980 resultados para Poggi, Girolamo, 1803-1837.


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The thesis contains the results of an investigation on the " Population Genetic Structure of the Penaeus indicus " from southeast and southwest coasts of India. The P.indicus, popularly known as the Indian white prawn, is distributed widely in the Indo-Pacific, starting from New South wales in Australia in the east to the east coast of Africa in the west. Its heavy demand in the export market, the species has been exploited intensively from all along its areas of distribution in Indian waters. The population genetic characteristics of the species were examined by three independent but complementary techniques, namely, morphometrics (truss network), biochemical genetics (isozyme electrophoresis ) and molecular genetics (RFLP and RAPD). The east and west coast populations of the species may be genetically different. Due to certain constraints, the results obtained from the studies of restriction fragment length 70 polymorphism (RFLP) were limited. The significant difference in the number of bands in the sample populations strongly suggests that these two populations have considerably different population genetic structures


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The present investigation revealed three types of circulating haemocytes in the haemolymph of F. indicus: hyalinocytes, small-granule haemocytes, and large-granule haemocytes. Intermediate stages indicate the maturing process of a single cell. The presence of enzymes such as peroxidase, phenoloxidase and acid phosphatase in the haemocytes, and the substantial production of oxygen radicals during phagocytosis show that the haemocytes are capable of mounting a fme cellular defense mechanism. The enzyme activities of the serum and the presence of agglutinins in the serum, which may act as opsonins, agglutinate foreign particles and augment phagocytosis, confirm the presence of a superior humoral immune system in F. indicus.Bacterial infection caused considerable variations in the cellular and humoral factors, such as the number of circulating cells and haemagglutinating activity, especially in the initial hours of infection. The total haemocyte count, haemagglutination titer and phenoloxidase enzyme showed significant reductions on bacterial presence and could be used as indicators of bacterial infection.The number of circulating cells showed drastic fluctuation on exposure to pollutants. Nuvan at low concentrations was able to produce changes in the haemolymph factors and in the tissue organization, which implies that the animal is under stress and is easily prone to infections. Exposure to nuvan resulted in significant variation in all of the cellular and humoral factors, especially, the total haemocyte count, percentage of small granule haemocytes, phagocytic activity and the haemagglutinating activity, which might be good indicators of pesticide pollution. Heavy metal exposure caused significant increase in total haemocyte count and reduction in phenoloxidase enzyme activity Even changes in the physio-chemical parameters, such as salinity caused fluctuations in the defense factors, indicating stress in this euryhaline species. The dietary incorporation of a commercial immunostimulant containing P-l,3 glucan resulted in stimulation of some of the humoral defense factors of F indicus, but was time dependent. The modulations, on exposure to various external factors, in the cellular and humoral factors, especially, total haemocyte count, phagocytic activity, haemagglutinating activity and the phenoloxidase and acid phosphatase enzymes suggest that these parameters could be used as indicators of the health status of F indicus, which assist in better monitoring and effective health management of this important cultured species.


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Dept.of Marine Biology,Microbiology and Biochemistry,Cochin University of Science and Technology


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Ressenya del llibre La sociabilitat epistolar de la família Burgués de Girona (1799-1803). Es tracta d’un epistolari adreçat a un noble de rang menor i d’àmbit local, en aquest cas Girona. La intenció de l’editor és formulada ben explícitament: «Obrir una finestra al passat i posar a l’abast dels investigadors i de les persones interessades i curioses un recull de les pràctiques socials, culturals, familiars, relacionals i literàries d’una família noble de la ciutat de Girona en el trànsit del segle XVIII al segle XIX»


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Este texto busca explicar el significado y la importancia del honor en las causas judiciales por adulterio a finales de la Colonia y durante los primeros años de la República, en algunos espacios de la sociedad neogranadina. Después de hacer una revisión de los diferentes elementos que constituían la idea del honor en la Nueva Granada y del origen de la preocupación por este valor en este territorio, se exponen temas relacionados con las características de la sociedad neogranadina de finales del siglo XVIII, las acciones de las autoridades para prevenir y castigar el adulterio, y la importancia del escándalo como herramienta para controlar el comportamiento particular de las personas y para mantener el orden social y moral. Por último, se explican las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en cuanto al honor, los adulterios y los castigos que recibían por transgredir las normas.


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Establecer y precisar los factores y circunstancias hist??ricas que condicionaron y determinaron la introducci??n del pestalozzianismo en Espa??a. Seguir su influencia hasta los primeros fen??menos de institucionalizaci??n del Sistema Educativo Liberal y dar cuenta de los procesos educativos innovadores en el tr??nsito del Antiguo al Nuevo R??gimen. Renovaci??n de los m??todos educativos en Espa??a durante el per??odo 1803-1839. M??todo de investigaci??n hist??rico-descriptivo aplicado a la Historia de la Educaci??n con recopilaci??n de documentos de archivo. Recopilaci??n de fuentes archiv??sticas. Documentaci??n impresa. Bibliograf??a. Paralelamente a la crisis del Antiguo R??gimen se produjo la crisis del modelo educativo tradicional, tanto a nivel estructural como en el plano de relaci??n docente-discente. El fracaso de los ensayos renovadores (pestalozzianismo, m??todo de Lancaster) es debido a la imposibilidad de cambiar efectivamente la pr??ctica educativa sin descubrir la naturaleza espec??fica del ni??o, distinta a la del adulto, y sin formar especializadamente a los maestros. El pestalozzianismo es el primero en incidir en estos aspectos. Establecidos los liberales en el poder se transforma estructuralmente el Sistema Educativo y se da una nueva formulaci??n a la educaci??n, se define la naturaleza de la infancia y se institucionaliza el papel social y educativo del maestro.


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Resumen tomado de la revista. La publicaci??n recoge resumen en Ingl??s


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Se adapta a las especificaciones AS y A de 2008 para OCR y Edexcel. Se centra en la expansión hacia el oeste de Estados Unidos y los problemas que ello causó. A continuación, examina la llegada al poder del Partido Republicano y la elección presidencial de 1860, las causas de la guerra civil, la victoria de la Unión y el período de reconstrucción. Incluye fechas clave, términos y temas, perfiles biográficos, resúmenes esquemáticos, fuentes literarias y síntesis de los principales debates historiográficos.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Esta dissertação incide sobre a produção documental em Portugal, no período de vida do monarca D. Pedro V, 1837-1861. As bases de dados de recolha de informação foram: a Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, a Biblioteca Nacional Digital e o catálogo da Rede Municipal de Bibliotecas de Lisboa. Tendo em conta as várias formulações no campo da bibliometria, o denominado efeito bradfordiano foi o foco desta investigação com a análise dos autores, casas editoriais/ tipografias, locais de produção, tipo de documentos e áreas temáticas mais produtivos.