930 resultados para Pedagogical Coordinator


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This paper discusses the challenges surrounding the implementation of the Music strand of the new syllabus for secondary teachers within the context of emerging trends in pedagogical reform in Queensland, and identifies several areas where research is needed to inform classroom music teaching practice and to guide teacher training programs. Secondary music teachers (Years 8-10) have not had the same systemic, school-based curriculum guidance that was given to teachers in years 1-7. This has resulted in a plethora of teaching and learning practices in lower secondary classrooms, many of which may be more experiential than developmental in approach and which may have little reference to the types of music programs common in primary classrooms.


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O trabalho intitulado Narrativas de usos pedagógicos de ferramentas tecnológicas na docência do Ensino Médio tem como objetivo conhecer e mapear as experiências de professores do Ensino Médio que integram em sua prática pedagógica recursos tecnológicos através de suas narrativas, os quais atuam em escolas públicas da região de São Paulo. Sendo assim, a prática pedagógica com o uso de tecnologia se faz presente na docência do professor de ensino médio, transformando-o em agente mediador do processo ensino-aprendizagem. A metodologia da pesquisa se concentra na experiência dos professores que utilizam a tecnologia como ferramenta de sua prática mediante a investigação narrativa, a qual os autores Connely e Claudinin elucidam em sua obra. São ressaltados alguns autores durante a pesquisa exploratória e documental, como: Moran, Lévy, Perrenoud e Tardif, conceituando a atuação do professor em Freire e Zabala, mediando sua prática com a tecnologia, levando a resultados que propiciam um ensino adequado à aprendizagem. Os instrumentos investigativos da pesquisa adotados na pesquisa foram: entrevista semi-estruturada, conversas informais com os professores, registro dos participantes nos fóruns do Portal educacional e reuniões pedagógicas coma a coordenadora do Portal educacional. O processo organizativo da análise das narrativas dos docentes se realizou por categorias tais como: organização do conteúdo pelos professores, uso do Portal educacional e interdisciplinaridade. Nas narrativas dos participantes da pesquisa percebeu-se que o trabalho na comunidade virtual baseou-se em três pontos fundamentais: produção, troca de informações e apresentação de resultados. De acordo com os relatos apresentados pelos entrevistados conclui-se que o trabalho desenvolvido pelos professores é bastante rico e contribui para a troca de experiências entre docentes pesquisadores da rede, que diferenciam suas aulas através do uso de tecnologia por meio do Portal educacional. Destaca-se também como diferencial na pesquisa a escolha, pelos docentes, de algumas ferramentas com o uso do Portal.


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Esta pesquisa investigou o que ocorre no Horário de Trabalho Pedagógico Coletivo HTPC da rede de ensino do Estado de São Paulo em relação à formação continuada dos professores. Para tanto, fez um resgate histórico da construção do HTPC e buscou verificar quais ações vêm sendo desenvolvidas nesse espaço de forma a analisar se realmente é um local utilizado como formação contínua ou se a sua institucionalização caracterizou uma obrigatoriedade que acarreta resistência dos atores envolvidos. A pesquisa, de caráter qualitativo, foi realizada em uma escola de Santo André, município da Grande São Paulo, por meio de um estudo de caso. Os HTPCs foram observados no período de um semestre e deles foram extraídos momentos, aqui denominados de cenas , que serviram como base de análise das atividades realizadas nesse horário. O estudo utilizou, como instrumentos de pesquisa, entrevista semi-estruturada com a Professora Coordenadora e questionários para os professores de um grupo do período noturno objetivando averiguar quais as suas concepções sobre formação contínua e sobre as atividades efetivamente desenvolvidas buscando determinar concordâncias ou discordâncias.(AU)


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Since the 1950s, pedagogical stylistics has been intrinsically linked with the teaching of written texts (and especially literary texts) to speakers of English as a second language. This is despite the fact that for decades many teachers have also structured their lessons in L1 classrooms to focus upon the linguistic features of literary texts as a means of enhancing their students’ understanding of literature and language. Recognizing that instructors in both L1 and L2 settings were often employing related pedagogical techniques without realizing that their colleagues in the other context were facing similar challenges, the PEDSIG group of the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA) has sought to add a theoretical dimension to research undertaken into practice in the stylistics classroom. Its goals, then, were: to establish a working definition of pedagogical stylistics; to identify the theoretical and pedagogical underpinnings of the discipline shared by L1 and L2 practitioners; to point if possible towards any emerging consensus on good practice. The group determined that the principal aim of stylistics in the classroom is to make students aware of language use within chosen texts, and that what characterizes pedagogical stylistics is classroom activities that are interactive between the text and the (student) reader. Preliminary findings, from a pilot study involving a poem by Langston Hughes, suggest that the process of improving students’ linguistic sensibilities must include greater emphasis upon the text as action: i.e. upon the mental processing which is such a proactive part of reading and interpretation; and how all of these elements – pragmatic and cognitive as well as linguistic – function within quite specific social and cultural contexts.


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The prominent position given to academic writing across contemporary academia is reflected in the substantive literature and debate devoted to the subject over the past 30 years. However, the massification of higher education, manifested by a shift from elite to mass education, has brought the issue into the public arena, with much debate focusing on the need for ‘modern-day' students to be taught how to write academically (Bjork et al., 2003; Ganobcsik-Williams, 2006). Indeed, Russell (2003) argued that academic writing has become a global ‘problem' in Higher Education because it sits between two contradictory pressures (p.V). On one end of the university ‘experience' increasing numbers of students, many from non-traditional backgrounds, enter higher education bringing with them a range of communication abilities. At the other end, many graduates leave university to work in specialised industries where employers expect them to have high level writing skills (Ashton, 2007; Russell, 2003; Torrence et al., 1999). By drawing attention to the issues around peer mentoring within an academic writing setting in three different higher education Institutions, this paper makes an important contribution to current debates. Based upon a critical analysis of the emergent findings of an empirical study into the role of peer writing mentors in promoting student transition to higher education, the paper adopts an academic literacies approach to discuss the role of writing mentoring in promoting transition and retention by developing students' academic writing. Attention is drawn to the manner in which student expectations of writing mentoring actually align with mentoring practices - particularly in terms of the writing process and critical thinking. Other issues such as the approachability of writing mentors, the practicalities of accessing writing mentoring and the wider learning environment are also discussed.


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Previous studies into student volunteering have shown how formally organized volunteering activities have social, economic and practical benefits for student volunteers and the recipients of their volunteerism (Egerton, 2002; Vernon & Foster, 2002); moreover student volunteering provides the means by which undergraduates are able to acquire and hone transferable skills sought by employers following graduation (Eldridge & Wilson, 2003; Norris et al, 2006). Although much is known about the benefits of student volunteering, few previous studies have focused on the pedagogical value of student mentoring from the perspectives of both student mentee and mentor. Utilising grounded theory methodology this paper provides a critical analysis of an exploratory study analysing students’ perceptions of the pedagogical and social outcomes of student mentoring. It looks at students’ perceptions of mentoring, and being mentored, in terms of the learning experience and development of knowledge and skills. In doing so the paper considers how volunteering in a mentoring capacity adds ‘value’ to students’ experiences of higher education. From a public policy perspective, the economic, educational, vocational and social outcomes of student volunteering in general, and student mentoring in particular, make this an important subject meriting investigation. In terms of employability, the role of mentoring in equipping mentors and mentees with transferable, employability competencies has not been investigated. By critiquing the mentoring experiences of undergraduates within a single institution, this paper will make an important contribution to policy debates with regards to the pedagogical and employability related outcomes of student volunteering and mentoring.