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Small scale yielding around a mode I crack is analysed using polycrystalline discrete dislocation plasticity. Plane strain analyses are carried out with the dislocations all of edge character and modelled as line singularities in a linear elastic material. The lattice resistance to dislocation motion, nucleation, interaction with obstacles and annihilation are incorporated through a set of constitutive rules. Grain boundaries are modelled as impenetrable to dislocations. The polycrystalline material is taken to consist of two types of square grains, one of which has a bcc-like orientation and the other an fcc-like orientation. For both orientations there are three active slip systems. Alternating rows, alternating columns and a checker-board-like arrangement of the grains is used to construct the polycrystalline materials. Consistent with the increasing yield strength of the polycrystalline material with decreasing grain size, the calculations predict a decrease in both the plastic zone size and the crack-tip opening displacement for a given applied mode I stress intensity factor. Furthermore, slip-band and kink-band formation is inhibited by all grain arrangements and, with decreasing grain size, the stress and strain distributions more closely resemble the HRR fields with the crack-tip opening approximately inversely proportional to the yield strength of the polycrystalline materials. The calculations predict a reduction in fracture toughness with decreasing grain size associated with the grain boundaries acting as effective barriers to dislocation motion.


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A systematic study of the parameter space of graphene chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on polycrystalline Cu foils is presented, aiming at a more fundamental process rationale in particular regarding the choice of carbon precursor and mitigation of Cu sublimation. CH 4 as precursor requires H 2 dilution and temperatures ≥1000 °C to keep the Cu surface reduced and yield a high-quality, complete monolayer graphene coverage. The H 2 atmosphere etches as-grown graphene; hence, maintaining a balanced CH 4/H 2 ratio is critical. Such balance is more easily achieved at low-pressure conditions, at which however Cu sublimation reaches deleterious levels. In contrast, C 6H 6 as precursor requires no reactive diluent and consistently gives similar graphene quality at 100-150 °C lower temperatures. The lower process temperature and more robust processing conditions allow the problem of Cu sublimation to be effectively addressed. Graphene formation is not inherently self-limited to a monolayer for any of the precursors. Rather, the higher the supplied carbon chemical potential, the higher the likelihood of film inhomogeneity and primary and secondary multilayer graphene nucleation. For the latter, domain boundaries of the inherently polycrystalline CVD graphene offer pathways for a continued carbon supply to the catalyst. Graphene formation is significantly affected by the Cu crystallography; i.e., the evolution of microstructure and texture of the catalyst template form an integral part of the CVD process. © 2012 American Chemical Society.


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The unique response of ferroic materials to external excitations facilitates them for diverse technologies, such as nonvolatile memory devices. The primary driving force behind this response is encoded in domain switching. In bulk ferroics, domains switch in a two-step process: nucleation and growth. For ferroelectrics, this can be explained by the Kolmogorov-Avrami-Ishibashi (KAI) model. Nevertheless, it is unclear whether domains remain correlated in finite geometries, as required by the KAI model. Moreover, although ferroelastic domains exist in many ferroelectrics, experimental limitations have hindered the study of their switching mechanisms. This uncertainty limits our understanding of domain switching and controllability, preventing thin-film and polycrystalline ferroelectrics from reaching their full technological potential. Here we used piezoresponse force microscopy to study the switching mechanisms of ferroelectric-ferroelastic domains in thin polycrystalline Pb 0.7Zr0.3TiO3 films at the nanometer scale. We have found that switched biferroic domains can nucleate at multiple sites with a coherence length that may span several grains, and that nucleators merge to form mesoscale domains, in a manner consistent with that expected from the KAI model. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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$La_{0.7}Ca_{0.3}MnO_3$ samples were prepared in nano- and polycrystalline forms by sol-gel and solid state reaction methods, respectively, and structurally characterized by synchrotron X-ray diffraction. The magnetic properties determined by ac susceptibility and dc magnetization measurements are discussed. The magnetocaloric effect in this nanocrystalline manganite is spread over a broader temperature interval than in the polycrystalline case. The relative cooling power of the poly- and nanocrystalline manganites is used to evaluate a possible application for magnetic cooling below room temperature.


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La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 samples were prepared in nano- and polycrystalline forms by the sol-gel and solid state reaction methods, respectively, and structurally characterized by synchrotron X-ray diffraction. The magnetic properties determined by ac susceptibility and dc magnetization measurements are discussed. The magnetocaloric effect in this nanocrystalline manganite is spread over a broader temperature interval than in the polycrystalline case. The relative cooling power of the poly- and nanocrystalline manganites is used to evaluate a possible application for magnetic cooling below room temperature. © 2007 Springer-Verlag.


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Bulk, polycrystalline MgB2 samples containing 2.5 wt.% multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been prepared by conventional solid state reaction at 800 °C. The effect of Mg precursor powders composed of two different particle sizes on the critical current density (Jc) of the as-sintered samples has been investigated. An enhancement of Jc at high field has been observed in MgB2 samples containing CNTs prepared with fine Mg powders, whereas the values of Jc in the sample prepared using the coarser Mg powders was slightly decreased. These results contrast significantly with measurements on pure, undoped, MgB2 samples prepared from the same Mg precursor powders. They suggest that carbon substitution into the MgB2 lattice, which accounts for increased flux pinning, and therefore Jc, is more effective in precursor Mg powders with a larger surface area. Rather surprisingly, the so-called fishtail effect, observed typically in MgB2 single crystals and in the (RE)BCO family of high temperature superconductors (HTSs), was observed in both sets of CNT-containing polycrystalline samples as a result of lattice defects associated with C substitution. Significantly, analytical fits to the data for each sample suggest that the same flux pinning mechanism accounts for the fishtail effect in polycrystalline MgB2 and (RE)BCO. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Complementary in situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffractometry, and environmental scanning electron microscopy are used to fingerprint the entire graphene chemical vapor deposition process on technologically important polycrystalline Cu catalysts to address the current lack of understanding of the underlying fundamental growth mechanisms and catalyst interactions. Graphene forms directly on metallic Cu during the high-temperature hydrocarbon exposure, whereby an upshift in the binding energies of the corresponding C1s XPS core level signatures is indicative of coupling between the Cu catalyst and the growing graphene. Minor carbon uptake into Cu can under certain conditions manifest itself as carbon precipitation upon cooling. Postgrowth, ambient air exposure even at room temperature decouples the graphene from Cu by (reversible) oxygen intercalation. The importance of these dynamic interactions is discussed for graphene growth, processing, and device integration.


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Atom probe tomography was used to study the redistribution of platinum during Ni(10 at.%Pt) silicidation of n-doped polycrystalline Si. These measurements were performed after the two annealing steps of standard salicide process both on a field-effect transistor and on unpatterned region submitted to the same process. Very similar results are obtained in unpatterned region and in transistor gate contact. The first phase to form is not the expected δ-Ni2Si but the non stoichiometric θ-Ni2Si. Pt redistribution is strongly influenced by this phase and the final distribution is different from what is reported in literature. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A model of the graphene growth mechanism of chemical vapor deposition on platinum is proposed and verified by experiments. Surface catalysis and carbon segregation occur, respectively, at high and low temperatures in the process, representing the so-called balance and segregation regimes. Catalysis leads to self-limiting formation of large area monolayer graphene, whereas segregation results in multilayers, which evidently "grow from below." By controlling kinetic factors, dominantly monolayer graphene whose high quality has been confirmed by quantum Hall measurement can be deposited on platinum with hydrogen-rich environment, quench cooling, tiny but continuous methane flow and about 1000°C growth temperature. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Polycrystalline 3C-SiC films are deposited on SiO2 coated Si substrates by low pressure chemical vapour deposition (LPCVD) with C3H8 and SiH4 as precursors. Controlled nitrogen doping is performed by adding NH3 during SiC growth to obtain the low resistivity 3C-SiC films. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns indicate that the deposited films are highly textured (111) orientation. The surface morphology and roughness are determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The surface features are spherulitic texture with average grain size of 100 nm, and the rms roughness is 20nm (AFM 5 x 5 mu m images). Polycrystalline 3C-SiC films with highly orientational texture and good surface morphology deposited on SiO2 coated Si substrates could be used to fabricate rf microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) devices such as SiC based filters.


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In this paper, about 30 mu m thick B-doped polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) thin films were deposited on quartz substrates, n-type single crystalline silicon wafers and p(++)-type poly-Si ribbons by a rapid thermal chemical vapour deposition system in a temperature range from 1000 to 1150 degrees C. Activation energy measurement and room temperature/temperature dependent Hall effect measurement were performed on the poly-Si thin films prepared on the former two kinds of substrates, respectively. It seems that the electrical properties of as-prepared poly-Si thin films could be qualitatively explained by Seto's grain boundary (GB) trapping theory although there is a big difference between our samples and Seto's in gain size and film thickness etc. The experimental results reconfirm that GB itself is a kind of most effective recombination center with trapping level near the midgap and trapping state density in the order of 1012 cm(-2) magnitude. Electron beam induced current measurements on the poly-Si thin films prepared on the poly-Si ribbons also show that severe recombination occurs at the positions of GBs. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Polycrystalline silicon thin films were prepared by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition ( HWCVD) on glass at 250 degreesC with W or Ta wire as the catalyzers. The structual and optoelectronic properties as functions of the filament temperature, deposition pressure and the filament-substrate distance were studied, and the optimized polycrystalline silicon thin films were obtained with X-c > 90 % ( X-c denotes the crystalline ratio of the film), crystal grain size about 30-40nm, R-d approximate to 0.8nm/s, sigma(d) about 10(-7) - 10(-6) Omega(-1) cm(-1), Ea(a) approximate to 0.5eV and E-opt less than or equal to 1.3eV.


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A novel pulsed rapid thermal processing (PRTP) method has been used for realizing solid-phese crystallization of amorphous silicon films prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposit ion. The microstructure and surface morphology of the crystallized films were investigated using x-ray diffraction and atomic Force microscopy. The results indicate that PRTP is a suitable post-crystallization technique for fabricating large-area polycrystalline silicon films with good structural quality, such as large grain size, small lattice microstrain and smooth surface morphology on low-cost glass substrates.


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Tungsten wires were introduced into a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) system as a catalyzer: we name this technique 'hot-wire-assisted PECVD' (HW-PECVD). Under constant deposition pressure (p(g)), gas flow ratio and catalyzer position, the effects of the hot wire temperature (T-f) on the structural properties of the poly-Si films have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman scattering and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Compared with conventional PECVD, the grain size, crystalline volume fraction (X-e) and deposition rate were all enhanced when a high T-f was used. The best poly-Si film exhibits a preferential (220) orientation, with a full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of 0.2 degrees. The Si-Si TO peak of the Raman scattering spectrum is located at 519.8 cm(-1) with a FWHM of 7.1 cm(-1). The X-c is 0.93. These improvements are mainly the result of promotion of the dissociation of SiH4 and an increase in the atomic H concentration in the gas phase. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.