931 resultados para Perpetual Help, Our Lady of.


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Inscription: Verso: The Woman's Salon, New York. Robin Morgan reading "Lady of the Beasts" (left). At right is writer Erika Duncan, one of the founders of the Women's Salon.


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Previous research has examined young children’s ability to detect who would be most likely to provide help to others in a given situation, but little is known about their ability to intervene based on this knowledge in a real-life setting. In the current study, 48 three-year-old children chose between two actors to retrieve an out-of-reach object for the Experimenter; one actor was physically incapable of providing the object (blocked by a tall barrier), and one was capable. Participants’ looking behaviour between the two actors during the study was also recorded and analyzed as an additional, nonverbal measure of their prediction about who would help. Approximately half of the participants in the sample actively intervened on behalf of the Experimenter, but only after a direct request for help was made. Though the other participants did not engage in this helping behaviour, they chose the unblocked actor to help the Experimenter in a subsequent interview. Children also spent more time looking at the unblocked actor. Secondary analyses indicated that shyness prevented many children in the study from asking for help on behalf of the Experimenter from one of the actors. Finally, an unexpected side bias for looking behaviour toward the actors was found that has implications for how the study design could be improved for future research.


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This thesis explores whether a specific group of large EU law firms exhibited multiple common behaviours regarding their EU geographies between 1998 and 2009. These potentially common behaviours included their preferences for trading in certain EU locations, their usage of law firm alliances, and the specific reasons why they opened or closed EU branch offices. If my hypothesis is confirmed, this may indicate that certain aspects of large law firm geography are predictable – a finding potentially of interest to various stakeholders globally, including legal regulators, academics and law firms. In testing my hypothesis, I have drawn on research conducted by the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Research Network to assist me. Between 1999 and 2010, the GaWC published seven research papers exploring the geographies of large US and UK law firms. Several of the GaWC’s observations arising from these studies were evidence-based; others were speculative – including a novel approach for explaining legal practice branch office change, not adopted in research conducted previously or subsequently. By distilling the GaWC’s key observations these papers into a series of “sub-hypotheses”, I been able to test whether the geographical behaviours of my novel cohort of large EU law firms reflect those suggested by the GaWC. The more the GaWC’s suggested behaviours are observed among my cohort, the more my hypothesis will be supported. In conducting this exercise, I will additionally evaluate the extent to which the GaWC’s research has aided our understanding of large EU law firm geography. Ultimately, my findings broadly support most of the GaWC’s observations, notwithstanding our cohort differences and the speculative nature of several of the GaWC’s propositions. My investigation has also allowed me to refine several of the GaWC’s observations regarding commonly-observable large law firm geographical behaviours, while also addressing a key omission from the group’s research output.


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Research on attitudes toward seeking professional help among college students has examined the influence of social class and stigma. This study tested 4 theoretically and empirically derived structural equation models of college students’ attitudes toward seeking counseling with a sample of 2230 incoming university students. The models represented competing hypotheses regarding the manners in which objective social class, subjective social class, classism, public stigma, stigma by close others, and self-stigma related to attitudes toward seeking professional help. Findings supported the social class direct and indirect effects model, as well as the notion that classism and stigma domains could explain the indirect relationships between social class and attitudes. Study limitations, future directions for research, and implications for counseling are discussed.


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O aumento da esperança média de vida leva a que muitos idosos vivem para além dos 85 anos e consequentemente precisam cada vez mais de respostas sociais adequadas às suas necessidades, numa época em que as famílias se desresponsabilizam gradualmente dos cuidados aos seniores. As respostas sociais mais conhecidas no nosso país são os lares de idosos, ou seja, as estruturas residenciais para idosos e estas têm vindo a assumir um papel cada vez mais relevante na nossa sociedade. Este estudo procurou avaliar a qualidade sentida e a satisfação dos clientes residentes de uma estrutura residencial para idosos. Para que esta pesquisa fosse o mais fidedigna possível foram realizadas 12 entrevistas semi-estruturadas aos residentes do Centro Social da Nossa Senhora das Necessidades em Alcaria no Concelho do Fundão durante os meses de dezembro de 2015 e fevereiro de 2016. A análise dos resultados deste estudo permitiu perceber a perceção que os idosos residentes nos lares têm sobre os serviços e cuidados prestados e que vai influenciar a sua satisfação e qualidade de vida. Com este estudo procuramos ajudar as Direções e Corpos Gerentes das Instituições a melhor avaliarem e valorizarem o tipo de serviços e cuidados que disponibilizam e a atenção às necessidades sentidas pelos residentes, nomeadamente no que respeita à melhoria da qualidade de vida dos idosos


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Resumen: En el presente artículo el autor se ocupa de reseñar las circunstancias que rodearon el robo de la corona de la Virgen de Luján, bendecida por el papa León XIII en 1887. Diez años después de la solemne fiesta de la coronación pontificia esta primorosa joya, confeccionada por el acreditado orfebre parisino Poussielgue-Rusand, fue sustraída del camarín donde se veneraba la Sagrada Imagen. La recuperación y restitución motivó la organización de una multitudinaria peregrinación al Santuario de Luján que puso de manifiesto la profunda devoción del pueblo argentino a su Patrona.


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Resumen: Con motivo de conmemorarse los 125 años de la coronación pontificia de la Imagen de Ntra. Sra. de Luján, Patrona de la República Argentina, el autor recorre la historia de los distintos oratorios, capillas y templos que le han sido dedicados, desde 1630, año del milagro, deteniéndose en los comienzos de la construcción de la monumental Basílica neogótica, reconocida como una de las más importantes de América en su tipo. El proyecto, en cuanto al diseño y desarrollo, corresponde al P. Jorge María Salvaire, vicentino, con el permanente apoyo del arzobispo de Buenos Aires, monseñor Federico León Aneiros. La mencionada Basílica guarda particular importancia histórica y pastoral en razón de albergar en su camarín la Imagen original de Ntra. Sra. de Luján, una pequeña talla de la Inmaculada Concepción, de arcilla cocida y pintada, vestida luego a la usanza española y con corona.


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Kear, Adrian, Campbell, Patrick, Psychoanalysis and Performance (London: Routledge, 2001), pp.xiv+242 RAE2008


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Dissertação mest., História da Arte Portuguesa, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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Esta pesquisa tem como objeto a análise do inventário da festa de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, do Morro da Conceição, Rio de Janeiro, realizado por mim para a Superintendência do Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional no Rio de Janeiro (IPHAN-RJ) entre julho de 2009 e março de 2010. Através de uma metodologia que envolve pesquisa documental e etnografia, estabeleço uma comparação entre o que é determinado oficialmente para a realização de um inventário de referências culturais e o que, na prática, é feito pelos técnicos e pesquisadores em relação à pesquisa e às demandas das comunidades. O trabalho engloba não apenas a investigação do processo de pesquisa do inventário, mas também os objetivos do referido instituto e as contrapartidas para a comunidade envolvida. Ainda, permite compreender as táticas utilizadas pela comunidade para alcançar seus objetivos frente ao IPHAN-RJ e aos pesquisadores e, em contrapartida, as estratégias desenvolvidas pela instituição e seus representantes para que seus intuitos políticos fossem alcançados.


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This study analyzes the event of the Feast of Our Lady of Grace, located in the municipality of Florania / RN as a tourism product, inserted in a process of transformation of a sacred place, in principle determined by religious motives, in a destination "tourist-religious". We seek to understand to what extent state intervention, with policies aimed at boosting the tourism sector as well as the interactions among key actors in the space, are able to modify and streamline the city of Florania, particularly Feast of Our Lady of Grace. The methodology also includes the review of the literature using the deductive method the application of questionnaires to the pilgrims, tourists and pilgrims totaling 150 questionnaires. Along with the economic agents of the municipality, 36 questionnaires were administered according to the model adopted by REDESIST. Complement this research interviews with key Officials of the Municipal Government and the Church. Despite the recognition by the actors of the importance of tourism to the economy of the city of Florania, encouraging the development of the sector is still lagging, some worked and policies / programs listed actually pass by the "Paths of Faith" of Florania. Concerning the Feast of Our Lady of Grace, the bottlenecks reported by researchers and economic agents are very partially affected by the policies / programs and when this occurs, the effort seems to be only reactive, resulting from the pressures experienced by the municipal government (mayor)


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA