OBJECTIVE: Aim of the study was to correlate urethral retro resistance pressure with the maximum urethral closure pressure (MUCP) and functional urethral length (FUL) in patients with urinary incontinence and healthy individuals. STUDY DESIGN: Two hundred and twenty patients with the complaint of urinary incontinence had a urodynamic examination including urethral pressure profiles and URP. Additionally, 15 healthy individuals without the complaint of any incontinence had their URP and urethral pressure profiles measured. The correlation of MUCP, FUL and URP were calculated using Graph Pad Instat 4.0 for windows. RESULTS: URP correlates well with the diagnosis of urodynamic stress incontinence. Correlation coefficient between URP and MUCP is 0.9262. Healthy individuals have significantly higher values for URP and MUCP. CONCLUSION: URP is a valuable less invasive test than conventional urethral function tests for the diagnosis of urodynamic incontinence with an excellent correlation of MUCP and URP.
A novel computer-assisted injection device for the delivery of highly viscous bone cements in vertebroplasty is presented. It addresses the shortcomings of manual injection systems ranging from low-pressure and poor level of control to device failure. The presented instrument is capable of generating a maximum pressure of 5000 kPa in traditional 6-ml syringes and provides an advanced control interface for precise cement delivery from outside radiation fields emitted by intraoperative imaging systems. The integrated real-time monitoring of injection parameters, such as flow-rate, volume, pressure, and viscosity, simplifies consistent documentation of interventions and establishes a basis for the identification of safe injection protocols on the longer term. Control algorithms prevent device failure due to overloading and provide means to immediately stop cement flow to avoid leakage into adjacent tissues.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the agreement of blood pressure measurements and hypertension scores obtained by use of 3 indirect arterial blood pressure measurement devices in hospitalized dogs. Design-Diagnostic test evaluation. ANIMALS: 29 client-owned dogs. PROCEDURES: 5 to 7 consecutive blood pressure readings were obtained from each dog on each of 3 occasions with a Doppler ultrasonic flow detector, a standard oscillometric device (STO), and a high-definition oscillometric device (HDO). RESULTS: When the individual sets of 5 to 7 readings were evaluated, the coefficient of variation for systolic arterial blood pressure (SAP) exceeded 20% for 0% (Doppler), 11 % (STO), and 28% (HDO) of the sets of readings. After readings that exceeded a 20% coefficient of variation were discarded, repeatability was within 25 (Doppler), 37 (STO), and 39 (HDO) mm Hg for SAP. Correlation of mean values among the devices was between 0.47 and 0.63. Compared with Doppler readings, STO underestimated and HDO overestimated SAP. Limits of agreement between mean readings of any 2 devices were wide. With the hypertension scale used to score SAP, the intraclass correlation of scores was 0.48. Linear-weighted inter-rater reliability between scores was 0.40 (Doppler vs STO), 0.38 (Doppler vs HDO), and 0.29 (STO vs HDO). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results of this study suggested that no meaningful clinical comparison can be made between blood pressure readings obtained from the same dog with different indirect blood pressure measurement devices.
The clinical demand for a device to monitor Blood Pressure (BP) in ambulatory scenarios with minimal use of inflation cuffs is increasing. Based on the so-called Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) principle, this paper introduces and evaluates a novel concept of BP monitor that can be fully integrated within a chest sensor. After a preliminary calibration, the sensor provides non-occlusive beat-by-beat estimations of Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) by measuring the Pulse Transit Time (PTT) of arterial pressure pulses travelling from the ascending aorta towards the subcutaneous vasculature of the chest. In a cohort of 15 healthy male subjects, a total of 462 simultaneous readings consisting of reference MAP and chest PTT were acquired. Each subject was recorded at three different days: D, D+3 and D+14. Overall, the implemented protocol induced MAP values to range from 80 ± 6 mmHg in baseline, to 107 ± 9 mmHg during isometric handgrip maneuvers. Agreement between reference and chest-sensor MAP values was tested by using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC = 0.78) and Bland-Altman analysis (mean error = 0.7 mmHg, standard deviation = 5.1 mmHg). The cumulative percentage of MAP values provided by the chest sensor falling within a range of ±5 mmHg compared to reference MAP readings was of 70%, within ±10 mmHg was of 91%, and within ±15mmHg was of 98%. These results point at the fact that the chest sensor complies with the British Hypertension Society (BHS) requirements of Grade A BP monitors, when applied to MAP readings. Grade A performance was maintained even two weeks after having performed the initial subject-dependent calibration. In conclusion, this paper introduces a sensor and a calibration strategy to perform MAP measurements at the chest. The encouraging performance of the presented technique paves the way towards an ambulatory-compliant, continuous and non-occlusive BP monitoring system.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Visit-to-visit variability in systolic blood pressure (SBP) is associated with an increased risk of stroke and was reduced in randomized trials by calcium channel blockers and diuretics but not by renin-angiotensin system inhibitors. However, time of day effects could not be determined. Day-to-day variability on home BP readings predicts stroke risk and potentially offers a practical method of monitoring response to variability-directed treatment. METHODS SBP mean, maximum, and variability (coefficient of variation=SD/mean) were determined in 500 consecutive transient ischemic attack or minor stroke patients on 1-month home BP monitoring (3 BPs, 3× daily). Hypertension was treated to a standard protocol. Differences in SBP variability from 3 to 10 days before to 8 to 15 days after starting or increasing calcium channel blockers/diuretics versus renin-angiotensin system inhibitors versus both were compared by general linear models, adjusted for risk factors and baseline BP. RESULTS Among 288 eligible interventions, variability in SBP was reduced after increased treatment with calcium channel blockers/diuretics versus both versus renin-angiotensin system inhibitors (-4.0 versus 6.9 versus 7.8%; P=0.015), primarily because of effects on maximum SBP (-4.6 versus -1.0 versus -1.0%; P=0.001), with no differences in effect on mean SBP. Class differences were greatest for early-morning SBP variability (3.6 versus 17.0 versus 38.3; P=0.002) and maximum (-4.8 versus -2.0 versus -0.7; P=0.001), with no effect on midmorning (P=0.29), evening (P=0.65), or diurnal variability (P=0.92). CONCLUSIONS After transient ischemic attack or minor stroke, calcium channel blockers and diuretics reduced variability and maximum home SBP, primarily because of effects on morning readings. Home BP readings enable monitoring of response to SBP variability-directed treatment in patients with recent cerebrovascular events.
Identification of a sediment/basement contact using seismic reflection recordings has proven to be extremely difficult in wide areas of the North Pacific Ocean owing to the presence of massive, highly reflective chert layers within the sediment column. Leg 136 of the Ocean Drilling Program recovered coherent pieces of chert of sufficient size for the first comprehensive laboratory measurements of the seismic properties of this material. Compressional-wave velocities of six samples at 40-MPa confining pressure averaged 5.33 km/s, whereas shear-wave velocities at the same pressure averaged 3.48 km/s. Velocities were independent of porosity, which ranged from 5% to 13%, suggesting that pores within the samples were mostly high aspect ratio vugs as opposed to low aspect ratio cracks. Back-scattered electron images made with a scanning electron microscope confirmed this observation. Acoustic impedances were calculated for the chert samples and from shipboard measurements of the red clay sediment overlying the chert layers. An extremely large compressional-wave reflection coefficient (0.73) characterized the interface between the two lithologies. A synthetic seismogram was calculated using chert and typical pelagic carbonate properties to illustrate the influence of chert layers on a marine seismic-reflection section. Compressional-wave to shear-wave velocity ratios of the chert samples (Vp/Vs =1.53) are close to that of single-crystal quartz in spite of variable porosity. Shear-wave reflection coefficients are estimated to be approximately 0.94. A compressional-wave reflection coefficient for a basement/sediment (carbonate) interface is estimated to be approximately 0.50, significantly less than that of sediment/chert.
To check on the assumption that metabolic products of planktonic organisms can affect the coefficient of dynamic viscosity of seawater, viscosity was measured in water samples taken from depths of 0 to 1843 m, west of the Hawaiian Islands. Obtained results showed that plankton has no effect on viscosity of water in regions of low productivity and that viscosity can be determined with high degree of accuracy from the appropriate tables.
Pressure measurements on the surface of a 1:230 scale model of Bolund Island are presented. The model is smooth and no boundary layer generation has been considered since the experiment is designed as the simplest possible reference case. Measurement have been taken for a range of Reynolds numbers based on the average undisturbed wind speed U∞ and the maximum height of the island, h [1.7×104, 8.5×104], and for a range of wind directions. Four minutes time series of pressure in more than 400 points have been acquired and analysed to obtain the spatial distribution of both the time average and the variance of the pressure signal. The horizontal extension of the detachment bubble for the different Reynolds numbers and wind directions is identified by isobars and curves of constant value of pressure variance. The applicability of this technique for evaluating the horizontal topology of high turbulence regions associated to detachment bubbles after escarpments in potential wind farm sites is analysed. The results obtained shows that the behaviour of the mean pressure coefficient, Cp, the std. pressure coefficient, Cp, and the skewness of the pressure, Sp can be used to study the bubble over the island to a certain extent. This experiment is part of the set of different analysis on the Bolund test case that is being undertaken within WAUDIT project by the different scientific groups.
This paper analyses the influence of lubricant behaviour on the appearance of pitting. It attempts to study the effect of viscosity?pressure relation, compressibility, film thickness?roughness relation and friction coefficient on pitting failure of the contacting elements.To explain these effects, we first deal with the influence of the oil on the lubrication of the contact using elastohydrodynamic theory and secondly two multiaxial fatigue criteria are used, Crossland criterion and Dang Van criterion, to evaluate the influence of the rheology on the appearance of pitting. Finally, different applications are presented together with a discussion on the results obtained.
La fatiga superficial es uno de los principales problemas en las transmisiones mecánicas y es uno de los focos de atención de las investigaciones de los últimos anos en Tribología. La disminución de viscosidad de los lubricantes para la mejora de la eficiencia, el aumento de las potencias a transmitir, el aumento de la vida de los componentes o la mejora de su fiabilidad han supuesto que los fenómenos de fatiga superficial hayan cobrado especial relevancia, especialmente los fenómenos de pitting y micropitting en cajas multiplicadoras/reductoras de grandes potencias de aplicación, por ejemplo, en el sector eólico. Como todo fenómeno de fatiga, el pitting y micropitting son debidos a la aplicación de cargas ciclicas. Su aparición depende de las presiones y tensiones cortantes en el contacto entre dos superficies que al encontrarse en rodadura y deslizamiento varian con el tiempo. La principal consecuencia de la fatiga superficial es la aparición de hoyuelos de diferente magnitud segun la escala del fenómeno (pitting o micropitting) en la superficie del material. La aparición de estos hoyuelos provoca la perdida de material, induce vibraciones y sobrecargas en el elemento que finalmente acaba fallando. Debido a la influencia de la presión y tensión cortante en el contacto, la aparición de fatiga depende fuertemente del lubricante que se encuentre entre las dos superficies y de las condiciones de funcionamiento en las cuales este trabajando. Cuando el contacto trabaja en condiciones de lubricacion mixta-elastohidrodinamica tiende a aparecer micropitting debido a las altas tensiones localizadas en las proximidades de las asperezas, mientras que si el régimen es de lubricación completa el tipo de fatiga superficial suele ser pitting debido a las tensiones mas suavizadas y menos concentradas. En esta Tesis Doctoral se han analizado todos estos factores de influencia que controlan el pitting y el micropitting prestando especial atención al efecto del lubricante. Para ello, se ha dado un enfoque conjunto a ambos fenómenos resolviendo las ecuaciones involucradas en el contacto elastohidrodinamico no-Newtoniano (la ecuación de Reynolds, la deformación elástica de los sólidos y la reologia del lubricante) para conocer la presión y la tensión cortante en el contacto. Conocidas estas, se resuelve el campo de tensiones en el interior del material y, finalmente, se aplican criterios de fatiga multiaxial (Crossland, Dang Van y Liu-Mahadevan) para conocer si el material falla o no falla. Con la metodología desarrollada se ha analizado el efecto sobre las tensiones y la aparición de la fatiga superficial del coeficiente viscosidad-presion, de la compresibilidad, del espesor especifico de película y de la fricción así como de la influencia de las propiedades a fatiga del material y de las condiciones de funcionamiento (radios de contacto, velocidad, deslizamiento, carga y temperatura). Para la validación de los resultados se han utilizado resultados teóricos y experimentales de otros autores junto con normas internacionales de amplia utilización en el mundo industrial, entre otras, para el diseño y calculo de engranajes. A parte del trabajo realizado por simulación y cálculo de los diferentes modelos desarrollados, se ha realizado un importante trabajo experimental que ha servido no solo para validar la herramienta desarrollada sino que además ha permitido incorporar al estudio factores no considerados en los modelos, como los aditivos del lubricante. Se han realizado ensayos de medida del coeficiente de fricción en una maquina de ensayo puntual con la que se ha validado el cálculo del coeficiente de fricción y se ha desarrollado un proceso de mejora del coeficiente de fricción mediante texturizado superficial en contactos puntuales elastohidrodinamicos mediante fotolitografia y ataque quimico. Junto con los ensayos de medida de fricción en contacto puntual se han realizado ensayos de fricción y fatiga superficial en contacto lineal mediante una maquina de discos que ha permitido evaluar la influencia de diferentes aditivos (modificadores de fricción, antidesgaste y extrema-presion) en la aparición de fatiga superficial (pitting y micropitting) y la fricción en el contacto. Abstract Surface fatigue is one of the most important problems of mechanical transmissions and therefore has been one of the main research topics on Tribology during the last years. On the one hand, industrial demand on fuel economy has led to reduce lubricant viscosity in order to improve efficiency. On the other hand, the requirements of power and life of machine elements are continuously increasing, together with the improvements in reliability. As a consequence, surface fatigue phenomena have become critical in machinery, in particular pitting and micropitting in high power gearboxes of every kind of machines, e.g., wind turbines or cranes. In line with every fatigue phenomena, pitting and micropitting are caused by cyclic loads. Their appearance depends on the evolution of pressures and shear stresses with time, throughout the contact between surfaces under rolling and sliding conditions. The main consequence of surface fatigue is the appearance of pits on the surface. The size of the pits is related to the scale of the fatigue: pitting or micropitting. These pits cause material loss, vibrations and overloads until the final failure is reached. Due to the great influence of the pressures and shear stresses in surface fatigue, the appearance of pits depends directly on the lubricant and the operating conditions. When the contact works under mixed regime (or under elastohydrodynamic but close to mixed regime) the main fatigue failure is micropitting because of the high pressures located near the asperities. In contrast, when the contact works under elastohydrodynamic fully flooded conditions the typical fatigue failure is pitting. In this Ph.D. Thesis, the main factors with influence on pitting and micropitting phenomena are analyzed, with special attention to the effect of the lubricant. For this purpose, pitting and micropitting are studied together by solving the equations involved in the non-Newtonian elastohydrodynamic contact. Thus, pressure and shear stress distributions are found by taking into account Reynolds equation, elastic deflection of the solids and lubricant rheology. Subsequently, the stress field inside the material can be calculated and different multiaxial fatigue criteria (Crossland, Dang Van and Liu- Mahadevan) can be applied to predict whether fatigue failure is reached. The influences of the main parameters on pressure and surface fatigue have been studied, taking into account the lubricant compressibility and its viscosity-pressure coefficient, the specific film thickness, the friction coefficient and the fatigue properties of the contacting materials, together with the operating conditions (contact radius, mean velocity, sliding velocity, load and temperature). Several theoretical and experimental studies of different authors have been used to validate all the results obtained, together with international standards used worldwide in gear design industry. Moreover, an experimental stage has been carried out in order to validate the calculation methods and introduce additional influences not included previously, e.g., lubricant additives. The experimentation includes different friction tests in point contacts performed with a tribological equipment in order to validate the results given by the calculations. Furthermore, the reduction and optimization of the friction coefficient is analyzed by means of textured surfaces, obtained combining photolithography and chemical etching techniques. Besides the friction tests with point contact, friction and surface fatigue tests have also been performed with line contact in a tribological test rig. This equipment is also used to study the influence of different types of additives (friction modifiers, anti-wear and extreme-pressure additives) on surface fatigue (pitting and micropitting).
Pressure measurements on the surface of a 1:230 scale model of Bolund Island are presented. The model is smooth and no boundary layer generation has been considered since the experiment is designed as the simplest possible reference case. Measurement have been taken for a range of Reynolds numbers based on the average undisturbed wind speed U? and the maximum height of the island, h [1.7×104 , 8.5×104], and for a range of wind directions. Four minutes time series of pressure in more than 400 points have been acquired and analysed to obtain the spatial distribution of both the time average and the variance of the pressure signal. The horizontal extension of the detachment bubble for the different Reynolds numbers and wind directions is identified by isobars and curves of constant value of pressure variance. The applicability of this technique for evaluating the horizontal topology of high turbulence regions associated to detachment bubbles after escarpments in potential wind farm sites is analysed. The results obtained shows that the behaviour of the mean pressure coefficient, Cp, the std. pressure coefficient, C?p, and the skewness of the pressure, Sp can be used to study the bubble over the island to a certain extent. This experiment is part of the set of different analysis on the Bolund test case that is being undertaken within WAUDIT project by the different scientific groups.
Hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films were deposited using a high pressure sputtering (HPS) system. In this work, we have studied the composition and optical properties of the films (band-gap, absorption coefficient), and their dependence with the deposition parameters. For films deposited at high pressure (1 mbar), composition measurements show a critical dependence of the purity of the films with the RF power. Films manufactured with RF-power above 80W exhibit good properties for future application, similar to the films deposited by CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) for hydrogenated amorphous silicon.
This study shows the air flow behavior through the geometry of a freight truck inside a AF6109 wind tunnel with the purpose to predict the speed, pressure and turbulence fields made by the air flow, to decrease the aerodynamic resistance, to calculate the dragging coefficient, to evaluate the aerodynamics of the geometry of the prototype using the CFD technique and to compare the results of the simulation with the results obtained experimentally with the “PETER 739 HAULER” scaled freight truck model located on the floor of the test chamber. The Geometry went through a numerical simulation process using the CFX 5,7. The obtained results showed the behavior of the air flow through the test chamber, and also it showed the variations of speed and pressure at the exit of the chamber and the calculations of the coefficient and the dragging force on the geometry of the freight truck. The evaluation of the aerodynamics showed that the aerodynamic deflector is a device that helped the reduction the dragging produced in a significant way by the air. Furthermore, the dragging coefficient and force on the prototype freight truck could be estimated establishing an incomplete similarity.
A simple analytical model for the train-induced flow and its effects on pedestrians is presented in this paper. The expressions developed for the induced air velocity and pressure on the pedestrian surface, as well as their dependence with time, are obtained from unsteady potential theory. The relevant parameters and their effects are analysed, in particular the sensitivity of the pressure coefficient and its rate of change on the train and pedestrian transverse size, the distance to the tracks and the pressure measurement location on the pedestrian surface. In spite of the extreme simplicity of the model and the expressions obtained, good correlation is observed with previously existing experiments. With this work, an absence of published studies concerning analytical approaches to the problem of vehicle-induced pressure on pedestrians is intended to be covered, allowing for simplified testing procedures.