995 resultados para Quantum computing


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We describe a model of computation of the parallel type, which we call 'computing with bio-agents', based on the concept that motions of biological objects such as bacteria or protein molecular motors in confined spaces can be regarded as computations. We begin with the observation that the geometric nature of the physical structures in which model biological objects move modulates the motions of the latter. Consequently, by changing the geometry, one can control the characteristic trajectories of the objects; on the basis of this, we argue that such systems are computing devices. We investigate the computing power of mobile bio-agent systems and show that they are computationally universal in the sense that they are capable of computing any Boolean function in parallel. We argue also that using appropriate conditions, bio-agent systems can solve NP-complete problems in probabilistic polynomial time.


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Modelling how a word is activated in human memory is an important requirement for determining the probability of recall of a word in an extra-list cueing experiment. The spreading activation, spooky-action-at-a-distance and entanglement models have all been used to model the activation of a word. Recently a hypothesis was put forward that the mean activation levels of the respective models are as follows: Spreading � Entanglment � Spooking-action-at-a-distance This article investigates this hypothesis by means of a substantial empirical analysis of each model using the University of South Florida word association, rhyme and word norms.


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Quantum dot - plasmon waveguide systems are of interest for the active control of plasmon propagation, and consequently, the development of active nanophotonic devices such as nano-sized optical transistors. This paper is concerned with how varying aspect ratio of the waveguide crosssection affects the quantum dot - plasmon coupling. We compare a stripe waveguide with an equivalent nanowire, illustrating that both waveguides have a similar coupling strength to a nearby quantum dot for small waveguide cross-section, thereby indicating that stripe lithographic waveguides have strong potential use in quantum dot –plasmon waveguide systems. We also demonstrate that changing the aspect ratio of both stripe and wire waveguides can increase the spontaneous emission rate of the quantum dot into the plasmon mode, by up to a factor of five. The results of this paper will contribute to the optimisation of quantum dot - plasmon waveguide systems and help pave the way for the development of active nanophotonics devices.


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Video games have shown great potential as tools that both engage and motivate players to achieve tasks and build communities in fantasy worlds. We propose that the application of game elements to real world activities can aid in delivering contextual information in interesting ways and help young people to engage in everyday events. Our research will explore how we can unite utility and fun to enhance information delivery, encourage participation, build communities and engage users with utilitarian events situated in the real world. This research aims to identify key game elements that work effectively to engage young digital natives, and provide guidelines to influence the design of interactions and interfaces for event applications in the future. This research will primarily contribute to areas of user experience and pervasive gaming.


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The increasing capability of mobile devices and social networks to gather contextual and social data has led to increased interest in context-aware computing for mobile applications. This paper explores ways of reconciling two different viewpoints of context, representational and interactional, that have arisen respectively from technical and social science perspectives on context-aware computing. Through a case study in agile ridesharing, the importance of dynamic context control, historical context and broader context is discussed. We build upon earlier work that has sought to address the divide by further explicating the problem in the mobile context and expanding on the design approaches.


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The final shape of the "Internet of Things" ubiquitous computing promises relies on a cybernetic system of inputs (in the form of sensory information), computation or decision making (based on the prefiguration of rules, contexts, and user-generated or defined metadata), and outputs (associated action from ubiquitous computing devices). My interest in this paper lies in the computational intelligences that suture these positions together, and how positioning these intelligences as autonomous agents extends the dialogue between human-users and ubiquitous computing technology. Drawing specifically on the scenarios surrounding the employment of ubiquitous computing within aged care, I argue that agency is something that cannot be traded without serious consideration of the associated ethics.


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On obstacle-cluttered construction sites where heavy equipment is in use, safety issues are of major concern. The main objective of this paper is to develop a framework with algorithms for obstacle avoidance and path planning based on real-time three-dimensional job site models to improve safety during equipment operation. These algorithms have the potential to prevent collisions between heavy equipment vehicles and other on-site objects. In this study, algorithms were developed for image data acquisition, real-time 3D spatial modeling, obstacle avoidance, and shortest path finding and were all integrated to construct a comprehensive collision-free path. Preliminary research results show that the proposed approach is feasible and has the potential to be used as an active safety feature for heavy equipment.


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This special issue of the Journal of Urban Technology brings together five articles that are based on presentations given at the Street Computing workshop held on 24 November 2009 in Melbourne in conjunction with the Australian Computer-Human Interaction conference (OZCHI 2009). Our own article introduces the Street Computing vision and explores the potential, challenges and foundations of this research vision. In order to do so, we first look at the currently available sources of information and discuss their link to existing research efforts. Section 2 then introduces the notion of Street Computing and our research approach in more detail. Section 3 looks beyond the core concept itself and summarises related work in this field of interest.


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This position paper provides an overview of work conducted and an outlook of future directions within the field of Information Retrieval (IR) that aims to develop novel models, methods and frameworks inspired by Quantum Theory (QT).


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From location-aware computing to mining the social web, representations of context have promised to make better software applications. The opportunities and challenges of context-aware computing from representational, situated and interactional perspectives have been well documented, but arguments from the perspective of design are somewhat disparate. This paper draws on both theoretical perspectives and a design framing, using the problem of designing a social mobile agile ridesharing system, in order to reflect upon and call for broader design approaches for context-aware computing and human-computer Interaction research in general.


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Consider the concept combination ‘pet human’. In word association experiments, human subjects produce the associate ‘slave’ in relation to this combination. The striking aspect of this associate is that it is not produced as an associate of ‘pet’, or ‘human’ in isolation. In other words, the associate ‘slave’ seems to be emergent. Such emergent associations sometimes have a creative character and cognitive science is largely silent about how we produce them. Departing from a dimensional model of human conceptual space, this article will explore concept combinations, and will argue that emergent associations are a result of abductive reasoning within conceptual space, that is, below the symbolic level of cognition. A tensor-based approach is used to model concept combinations allowing such combinations to be formalized as interacting quantum systems. Free association norm data is used to motivate the underlying basis of the conceptual space. It is shown by analogy how some concept combinations may behave like quantum-entangled (non-separable) particles. Two methods of analysis were presented for empirically validating the presence of non-separable concept combinations in human cognition. One method is based on quantum theory and another based on comparing a joint (true theoretic) probability distribution with another distribution based on a separability assumption using a chi-square goodness-of-fit test. Although these methods were inconclusive in relation to an empirical study of bi-ambiguous concept combinations, avenues for further refinement of these methods are identified.


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As computers approach the physical limits of information storable in memory, new methods will be needed to further improve information storage and retrieval. We propose a quantum inspired vector based approach, which offers a contextually dependent mapping from the subsymbolic to the symbolic representations of information. If implemented computationally, this approach would provide exceptionally high density of information storage, without the traditionally required physical increase in storage capacity. The approach is inspired by the structure of human memory and incorporates elements of Gardenfors’ Conceptual Space approach and Humphreys et al.’s matrix model of memory.


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Compositionality is a frequently made assumption in linguistics, and yet many human subjects reveal highly non-compositional word associations when confronted with novel concept combinations. This article will show how a non-compositional account of concept combinations can be supplied by modelling them as interacting quantum systems.


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We utilise the well-developed quantum decision models known to the QI community to create a higher order social decision making model. A simple Agent Based Model (ABM) of a society of agents with changing attitudes towards a social issue is presented, where the private attitudes of individuals in the system are represented using a geometric structure inspired by quantum theory. We track the changing attitudes of the members of that society, and their resulting propensities to act, or not, in a given social context. A number of new issues surrounding this "scaling up" of quantum decision theories are discussed, as well as new directions and opportunities.


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Software as a Service (SaaS) is gaining more and more attention from software users and providers recently. This has raised many new challenges to SaaS providers in providing better SaaSes that suit everyone needs at minimum costs. One of the emerging approaches in tackling this challenge is by delivering the SaaS as a composite SaaS. Delivering it in such an approach has a number of benefits, including flexible offering of the SaaS functions and decreased cost of subscription for users. However, this approach also introduces new problems for SaaS resource management in a Cloud data centre. We present the problem of composite SaaS resource management in Cloud data centre, specifically on its initial placement and resource optimization problems aiming at improving the SaaS performance based on its execution time as well as minimizing the resource usage. Our approach differs from existing literature because it addresses the problems resulting from composite SaaS characteristics, where we focus on the SaaS requirements, constraints and interdependencies. The problems are tackled using evolutionary algorithms. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and the scalability of the proposed algorithms.