999 resultados para Procedimentos


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Abordam-se o universo de cogitações e as condições materiais de instauração de obras de arte, realizadas em forma de aparelhos cinéticos mecânicos, a partir dos seus aspectos materiais, dos procedimentos técnicos e artísticos empregados na sua confecção e dos aspectos do imaginário presentes neste processo. São máquinas que podem ser denominadas de imprecisas por serem máquinas de arte e que procuram modos de indicar, para os seus usufruidores, os sujeitos que as usam, seu funcionamento e a sua própria feitura, acreditando que estas questões são partes importantes das significações e do imaginário que influenciam esta instauração, assim como do imaginário que é suscitado por ela. Estes aparelhos são objetos que requisitam, pelo seu uso, uma manipulação e uma confrontação corporal direta com os estes usufruidores. Os artistas e as obras associados à arte cinética constituem um referencial importante abordado aqui. Estas questões, a partir de uma feitura e de uma utilização de materiais e técnicas que podem ser chamados de Low Tech, se estabelecem principalmente frente às tecnologias digitais contemporâneas cujas técnicas e teorias que também lhe servem de referencial.


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O desenvolvimento econômico brasileiro depende da expansão da infraestrutura pública, que, nas últimas décadas, se vem procurando fazer por meio de programas de concessão. O trabalho objetiva compreender porque a administração pública tem constantemente recorrido à autorização de estudos, prevista no art. 21 da lei 8.987/95, para obter auxílio de particulares na estruturação de projetos de concessão de infraestrutura. A desconfiança é que o faz como forma de substituir a contratação de serviços de consultoria para evitar percalços do regime geral das contratações públicas: a lei 8.666/93. Para alcançar tal objetivo, o trabalho propõe entender como ocorre cada procedimento de estruturação de concessão: a estruturação contratada e a estruturação autorizada. A partir disso, compreender suas vantagens e limitações. Constato que, dadas as particularidades do serviço de consultoria para estruturação de concessão, a lei 8.666/93 não possui regime adequado a essa contratação. A pesquisa constatou também que a administração, recorrentemente, busca vias legais alternativas para obter tal serviço. Verifico que a autorização de estudos é atualmente usada como mais uma dessas vias alternativas — em que pese não tenha sido criada para esse fim — e que não supre as necessidades da administração pública na obtenção de projetos de concessão de infraestrutura. Por fim, concluí que, idealmente, o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro precisa instituir regime jurídico diferente do modelo da lei 8.666/93 para contratar consultorias para auxiliar a administração a estruturar concessão de infraestrutura.


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Apresenta a descrição dos procedimentos para utilização de microscópio óptico. Todas as etapas do procedimento são reproduzidas detalhadamente: posicionamento das lâminas, ajuste de iluminação (depende do tipo de material que será observado), ajuste das lentes oculares à distância interpupilar, ajuste do foco grosseiro, ajuste do foco fino, exploração da lâmina, mudança de objetiva, retirada da amostra, limpeza e armazenamento do equipamento.


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Nesta videoaula, o professor Daniel apresenta alguns recursos do software de edição de partituras MuseScore. A partir de uma partitura previamente fornecida, ele demonstra como realizar a mudança de clave, a transposição de altura da melodia; mudança de instrumento; inserção de barras e de compasso, inserção de Casa 1 e Casa 2 , inserção de cifras e como salvar a partitura em formato .pdf e MIDI.


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ARAUJO, Afranio Cesar de et al. Caracterização socio-econômico-cultural de raizeiros e procedimentos pós-colheita de plantas medicinais comercializadas em Maceió, AL. Rev. Bras. Pl. Med, Botucatu, v. 11, n. 01, p.81-91, 2009. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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The current research had as main objective to analyze the possibility of knowledge elaboration/re-elaboration about ideas and algorithmic procedures related to basic operations by pupils of the 6th degree fundamental teaching in a significant learning process. This way the study had as basis a methodological intervention developed in a 6th degree class of a Fundamental Teaching Municipal School in the city of João Pessoa, PB. The research had as central steps the application of pre-tests (1 and 2); the execution of semi-structured interviews with the pupils involved in the theme deep studies; the elaboration and development of teaching activities, having as referential the significant learning and the application of a pre-test. The data collected in the pre-tests (1 and 2) showed a low level of the pupils comprehension about the contents related to the four operations. The answers to the post-test questions were analyzed mainly from the qualitative point of view based on the mathematic concepts comprehension theory proposed by Skemp (1980) having as complementary subsidy data collected through interviews. The analysis of the results obtained in the post-test showed that the major part of pupils reached a relational comprehension about the ideas and algorithmic procedures related to addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Such results showed us that the application of a teaching methodology that privileges the content comprehension, considering the pupils previous knowledge and the reflection about the action along the activities proposed, made possible the elaboration or re-elaboration of knowledge by pupils regarding to contents adopted as theme for our research


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This study is part of interactional perspective, focusing on Conversation Analysis theories, from the Textual Interactive Perspective and Text Linguistics . This research, from its guiding questions, aims at understanding the interaction between teacher and students in the process of the knowledge construction as well as at describing, analyzing and understanding aspects of topical organization speech in the classroom in elementary school, observing the opening and closing procedures of the speech topics in that particular space. Considering that the procedures for opening and closing of discursive topics occur through language marks, we tried to identify which speech marks are used in the opening and closing of the topics studied in the classroom, in interaction during the collaborative process of the discourse established between teacher and students. Therefore, this study is based on authors who analyze specific questions of the text in real context of language use: Koch (1993, 1999), Jubran et al (1991), Jubran (2006), Pine (2005), Penhavel (2010), Galembeck (2012), Barros (1991), Marcuschi (1986 , 1990, 1991 , 1998 , 1999, 2003 , 2004a), Kerbrat - Orecchioni (2006), Favero (1999, 2002) and Galvão (2004, 2010). As a methodology of investigation, the study is focused on the postulates of ethnographic research in order to carry out data collection, through audio and video recordings which were transcribed, according to the NURC project proposal, with some adaptations. Data analysis showed that the procedures for opening and closing of the speech topics occurred by the use of discourse markers, in particular the marker "then", allowing us to understand that these elements are important in the topical organization speech, contributing to ensure textual cohesion and coherence. We conclude that the organization of the discursive topic in the classroom occurs through events that support the explicitness of the content of teaching and learning, considering the diverse necessity of an institutional academic plan, whose main objective is the construction of knowledge


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Recently, we can perceive an intensification of assignments developed into Mathematical Education with the use of oral history as a research methodology. In this article, facing the living experiences during the preparation of our Phd tasks and later, when we had the role of advisors of scientific papers and of Postgraduate students in their researches also using the same methodology, we discussed the implication of ethics, mathematical education and oral history. Furthermore, we enunciated possibilities of the posture of the researcher before interviews, texts and iconography - photos and several images-provided by collaborators of our projects on Oral history and Mathematical Education.


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The stress responses can be parameters used in order to identify the welfare of animals. Behavior parameters can also be regarded as means to identify their relation to stressing situations. In this study, adult male and female poodle dogs, accustomed (group 1) or not (group 2) to the environment of a bath and grooming salon were analyzed through the plasmatic concentration of cortisol, cell counting of the immune system (total leukocytes and percentage of neutrophils and lymphocytes) and through observation of changes in behavior before and after the bath and grooming service. After arriving at the kennel, the dogs were taken to the bath and grooming facility, where they had their blood samples taken and were observed for ten minutes. The subsequent procedures consisted of the bath and grooming services and the collection of another blood samples. The research results were analyzed through non-parametric statistic tests and p < 0.05. Accustomed and non-accustomed dogs presented different hormonal and behavior responses: accustomed dogs presented an increasing of the cortisol level at the second blood samples collection, thus indicating stress towards the aforementioned procedures and presenting behavior responses which can be described as moderated stress. Non-accustomed dogs presented the same cortisol levels in both first and second samples suggesting that they were already reacting to the new environment. Dogs also shown behavioral responses which can be described as acute stress. Both male and female dogs showed similar immunological changes as well as different endocrine and behavioral profiles. Concerning aggression, this study demonstrates that biting the owner can be a predicting behavior of aggression during the bath and grooming service, male dogs were more aggressive than the female, and that males were more reactive to unknown caretaker. The results of this research propose that the familiarization of the animal with the bath and grooming environment and caretaker is important to the welfare of poodle dogs, especially to that of male dogs