958 resultados para Preclinical drug testing
Iptakalim is a novel putative adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel opener. In the brain, iptakalim is thought to act on the neuronal and astrocytic plasma membrane and/or mitochondrial KATP channels. Because iptakalim demonstrates an action on the regulation of dopamine and glutamate release in the forebrain regions, we examined its potential antipsychotic efficacy in several preclinical tests. First, we show that iptakalim is effective in reducing amphetamine- and phencyclidine-induced hyperlocomotion as well as selectively disrupting conditioned avoidance responding. Next, we show that combined iptakalim and amphetamine treatment produces a reduction on prepulse inhibition of acoustic startle and this combined drug effect is also found with haloperidol, but not with clozapine. Finally, we show that iptakalim and clozapine preferentially increase c-Fos expression in the medial prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens and lateral septal nucleus, whereas haloperidol induces a greater increase in the nucleus accumbens, the dorsolateral striatum and lateral septal nucleus. Collectively, our findings indicate that iptakalim is likely to be a potential antipsychotic drug with distinct mechanisms of action. This study also suggests that neuronal and astrocytic plasma membrane and/or mitochondrial KATP channels may be a novel target that deserves attention for antipsychotic drug development. Future research using other sensitive tests is needed to confirm this property of iptakalim.
Low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs) have shown equivalent or superior efficacy and safety to unfractionated heparin as antithrombotic therapy for patients with acute coronary syndromes. Each approved LMWH is a pleotropic biological agent with a unique chemical, biochemical, biophysical and biological profile and displays different pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profiles. As a result, LMWHs are neither equipotent in preclinical assays nor equivalent in terms of their clinical efficacy and safety. Previously, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cautioned against using various LMWHs interchangeably, however recently, the FDA approved generic versions of LMWH that have not been tested in large clinical trials. This paper highlights the bio-chemical and pharmacological differences between the LMWH preparations that may result in different clinical outcomes, and also reviews the implications and challenges physicians face when generic versions of the original/innovator agents are approved for clinical use.
In den letzten Jahren hat die Tumorbehandlung mit immunologischen Präparaten an Bedeutung gewonnen. Der allgemeine Ablauf der Testung eines Arzneimittelkandidaten sieht vor, zunächst in Zellkulturversuchen und Tierversuchen Wirkweise und Sicherheit, sowie voraussichtliche Abbauwege und mögliche Gefahren so beurteilen zu können, dass sie für einen Einsatz im Menschen in Frage kommen. Zur präklinischen in vitro-Testung werden dabei in der Regel Monolayer-Zellkulturen oder Einzelzellsuspensionen eingesetzt. Der Einsatz von 3D-Zellkulturmodellen, welche den Aufbau von Mikrometastasen oder intervaskuläre Areale in Tumoren exakter widerspiegeln, führt zu wesentlich besseren Voraussagen bezüglich der klinischen Wirksamkeit neuer Präparate. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war daher die Entwicklung und Anwendung eines neuen 3D-Zellkulturbasierten Systems zur Testung trifunktionaler bispezifischer Antikörper für die Tumorbehandlung, welches sich auch auf andere vergleichbare Präparate übertragen lässt.rnIn meiner Arbeit konnte ich mehrere humane Tumorzelllinien definieren, mit denen es gelang, stabile Co-Kulturen von Multi Cellular Tumour Spheroids (MCTS) mit Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) in miniaturisierten Spinner-Flaschen zu etablieren. Spinner-Flaschen, in denen die im Kulturmedium befindlichen Immunzellen, MCTS und Therapeutika ständig frei zirkulieren, sind besonders für eine wirklichkeitsnahe Nachbildung der in vivo-Simulation mit disseminierten Tumorzellen oder mit malignem Aszites geeignet. Diese Art der Kultivierung erlaubte Beobachtungszeiten von ≥20 Tagen für eine große Bandbreite Analysemethoden. Zu den mit dem erstellten Protokoll standardmäßig durchführbaren Analysemethoden zählen unter anderem immunhistochemische Färbungen an Sphäroid-Gefrierschnitten, Vitalitätstest, Untersuchung der Plattierungs-Effizienz, Bestimmung der Sphäroidvolumina, Zytokinbestimmungen aus dem Medienüberstand mit Cytokine Bead Arrays, PCR-Analysen immunzellspezifischer Antigene, sowie durchflusszytometrische Analysen. Diese Methodenkombination erlaubt einen sehr detaillierten Einblick in die Wirkweise und Effizienz neuer Immuntherapeutika aus verschiedensten Blickwinkeln und stellt ein reproduzierbares Testsystem zur präklinischen Testung von Immuntherapeutika dar, das zukünftig als Bindeglied zwischen Monolayer-Zellkulturen und klinischen Prüfungen einen festen Platz einnehmen könnte.rnMit dem beschriebenen 3D-Zellkultur-System wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit die trifunktionalen bispezifischen Antikörper catumaxomab (unter dem Handelsnamen Removab® für die Behandlung maligner Ascites zugelassen) und ertumaxomab (derzeit in klinischen Prüfungen) hinsichtlich ihrer Wirkweise untersucht. Die Antikörper besitzen im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen monoklonalen Antikörpern zwei verschiedene Bindungsarme, einer gegen CD3 auf T-Zellen, der zweite gegen EpCAM respektive Her2/neu - beides weit verbreitete Tumorantigene - gerichtet. An ihrem Fc-Teil besitzen sie eine dritte Bindungskapazität, über welche sie an Fcγ RI, -IIa und -III positive akzessorische Zellen binden. Diese Kombination ermöglicht theoretisch die Ausbildung eines Tri-Zell-Komplexes aus T-Zelle, Tumorzelle und akzessorischer Zelle. Dies stellt eine wirkungsvolle Therapieoption unter Ausnutzung der körpereigenen, immunologischen Abwehr dar. rnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass beide Antikörper eine Größenreduktion der Sphäroide mit den entsprechenden Tumorantigenen in gleichem Maße bewirkten und die Plattierungseffizienz durch ertumaxomab dosisabhängig reduziert wurde. Mit dem erstellten Testsystem konnte der Wirkmechanismus von catumaxomab auf Sphäroide der Zelllinie FaDu (Kopf-Hals-Plattenepithelkarzinom) detaillierter gezeigt werden: catumaxomab wirkte dosisabhängig auf die Reduktion der Sphäroidvolumina und die zunehmende Infiltration von CD45+ Zellen, die als T-, NK- und/oder dendritische Zellen identifiziert wurden. Des Weiteren rief die catumaxomab-Gabe eine verstärkte Ausschüttung der Zytokine IL-2, IFN-γ und TNF-α hervor. Diese Ergebnisse sprechen dafür, dass catumaxomab die zelluläre Immunantwort aktiviert.rnDie Standard-Tumorbehandlung beinhaltet die Gabe von Chemotherapeutika. Oft werden dafür Zytostatika mit dem unerwünschten Nebeneffekt auch gesunde proliferierende Zellen anzugreifen verwendet. Dies kann prinzipiell auch die Wirksamkeit der Antikörper-Therapie beeinflussen. Aus diesem Grund wurden in dieser Arbeit zusätzlich vergleichende Kombinations-Versuche mit catumaxomab und einem gängigen Zytostatikum - Cisplatin - durchgeführt. Mit Untersuchungen der Sphäroidvolumina, Vitalitätstests und Plattierungseffizienz konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Wirkung von catumaxomab bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung beider Therapeutika aufrecht erhalten bleibt und diese sogar additiv verstärkt wird. Eine Kombinationstherapie im Menschen ist daher denkbar.rnrn
Solid oral dosage form disintegration in the human stomach is a highly complex process dependent on physicochemical properties of the stomach contents as well as on physical variables such as hydrodynamics and mechanical stress. Understanding the role of hydrodynamics and forces in disintegration of oral solid dosage forms can help to improve in vitro disintegration testing and the predictive power of the in vitro test. The aim of this work was to obtain a deep understanding of the influence of changing hydrodynamic conditions on solid oral dosage form performance. Therefore, the hydrodynamic conditions and forces present in the compendial PhEur/USP disintegration test device were characterized using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach. Furthermore, a modified device was developed and the hydrodynamic conditions present were simulated using CFD. This modified device was applied in two case studies comprising immediate release (IR) tablets and gastroretentive drug delivery systems (GRDDS). Due to the description of movement provided in the PhEur, the movement velocity of the basket-rack assembly follows a sinusoidal profile. Therefore, hydrodynamic conditions are changing continually throughout the movement cycle. CFD simulations revealed that the dosage form is exposed to a wide range of fluid velocities and shear forces during the test. The hydrodynamic conditions in the compendial device are highly variable and cannot be controlled. A new, modified disintegration test device based on computerized numerical control (CNC) technique was developed. The modified device can be moved in all three dimensions and radial movement is also possible. Simple and complex moving profiles can be developed and the influence of the hydrodynamic conditions on oral solid dosage form performance can be evaluated. Furthermore, a modified basket was designed that allows two-sided fluid flow. CFD simulations of the hydrodynamics and forces in the modified device revealed significant differences in the fluid flow field and forces when compared to the compendial device. Due to the CNC technique moving velocity and direction are arbitrary and hydrodynamics become controllable. The modified disintegration test device was utilized to examine the influence of moving velocity on disintegration times of IR tablets. Insights into the influence of moving speed, medium viscosity and basket design on disintegration times were obtained. An exponential relationship between moving velocity of the modified basket and disintegration times was established in simulated gastric fluid. The same relationship was found between the disintegration times and the CFD predicted average shear stress on the tablet surface. Furthermore, a GRDDS was developed based on the approach of an in situ polyelectrolyte complex (PEC). Different complexes composed of different grades of chitosan and carrageenan and different ratios of those were investigated for their swelling behavior, mechanical stability, and in vitro drug release. With an optimized formulation the influence of changing hydrodynamic conditions on the swelling behavior and the drug release profile was demonstrated using the modified disintegration test device. Both, swelling behavior and drug release, were largely dependent on the hydrodynamic conditions. Concluding, it has been shown within this thesis that the application of the modified disintegration test device allows for detailed insights into the influence of hydrodynamic conditions on solid oral dosage form disintegration and dissolution. By the application of appropriate test conditions, the predictive power of in vitro disintegration testing can be improved using the modified disintegration test device. Furthermore, CFD has proven a powerful tool to examine the hydrodynamics and forces in the compendial as well as in the modified disintegration test device. rn
Background Replicative phenotypic HIV resistance testing (rPRT) uses recombinant infectious virus to measure viral replication in the presence of antiretroviral drugs. Due to its high sensitivity of detection of viral minorities and its dissecting power for complex viral resistance patterns and mixed virus populations rPRT might help to improve HIV resistance diagnostics, particularly for patients with multiple drug failures. The aim was to investigate whether the addition of rPRT to genotypic resistance testing (GRT) compared to GRT alone is beneficial for obtaining a virological response in heavily pre-treated HIV-infected patients. Methods Patients with resistance tests between 2002 and 2006 were followed within the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS). We assessed patients' virological success after their antiretroviral therapy was switched following resistance testing. Multilevel logistic regression models with SHCS centre as a random effect were used to investigate the association between the type of resistance test and virological response (HIV-1 RNA <50 copies/mL or ≥1.5log reduction). Results Of 1158 individuals with resistance tests 221 with GRT+rPRT and 937 with GRT were eligible for analysis. Overall virological response rates were 85.1% for GRT+rPRT and 81.4% for GRT. In the subgroup of patients with >2 previous failures, the odds ratio (OR) for virological response of GRT+rPRT compared to GRT was 1.45 (95% CI 1.00-2.09). Multivariate analyses indicate a significant improvement with GRT+rPRT compared to GRT alone (OR 1.68, 95% CI 1.31-2.15). Conclusions In heavily pre-treated patients rPRT-based resistance information adds benefit, contributing to a higher rate of treatment success.
Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are key molecules in the signal transduction pathways initiated by the binding of extracellular signals to their cell surface receptors. The PI3K family of enzymes comprises eight catalytic isoforms subdivided into three classes and control a variety of cellular processes including proliferation, growth, apoptosis, migration and metabolism. Deregulation of the PI3K pathway has been extensively investigated in connection to cancer, but is also involved in other commonly occurring diseases such as chronic inflammation, autoimmunity, allergy, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. The fact that the PI3K pathway is deregulated in a large number of human diseases, and its importance for different cellular responses, makes it an attractive drug target. Pharmacological PI3K inhibitors have played a very important role in studying cellular responses involving these enzymes. Currently, a wide range of selective PI3K inhibitors have been tested in preclinical studies and some have entered clinical trials in oncology. However, due to the complexity of PI3K signaling pathways, developing an effective anti-cancer therapy may be difficult. The biggest challenge in curing cancer patients with various signaling pathway abnormalities is to target multiple components of different signal transduction pathways with mechanism-based combinatorial treatments. In this article we will give an overview of the complex role of PI3K isoforms in human diseases and discuss their potential as drug targets. In addition, we will describe the drugs currently used in clinical trials, as well as promising emerging candidates.
BACKGROUND: Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) is a rare cutaneous eruption which is often provoked by drugs. CASE REPORT: We report 2 cases of AGEP which showed rapidly spreading pustular eruptions accompanied by malaise, fever and neutrophilia after the administration of systemic prednisolone (corticosteroid of group A, hydrocortisone type). The histological examination showing neutrophilic subcorneal spongiform pustules was consistent with the diagnosis of AGEP. In both cases the rash cleared within a week upon treatment with topical steroids (corticosteroid of group D1, betamethasonedipropionate type and corticosteroid of group D2, hydrocortisone-17-butyrate type). Three months after recovery, the sensitization to corticosteroids of group A was confirmed by epicutaneous testing and positive lymphocyte transformation tests. CONCLUSION: These cases show that systemic corticosteroids can induce AGEP and demonstrate that epicutaneous testing and lymphocyte transformation tests may be helpful in identifying the causative drug. Our data support previous reports indicating an important role for drug-specific T cells in inducing neutrophil inflammation in this disease.
We propose robust and e±cient tests and estimators for gene-environment/gene-drug interactions in family-based association studies. The methodology is designed for studies in which haplotypes, quantitative pheno- types and complex exposure/treatment variables are analyzed. Using causal inference methodology, we derive family-based association tests and estimators for the genetic main effects and the interactions. The tests and estimators are robust against population admixture and strati¯cation without requiring adjustment for confounding variables. We illustrate the practical relevance of our approach by an application to a COPD study. The data analysis suggests a gene-environment interaction between a SNP in the Serpine gene and smok- ing status/pack years of smoking that reduces the FEV1 volume by about 0.02 liter per pack year of smoking. Simulation studies show that the pro- posed methodology is su±ciently powered for realistic sample sizes and that it provides valid tests and effect size estimators in the presence of admixture and stratification.
Equivalence testing is growing in use in scientific research outside of its traditional role in the drug approval process. Largely due to its ease of use and recommendation from the United States Food and Drug Administration guidance, the most common statistical method for testing (bio)equivalence is the two one-sided tests procedure (TOST). Like classical point-null hypothesis testing, TOST is subject to multiplicity concerns as more comparisons are made. In this manuscript, a condition that bounds the family-wise error rate (FWER) using TOST is given. This condition then leads to a simple solution for controlling the FWER. Specifically, we demonstrate that if all pairwise comparisons of k independent groups are being evaluated for equivalence, then simply scaling the nominal Type I error rate down by (k - 1) is sufficient to maintain the family-wise error rate at the desired value or less. The resulting rule is much less conservative than the equally simple Bonferroni correction. An example of equivalence testing in a non drug-development setting is given.
The human aurora family of serine-threonine kinases comprises three members, which act in concert with many other proteins to control chromosome assembly and segregation during mitosis. Aurora dysfunction can cause aneuploidy, mitotic arrest, and cell death. Aurora kinases are strongly expressed in a broad range of cancer types. Aurora A expression in tumors is often associated with gene amplification, genetic instability, poor histologic differentiation, and poor prognosis. Aurora B is frequently expressed at high levels in a variety of tumors, often coincidently with aurora A, and expression level has also been associated with increased genetic instability and clinical outcome. Further, aurora kinase gene polymorphisms are associated with increased risk or early onset of cancer. The expression of aurora C in cancer is less well studied. In recent years, several small-molecule aurora kinase inhibitors have been developed that exhibit preclinical activity against a wide range of solid tumors. Preliminary clinical data from phase I trials have largely been consistent with cytostatic effects, with disease stabilization as the best response achieved in solid tumors. Objective responses have been noted in leukemia patients, although this might conceivably be due to inhibition of the Abl kinase. Current challenges include the optimization of drug administration, the identification of potential biomarkers of tumor sensitivity, and combination studies with cytotoxic drugs. Here, we summarize the most recent preclinical and clinical data and discuss new directions in the development of aurora kinase inhibitors as antineoplastic agents.
We evaluated risk factors and treatment outcomes associated with multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) tuberculosis (TB) in Germany in 2004–2006. In 177 (4%) of 4,557 culture-positive TB cases, Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates were identified as MDR TB; an additional 7 (0.15%) met criteria for XDR TB. Of these 184 patients, 148 (80%) were born in countries of the former Soviet Union. In patients with XDR TB, hospitalization was longer (mean ± SD 202 ± 130 vs. 123 ± 81 days; p = 0.015) and resistance to all first-line drugs was more frequent (36% vs. 86%; p = 0.013) than in patients with MDR TB. Seventy-four (40%) of these 184 patients received treatment with linezolid. Treatment success rates ranged from 59% for the entire cohort (59% for MDR TB and 57% for XDR TB) to 87% for those with a definitive outcome (n = 125; 89% for MDR TB and 80% for XDR TB). Extensive drug susceptibility testing and availability of second- and third-line drugs under inpatient management conditions permit relatively high treatment success rates in MDR- and XDR TB.
BACKGROUND Overlapping first generation sirolimus- and paclitaxel-eluting stents are associated with persistent inflammation, fibrin deposition and delayed endothelialisation in preclinical models, and adverse angiographic and clinical outcomes--including death and myocardial infarction (MI)--in clinical studies. OBJECTIVES To establish as to whether there are any safety concerns with newer generation drug-eluting stents (DES). DESIGN Propensity score adjustment of baseline anatomical and clinical characteristics were used to compare clinical outcomes (Kaplan-Meier estimates) between patients implanted with overlapping DES (Resolute zotarolimus-eluting stent (R-ZES) or R-ZES/other DES) against no overlapping DES. Additionally, angiographic outcomes for overlapping R-ZES and everolimus-eluting stents were evaluated in the randomised RESOLUTE All-Comers Trial. SETTING Patient level data from five controlled studies of the RESOLUTE Global Clinical Program evaluating the R-ZES were pooled. Enrollment criteria were generally unrestrictive. PATIENTS 5130 patients. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES 2-year clinical outcomes and 13-month angiographic outcomes. RESULTS 644 of 5130 patients (12.6%) in the RESOLUTE Global Clinical Program underwent overlapping DES implantation. Implantation of overlapping DES was associated with an increased frequency of MI and more complex/calcified lesion types at baseline. Adjusted in-hospital, 30-day and 2-year clinical outcomes indicated comparable cardiac death (2-year overlap vs non-overlap: 3.0% vs 2.1%, p=0.36), major adverse cardiac events (13.3% vs 10.7%, p=0.19), target-vessel MI (3.9% vs 3.4%, p=0.40), clinically driven target vessel revascularisation (7.7% vs 6.5%, p=0.32), and definite/probable stent thrombosis (1.4% vs 0.9%, p=0.28). 13-month adjusted angiographic outcomes were comparable between overlapping and non-overlapping DES. CONCLUSIONS Overlapping newer generation DES are safe and effective, with comparable angiographic and clinical outcomes--including repeat revascularisation--to non-overlapping DES.
This study reports on a microfluidic platform on which single multicellular spheroids from malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM), an aggressive tumor with poor prognosis, can be loaded, trapped and tested for chemotherapeutic drug response. A new method to detect the spheroid viability cultured on the microfluidic chip as a function of the drug concentration is presented. This approach is based on the evaluation of the caspase activity in the supernatant sampled from the chip and tested using a microplate reader. This simple and time-saving method does only require a minimum amount of manipulations and was established for very low numbers of cells. This feature is particularly important in view of personalised medicine applications for which the number of cells obtained from the patients is low. MPM spheroids were continuously perfused for 48 hours with cisplatin, one of the standard chemotherapeutic drugs used to treat MPM. The 50% growth inhibitory concentration of cisplatin in perfused MPM spheroids was found to be twice as high as in spheroids cultured under static conditions. This chemoresistance increase might be due to the continuous support of nutrients and oxygen to the perfused spheroids.
The use of biomarkers to infer drug response in patients is being actively pursued, yet significant challenges with this approach, including the complicated interconnection of pathways, have limited its application. Direct empirical testing of tumor sensitivity would arguably provide a more reliable predictive value, although it has garnered little attention largely due to the technical difficulties associated with this approach. We hypothesize that the application of recently developed microtechnologies, coupled to more complex 3-dimensional cell cultures, could provide a model to address some of these issues. As a proof of concept, we developed a microfluidic device where spheroids of the serous epithelial ovarian cancer cell line TOV112D are entrapped and assayed for their chemoresponse to carboplatin and paclitaxel, two therapeutic agents routinely used for the treatment of ovarian cancer. In order to index the chemoresponse, we analyzed the spatiotemporal evolution of the mortality fraction, as judged by vital dyes and confocal microscopy, within spheroids subjected to different drug concentrations and treatment durations inside the microfluidic device. To reflect microenvironment effects, we tested the effect of exogenous extracellular matrix and serum supplementation during spheroid formation on their chemotherapeutic response. Spheroids displayed augmented chemoresistance in comparison to monolayer culturing. This resistance was further increased by the simultaneous presence of both extracellular matrix and high serum concentration during spheroid formation. Following exposure to chemotherapeutics, cell death profiles were not uniform throughout the spheroid. The highest cell death fraction was found at the center of the spheroid and the lowest at the periphery. Collectively, the results demonstrate the validity of the approach, and provide the basis for further investigation of chemotherapeutic responses in ovarian cancer using microfluidics technology. In the future, such microdevices could provide the framework to assay drug sensitivity in a timeframe suitable for clinical decision making.
Aggression, impulsivity, and central serotonergic function were evaluated in two groups of human volunteers; one group having a history of substance dependence (DRUG+) and another group with no drug use history (DRUG$-$). The hypothesis was that DRUG+ subjects would be more aggressive, more impulsive, and have attenuated serotonergic function. Results showed that DRUG+ subjects behaved more aggressively in a computer paradigm of aggression and also reported more aggression on questionnaires than DRUG$-$ subjects. In a computer paradigm of impulsivity, the DRUG+ group showed a lesser ability to delay gratification than the DRUG$-$ group in the last session of testing. The DRUG+ subjects also reported more venturesomeness and problems associated with low impulse control on questionnaires. Serotonergic function was measured through the neuroendocrine and hypothermic response to an orally administered serotonin (5-HT) agonist specific to the 5-HT$\rm\sb{1A}$ receptor subtype (ipsapirone). The neuroendocrine responses did not differ between DRUG$\pm$ groups, indicating no difference in the sensitivity of the presynaptic or postsynaptic 5-HT$\rm\sb{1A}$ receptors. An unexpected result was that the indicator hormone, cortisol, was at a lower baseline level in the DRUG+ group than the DRUG$-$ group. Lowered cortisol levels have been previously noted in children at high risk foul antisociality and future drug use. A principal components analysis including impulsivity, aggression, and serotonergic function measures produced three unique factors. The factors, Antisocial Tendency and Self-Control and Serotonergic Function combined to produce a significant regression equation explaining 36% of variability in the DRUG$\pm$ groups. These factors included measures of aggression, impulsivity, mood, and educational attainment. These results suggest that the current measures of aggression and impulsivity were predictive of a drug dependence disorder but that neuroendocrine function is not yet a useful indicator of drug dependence status. ^