297 resultados para Paterna


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A sífilis congênita (SC) vem ocupando um lugar de destaque no mundo todo, desde que se observou um aumento no número de casos a partir dos meados de 1980. Apesar do fato de ser uma doença perfeitamente prevenível, a SC permanece como um importante problema de saúde pública. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a incidência de SC em neonatos. A pesquisa foi realizada na Maternidade da Fundação Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Pará (FSCMPA), no período de maio a setembro de 1996. Foram entrevistadas 361 mães e realizado o exame físico de seus recém-nascidos (RN). Os soros das puérperas e neonatos foram testados através de 3 métodos: um não treponêmico, Veneral Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) e dois treponêmicos, Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption (FTA-Abs) e Enzime-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Imunoglobina M (IgM). Foi dado o diagnóstico de SC em 9,1% dos conceptos; no que diz respeito a outros fatores relacionados com a doença, encontrou-se que 39,4% dos recém natos com sífilis apresentaram algum sinal sugestivo da infecção; 36,4% das puérperas com sífilis não realizaram o pré-natal; 12,1% dessas puérperas confessaram consumir drogas e a maioria tinha história pregressa de natimortalidade e aborto; a bissexualidade paterna foi significativamente maior no que diz respeito aos recém natos com sífilis em comparação aos sem a moléstia. Investigações mais amplas devem ser realizadas para melhor compreensão das características epidemiológicas da infecção na região amazônica, e para adoção de medidas adequadas para controle e erradicação.


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Esta dissertação objetivou investigar o manejo da transferência em pacientes acometidos pelos fenômenos psicossomáticos, discutindo a operação do desejo do analista nessa clínica. O estudo teve como ponto de partida o caso clínico de uma paciente acometida por diversas afecções, principalmente urticária, as quais não apresentavam nenhuma causa orgânica. A paciente não obteve nenhuma resposta médica para seus problemas, pois há fenômenos que ultrapassam o saber da medicina. Esse fato coloca em evidência a psicanálise como um discurso que pode subverter o discurso médico, na busca de respostas para os males de portadores de fenômenos psicossomáticos. Assim, o manejo da transferência na clínica desses pacientes deve operar a partir do desejo do analista em sustentar a fala do paciente, circunscrita ao real do corpo, como uma via de possibilidade para que o sujeito do desejo possa comparecer. Esta paciente apresentava dificuldade em alcançar a esfera subjetiva e, por este motivo, podemos apontar a fixação de um gozo específico próprio à doença, pois a mesma, ao sofrer, obtinha alguma satisfação do estado em que se encontrava. Verificou-se a necessidade de uma sustentação pelo analista desta fala, na tentativa de possibilitar um enlaçamento com questões inconscientes. Apesar de, inicialmente, apresentar esta fala circunscrita em torno do fenômeno, também trazia questões familiares, na tentativa de associar livremente, já que se tratava de uma estrutura neurótica. Estas esparsas articulações de significantes foram pontuadas pela terapeuta e um sintoma analítico endereçado a ela começou a se delinear. Após várias sessões, empreendeu uma identificação ao pai, o qual a abandonou, como uma nominação, quando afirmou que algo que a marcava positivamente, provavelmente, havia sido uma herança paterna, uma constituição de um Nome-do-Pai que pudesse amarrar o nó borromeano que havia sofrido uma inadvertência na inscrição deste significante.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of lineage of oocytes donors on the number and quality of oocytes obtained through ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration in Nellore breed cows derived from two lineages of bulls (Karvadi; K and Taj-Mahal; T). Both maternal (Km and Tm) and paternal (Kp and Tp) lineages, as well as their combinations were investigated. Oocyte aspirations were repeatedly performed with an aspiration interval of 15 days in 56 donor females. Recovered cumulus oocyte-complexes (COCs) were counted, morphologically examined and classified into seven categories (grades from I to VII) according to the number of layers of the cumulus oocyte and cytoplasm appearance. The mean number of oocytes retrieved from donors of lineage Tp-Tm was significantly higher (28.23±1.92, P<0.05) than those obtained from lineages Kp-Tm, Kp-Km, and Tp-Km (21.34±1.32, 21.28±1.73, and 16.72±1.31, respectively). There was no significant difference in the mean number of recovered oocytes between donors of lineages Kp-Km and Kp-Tm, whereas animals of lineage Tp-Km yielded the lowest number of oocytes. Higher mean number of grade III oocytes was recovered from donors of lineage Kp than lineage Tp (10.11±0.66 versus 8.79±0.58, respectively), with more grade III oocytes being obtained in both lineages as compared to the others. Paternal lineage did not influence the quality of recovered oocytes in any other category, but both Kp and Tp yielded a great mean number of oocytes graded as I, II, and III (3.14±0.21; 4.93±0.33, and 10.11±0.66 versus 3.19±0.21, 5.59±0.44, and 8.79±0.58, respectively) than those classified as IV, V, VI, and VII. However, when considering the data from the maternal lineage significantly more oocytes (P<0.05) of grade I, II and III were obtained from Taj-Mahal (11.67 ± 0.67, 5.9±0.42 and 3.64±0.25, respectively) than for lineage Karvadi, with similar results for oocytes of grades IV, V, VI, and VII. Similarly to the paternal lineage, the number of oocytes of grade III was superior (P<0.05) when compared to other categories for both lineages. In conclusion, we demonstrate here a direct influence of lineage of oocyte donor on the production and quality of oocytes obtained through ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration in Nellore cows.


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Violence in adolescence, specifically sexual violence, is a topic of great relevance. Not only in Brazil but the world has witnessed the increase of sexual violence, becoming the most prevalent morbid occurrence in adolescence. Draws attention to the phenomenon of sexual violence against children and adolescents not only the fact that most of the victims are assaulted in their own home environment, but also the type of relationship between victim and aggressor. Thus, based on systemic approach, this study aimed to compose eend family dynamics of adolescent victims of sexual intra-familial. Participants were seven teenagers and their parents, users and beneficiaries of services offered by CREAS - Reference Center for Specialized Social Assistance in a municipality of Mato Grosso do Sul. The instruments used were the Test of Drawing in Colour of the Family (FCDT) and a questionnaire about the pictures taken and family interactions. The results indicated the difficulty in differentiating family roles, especially regarding the differentiation of the mother and daughter, a fact that seemed to be the motivator for the impoverishment of individuation in groups. Also noted the presence of conflict between the familiar figures probably originated from this abusive situation. In this context, the studied families showed communication difficulties between family members, hindering the integration between them, as well as the existence of an authoritarian leadership and strict rules performed by the father figure. These results may support preventive and therapeutic actions to situations of sexual violence against children and adolescents. Thus, it is suggested that psychological counseling for the study participants and other stakeholders with a view to reducing damage and recovery of quality of life for all family members, as well as the need for further studies in the area in question.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) is characterized by an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance, early onset of hyperglycemia, and defects of insulin secretion. MODY subtypes described present genetic, metabolic, and clinical differences. MODY 2 is characterized by mild asymptomatic fasting hyperglycemia, and rarely requires pharmacological treatment. Hence, precise diagnosis of MODY is important for determining management and prognosis. We report two heterozygous GCK mutations identified during the investigation of short stature. Case 1: a prepubertal 14-year-old boy was evaluated for constitutional delay of growth and puberty. During follow-up, he showed abnormal fasting glucose (113 mg/dL), increased level of HbA1c (6.6%), and negative beta-cell antibodies. His father and two siblings also had slightly elevated blood glucose levels. The mother had normal glycemia. A GCK heterozygous missense mutation, p.Arg191Trp, was identified in the proband. Eighteen family members were screened for this mutation, and 11 had the mutation in heterozygous state. Case 2: a 4-year-old boy investigated for short stature revealed no other laboratorial alterations than elevated glycemia (118 mg/dL); beta-cell antibodies were negative. His father, a paternal aunt, and the paternal grandmother also had slightly elevated glycemia, whereas his mother had normal glycemia. A GCK heterozygous missense mutation, p.Glu221Lys, was identified in the index patient and in four family members. All affected patients had mild elevated glycemia. Individuals with normal glycemia did not harbor mutations. GCK mutation screening should be considered in patients with chronic mild early-onset hyperglycemia, family history of impaired glycemia, and negative beta-cell antibodies. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(8):519-24


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A depressão materna, associada a outros estressores, configura cenários contextuais familiares que podem influenciar o desenvolvimento infantil. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se caracterizar e comparar, por meio do método de estudo de caso, condições favorecedoras de resiliência ou de adversidade para crianças em idade escolar que convivem com a depressão materna recorrente, focalizando os processos-chave da resiliência, analisados em cenários familiares diversos. Foram avaliadas seis duplas mãe-criança, sendo mães com depressão recorrente e episódios moderados ou graves, três crianças com dificuldades escolares e comportamentais e três crianças sem tais dificuldades. Foram aplicados entrevistas, questionário e testes psicológicos, integrando-se os dados em três cenários familiares associados à depressão materna. Para crianças sem dificuldades, foram identificadas como condições favorecedoras dos processos-chave da resiliência a organização da rotina familiar com a efetiva participação paterna, bem como a postura próativa materna no enfrentamento cotidiano de adversidades.


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Next generation electronic devices have to guarantee high performance while being less power-consuming and highly reliable for several application domains ranging from the entertainment to the business. In this context, multicore platforms have proven the most efficient design choice but new challenges have to be faced. The ever-increasing miniaturization of the components produces unexpected variations on technological parameters and wear-out characterized by soft and hard errors. Even though hardware techniques, which lend themselves to be applied at design time, have been studied with the objective to mitigate these effects, they are not sufficient; thus software adaptive techniques are necessary. In this thesis we focus on multicore task allocation strategies to minimize the energy consumption while meeting performance constraints. We firstly devise a technique based on an Integer Linear Problem formulation which provides the optimal solution but cannot be applied on-line since the algorithm it needs is time-demanding; then we propose a sub-optimal technique based on two steps which can be applied on-line. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the latter solution through an exhaustive comparison against the optimal solution, state-of-the-art policies, and variability-agnostic task allocations by running multimedia applications on the virtual prototype of a next generation industrial multicore platform. We also face the problem of the performance and lifetime degradation. We firstly focus on embedded multicore platforms and propose an idleness distribution policy that increases core expected lifetimes by duty cycling their activity; then, we investigate the use of micro thermoelectrical coolers in general-purpose multicore processors to control the temperature of the cores at runtime with the objective of meeting lifetime constraints without performance loss.