846 resultados para Psicologia histórico-cultural


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This paper analyzes the Psychology of Play developed by D. Elkonin and his followers through examining the central theses of the cultural-historical theory. The goal is to identify elements that can support the organization of early childhood education practices. The cultural-historical theses represent a solid theory about children's play, featuring an original contribution to understand the historical emergence of play and its social nature in ontogeny. Based on Cultural-historical theory of play, we conclude that early childhood education which considers play as the leading activity must relate to the experience of various spheres of social life and the content of human activities. It is understood that the goal of educational intervention in children play is the development of the social role represented in the game. It is argued that play should neither oppose nor prevail over other activities.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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The historical analysis of the conception of child is essential to understand the speeches, public policies and actions that are set aside for them. The 20th century ´ social-economic changes and the consequent need for women's work produced a restructuring not only in the family, but also in the care and attention focused on childhood. The present article under the perspective of Cultural-historical approach aims to make a reflection about the conception of child in the educational context, especially in the face of recent public policies that favor education´s advance in state schools. Besides, they also intend to point out some consequences and possible problems that may arise with their implementation and discuss the implications for the teacher´s organization of methodological practice and the relationship between development and learning.


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This article presents an academic and scientific study about the use of the device methodological and intervening of selfconfrontation in research in post-graduate studies in Education in Brazil. The self-confrontation is a device created by linguist Daniel Faïta and perfected by psychologist Yves Clot. She seeks to capture the multiple discourses and perspectives around a particular craft, integrating researcher and workers to facilitate the installation of a dialectical movement of analysis and production of knowledge about the work, ownership of these knowledge workers and the collective transformation of labor activity. We chose a qualitative approach and the realization of documental analysis of the abstracts of researches that resulted in the production of doctoral theses and dissertations held in Brazil between 1987 and 2011. Were examined studies that had their abstracts gathered and made available by the Coordenadoria de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) on its website. The results show that self-confrontation is used piecemeal studies produced in the area of Education, used primarily to collect data and to give less emphasis to the transformation of the labor process.


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This article presents research that examined work of a teacher trainer for professional education, which aimed to study the work of these professional instruments , the design of pedagogical mediation underlying the prescriptive texts of the work and the theoretical-methodological arrays deployed in labor activity . The theoretical framework was Clinical Activity , strand of Work Psychology . We adopt a simple self-confrontation for data collection , combining interviews , document analysis, and video recording of the work . Were the volunteer coordinator and three trainers course in São Paulo educational institution. The results showed that the work of trainers activity is directed to others , using concrete and intangible instruments . Prescriptive texts suggest the use of cognitive education approach , but in the effective action of the trainers was adopted cultural-historical perspective of human development . At the end there are the limitations of this research and indicates the need for further scientific research on the subject.


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O Cemitério Japonês de Álvares Machado - SP, marco histórico, cultural e simbólico, tombado pelo CONDEPHAAT, foi uma obra que surgiu diante da necessidade dos imigrantes japoneses que desbravaram a área e a colonizaram, ao qual dedicaram suas vidas, contribuindo enormemente para o povoamento e desenvolvimento do local. A chegada dos primeiro colonos japoneses coincide com o início do povoamento da porção sudoeste paulista, fato que foi impulsionado pela chegada da Estrada de Ferro Sorocabana à região. Passados mais de 90 anos, o sítio histórico apresenta boa conservação, no entanto há diversas ameaças à integridade física que urgem serem estudadas e sanadas. O presente trabalho visa levantar essas questões e propor soluções, tendo em vista a legislação, as recomendações de órgãos nacionais e internacionais de preservação de bens culturais, tais como UNESCO, ICOMOS, IPHAN, CONDEPHAAT e também através de pesquisa bibliográfica. Há também a proposta de intervenção arquitetônica, com o intuito de oferecer infraestrutura para recepção de visitantes, principalmente durante o evento anual do Shokonsai e a visita dos familiares que ali estão enterrados; oferecer novos usos para o local, de modo a ser ocupado e utilizado permanentemente, favorecendo a manutenção e ampliando a mensagem cultural, simbólica e da memória coletiva do local


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El presente artículo busca explorar y dialogar entre dos dimensiones que a nuestro entender son inseparables, por un lado, las opciones teóricas-epistemológicas asumidas que contribuyen a comprender la compleja relación entre historia y memoria y como éstas opciones impactan en el campo de las prácticas profesionales del historiador y el archivista. Por otro lado, el papel de las instituciones educativas, esto es las universidades como principales gestoras y promotoras de espacios destinados a la preservación, conservación y difusión de su patrimonio histórico-cultural. En este marco, expondremos el trabajo que se viene desarrollando al interior del Archivo Histórico y Documental en articulación con el Programa de Historia y Memoria de la Universidad Nacional de San Luis, que ha tenido un notable impacto en la comunidad universitaria y en la región


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El presente artículo busca explorar y dialogar entre dos dimensiones que a nuestro entender son inseparables, por un lado, las opciones teóricas-epistemológicas asumidas que contribuyen a comprender la compleja relación entre historia y memoria y como éstas opciones impactan en el campo de las prácticas profesionales del historiador y el archivista. Por otro lado, el papel de las instituciones educativas, esto es las universidades como principales gestoras y promotoras de espacios destinados a la preservación, conservación y difusión de su patrimonio histórico-cultural. En este marco, expondremos el trabajo que se viene desarrollando al interior del Archivo Histórico y Documental en articulación con el Programa de Historia y Memoria de la Universidad Nacional de San Luis, que ha tenido un notable impacto en la comunidad universitaria y en la región


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El presente artículo busca explorar y dialogar entre dos dimensiones que a nuestro entender son inseparables, por un lado, las opciones teóricas-epistemológicas asumidas que contribuyen a comprender la compleja relación entre historia y memoria y como éstas opciones impactan en el campo de las prácticas profesionales del historiador y el archivista. Por otro lado, el papel de las instituciones educativas, esto es las universidades como principales gestoras y promotoras de espacios destinados a la preservación, conservación y difusión de su patrimonio histórico-cultural. En este marco, expondremos el trabajo que se viene desarrollando al interior del Archivo Histórico y Documental en articulación con el Programa de Historia y Memoria de la Universidad Nacional de San Luis, que ha tenido un notable impacto en la comunidad universitaria y en la región


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El artículo presenta el proyecto “Patrimonio Histórico Cultural Iberoamericano” (PHI), el cual agrupa en su fase piloto una red de ocho universidades iberoamericanas, lideradas por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, y que tiene como objetivos la difusión de los contenidos generados en el ámbito académico relacionados con el patrimonio histórico y cultural en riesgo y con los bienes que presentan oportunidades para la cooperación al desarrollo. El artículo se divide en tres partes: En la primera de ellas se introduce el proyecto (sus generalidades, fases y objetivos); en la segunda parte se presenta una breve revisión de los aspectos generales de la gestión de la información relacionada con el patrimonio cultural (sistemas de información y esquemas de metadatos) que sirven de marco al proyecto. La tercera parte describe cómo dicha gestión de la información se lleva a cabo en el ámbito de la presente iniciativa (creación y gestión de contenidos, la ficha PHI para la descripción de los casos de estudio) y el sistema de gestión de contenidos en uso. Finalmente se presentan las conclusiones y el trabajo futuro.


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Esta tese teve por objetivo saber como o corpo docente da Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS) percebe, entende e reage ante a incorporação e utilização das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TICs) nos cursos de graduação dessa Instituição, considerando os novos processos comunicacionais dialógicos que elas podem proporcionar na sociedade atual. Metodologicamente, a tese é composta por pesquisa bibliográfica, buscando fundamentar as áreas da Educação e Comunicação, assim como a Educomunicação; pesquisa documental para contextualização do lócus da pesquisa e de uma pesquisa exploratória a partir da aplicação de um questionário online a 165 docentes da UEMS, que responderam voluntariamente. Verificou-se que os professores utilizam as TICs cotidianamente nas atividades pessoais e, em menor escala, nos ambientes profissionais. Os desafios estão em se formar melhor esse docente e oferecer capacitação continuada para que utilizem de forma mais eficaz as TICs nas salas de aula. Destaca-se ainda que os avanços em tecnologia e os novos ecossistemas comunicacionais construíram novas e outras realidades, tornando a aprendizagem um fator não linear, exigindo-se revisão nos projetos pedagógicos na educação superior para que estes viabilizem diálogos propositivos entre a comunicação e a educação. A infraestrutura institucional para as TICs é outro entrave apontado, tanto na aquisição como na manutenção desses aparatos tecnológicos pela Universidade. Ao final, propõe-se realizar estudos e pesquisas que possam discutir alterações nos regimes contratuais de trabalho dos docentes, uma vez que, para atuar com as TICs de maneira apropriada, exige-se mais tempo e dedicação do docente.


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The objective of this study was to understand the relationship between people with disabilities and their labor. Senses and meanings related to work were specifically identified; also describing the impediments of concrete activities, as well the strategies developed for overcoming them. This objective is inspired on the social historic cultural theoretical perspective as well as on the activity's theory. The research has been made possible through the interview of 16 workers from a IES, it categorizes as a multi-method sequential and transversal study of qualitative orientation, making use the technics of narrative interviews and photographic creation. The results indicate that work was described as a necessity, a source of pleasure, recognition and socialization; with emphasis on the importance of working in pairs in order to accomplish good quality work. Senses were obtained from each participant, identified by the way that each of them expressed themselves. Impediments were more deeply related to the physical conditions of the work environment than to the person's disabilities. Conclusion points out that the access to work, acts as a social inclusion tool for peoples with disabilities, and showing that, the laws regarding quota reservations fulfill their objective.


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Considering that urban interventions, planned and executed recently at Natal, RN, should put Ribeira - one of the town centers - in the new limits of the expanded center of the city, this work examines the use of this new accessibility for the benefit of the development of an infrastructure to support a type of tourism currently seen as an alternative to diversification into areas dominated by entertainment tourism (the case of Natal). A local with city's traditional cultural facilities and holder of a set built that is a synthesis of the images of the neighborhood, it fears that this increase in the potential for movement and flows of use stimulate speculation and deployment of a bulk type of activity incompatible with the preservation the architectural heritage. Important economy for the city, tourism has been showing a factor propellant processing urban related changes in accessibility. It is argued that cultural tourism, often used in plans and projects of revitalization across the country, may be factor for sustainable development and conserve the assets, and contributes to the process of revitalization of the historic cultural center as Ribeira. Intended to illustrate the need to consider other information that might help in the revitalization of the neighborhood, this research presents the offer cultural tourism of Ribeira and identifies and maps certain physical attributes that, combined with functional attributes, can stimulate or inhibit the diversity and vitality in the region


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Considering that urban interventions, planned and executed recently at Natal, RN, should put Ribeira - one of the town centers - in the new limits of the expanded center of the city, this work examines the use of this new accessibility for the benefit of the development of an infrastructure to support a type of tourism currently seen as an alternative to diversification into areas dominated by entertainment tourism (the case of Natal). A local with city's traditional cultural facilities and holder of a set built that is a synthesis of the images of the neighborhood, it fears that this increase in the potential for movement and flows of use stimulate speculation and deployment of a bulk type of activity incompatible with the preservation the architectural heritage. Important economy for the city, tourism has been showing a factor propellant processing urban related changes in accessibility. It is argued that cultural tourism, often used in plans and projects of revitalization across the country, may be factor for sustainable development and conserve the assets, and contributes to the process of revitalization of the historic cultural center as Ribeira. Intended to illustrate the need to consider other information that might help in the revitalization of the neighborhood, this research presents the offer cultural tourism of Ribeira and identifies and maps certain physical attributes that, combined with functional attributes, can stimulate or inhibit the diversity and vitality in the region