refraction. The Nidek OPD-Scan III is a new aberrometer/corneal topographer workstation based on the skiascopy principle. It combines a wavefront aberrometer, topographer, autorefractor, auto keratometer and pupillometer/pupillographer. Methods: Objective refraction results obtained using the Nidek OPD-Scan III were compared with non-cycloplegic subjective refraction for 108 eyes of 54 participants (29 female) with a mean age of 23.7±9.5 years. Intra-session and inter-session variability were assessed on 14 subjects (28 eyes). Results: The Nidek OPD-Scan III gave slightly more negative readings than results obtained by subjective refraction (Nidek mean difference -0.19±0.36 DS, p<0.01 for sphere; -0.19±0.35 DS, p<0.01 for mean spherical equivalent; -0.002±0.23 DC, p=0.91 for cylinder; -0.06±0.38 DC, p=0.30 for J0 and -0.36±0.31 DC for J45, p=0.29). Auto-refractor results for 74 per cent of spherical readings and 60 per cent of cylindrical powers were within±0.25 of subjective refraction. There was high intra-session and inter-session repeatability for all parameters; 90 per cent of inter-session repeatability results were within 0.25 D. Conclusion: The Nidek OPD-Scan III gives valid and repeatable measures of objective refraction when compared with non-cycloplegic subjective refraction. © 2013 The Authors. Clinical and Experimental Optometry © 2013 Optometrists Association Australia.
This new and expanded edition builds upon the first edition’s powerful multi-perspective approach and breath of coverage. A truly comprehensive introduction to sustainable development, it is designed specifically to allow access to the topic from a wide range of educational and professional backgrounds and to develop understanding of a diversity of approaches and traditions at different levels. This second edition includes: •a complete update of the text, with increased coverage of major topics including ecosystems; production and consumption; business; urban sustainability; governance; new media technologies; conservation; leadership; globalization and global crises; sustainability literacy and learning; •more examples from the Global South and North America, while retaining its unique coverage of first world countries; •chapter aims at the start and summaries at the end of each chapter; •glossary of key terms; •a new chapter on Conservation with a focus on behaviour change and values; •a brand new website which includes discussion of how projects are done on the ground, additional exercises and online cases, test questions and recommended readings and films. Offering boxed examples from the local to the global, Understanding Sustainable Development is the most complete guide to the subject for course leaders, undergraduates and postgraduates.