184 resultados para Precariousness


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Luego de la profunda crisis experimentada entre fines de 2001 y principios de 2003, la economía argentina registró una fuerte y sostenida recuperación. Este panorama tuvo su correlato en el mercado laboral: mientras que la evolución de sus indicadores para el período precedente (1998 a 2003) llevó a que la escasez de trabajo y de puestos de calidad fuera la temática central de las discusiones relacionadas con cuestiones sociales y políticas de principios de este siglo en la Argentina, el nuevo escenario plantea, creemos, nuevas preguntas y nuevos debates. En este sentido, el presente trabajo pretende aportar evidencia empírica a los interrogantes siguientes: ¿Cómo impactó la última recuperación económica en la precariedad laboral y el no registro en la Argentina? ¿Ese impacto fue similar para todas las regiones? Si no fue así, entonces: ¿cuáles fueron las regiones en las que la precariedad y el no registro disminuyó más? ¿Cuáles fueron las principales razones del cambio? El análisis se realiza con datos provenientes de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares Continua, con énfasis en el enfoque regional y utilizando descomposiciones microeconométricas de los cambios registrados. Entre las principales conclusiones se destaca que la precariedad laboral se redujo en el período bajo estudio, pero casi la mitad de esta reducción desaparece cuando no se computa a los beneficiarios de planes de empleo como asalariados. La precariedad laboral disminuyó más en el noa que en el resto del país, aunque el nivel de partida de esta región fue mucho más elevado que el resto. Finalmente, la elasticidad empleo total-producto y la elasticidad empleo asalariado-producto observadas son positivas, aunque con una tendencia decreciente. Sorprendentemente, la elasticidad de la precariedad laboral frente a cambios en el producto parece haber sido procíclica a nivel país, con el noa comportándose de manera diferencial


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Este artículo analiza la incidencia de la memoria colectiva en las identificaciones laborales del presente, a través del estudio de jóvenes trabajadores precarizados. Desarrolla un abordaje teórico sobre las identificaciones juveniles, la precarización y la memoria colectiva, cuya vinculación temática resulta poco frecuente en la Sociología del Trabajo. Buscando cubrir dicha área de vacancia, realizamos un estudio de caso centrado en jóvenes trabajadores precarizados que realizaron pasantías en el call center de un organismo público en el periodo 2008-2012. Desde un abordaje cualitativo analizamos los discursos de los pasantes como espacio de cristalización de sus formas identitarias. Como resultado encontramos que las condiciones de precarización laboral en que estos jóvenes se construían en trabajadores no condujeron a su naturalización, sino que por el contrario sus identificaciones estaban atravesadas por el imaginario de una sociedad salarial pasada, con estabilidades y seguridades laborales, que fue insumo de sus movilizaciones frente a la precarización


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La habitabilidad precaria (HaP) constituye hoy el primer problema mundial del urbanismo, la ordenación del territorio y varias otras disciplinas, como la arquitectura y varias ingenierías que, en conjunto, estructuran e impulsan el sector de la construcción mundial que se centra en atender el alojamiento humano en su diversidad de funciones. En la Conferencia Habitat II, celebrada en 1996 en Estambul, ante el desmesurado crecimiento cuantitativo de la HaP mundial, se planteó la prioridad de prevenir el problema de los nuevos asentamientos precarios: “paliar los problemas relacionados con los asentamientos humanos espontáneos mediante programas y políticas que se anticipen a los asentamientos no planeados”1, sin embargo, tras casi veinte años, aún no existe una herramienta sustantiva y específica que facilite a los políticos responsables de gestionar el desarrollo urbano en ciudades con bajos recursos de países en desarrollo, tomar decisiones que transformen de la forma más eficiente posible el fenómeno de la proliferación de asentamientos informales en una oportunidad de progreso y prosperidad para sus ciudades. La presente tesis parte de la convicción, que trata de fundamentar objetivamente a lo largo del desarrollo de su documentación, de que dicha herramienta fundamental ha de buscarse, a partir de la teoría Habitabilidad Básica, como un soporte esencial con el que reconducir los futuros procesos de ocupación espontánea periurbana. El propósito de la investigación se concreta en caracterizar, y conocer la óptima aplicabilidad, de un instrumento operativo elemental que ayude en la toma de decisiones estratégicas de las autoridades responsables sobre la mejor ubicación de los asentamientos que, hasta la existencia y aplicabilidad de este instrumento, se consideran espontáneos. Asentamientos espontáneos éstos que, en condiciones normales quedarían sujetos durante años a la precariedad mientras que por medio de tal instrumento abandonarían su génesis espontánea para acceder a través de planificación elemental a condiciones de Habitabilidad Básica. La materialización concreta de esta herramienta sería un plano sintético de directrices de ordenación territorial y urbana denominado Plano de Elección del Sitio (PES). Diseñado como un Modelo Teórico Elemental, su aplicación estaría preferentemente orientada a ciudades pequeñas de países en desarrollo que presenten escaso nivel institucional, limitada capacidad económica y técnica, así como ausencia o ineficacia en su planeamiento. A través de un proceso de investigación basado en: la mencionada teoría de la Habitabilidad Básica, la literatura científica de la materia y las experiencias de casos recientes de planificación urbana mediante la aplicación de sistemas de información del suelo, se propone una caracterización y aplicabilidad preliminar de la herramienta. Tras analizar pormenorizadamente sus fortalezas y debilidades y contando con la participación de un grupo de expertos independientes, el trabajo concluye con una nueva caracterización de la herramienta y la reformulación de la hipótesis inicial. ABSTRACT Nowadays, the precarious habitability (PHa) is the main problem of urbanism around the world, land-use planning and several other disciplines such as architecture and different engineering studies that, as a whole, structure and boost the global construction sector which focuses on meeting the Human accommodation in its functional diversity. In the Habitat II Conference in Istanbul in 1996, in light of the excessive quantitative growth of the global PHa, the priority of preventing the problem of new squatter settlements was raised: "to alleviate the problems related to spontaneous human settlements through programs and policies that anticipate unplanned settlements"2, however, after nearly twenty years, there is still no substantive and specific tool to facilitate policy makers to manage urban development for towns with low-income in developing countries, taking decisions that transform as efficiently as possible the phenomenon of the proliferation of informal settlements into an opportunity for progress and prosperity for their cities. This thesis is based on the conviction, which tries to objectively substantiate along the development of its documentation, that this fundamental tool has to be sought from the Basic Habitability theory as an essential support to redirect the future processes of peri-urban spontaneous occupation. The purpose of the research is carried out to characterize, and know the optimum applicability of a basic operational tool to assist in the strategic decisions making of the responsible authorities on the best location of settlements that, until the existence and applicability of this instrument, are considered spontaneous. Spontaneous settlements which, under normal conditions would be subject to the precariousness for years while under that instrument they would abandon their spontaneous genesis for accessing by elemental planning to the Basic Habitability. The concretionary materialization of this tool would be a synthetic guidelines plan of territorial and urban planning called Site Election Plan (SEP). Designed as a Elementary Theoretical Model, its application would preferably be oriented for small towns in developing countries that represent a low institutional, economic and technical limited capacity, as well as the absence or ineffectiveness in their planning. Throughout a research process based on: the aforementioned theory of Basic Habitability, the scientific literature of the subject and the experiences of recent cases of urban planning through the application of soil information systems, characterization and preliminary applicability of the tool is proposed. After attentively analyzing their strengths and weaknesses and with the participation of a group of independent experts, the paper concludes with a new characterization of the tool and the reformulation of the initial hypothesis.


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A docência na educação profissional técnica de nível médio em enfermagem é uma das dimensões importantes a ser considerada na qualificação da formação de trabalhadores técnicos, no Brasil. Apesar disso, ela é marcada por fragilidade nos processos formativos, adversas condições de trabalho, incluindo, a precariedade. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever e analisar os saberes dos professores de uma escola privada de educação profissional em enfermagem, no município de Ribeirão Preto, considerando suas vivências na prática pedagógica, a partir de referencial de Tardif (2012). Estudo descritivo-exploratório, qualitativo. A técnica de coleta de dados utilizada foi entrevista semiestruturada com 13 professores, realizadas de novembro de 2014 a fevereiro de 2015. As entrevistas foram analisadas, sendo delineadas categorias de decodificação, a saber: Saberes pessoais dos professores; Saberes provenientes da formação escolar anterior; Saberes provenientes da formação profissional para o magistério, subdivididos em Saberes provenientes da formação profissional para o magistério construídos em cursos de Bacharelado e Licenciatura em Enfermagem e Saberes profissionais para o magistério, construídos nos cursos de especialização latu sensu e programas de capacitação docente; Saberes provenientes dos programas e livros didáticos usados no trabalho dos professores; Saberes provenientes de sua própria experiência na profissão envolvendo atuação nos serviços de saúde e na docência. Esses saberes, no exercício cotidiano do trabalho docente, são articulados e reconstruídos. Eles mostram significativamente as suas relações com a diversidade nas possibilidades de formação, dada a fragilidades das políticas de formação docente, bem como suas relações com as condições concretas de trabalho na educação profissional, sendo ainda significativa a concomitância da docência nessa modalidade de ensino com a prática profissional em serviços de saúde, o que também traz implicações para a conformação dos saberes da docência


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El objetivo es analizar las condiciones de trabajo en inmigrantes colombianos y sus problemas de salud asociados. Para tal fin, se realizó un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo, en población inmigrante colombiana trabajadora activa o en paro, mediante encuesta personal, recogiendo información sobre características personales y laborales e indicadores de salud. Los resultados indican que existe un porcentaje importante de inmigrantes con contrataciones temporales o sin contrato y jornadas de trabajo semanales por encima de las 40 horas. Una quinta parte no se encuentra de alta en la seguridad social. La gran mayoría de las mujeres (92%) tienen salarios menores o iguales a los 1.200 euros. La población percibe discriminación en espacios sociales y laborales. Se reportan problemas de salud con diferencias por sexo. Casi una tercera parte no ha recibido información sobre prevención de accidentes y daños a la salud. Se evidencian así, situaciones de precariedad que exigen estrategias para garantizar mecanismos de protección social para esta población.


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Fundamentos: La relación entre inmigración, trabajo y salud constituye uno de los retos más importantes en salud laboral y más concretamente en España por el importante incremento de proporción inmigrante acontecido en el mercado laboral. El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer la relación entre las condiciones de trabajo y sus efectos en la salud de trabajadores inmigrantes en España. Métodos: Revisión bibliográfica de artículos científicos originales en español e inglés Medline y Medes (1998-2012). Se revisaron los textos completos de los artículos incluidos. Resultados: Se incluyeron 20 estudios, 13 con metodología de investigación cuantitativa y 7 cualitativa. Los temas tratados abordaban problemas específicos de salud relacionados con el trabajo (principalmente lesiones por accidente de trabajo), incapacidad laboral y diferencias en condiciones de trabajo y empleo. Los hallazgos de los estudios mostraron mayor incidencia de lesiones por accidentes de trabajo, menores tasas de incapacidad laboral, mayor prevalencia de presentismo laboral, exposición a factores psicosociales y precariedad laboral en la población inmigrante. Conclusiones: A pesar de la singularidad del proceso demográfico migratorio, los problemas de salud y determinantes identificados no difieren de los referenciados en otros países, en otros contextos y en otros momentos.


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Esta pesquisa, por meio dos referenciais privilegiados e pesquisa de campo, busca compreender e explicitar se existem ou não afastamentos de docentes com doenças de origem psíquica, de suas funções (readaptações) por motivos não meramente fisiológicos, mas que guardem natureza social, ou seja, se há uma causa social que provoque tal fenômeno no sistema educacional. Investiga também, se o docente tem consciência crítica dessas possíveis causas e como se constitui sua identidade após a readaptação. As mudanças sociais e econômicas ocorridas nas últimas décadas devido às crises e sucessivas reestruturações do capitalismo influenciaram o contexto educacional, bem como as condições de trabalho docente, repercutindo na saúde física e psicológica dos professores, por meio de um panorama das atuais condições de trabalho e saúde dos professores, decorrentes do processo de flexibilização e precarização das relações de trabalho na área educacional. Procurou-se explicar, tendo como referencial teórico Sennett (2001) e Esteve (1999), entre outros autores, a nova realidade do trabalho e do mal-estar docente vivenciados nas instituições escolares. A pesquisa de campo denota a trajetória dos docentes readaptados, desde suas condições de trabalho que perpassa pelas dificuldades, entraves, mal-estar até o momento do adoecimento e, finalmente, a situação de readaptado. Os problemas vivenciados pelos docentes readaptados impactam sua identidade profissional, pois os docentes são marcados por estigma, discriminação, sentimentos de autoculpabilização, desvalorização social, o que prejudica sua qualidade de vida e relações interpessoais, tanto no trabalho como na família. A pesquisa aponta que o adoecimento psíquico atinge seriamente o profissional docente. Essa situação é grave na rede estadual de ensino paulista e demonstra que é importante reconhecer a necessidade de políticas públicas e educacionais que valorizem a docência e a saúde dessa categoria profissional.


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This paper explores the socio-economic impacts and associated policy responses to the collapse of MG Rover at Longbridge in Birmingham. Critically, it attempts to move beyond a ‘standard’ taskforce narrative that emphasizes the role of the regional response. While recognizing that significant policy ‘successes’ were indeed evident at the regional level in anticipating and responding to the crisis, a wider perspective is required that situates this taskforce response in (1) a fuller understanding of labour market precariousness (that in turn mitigates some of its policy ‘successes’), and (2) more local perspectives that highlight the local impacts of closure, the role of the neighbourhood level officials and the third sector in mediating these. Taking this broader perspective suggests that longer-term, workers face a precarious situation and the need for policies to create and sustain ‘good quality’ jobs remains paramount. Adding in more local perspectives, a key lesson from the Longbridge experience for dealing with closures more generally is that the public policy responses must be: multidimensional in that they transcend narrow sector-based concerns and addresses broader spatial impacts; inclusive in that they build on a broad coalition of economic and social stakeholders; and long-term in that they acknowledge that adaptation takes many years. If anything, the Birmingham Longbridge experience demonstrates the difficulty of achieving such responses in the context of crisis where action is imperative and deliberation a luxury.


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The central issue of this dissertation is to investigate the labor activity of beach hawker, in order to identify the main professional competencies mobilized in this activity, traversed by both the precariousness of the means of labor exercise, as for complex and structured routines. In the town of Natal (RN) the beaches serve as workplace for thousands of informal workers, who use various professional skills, translated into the ability to mobilize and articulate knowledge, skills and behaviors to solve problems in concrete work situations. This research therefore had as main objective to investigate the work of beach hawkers, trying to identify the core competencies mobilized for facing demands and obstacles in such a context. The beach of Ponta Negra (Natal-RN) was chosen as field of observation, in which a group of hawkers took part as voluntary subjects. Methodologically, quantitative and qualitative methods of production and analysis of data were combined in three stages. In the quantitative phase an occupational questionnaire was applied to a sample of 60 subjects, generating a set of data analyzed with quantitative univariate and multidimensional descriptive statistical tools, complemented by inferential statistical analysis. The results of this phase indicate a predominance of men sellers with salary varying in a range from one to two minimum wage Brazilian salary, age and education quite heterogeneous, extended working hours and the choice of only this activity and this beach throughout the year. Concurrently with this step of analysis, unsystematic observations of the activity of vendors were held and then driven to the technique of Instruction Impersonator with four chosen subjects. This phase had a clinicalinterpretive analysis, rooted in historical-cultural Vygotskian psychological perspective and in the french approach of skills and abilities. The main results point to several strategies for overcoming obstacles, use of technics anchored in everyday work experience and practical knowledge, building rules of conduct and collective mobilization of diverse professional skills similar to those found in formal work, such as business and time management, use of communicative tools, flexibility in problem solving, creativity and teamwork competence. We conclude that informality investigated in context can not be seen exclusively as a synonym of precariousness. It also covers skills and knowledge in a complex culture that situates informal labor in a complementary way with respect to formal work. This conclusion, therefore, contributes to overcome the notion of antinomy between formal and informal labor activity, since they both can be considered as a way to achieve job satisfaction, and even a personal representation of well done job, which is an important psychological generator of identity and social place.


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This study arose from an interest in knowing the reality of mental health care in Rio Grande do Norte (RN) on the advances and challenges in the intersectoral agreements paths and consolidation of the Psychosocial Care Network (RAPS) from the state. Considering problematic and concerns were defined as objectives: Identify the knowledge of managers of Rio Grande do Norte on the National Mental Health Policy (PNSM) in the RN State; Describe the activities developed by health professionals in the individual service offered in the CAPS from RN; Understanding the relationship of managers’ knowledge on national mental health policy in professionals’ practice working in the the CAPS from the countryside. It is a descriptive study with a quantitative and qualitative approach, carried out in 30 CAPS from RN’s countryside, where 183 professionals answered a structured questionnaire with closed questions about the activities they do in individual care; and 19 mental health coordinators of municipalities and the state coordinator of RAPS were interviewed about their knowledge on the Mental Health Policy. Data were collected after approval by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, with the number 508.430 CAAE: 25851913.7.0000.5537 from August through October of 2014 in 26 municipalities with CAPS from the state. Quantitative data were tabulated and analyzed using a descriptive statistics aided by the software Statistical Package for the Social Scienses (SPSS) version 20.0. The qualitative data were prepared in a corpus and analyzed through software Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d’um Ensemble de Segments de Texte (ALCESTE) that allow to perform textual statistical analysis and categorization from their comments, submitted to Bardin content analysis. Five categories were generated approaching the managers’ knowledge, namely: Back to society: leadership and users’ role and autonomy; The gap between policy and practice; Barriers that affect the service; Structuring the Psychosocial Care Network; Multidisciplinary team: attribuitios and activities. The CAPS professionals’ ages ranged from 20 to 58 years, prevailing females, with 76.5% of the total, the majority were social workers (16.8%), psychologists (15.3%), nurses (14.8%) and nursing technicians (14.8%). The results showed precariousness in care associated with physical workload regard to high workload and low wages of the CAPS professionals' and, also, it was possible to observe a large involvement of professionals in care delivery, despite the difficulties encountered in services. It was found little knowledge in managers regarding the National Mental Health Policy having as causes of this reality the poor education and training of these professionals. The responses of professionals working in care reveals strong consistency with what is expected of a psychosocial care service. Points up as a thesis of this study that the psychiatric reform and mental health policy in Rio Grande do Norte is following a structural expansion process, but with precariousness of services from a still unprepared management to act in a psychosocial context.


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The detection of emerging interest microcontaminants in environmental samples of surface water, groundwater, drinking water, wastewater and effluents from water and sewage treatment plants (WTP and STP), in many countries, suggests these pollutants are widespread in the environment, mainly in urban areas. This is a reason for great concern, since many of these compounds are potentially harmful for humans other living beings, and they are not efficiently removed in the majority of WTP and STP, which is exacerbated by precariousness of water supply and sanitation services. In Natal, like other Brazilian cities, the sewage system serves only part of the urban area (about 30%), so that the rest of the wastewater is infiltrated in the sandy soil of the region in cesspool-dry well systems. This has resulted in contamination of groundwater in the area (sand-dune barrier aquifer, which supplies more than 50% of the city population), which has been observed by the increase in nitrate concentration in supply wells. The vulnerability of the sanddune barrier aquifer, combined with reports of the presence of emerging interest microcontaminants in Brazil and worldwide, led to this research, which investigated the occurrence of fifteen microcontaminants in Natal groundwater and sewage. Samples were collected at five wells used for water supply, the raw sewage and the effluents from biological reactors from STP (UASB and activated sludge reactors). Two samples of each sample were taken, with one week apart between the samples. To determine the contaminants, extraction of aquifer water, and raw and treated sewage samples were performed, through the technique of using SPE Strata X cartridge (Phenomenex®) to the aquifer water, and Strata SAX and Strata X (Phenomenex® ) for samples of raw and treated sewage. Subsequently the extracts were analyzed using GC-MS technique. Much of the analyzed microcontaminants were detected in groundwater and sewage. The concentrations in groundwater are generally lower than those found in the sewers. Some of the compounds (estrone, estradiol, bisphenol A, caffeine, diclofenac, naproxen, paracetamol and ibuprofen) are partially removed at STP.


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The present paper discusses the experience of a psychological emergency attendance in Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco (MEJC) in Natal and has as main objective to investigate the limits and possibilities of this practice in offering psychological care to women in abortion situation. The Ministry of Health considers the abortion a serious medical problem in Brazil and acknowledge the repercussions it causes in personal life and between the women’s family, most of all among the younger ones, in fully productive and reproductive age, that if not supported may suffer deep psychological and physical wounds. This research inserts itself in the field of psychological practices in institutions, by many ways, and aim to offer, by different approaches, among then the psychological emergency attendance, a psychological attention at the institutions. This attention refers to a care during the suffering at the time of crisis and in the many ways that the problem is present. The results were analyzed at a heideggerian hermeneutics optics, which search a determined aspect of reality that intends to know/understand, accompanied by the man’s own movement in existence. The cartography and the logbook were chosen in narrative form as a resource to allow the approximation of daily experience. The emergency psychological attendance was realized on curettage setor of MEJC between march of 2013 and february 2014 at tuesdays and Thursdays from 9h to 12h. The existential plot unveiled at this experience showed some possibilities and limits of emergency psychological attendance as studied. Among the possibilities, the emergency attendance helped the women that suffered an abortion to find new meanings, as: realize the need to self-care; see in the attendance a way to cope with the lost or other issues in their life’s; to enlarge the possibilities of her choice; to rethink her sex e reproductive life, and rethink her relationships and life projects. The attendance has proven itself as a health care mechanism showing the women the need to search for the necessary condition to self-care and to question what in that environment was saw as natural. The attendance showed itself as a suitable practice to the health care demand by creating/inventing ways of meet the woman needs. The attendance promoted an opening at the technical horizons of women’s, what was realized when the complaints moved past the physical health. As refered to the limits, some needs was beyond the emergency attendance service and demanded forwarding to regular psychological care or others specialized services. The service was not able to attend all of the demands of the sector. The attendance did not touched the medical staff to its need or made a change in posture to act beyond the technicality. The attendance, although has not made change in this context, was able to show the main difficulties, like the lack on prepare of the medical staff to deal with the abortion past beyond the technical procedure and the precariousness of the infrastructure of the services offered. At last, the attendance represented a shelter to the women in abortion situation, allowing the suffering to have a place.


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The aim of this study is to undertake a theoretical analysis of the literary and sociological Cave, Jose Saramago, having as main theme the precariousness of work and control, followed by some key developments. Anchored in the sociology of work and endorsed by the sociology of literature methodologically by Antonio Candido, and guided by the narrative Saramago in the cave, seeking to understand the work activity as central and essential to the production and reproduction of material life. It discusses the precariousness of work, as well as the historical forms of ownership and control of labor activity. Scales the impact of large corporations that control and the conflict between mechanized and manual labor in the process, questioning the nefarious effects of the restructuring of the productive working class, especially on small businesses and craft work. It also addresses the rise of a category gestorial in the process of labor control throughout history Finally, invoking the metaphor of Plato\'s cave in this work Saramago, explores how labor control by large corporations causes the estrangement in all dimensions of life, establishing relationships between fetishism, consumer relations and sociability.


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Diverses œuvres de poésie moderne et contemporaine mettent en scène le rapport à l’écriture d’un sujet lyrique. Une telle problématique trouve une incarnation particulièrement intéressante dans l’œuvre de Patrice Desbiens, notamment dans certains de ses textes des années 1990 et 2000, où elle apparaît avec plus d’acuité. Pourtant, sa pratique auto-réflexive a fait l’objet de très peu de recherches. Afin d’éclairer le rapport qu’entretient Patrice Desbiens avec l’écriture et avec la poésie, ce mémoire s’intéresse à deux de ses textes, soit La fissure de la fiction (1997) et Désâmé, (2005) en accordant davantage d’espace au premier, que je considère comme un texte-charnière dans la production poétique de Desbiens. Dans un premier temps, mon travail présente ainsi la précarité qui caractérise le protagoniste de La fissure de la fiction et, sous un autre angle, le sujet lyrique de Désâmé. Dans cette optique, la figure du poète est étudiée dans La fissure de la fiction à la lumière de la reprise ironique du mythe de la malédiction littéraire et du sens que la réactualisation de ce mythe confère au personnage dans ce récit poétique. Dans un second temps, ce mémoire s’attache à montrer que la cohérence et la vraisemblance des univers mis en scène dans La fissure de la fiction et Désâmé sont minées. C’est à l’aune de ces analyses que peut ensuite être envisagé le rôle d’une poésie qui, en dernière instance, comporte malgré tout un caractère consolateur, en dépit ou en raison de l’esthétique du grotesque, tantôt comique, tantôt tragique, dans laquelle elle s’inscrit et que nous tâcherons de mettre en lumière.


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El objeto de este artículo es estudiar la influencia del nivel educativo (capital cultural) en los procesos de precariedad-afluencia de la población española entre los años posteriores a la crisis de inicio de la década de 1990 y los años más duros de la crisis de 2007. A partir de los datos de las encuestas PHOGUE y ECV del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) se han construido cuatro indicadores para medir la precariedad laboral, de ingresos, de salud y de vivienda y su distribución según distintas variables demográficas. Se pretende contrastar la hipótesis de que más educación significa más protección frente a la precariedad, estudiando diferentes condiciones de las condiciones de vida y existencia en momentos tanto de crecimiento como de crisis económica. Mediante un análisis multivariable se intenta determinar el nivel de impacto del capital cultural, alcance, evolución y, sobre todo, si sus efectos positivos o negativos están en proceso de expansión o desaceleración. El resultado tiene una doble aportación: de un lado, metodológica, consistente en la construcción de los indicadores; de otro lado, los resultados, con los que se puede reevaluar algunas generalizaciones sobre la pérdida de importancia del rol de la educación en las sociedades contemporáneas.