934 resultados para Perspectivas teóricas predominantes


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Este trabalho foi construído a partir de um questionamento central que procurava entender o porquê de uma região como a do município de Guajará-Mirim que era considerada a cidade mais bonita do estado de Rondônia, durante as décadas de 1970 e 1980, hoje, porém, se vê apática, desfocada de uma visão de progresso, cega de um projeto de desenvolvimento local definido, sem ânimo e sem o brilho que no passado tão recente fazia com que sua população se orgulhasse de seu “apelido” mais famoso, “Pérola do Mamoré”. De outro lado, os municípios ao longo do eixo da BR-364 que apresentavam uma situação bem distinta de Guajará-Mirim, portanto, mais prósperos. Diante deste aspecto, se pretendeu verificar se a teoria institucionalista de Douglass North seria adequada para explicar a desigualdade regional do Estado de Rondônia já que para esta corrente teórica, a questão histórica exercia um poder “path dependence”. Deste modo, procurou-se testar se o contexto histórico atrelado às mudanças institucionais estaria interferindo ou não no desempenho institucional das mesorregiões do Estado de Rondônia. Como primeira grande ação deste processo foi evidenciada, no território rondoniense, a existência de duas mudanças institucionais que impactaram, de forma distinta, as respectivas mesorregiões, as quais foram relacionadas aos dois grandes empreendimentos implantados em Rondônia, ou seja, a EFMM com impacto sobre a porção mesorregional Madeira-Guaporé e a BR-364 com impacto sobre a porção mesorregional Leste Rondoniense, ampliando, com isso, o poder de análise. Como segunda grande ação foi levantado indicadores agrupados nas categorias de “capacidade institucional”, de “gestão ambiental”, de “economia regional” e de “qualidade de vida”, os quais permitiram chegar, com base na análise fatorial e na utilização da ferramenta estatística SPSS, aos índices de desempenho institucional municipal, microrregional e mesorregional do Estado. Com base nos índices de desempenho institucional levantados pela pesquisa ficou, portanto, evidenciado que a história econômica interferiu no desempenho institucional mesorregional de Rondônia, o qual demonstrou uma tendência de crescimento positivo para a mesorregião Leste Rondoniense e negativo para a mesorregião Madeira-Guaporé, comprovando o poder “Path Dependence”. Contudo, objetivando averiguar a capacidade de explicação da desigualdade regional com base no capital social, a partir de um contexto qualitativo, fica evidenciada a coerência deste resultado com o pensamento teórico do institucionalismo de Douglass North já que pelos parâmetros de capital social utilizados pela pesquisa, o poder “Path Dependence” fica, ainda mais, transparente, o que demonstra a adequação destas perspectivas teóricas para a explicação da desigualdade regional do Estado de Rondônia, mesmo se tratando de uma região periférica inserida em um país, também periférico, como o Brasil.


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O presente artigo analisa o conceito de esclarecimento em Horkheimer, Adorno e Freud. Para tanto, traça um paralelo entre duas das mais representativas obras destes autores no âmbito da crítica cultural. Trata-se, respectivamente, dos textos O Conceito de Esclarecimento e O Futuro de uma Ilusão. Embora uma primeira leitura dos trabalhos citados possa sugerir diferentes perspectivas teóricas, aposta-se aqui na sua complementaridade em defesa de uma utilização mais adequada do pensamento conceitual.


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O trabalho procura analisar as novas linhas antropológicas surgidas a partir das perspectivas teóricas funcionalistas.


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Este e-book é uma produção do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Para a Ciência - PPGEC - da Faculdade de Ciências da UNESP, campus de Bauru, e faz parte do Programa de Publicações Digitais da Pró-Reitoria de Pós-Graduação, em parceria com a Fundação Editora da UNESP, que tem como principal objetivo a divulgação de pesquisas realizadas pelos Programas de Pós-Graduação da universidade. A série Ensino de Ciências e Matemática teve início em 2009 e visa, por meio de pesquisas oriundas de teses, dissertações e de grupos de pesquisa, divulgar e fomentar a discussão sobre processos de ensino de Ciências e Matemática analisada a partir de diferentes perspectivas teóricas e metodológicas. Essa série abarca temáticas recentes que estão sempre presentes nas discussões de importantes eventos científicos, nacionais e internacionais, da área da Educação para a Ciência e Matemática. Entre esses temas destacam: formação de professores, formação de conceitos, Tecnologias da Informação, processos de ensino, entre outros. Esta obra é intitulada Ensino de Ciências e Matemática IV: temas de investigação porque veicula pesquisas que abordam temas atuais e importantes estudados por pós-graduandos e docentes do Programa, como, por exemplo, avaliação, prática de ensino, robótica, prática pedagógica, TV digital, educação desenvolvida em âmbito não-escolar, entre outros. Tais investigações são resultados de pesquisas desenvolvidas no Programa: algumas são resultados de teses e dissertações e outras foram produzidas por grupos de pesquisa. Professores que ensinam Ciências e Matemática, em diferentes níveis de escolaridade, e pesquisadores que desenvolvem estudos nessas áreas poderão ter fácil acesso a esta obra, uma vez que estará disponível na Internet, o que pode contribuir para o debate sobre ...


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Este ensayo procura analizar el tema de la educación a lo largo de la vida en su intersección con la escuela. En oposición a las perspectivas teóricas que defienden una posible conciliación entre vida y escuela, evidenciamos la tensión existente entre esas dos esferas, al hacer el análisis de los temas de la experiencia con el nacimiento, con la muerte y con la diferencia, y señalamos que su reflexión invita a los sujetos de la praxis educativa a una actitud ética de cuidado para con el otro, para con uno mismo y para que el otro cuide del cuidado de uno, que, de modo complementario a los saberes y prácticas escolares, posibilita una formación continuada que implica la transformación de sí mismo. Eso porque, teniendo como referencia el pensamiento de Arendt y Foucault, comprendemos que la vida transborda a los saberes y prácticas escolares, ofreciéndonos lo que pensar en la praxis educativa y haciendo que los sujetos de esa praxis aprendan a ubicarse entre la vida y la escuela, a la búsqueda de nuevos sentidos para ellos y de resistencia a lo que existe mientras se transforman a sí mismos. Así, buscamos ofrecer a los educadores algunos problemas de la vida que interfieren en la praxis educativa, que repercuten en su experiencia y que hacen pensar sobre aquello que les queda.


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This essay aims to analyze the relationship between life and school. In opposition to theoretical perspectives longed for a possible reconciliation between life and school, we look for to show to existing tension between these two spheres, making an analysis of the themes of the experience with birth, death and the difference, and highlight that this reflection invites the subjects of the educational practice to an ethical attitude of care for the other, for oneself and so that the other one takes care of the care of the self. Having the thoughts of Arendt’s and Foucault’s as reference, we understand that life goes beyond school knowledge and practices, offering us what we think about educational practice and making the subjects of that practice learn how to place themselves between life and school, looking for new senses for themselves and resistance to the existent while they transform themselves. Thus, we wait to offer the educators some life problems that pervade the educational practice, reverberate in their experience and make them think about what they have left.


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The approach about the ideas, understood as metal representations, has practically bookmarked the whole Philosophy History, since the ancient Greece to the contemporary period. A lot of interpretations have been given to the meaning and to the nature of the ideas by many schools, among them lots of Realism slopes. This paper aims to present, from a historical and epistemological fragment, some theoretical perpectives, with emphasis in the realistic, nominalist and Cartesian proposals in relation to the formation and nature of the ideas.


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This article analyses the constitutions of the Philosophy of Education’s field in Brazil, from 1990 to the present day, with the purpose of analyzing the genealogy of his “crisis” as a discipline, discussing the dilemmas of its development and to indicate their main challenges today. For such purposes, by means of a genealogical method, we analyze the conceptions of philosophy of education drawn from the theoretical perspective, as well as rebuild historically the clashes caused about certain topics and, particularly, about the human formation. We conclude that the thematic shifts produced and the proliferation of those perspectives were responsible for producing lands to the dialogue between them, however, this strategy does not alleviate some problems of Philosophy of Education in Brazil, demonstrating the presence of two philosophical traditions in the current debate and demanding position of those who work in this field of research and teaching in relation to them.


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The arrangement and description of archival materials are the nuclear processes of Archival Science that share a common purpose: to represent the archival knowledge. This representation is fundamentally based on the application of the principle of provenance and on the concept of fonds. This paper aims to discuss de archival description facing the changes and ideas of an archival postmodern approach that proposes the concept of fonds and the principle of provenance as conceptual abstraction rather than a physical entity in the representation process. In that sense, it is presented here the theoretical perspectives of Canadian and Australian studies, discussing the theoretical basis of Modern Archival Science, facing the dynamic reality of contemporary record creation.


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This qualitative research was performed with the goal of investigating the contributions of theoretical and methodological perspectives in the alphabetization process, aiming to train proficient writers of texts with communicative function. Hence, such were the goals established for this research: giving a retrospective look on the synthetic and analytic methods of teaching literacy; verifying the possibilities and limits of theoretical and methodological approaches of acquiring the ability to write and identifying the teachers’ ideas concerning basic concepts (such as literacy, text and textual genres) imbued in the teaching of writing; and establishing which activities they develop in the course of teaching whether the pedagogical practices of the teacher observed contributed to the formation of students who were capable of producing significant texts of diverse genres, suitable to the objectives, to the readers, and to the context of the circulation of texts. The research was done in a public elementary school, in a 2nd grade class of the city of Jaú. Subjects of the research were four teachers and twenty-eight children. For this work, two instruments were used for data collecting: a questionnaire and direct observation, registered in research diaries. Among the observations made were that, although there are many studies on literacy, the practices actually adopted in class are empirical in nature and do not contribute to the process of developing individual writing or reading skills at all; rather, it is only valued the ability of establishing relations between phonemes and graphemes; literacy teachers do not have adequate knowledge of concepts of literacy, teaching, text and textual genres, valuing only one methodological theory and disregarding other contributions on the field of text production


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The aim of this article is to discuss the contingence in literature texts since an approach that make the literary theory, the discourse analysis and the psychoanalysis dialogue. It is important to remark the importance of this different areas dialogue as an instrument that could help the understanding of the relations between tradition and invention and the modern writer’s obsession to control the derive of meanings and the originality of the creations as well.


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This paper aims at discussing the characteristics of computer mediated language within a foreign language teaching and learning environment enabled by the use of synchronic writing resources – chat. The present research is based on (i) theoretical principles about the use of technologies and the teaching-learning of foreign languages in the scope of the Teletandem Brazil Project: Foreign languages for all – Projeto Teletandem Brasil: línguas estrangeiras para todos (TELLES, 2005); (ii) studies on the characteristics of the language within chat interactions; (iii) different theoretical perspectives on the relationship between spoken and written language, emphasizing the constitutive heterogeneity of writing perspective (CORRÊA, 1997, 1998, 2001); and (iv) some relevant concepts related to Prosodic Phonology field (NESPOR; VOGEL, 1986). Is being taken as research data, the written production of a Brazilian student (finishing a Licentiate in Literature) interacting with an American student (in Religious Studies) through Windows Live Messenger. The data were collected during a five-month period, during which the participants interacted through chat, totalizing 12 interactions in English and in Portuguese. During the analysis, a particular attention was given to the messages’ fragmentation, the use (or not) of punctuation signs and abbreviations within the Brazilian participant’s production, in order to discuss the representations she built of her writing, her interlocutor, herself and on the teaching-learning process of a foreign language.


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In this paper are systematized the discussions conducted by GDP "Research in EA and School Context", in VII EPEA, which have had, as its main axis, themes, authors and theoretical perspectives privileged in research presented at the event and declared themselves affiliated to this GDP. The dialogue with researches from previous meetings and other, aims to deepen the questions posed by the research group. The discussions allowed to identify themes and issues that present themselves as significant and challenging for research in EA in the school context, namely the conversion of schools into sustainable educational spaces; public-private partnerships, with great interest from companies and NGOs in school spaces, waving kits with educational materials produced for the school; lack of investment in public policies for teacher training in EA; tendency to an adherence to critical environmental education, without, however, have clear theoretical and methodological commitments under this option.


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This research was done by a theoretical investigation about the moment when a child starts to go to education places like a school before the obligatory age of usual education, here called Precocious Institutionalization, and the changings that it results at the productions of subjectivity, at the relationship between children and family, specially the maternity in the society. Using theory references of Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, was done the analysis with the help of cartography. As a result, there is a kind of map of the way that the human subjectivity is produced by two different society strategies, the disciplinary society integrated with the control society using biopolitics inside the contemporary questions to increase capitalism system.