953 resultados para Pseudo-ternary phase diagram


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Kinetically frustrated bosons at half filling in the presence of a competing nearest-neighbor repulsion support a wide supersolid regime on the two-dimensional triangular lattice. We study this model on a two-leg ladder using the finite-size density-matrix renormalization-group method, obtaining a phase diagram which contains three phases: a uniform superfluid (SF), an insulating charge density wave (CDW) crystal, and a bond ordered insulator (BO). We show that the transitions from SF to CDW and SF to BO are continuous in nature, with critical exponents varying continuously along the phase boundaries, while the transition from CDW to BO is found to be first order. The phase diagram is also found to contain an exactly solvable Majumdar Ghosh point, and reentrant SF to CDW phase transitions.


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First principles calculations were done to evaluate the lattice parameter, cohesive energy and stacking fault energies of ordered gamma' (Ll(2)) precipitates in superalloys as a function of composition. It was found that addition of Ti and Ta lead to an increase in lattice parameter and decrease in cohesive energy, while Ni antisites had the opposite effect. Ta and Ti addition to stoichiometric Ni3Al resulted in an initial increase in the energies of APB((111)), CSF(111), APB((001)) and SISF(111). However, at higher concentrations, the fault energies decreased. Addition of Ni antisites decreased the energy of all four faults monotonically. A model based on nearest neighbor bonding was used for Ni-3(Al, Ta), Ni-3(Al, Ti) and Ni-3(Al, Ni) pseudo-binary systems and extended to pseudo- ternary Ni-3(Al, Ta, Ni) and Ni-3(Al, Ti, Ni) systems. Recipes were developed for predicting lattice parameters, cohesive energies and fault energies in pseudo- ternary systems on the basis of coefficients derived from simpler pseudobinary systems. The model predictions were found to be in good agreement with first principles calculations for lattice parameters, cohesive energies, and energies of APB((111)) and CSF(111).


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We report results of the magnetization and ac susceptibility measurements down to very low fields on a single crystal of the perovskite manganite, La-0.82 Ca-0.18 MnO3. This composition falls in the intriguing ferromagnetic insulator region of the manganite phase diagram. In contrast to earlier beliefs, our investigations reveal that magnetically (and in every other sense), this is a single- phase system with a ferromagnetic ordering temperature of around 170 K. However, this ferromagnetic state is magnetically frustrated, and the system exhibits pronounced glassy dynamics below 90 K. Based on measured dynamical properties, we propose that this quasi-long-ranged ferromagnetic phase, and the associated superspin glass behavior, is the true magnetic state of the system, rather than being a macroscopic mixture of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases, as often suggested. Our results provide an understanding of the quantum phase transition from an antiferromagnetic insulator to a ferromagnetic metal via this ferromagnetic state as a function of x in La1-xCaxMnO3, in terms of the possible formation of magnetic polarons.


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Diffusion couple experiments are conducted to study phase evolutions in the Co-rich part of the Co-Ni-Ta phase diagram. This helps to examine the available phase diagram and propose a correction on the stability of the Co2Ta phase based on the compositional measurements and X-ray analysis. The growth rate of this phase decreases with an increase in Ni content. The same is reflected on the estimated integrated interdiffusion coefficients of the components in this phase. The possible reasons for this change are discussed based on the discussions of defects, crystal structure and the driving forces for diffusion. Diffusion rate of Co in the Co2Ta phase at the Co-rich composition is higher because of more number of Co-Co bonds present compared to that of Ta-Ta bonds and the presence of Co antisites for the deviation from the stoichiometry. The decrease in the diffusion coefficients because of Ni addition indicates that Ni preferably replaces Co antisites to decrease the diffusion rate. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate the growth of high quality single phase films of VO2(A, B, and M) on SrTiO3 substrate by controlling the vanadium arrival rate (laser frequency) and oxidation of the V atoms. A phase diagram has been developed (oxygen pressure versus laser frequency) for various phases of VO2 and their electronic properties are investigated. VO2(A) phase is insulating VO2(B) phase is semi-metallic, and VO2(M) phase exhibits a metal-insulator transition, corroborated by photoelectron spectroscopic studies. The ability to control the growth of various polymorphs opens up the possibility for novel (hetero) structures promising new device functionalities. (C) 2015 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


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Eutectic growth is an interesting example for exploring the topic of pattern-formation in multi-phase systems, where the growth of the phases is coupled with the diffusive transport of one or more components in the melt. While in the case of binary alloys, the number of possibilities are limited (lamellae, rods, labyrinth etc.), their number rapidly increases with the number of components and phases. In this paper, we will investigate pattern formation during three-phase eutectic solidification using a state-of-the art phase-field method based on the grand-canonical density formulation. The major aim of the study is to highlight the role of two properties, which are the volume fraction of the solid phases and the solid-liquid interfacial energies, in the self-organization of the solid phases during directional growth. Thereafter, we will show representative phase-field simulations of a micro-structure in a real alloy (Ag-Al-Cu) using an asymmetric phase diagram as well as interfacial properties.


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In the first part I perform Hartree-Fock calculations to show that quantum dots (i.e., two-dimensional systems of up to twenty interacting electrons in an external parabolic potential) undergo a gradual transition to a spin-polarized Wigner crystal with increasing magnetic field strength. The phase diagram and ground state energies have been determined. I tried to improve the ground state of the Wigner crystal by introducing a Jastrow ansatz for the wave function and performing a variational Monte Carlo calculation. The existence of so called magic numbers was also investigated. Finally, I also calculated the heat capacity associated with the rotational degree of freedom of deformed many-body states and suggest an experimental method to detect Wigner crystals.

The second part of the thesis investigates infinite nuclear matter on a cubic lattice. The exact thermal formalism describes nucleons with a Hamiltonian that accommodates on-site and next-neighbor parts of the central, spin-exchange and isospin-exchange interaction. Using auxiliary field Monte Carlo methods, I show that energy and basic saturation properties of nuclear matter can be reproduced. A first order phase transition from an uncorrelated Fermi gas to a clustered system is observed by computing mechanical and thermodynamical quantities such as compressibility, heat capacity, entropy and grand potential. The structure of the clusters is investigated with the help two-body correlations. I compare symmetry energy and first sound velocities with literature and find reasonable agreement. I also calculate the energy of pure neutron matter and search for a similar phase transition, but the survey is restricted by the infamous Monte Carlo sign problem. Also, a regularization scheme to extract potential parameters from scattering lengths and effective ranges is investigated.


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We study the Fe-catalyzed chemical vapor deposition of carbon nanotubes by complementary in situ grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction, in situ X-ray reflectivity, and environmental transmission electron microscopy. We find that typical oxide supported Fe catalyst films form widely varying mixtures of bcc and fcc phased Fe nanoparticles upon reduction, which we ascribe to variations in minor commonly present carbon contamination levels. Depending on the as-formed phase composition, different growth modes occur upon hydrocarbon exposure: For γ-rich Fe nanoparticle distributions, metallic Fe is the active catalyst phase, implying that carbide formation is not a prerequisite for nanotube growth. For α-rich catalyst mixtures, Fe3C formation more readily occurs and constitutes part of the nanotube growth process. We propose that this behavior can be rationalized in terms of kinetically accessible pathways, which we discuss in the context of the bulk iron-carbon phase diagram with the inclusion of phase equilibrium lines for metastable Fe3C. Our results indicate that kinetic effects dominate the complex catalyst phase evolution during realistic CNT growth recipes. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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We demonstrate theoretically that electric field can drive a quantum phase transition between band insulator to topological insulator in CdTe/HgCdTe/CdTe quantum wells. The numerical results suggest that the electric field could be used as a switch to turn on or off the topological insulator phase, and temperature can affect significantly the phase diagram for different gate voltage and compositions. Our theoretical results provide us an efficient way to manipulate the quantum phase of HgTe quantum wells.


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GaSb layers are grown on GaSb substrates; the effects of input partial pressure of trimethylantimony and the V/III ratio are studied. A model of the MOVPE phase diagram for the growth of GaSb and GaAsxSb1-x is developed which assumes thermodynamic equilibrium to be established at the solid-vapor interface.


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In this work, the film thickness (l(0)) effect on the phase and dewetting behaviors of the blend film of poly(methyl methacrylate)/poly (styrene-ran-acrylonitrile) (PMMA/SAN) has been studied by in situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The thinner film shows the more compatibility of the blend, and the phase separation of the film occurs at l(0) > 5R(g) (radius of gyration). An initially time-independent q*, the characteristic wavenumber of the phase image, which is in good agreement of Cahn's linearized theory for the early stage of spinodal decomposition, has been obtained in real space and discussed in detail. For 5R(g) > l(0) > 3R(g), a "pseudo-dewetting/(phase separation + wetting)" behavior occurs, where the pseudo-wetting is driven by the concentration fluctuation mechanism. For 10 < 3R(g), a "real dewetting/(phase separation + wetting)" behavior occurs.


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The thin films of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) (SAN) and their blends were prepared by means of spin-coating their corresponding solutions onto silicon wafers, followed by being annealed at different temperatures. The surface phase separations of PMMA/SAN blends were characterized by virtue of atomic force microscopy (AFM). By comparing the tapping mode AFM (TM-AFM) phase images of the pure components and their blends, surface phase separation mechanisms of the blends could be identified as the nucleation and growth mechanism or the spinodal decomposition mechanism. Therefore, the phase diagram of the PMMA/SAN system could be obtained by means of TM-AFM. Contact mode AFM was also used to study the surface morphologies of all the samples and the phase separations of the blends occurred by the spinodal decomposition mechanism could be ascertained. Moreover, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was used to characterize the chemical compositions on the surfaces of the samples and the miscibility principle of the PMMA/SAN system was discussed.


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Full Paper: The phase, behavior of A-B-random copolymer/C-homopolymer, blends with special interaction was studied by a. Monte, Carlo simulation in two dimensions. The interaction between I segment A and segment C was repulsive, whereas it was attractive between segment B and segment C. The simulation results showed that the blend became two large co-continuous phase domains at lower segment-B component compositions, indicating that the blend showed spinodal decomposition. With an increase of the segment-B component, the miscibility between the copolymer,and the polymer was gradually improved up to being miscible. In addition, it was found that segment B tended to move to the surface of the copolymer phase in the case of a lower component of segment B. On the other hand, if was observed that the average, end-to-end distances ((h) over bar) for both copolymer and polymer changed slowly with increasing segment-B component of the copolymer up to 40%, thereafter they increased considerably with increasing segment B component. Moreover, it was found that the (h) over bar of the copolymer was obviously shorter than that of the homopolymer for the segment-B composition, region from 0% to 80%. Finally, a, phase diagram showing I phase and - II phase regions under the condition of constant-temperature is presented.


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A series of liquid crystalline copolyethers have been synthesized from 1-(4-hydroxy-4'-biphenyl)-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propane with 1,7-dibromoheptane and 1,12-dibromododecene [coTPPs(7/12)], which represents copolyethers containing both odd and even numbers of methylene units. The molar ratio of odd to even methylene units in this series ranges from 1/9 to 9/1. The coTPPs(7/12) exhibit multiple phase transitions during cooling and heating in differential scanning calorimetry experiments. For all these thermal transitions, a small undercooling and superheating dependence is observed upon cooling and heating at different rates. Three types of phase behaviors can be classified in coTPPs(7/12) on the basis of the structural analyses by wide-angle X-ray diffraction on powder and fiber samples and by electron diffraction experiments in transmission electron microscopy. At room temperature, highly ordered smectic and smectic crystal (SC) phases are identified in coTPPs(7/12: 1/9 and 2/8), which is similar to the homopolymer TPP(m = 12). The coTPPs(7/12: 3/7, 4/6, and 5/5) possess a hexagonal columnar (Phi(H)) phase in which the molecular and columnar axes are parallel to the fiber direction and perpendicular to the hexagonal lateral packing. The coTPPs(7/12: 6/4, 7/3, and 8/2) possess a tilted hexagonal columnar (Phi(TH)) phase with a single tilt angle which increases with the increasing composition of the seven-numbered methylene units. However, in coTPP(7/12: 9/1), a Phi(TH) phase with multiple tilt angles is found. Upon heating, phase structures in most coTPPs(7/12) involving the columnar phases enter directly into the nematic (N) phase, while the coTPP(7/12: 1/9) exhibits a highly ordered smectic F (S-F) phase before it reaches the N phase. One exception is found in coTPP(7/12: 2/8), wherein the transformation from the S-F to Phi(H) occurs prior to the N phase. Combining the copolymer phase behaviors observed with the corresponding homopolymers TPP(n = 7) and TPP(m = 12), a phase diagram describing transition temperatures with respect to the composition can be constructed.


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By molecular dynamics (MD) simulations we study the crystallization process in a model system whose particles interact by a spherical pair potential with a narrow and deep attractive well adjacent to a hard repulsive core. The phase diagram of the model displays a solid-fluid equilibrium, with a metastable fluid-fluid separation. Our computations are restricted to fairly small systems (from 2592 to 10368 particles) and cover long simulation times, with constant energy trajectories extending up to 76x10(6) MD steps. By progressively reducing the system temperature below the solid-fluid line, we first observe the metastable fluid-fluid separation, occurring readily and almost reversibly upon crossing the corresponding line in the phase diagram. The nucleation of the crystal phase takes place when the system is in the two-fluid metastable region. Analysis of the temperature dependence of the nucleation time allows us to estimate directly the nucleation free energy barrier. The results are compared with the predictions of classical nucleation theory. The critical nucleus is identified, and its structure is found to be predominantly fcc. Following nucleation, the solid phase grows steadily across the system, incorporating a large number of localized and extended defects. We discuss the relaxation processes taking place both during and after the crystallization stage. The relevance of our simulation for the kinetics of protein crystallization under normal experimental conditions is discussed. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.