997 resultados para Paolo


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A computational model of visual processing in the vertebrate retina provides a unified explanation of a range of data previously treated by disparate models. Three results are reported here: the model proposes a functional explanation for the primary feed-forward retinal circuit found in vertebrate retinae, it shows how this retinal circuit combines nonlinear adaptation with the desirable properties of linear processing, and it accounts for the origin of parallel transient (nonlinear) and sustained (linear) visual processing streams as simple variants of the same retinal circuit. The retina, owing to its accessibility and to its fundamental role in the initial transduction of light into neural signals, is among the most extensively studied neural structures in the nervous system. Since the pioneering anatomical work by Ramón y Cajal at the turn of the last century[1], technological advances have abetted detailed descriptions of the physiological, pharmacological, and functional properties of many types of retinal cells. However, the relationship between structure and function in the retina is still poorly understood. This article outlines a computational model developed to address fundamental constraints of biological visual systems. Neurons that process nonnegative input signals-such as retinal illuminance-are subject to an inescapable tradeoff between accurate processing in the spatial and temporal domains. Accurate processing in both domains can be achieved with a model that combines nonlinear mechanisms for temporal and spatial adaptation within three layers of feed-forward processing. The resulting architecture is structurally similar to the feed-forward retinal circuit connecting photoreceptors to retinal ganglion cells through bipolar cells. This similarity suggests that the three-layer structure observed in all vertebrate retinae[2] is a required minimal anatomy for accurate spatiotemporal visual processing. This hypothesis is supported through computer simulations showing that the model's output layer accounts for many properties of retinal ganglion cells[3],[4],[5],[6]. Moreover, the model shows how the retina can extend its dynamic range through nonlinear adaptation while exhibiting seemingly linear behavior in response to a variety of spatiotemporal input stimuli. This property is the basis for the prediction that the same retinal circuit can account for both sustained (X) and transient (Y) cat ganglion cells[7] by simple morphological changes. The ability to generate distinct functional behaviors by simple changes in cell morphology suggests that different functional pathways originating in the retina may have evolved from a unified anatomy designed to cope with the constraints of low-level biological vision.


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This volume originated in HASTAC’s first international conference, “Electronic Techtonics: Thinking at the Interface,” held at Duke University during April 19-21, 2007. “Electronic Techtonics” was the site of truly unforgettable conversations and encounters that traversed domains, disciplines, and media – conversations that explored the fluidity of technology both as interface as well as at the interface. This hardcopy version of the conference proceedings is published in conjunction with its electronic counterpart (found at www.hastac.org). Both versions exist as records of the range and depth of conversations that took place at the conference. Some of the papers in this volume are almost exact records of talks given at the conference, while others are versions that were revised and reworked some time after the conference. These papers are drawn from a variety of fields and we have not made an effort to homogenize them in any way, but have instead retained the individual format and style of each author.


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Objective: To evaluate the practice of laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) in Italy. Methods: On behalf of the Italian Society of Young Surgeons (SPIGC), an audit of LA was carried out through a written questionnaire sent to 800 institutions in Italy. The questions concerned the diffusion of laparoscopic surgery and LA over the period 1990 through 2001, surgery-related morbidity and mortality rates, indications for LA, the diagnostic algorithm adopted prior to surgery, and use of LA among young surgeons (<40 years). Results: A total of 182 institutions (22.7%) participated in the current audit, and accounted for a total number of 26863 LA. Laparoscopic surgery is performed in 173 (95%) institutions, with 144 (83.2%) routinely performing LA. The mean interval from introduction of laparoscopic surgery to inception of LA was 3.4 ± 2.5 years. There was an emergent basis for 8809 (32.8%) LA procedures (<6 hours of admission); 10314 (38.4%) procedures were performed on an urgent basis (<24 hours of admission); while 7740 (28.8%) procedures were elective. The conversion rate was 2.1% (561 cases) and was due to intraoperative complications in 197 cases (35.1%). Intraoperative complications ranged as high as 0.32%, while postoperative complications were reported in 1.2% of successfully completed LA. The mean hospital stay for successfully completed LA was 2.5 ± 1.05 days. The highest rate of intraoperative complications was reported as occurring during the learning curve phase of their experience (in their first 10 procedures) by 39.7% of the surgeons. LA was indicated for every case of suspected acute appendiceal disease by 51.8% of surgeons, and 44.8% order abdominal ultrasound (US) prior to surgery. A gynecologic counseling is deemed necessary only by 34.5% surgeons, while an abdominal CT scan is required only by 1.5%. The procedure is completed laparoscopically in the absence of gross appendiceal inflammation by 83%; 79.8% try to complete the procedure laparoscopically in the presence of concomitant disease; while 10.4% convert to open surgery in cases of suspected malignancy. Of responding surgeons aged under 40, 76.3% can perform LA, compared to 47.3% surgeons of all age categories. Conclusions: The low response rate of the present survey does not allow us to assess the diffusion of LA in Italy, but rather to appraise its practice in centers routinely performing laparoscopic surgery. In the hands of experienced surgeons, LA has morbidity rates comparable to those of international series. The higher diagnostic yield of laparoscopy makes it an invaluable tool in the management algorithm of women of childbearing age; its advantages in the presence of severe peritonitis are less clear-cut. Surgeons remain the main limiting factor preventing a wider diffusion of LA in our country, since only 47.3% of surgeons from the audited institutions can perform LA on a routine basis.


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En mi conferencia consideraré varias maneras de utilizar la historia de las matemáticas en la didáctica de las matemáticas para la escuela obligatoria; se trata de experiencias y reflexiones relacionadas con la elaboración y la experimentación de currículos para la enseñanza de las matemáticas en las edades comprendidas entre los 6 y los 13 años, desarrollados a partir de 1975 en el grupo de universitarios y enseñantes que coordina personalmente en Génova. El trabajo se ha efectuado en colaboración con Elda Guala; algunos artículos relacionados con estas cuestiones ya han sido publicados o están en curso de publicación.


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En mi conferencia consideraré varias maneras de utilizar la historia de las matemáticas en la didáctica de las matemáticas para la escuela obligatoria; se trata de experiencias y reflexiones relacionadas con la elaboración y la experimentación de currículos para la enseñanza de las Matemáticas en las edades comprendidas entre los 6 y los 13 años, desarrollados a partir de 1975 en el grupo de universitarios y enseñantes que coordino personalmente en Génova. El trabajo se ha efectuado en colaboración con Elda Guala; algunos artículos relacionados con estas cuestiones ya han sido publicados o están en curso de publicación.


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Belief revision is a well-research topic within AI. We argue that the new model of distributed belief revision as discussed here is suitable for general modelling of judicial decision making, along with extant approach as known from jury research. The new approach to belief revision is of general interest, whenever attitudes to information are to be simulated within a multi-agent environment with agents holding local beliefs yet by interaction with, and influencing, other agents who are deliberating collectively. In the approach proposed, it's the entire group of agents, not an external supervisor, who integrate the different opinions. This is achieved through an election mechanism, The principle of "priority to the incoming information" as known from AI models of belief revision are problematic, when applied to factfinding by a jury. The present approach incorporates a computable model for local belief revision, such that a principle of recoverability is adopted. By this principle, any previously held belief must belong to the current cognitive state if consistent with it. For the purposes of jury simulation such a model calls for refinement. Yet we claim, it constitutes a valid basis for an open system where other AI functionalities (or outer stiumuli) could attempt to handle other aspects of the deliberation which are more specifi to legal narrative, to argumentation in court, and then to the debate among the jurors.


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Linear poly(amidoamine)s (PAAs) have been designed to exhibit minimal non-specific toxicity, display pH-dependent membrane lysis and deliver genes and toxins in vitro. The aim of this study was to measure PAA cellular uptake using ISA1-OG (and as a reference ISA23-OG) in B16F10 cells in vitro and, by subcellular fractionation, quantitate intracellular trafficking of (125)I-labelled ISA1-tyr in liver cells after intravenous (i.v.) administration to rats. The effect of time after administration (0.5-3h) and ISA1 dose (0.04-100mg/kg) on trafficking, and vesicle permeabilisation (N-acetyl-b-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) release from an isolated vesicular fraction) were also studied. ISA1-OG displayed approximately 60-fold greater B16F10 cell uptake than ISA23-OG. Passage of ISA1 along the liver cell endocytic pathway caused a transient decrease in vesicle buoyant density (also visible by TEM). Increasing ISA1 dose from 10mg/kg to 100mg/kg increased both radioactivity and NAG levels in the cytosolic fraction (5-10 fold) at 1h. Moreover, internalised ISA1 provoked NAG release from an isolated vesicular fraction in a dose-dependent manner. These results provide direct evidence, for the first time, of PAA permeabilisation of endocytic vesicular membranes in vivo, and they have important implications for potential efficacy/toxicity of such polymeric vectors.


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This conference paper looks at evidence of 15th- and 16th-century saints' images on carved door frames at the church of S. Zanipolo (SS Giovanni e Paolo) in Venice, using them to help locate and reconstruct the history of the 'albergo' of the confraternity dedicated to St Peter Martyr and St Vincent Ferrer. Suggestions are made concerning the possible relationship of confraternity buildings outside a church to altars dedicated to the same saint(s) within that church.


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Two series of ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complexes [Ru(bipy)2(phpytr)]+ and [Ru(bipy)2(phpztr)]+ (where Hphpytr = 2-(5-phenyl-1H-[1,2,4]triazol-3-yl)-pyridine and Hphpztr = 2-(5-phenyl-1H-[1,2,4]triazol-3-yl)-pyrazine) are examined by electrochemistry, UV/Vis, emission, resonance Raman, transient resonance Raman and transient absorption spectroscopy, in order to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of their excited state electronic properties. The interpretation of the results obtained is facilitated by the availability of several isotopologues of each of the complexes examined. For the pyridine-1,2,4-triazolato based complex the lowest emissive excited state is exclusively bipy based, however, for the pyrazine based complexes excited state localisation on particular ligands shows considerable solvent and pH dependency.


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Liquid droplets suspended by the tip of a thin wire, a glass capillary, or a needle form high-Q optical resonators, thanks to surface tension. Under gravity equilibrium conditions, the maximum drop diameter is approximately 1.5 mm for paraffin oil (volume ∼ 0.5 μL) using, for instance, a silica fiber with 250 μm thickness. Whispering gallery modes are excited by a free-space near-infrared laser that is frequency locked to the cavity resonance. The droplet cavity serves as a miniature laboratory for sensing of chemical species and particles.


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La presente investigación trata de poner énfasis en la importancia del paisaje en Deserto Rosso de Michelangelo Antonioni, erigiéndose este como elemento fundamental de la trama argumental del filme. Partiendo de esta premisa, se analiza el significado de dicho paisaje en el contexto socioartístico de los años 60. La interacción del hombre con su entorno parece ser el punto de partida para una reflexión más profunda sobre el devenir humano. Las nuevas conquistas estéticas alcanzadas y el análisis históricoartístico de los precedentes más inmediatos del filme, sitúan a Deserto Rosso como obra cumbre de la neovanguardia posmoderna europea.


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Educating the public accurately about Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is an important undertaking, not least because misconceptions and myths about ABA abound. In this paper we argue that, unfortunately, the efforts of many dedicated professionals and parents to disseminate accurate information about the benefits of ABA for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are damaged by a few behavior analysts whose focus seems to be more on monetary gains than social responsibility. We cite examples of the resulting harm to the public image of behavior analysis from a number of European countries. We conclude by calling upon fellow scientists to unite in their opposition to unscrupulous abuses of free market forces for short-term monetary gains that damage the dissemination of the science of behavior analysis and thereby ultimately disadvantage those who should benefit primarily from our science, i.e., some of the most vulnerable citizens of society.


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