980 resultados para PSI core complex


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The ability to imitate complex sounds is rare, and among birds has been found only in parrots, songbirds, and hummingbirds. Parrots exhibit the most advanced vocal mimicry among non-human animals. A few studies have noted differences in connectivity, brain position and shape in the vocal learning systems of parrots relative to songbirds and hummingbirds. However, only one parrot species, the budgerigar, has been examined and no differences in the presence of song system structures were found with other avian vocal learners. Motivated by questions of whether there are important differences in the vocal systems of parrots relative to other vocal learners, we used specialized constitutive gene expression, singing-driven gene expression, and neural connectivity tracing experiments to further characterize the song system of budgerigars and/or other parrots. We found that the parrot brain uniquely contains a song system within a song system. The parrot "core" song system is similar to the song systems of songbirds and hummingbirds, whereas the "shell" song system is unique to parrots. The core with only rudimentary shell regions were found in the New Zealand kea, representing one of the only living species at a basal divergence with all other parrots, implying that parrots evolved vocal learning systems at least 29 million years ago. Relative size differences in the core and shell regions occur among species, which we suggest could be related to species differences in vocal and cognitive abilities.


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The core structure of <110] superdislocations in L10 TiAl was investigated with a view to clarifying their dissociation abilities and the mechanisms by which they may become sessile by self-locking. A detailed knowledge of the fine structure of dislocations is essential in analysing the origin of the various deformation features. Atomistic simulation of the core structure and glide of the screw <110] superdislocation was carried out using a bond order potential for ?-TiAl. The core structure of the screw <110] superdislocation was examined, starting with initial unrelaxed configurations corresponding to various dislocation dissociations discussed in the literature. The superdislocation was found to possess in the screw orientation either planar (glissile) or non-planar (sessile) core structures. The response of the core configurations to externally applied shear stress was studied. Some implications were considered of the dissociated configurations and their response to externally applied stress on dislocation dynamics, including the issue of dislocation decomposition, the mechanism of locking and the orientation dependence of the dislocation substructure observed in single-phase ?-TiAl. An unexpectedly rich and complex set of candidate core structures, both planar and non-planar, was found, the cores of which may transform under applied stress with consequent violation of Schmid's law.


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SoC systems are now being increasingly constructed using a hierarchy of subsystems or silicon Intellectual Property (IP) cores. The key challenge is to use these cores in a highly efficient manner which can be difficult as the internal core structure may not be known. A design methodology based on synthesizing hierarchical circuit descriptions is presented. The paper employs the MARS synthesis scheduling algorithm within the existing IRIS synthesis flow and details how it can be enhanced to allow for design exploration of IP cores. It is shown that by accessing parameterised expressions for the datapath latencies in the cores, highly efficient FPGA solutions can be achieved. Hardware sharing at both the hierarchical and flattened levels is explored for a normalized lattice filter and results are presented.


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The mechanism of energy converting NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex 1) is Still unknown. A current controversy centers around the question whether electron transport of complex I is always linked to vectorial proton translocation or whether in some organisms the enzyme pumps sodium ions instead. To develop better experimental tools to elucidate its mechanism, we have reconstituted the affinity purified enzyme into proteoliposomes and monitored the generation of Delta pH and Delta psi. We tested several detergents to solubilize the asolectin used for liposome formation. Tightly coupled proteoliposomes containing highly active complex I were obtained by detergent removal with BioBeads after total solubilization or the phospholipids with n-octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside. We have used dyes to monitor the formation of the two components of the proton motive force, Delta pH and Delta psi, across the liposomal membrane, and analyzed the effects of inhibitors, uncouplers and ionophores on this process. We show that electron transfer of complex I of the lower eukaryote Y. lipolytica is clearly linked to proton translocation. While this study was not specifically designed to demonstrate possible additional sodium translocating properties of complex 1, we did not find indications for primary or secondary Na+ translocation by Y lipolytica complex I. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Context. Complex molecules such as ethanol and dimethyl ether have been observed in a number of hot molecular cores and hot corinos. Attempts to model the molecular formation process using gas phase only models have so far been unsuccessful. Aims. To demonstrate that grain surface processing is a viable mechanism for complex molecule formation in these environments. Methods. A variable environment parameter computer model has been constructed which includes both gas and surface chemistry. This is used to investigate a variety of cloud collapse scenarios. Results. Comparison between model results and observation shows that by combining grain surface processing with gas phase chemistry complex molecules can be produced in observed abundances in a number of core and corino scenarios. Differences in abundances are due to the initial atomic and molecular composition of the core/corino and varying collapse timescales. Conclusions. Grain surface processing, combined with variation of physical conditions, can be regarded as a viable method for the formation of complex molecules in the environment found in the vicinity of a hot core/corino and produce abundances comparable to those observed.


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A metal complex with a micelle-like, core-shell structure adopts higher nuclearity in water than in organic solvents, thereby imitating also the growth of a micelle, but through covalent rather than non-covalent aggregation.


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Methods for rapid and simple analysis of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from bacterial whole-cell lysates or membrane preparations have contributed to advancing our knowledge of the genetics of the LPS biogenesis. LPS, a major constituent of the outer membranes in Gram-negative bacteria, has a complex mechanism of synthesis and assembly that requires the coordinated participation of many genes and gene products. This chapter describes a collection of methods routinely used in our laboratory for the characterization of LPS in Escherichia coli and other bacteria.


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High catalytic activity and selectivity has been demonstrated for the oxidation of both aliphatic and aromatic amines to nitriles under benign conditions with dioxygen or air using the Ru2Cl4(az-tpy)(2) complex. The conversion was found to be strongly influenced by the alkyl chain length of the reactant with shorter chain amines found to have lower conversions than those with longer chains. Importantly, by using the ruthenium terpyridine complex functionalized with azulenyl moiety at the 4 position of central pyridine core provided a much higher reactivity catalyst compared with a series of ruthenium terpyridine-based ligand complexes reported. Mechanistic studies using deuterated benzylamine demonstrated the importance of RuOH in this reaction.


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Software-programmable `soft' processors have shown tremendous potential for efficient realisation of high performance signal processing operations on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), whilst lowering the design burden by avoiding the need to design fine-grained custom circuit archi-tectures. However, the complex data access patterns, high memory bandwidth and computational requirements of sliding window applications, such as Motion Estimation (ME) and Matrix Multiplication (MM), lead to low performance, inefficient soft processor realisations. This paper resolves this issue, showing how by adding support for block data addressing and accelerators for high performance loop execution, performance and resource efficiency over four times better than current best-in-class metrics can be achieved. In addition, it demonstrates the first recorded real-time soft ME estimation realisation for H.263 systems.


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The increasing design complexity associated with modern Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) has prompted the emergence of 'soft'-programmable processors which attempt to replace at least part of the custom circuit design problem with a problem of programming parallel processors. Despite substantial advances in this technology, its performance and resource efficiency for computationally complex operations remains in doubt. In this paper we present the first recorded implementation of a softcore Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT) on Xilinx Virtex FPGA technology. By employing a streaming processing architecture, we show how it is possible to achieve architectures which offer 1.1 GSamples/s throughput and up to 19 times speed-up against the Xilinx Radix-2 FFT dedicated circuit with comparable cost.


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We have investigated inner-shell excitation of the LiH + molecular ion by electron impact within several different collision models to delineate Rydberg autoionizing resonance structure associated with the LiH + (1σ2σ 2 2 Σ + ) core-excited threshold. The minimal representation requires only the retention of the 1σ and 2σ molecular orbitals, in which the core-excited state involves the promotion of a single electron into the 2σ orbital. This model is extended to include two further representations, in which both the 3σ and 4σ orbitals obtained from a self-consistent field calculation improve target representation, correlation and support additional autoionization channels. This affects the autoionization widths and to a lesser degree the positions of the LiH (1σ2σ 2 n s, n p 1,3 Σ + ) resonance series. Comparing our work with calculations on the counterpart atomic Be system assists in the assignment of the core-excited molecular resonance states. The results from our investigation provide helpful insights into the study of inner-shell transitions produced by electron or photon impact in more complex diatomic molecules.


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A CIF é um sistema de classificação adotado pela OMS, que serve de referência universal para descrever, avaliar e medir saúde e incapacidade, a nível individual e ao nível da população. Contudo, apesar do interesse internacional gerado em torno da CIF, esta é considerada uma classificação complexa e extensa, fato que despoletou a criação de core sets – listas de itens da CIF especificamente selecionados pela sua relevância na descrição e qualificação de uma determinada condição de saúde – como resposta a esta problemática. Até à data, foram desenvolvidos core sets para várias patologias comuns. Contudo, apesar do controlo motor ser uma área de investigação muito reconhecida nos últimos 20 anos, ainda não possui um core set próprio. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é contribuir para o desenvolvimento de um core set, com base na CIF-CJ, dirigido para uma descrição abrangente das competências inerentes a crianças, dos 6 aos 18 anos de idade, com défices no controlo motor. Deste modo, recorreu-se a uma revisão da literatura sobre a temática em estudo, de modo a reunir informação para a construção de uma proposta a core set, posteriormente sujeita ao escrutínio de peritos, através do recurso ao método de Delphi. Após várias rondas, foi alcançado um consenso acerca da lista final de códigos CIF que constituem o core set final.


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Num contexto de crescente complexidade e disponibilidade de informação, a gestão do capital intelectual assume cada vez mais preponderância como vantagem competitiva para as empresas que procuram maximizar o valor gerado. Esta investigação usa como metodologia príncipal o VAIC (coeficiente intelectual do valor adicionado), para assim estudar a existência de relação entre capital intelectual e a performance bolsista e financeira das empresas do PSI20. O VAIC é decomposto nos seus três indicadores de eficiência, tais como: capital humano, capital estrutural e capital físico. Os dados contemplam quinze empresas e nove anos de análise (2003 - 2011). Elaborou-se uma abordagem que recorre à utilização de técnicas econométricas para reduzir potênciais falhas no tratamento de dados em painel. Os resultados da análise demonstram uma relação positiva entre a aposta em capital intelectual a performance bolsista e financeira, ou seja, a utilização e gestão eficientes do capital intelectual contribuem de forma significativa na avaliação bolsista e financeira das empresas do PSI20.


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Multi-core processors is a design philosophy that has become mainstream in scientific and engineering applications. Increasing performance and gate capacity of recent FPGA devices has permitted complex logic systems to be implemented on a single programmable device. By using VHDL here we present an implementation of one multi-core processor by using the PLASMA IP core based on the (most) MIPS I ISA and give an overview of the processor architecture and share theexecution results.


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Upon infection, antigen-specific naive CD8 T cells are activated and differentiate into short-lived effector cells (SLECs) and memory precursor cells (MPECs). The underlying signaling pathways remain largely unresolved. We show that Rictor, the core component of mammalian target of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2), regulates SLEC and MPEC commitment. Rictor deficiency favors memory formation and increases IL-2 secretion capacity without dampening effector functions. Moreover, mTORC2-deficient memory T cells mount more potent recall responses. Enhanced memory formation in the absence of mTORC2 was associated with Eomes and Tcf-1 upregulation, repression of T-bet, enhanced mitochondrial spare respiratory capacity, and fatty acid oxidation. This transcriptional and metabolic reprogramming is mainly driven by nuclear stabilization of Foxo1. Silencing of Foxo1 reversed the increased MPEC differentiation and IL-2 production and led to an impaired recall response of Rictor KO memory T cells. Therefore, mTORC2 is a critical regulator of CD8 T cell differentiation and may be an important target for immunotherapy interventions.