836 resultados para Orthodontic Tooth Movement
Introduction: The knowledge of dental occlusion should be considered the basic foundation to an excellent orthodontic practice. The patient's diagnose without the centric relation assessment can take the orthodontist to an unpleasant surprises. The use of rectangular archwires requires occlusal contacts been checked to decide what kind of the dental movement will be necessary to achieve the dental equilibrium and mainly to investigate if the movement will be possible. Considering the occlusal surfaces complexity, the occlusal adjustment by selective grinding should be performed during the orthodontic treatment to allow vertical dental movements reducing treatment's time. Occlusal interferences are responsible not only for biomechanics adverse effects, producing undesirable dental movements, but also for potential side effects such as excessive forces (occlusal trauma), leading to roots reabsorption. The occlusal adjustment is a determinant point on dental balance after the end of orthodontics treatments, where each posterior occlusal tooth contacts A and B, or B and C on buccolingual aspect, as well as the stoppers and equalizers contacts on mesiodistal direction must be achieved and well established. The appropriate role of anterior teeth in mandibular movements must be determined, allowing immediate disclusion of posterior teeth, known as anterior guide, and promoting protecting muscle forces to the stomatognathic system. Selective grinding should not be used. in place of well planned and executed orthodontic movement. Aim: The aim of this article is to present the rationale use of occlusal adjustment in Orthodontics.
A 16-year-old girl presented with complaints of recurrent spontaneous pain in the mandibular second molar region. Treatment favored use of a simple uprighting technique involving orthodontic elastic separating rings.
This study aimed to compare in vitro the shear bond strength between metallic brackets (Abzil) with conventional mesh bases and metallic brackets with bases industrially sandblasted with aluminum oxide using three adhesive systems, in order to assess the influence of sandblasting on adhesiveness and to compare 3 different bonding systems. Two hundred and forty bovine incisors were used and randomly divided into 6 groups (40 teeth in each group), according to the bracket base and to the bonding system. The brackets were direct-bonded in bovine teeth with 3 adhesive systems: System A - conventional Transbond™ XT (3M -Unitek); System B - Transbond™ Plus Self Etching Primer + Transbond™ XT (3M - Unitek) and System C - Fuji ORTHO LC resin-reinforced glass ionomer cement in capsules (GC Corp.). Shear bond strength tests were performed 24 hours after bonding, in a DL-3000 universal testing machine (EMIC), using a load cell of 200 kgf and a speed of 1 mm/min. The results were submitted to statistical analysis and showed no significant difference between conventional and sandblasted bracket bases. However, comparison between the bonding systems presented significantly different results. System A (14.92 MPa) and system C (13.24 MPa) presented statistically greater shear bond strength when compared to system B (10.66 MPa). There was no statistically significant difference between system A and system C.
Esthetic orthodontic appliances continue to appeal to more patients, which results in objections to extraction spaces that remain for several months during orthodontic therapy. This has led orthodontists to design temporary pontics that fill extraction sites and that can be reduced as the spaces close. This report describes a simple, efficient, and expeditious technique for making such pontics. © 2010 Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of brushing with a Colgate 360° or Oral B Indicator 35 toothbrush on the shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets bonded to extracted human teeth. The bristle wear and bristle tip morphology were also examined after simulated tooth-brushing. Orthodontic brackets (Roth-P/1 st and 2 nd pre-molar S/D- Slot 0.18) were bonded (Transbond XT ®) to the smoothest surface of each of 45 extracted human molar and premolar teeth. Test specimens were randomly divided into three groups: Group 1, control group with no brushing; Group 2, brushing with the Oral B Indicator 35; Group 3, brushing with the Colgate 360°. Samples were adapted to a machine that simulated tooth-brushing. The bond strength of each bracket to each tooth was assessed with a mechanical testing machine. The bristle wear and bristle tip morphology indices were also assessed. Statistically significant differences were defined for p ≤ 0.05. The average bond strengths (range: 90.18-90.89 kgf/cm 2) did not differ among the three groups. The Colgate 360° showed less bristle wear and a better bristle tip morphology than the Oral B Indicator 35 toothbrush. However, use of either toothbrush did not decrease the bond strength of the orthodontic brackets. Therefore, patients undergoing orthodontic therapy can safely use either toothbrush.
Objective: Although direct bonding takes up less clinical time and ensures increased preservation of gingival health, the banding of molar teeth is still widespread nowadays. It would therefore be convenient to devise methods capable of increasing the efficiency of this procedure, notably for teeth subjected to substantial masticatory impact, such as molars. This study was conducted with the purpose of evaluating whether direct bonding would benefit from the application of an additional layer of resin to the occlusal surfaces of the tube/tooth interface. Methods: A sample of 40 mandibular third molars was selected and randomly divided into two groups: Group 1 - Conventional direct bonding, followed by the application of a layer of resin to the occlusal surfaces of the tube/tooth interface, and Group 2 - Conventional direct bonding. Shear bond strength was tested 24 hours after bonding with the aid of a universal testing machine operating at a speed of 0.5mm/min. The results were analyzed using the independent t-test. Results: The shear bond strength tests yielded the following mean values: 17.08 MPa for Group 1 and 12.60 MPa for Group 2. Group 1 showed higher statistically significant shear bond strength than Group 2. Conclusions: The application of an additional layer of resin to the occlusal surfaces of the tube/tooth interface was found to enhance bond strength quality of orthodontic buccal tubes bonded directly to molar teeth.
The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the shear bond strength of brackets after pre-treatment with different fluoride solutions. This study used 48 freshly extracted sound bovine incisors that were randomly assigned to 4 experimental groups (n=12). CG: (control) without treatment; NF: 4 min application of neutral fluoride; APF: application of 1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) for 4 min; and SFV: application of 5% sodium fluoride varnish for 6 h. For each group, after surface treatment, prophylaxis of enamel and bracket bonding with Transbond XT composite resin (3M) were performed following the manufacturer's specifications. The shear bond strength was performed with a universal testing machine 24 h after fixing the brackets. The tooth surfaces were analyzed to verify the adhesive remnant index (ARI). Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). There was statistically significant difference among the groups (p<0.0001). CG and NF groups presented significantly higher bond strength than APF and SFV. There was no significant difference between CG and NF or between APF and SFV (p>0.05). The analysis of ARI scores revealed that most failures occurred at the enamel-resin interface. It may be concluded that the pre-treatment of enamel with 1.23% APF and 5% SFV prior to fixing orthodontic brackets reduces shear bond strength values.
Objectives: Primary failure of tooth eruption (PFE) is a rare autosomal-dominant disease characterized by severe lateral open bite as a consequence of incomplete eruption of posterior teeth. Heterozygous mutations in the parathyroid hormone 1 receptor (PTH1R) gene have been shown to cause PFE likely due to protein haploinsufficiency. To further expand on the mutational spectrum of PFE-associated mutations, we report here on the sequencing results of the PTH1R gene in 70 index PFE cases. Materials and methods: Sanger sequencing of the PTH1R coding exons and their immediate flanking intronic sequences was performed with DNA samples from 70 index PFE cases. Results: We identified a total of 30 unique variants, of which 12 were classified as pathogenic based on their deleterious consequences on PTH1R protein while 16 changes were characterized as unclassified variants with as yet unknown effects on disease pathology. The remaining two variants represent common polymorphisms. Conclusions: Our data significantly increase the number of presently known unique PFE-causing PTH1R mutations and provide a series of variants with unclear pathogenicity which will require further in vitro assaying to determine their effects on protein structure and function. Clinical relevance: Management of PTH1R-associated PFE is problematic, in particular when teeth are exposed to orthodontic force. Therefore, upon clinical suspicion of PFE, molecular DNA testing is indicated to support decision making for further treatment options. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Objective: To determine the mechanical characteristics of teardrop loop with and without helix fabricated using different metal alloy compositions (stainless steel and beta-titanium), submitted to different intensities of bends preactivation (0° and 40°), and with different cross-sectional dimension of the wire used to build these loops (0.017 x 0.025-in and 0.019 x 0.025-in). Methods: Eighty loops used to close spaces were submitted to mechanical tests. The magnitudes of horizontal force, the moment/force ratio, and the load/deflection ratio produced by the specimens were quantified. Loops were submitted to a total activation of 5.0 mm and the values were registered for each 1.0 mm of activation. For statistic data analysis, a analysis of variance was performed and a Tukey's Multiple Comparison test was used as supplement, considering a 5% level of significance. Results: In general, teardrop loops with helix produced lower magnitudes of horizontal force and load/deflection ratio, and higher moment/force ratio than teardrop loops without helix. Among all analyzed variables, metal alloy composition presented greater influence in the horizontal force and in the load/deflection ratio. The moment/force ratio showed to be more influenced by the preactivation of loops for space closure. © 2013 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics.
Orthodontic extrusion with multidisciplinary treatment can provide predictable outcomes in selected situations, reducing the costs and the adaptation times of gingival tissues after implant integration. Forced orthodontic extrusion is strongly related to interactions of teeth with their supportive periodontal tissues. This article reports a case of orthodontic extrusion of the maxillary incisors for later implant rehabilitation in a patient with periodontal disease. Slow forces were applied for 14 months. After this time, the teeth were extracted, and the implants were placed on the same day. Also in the same session, the provisional crown was fabricated for restoration of the anterior maxillary interdental papillae loss and for gingival contouring. Clinical and radiographic examinations at the 6-year follow-up showed successful tooth replacement and an improved esthetic appearance achieved by this multidisciplinary treatment. The decision to perform orthodontic extrusion for implant placement in adult patients should be multidisciplinary. Copyright © 2013 by the American Association of Orthodontists.
INTRODUÇÃO: o tratamento ortodôntico de pacientes adultos apresenta grande variabilidade no tempo necessário para sua realização. OBJETIVO: o objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar a influência de diversas variáveis sobre o tempo de tratamento. MÉTODOS: foram examinados 70 casos clínicos, de pacientes adultos, com bom resultado final, coletados em clínicas de três ortodontistas experientes, cujo acervo total inicial era de 4.723 prontuários. A influência das variáveis idade, sexo, padrão facial, severidade inicial da má oclusão (medida por meio do índice PAR), relação sagital de caninos, tipo de braquetes (estético ou metálico), exodontias, faltas às consultas e "quebras" de aparelho, sobre o tempo de tratamento (variável dependente), foram avaliadas por meio da análise de regressão linear múltipla, seguida do método Stepwise, com p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: a quantidade de faltas (R2 = 14,04%, p < 0,0001) e o número de "quebras" do aparelho (R2 = 29,71%, p = 0,0037) tiveram influência significativa na variação do tempo de tratamento, sendo essas duas variáveis juntas capazes de prever 43,75% (R2 total) da variação no tempo de tratamento. Outros fatores, como a relação de caninos ao início do tratamento, o tipo de braquete usado (metálico ou cerâmico), exodontias, a idade ao início do tratamento, a severidade inicial da má oclusão, o sexo do paciente e o padrão facial não tiveram influência significativa sobre o tempo de tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: a duração do tratamento ortodôntico em adultos, quando realizado por ortodontistas experientes, sofre influência, principalmente, de fatores associados à colaboração do próprio paciente. Entretanto, diversos fatores não incluídos nesse estudo podem contribuir para a variação na duração do tratamento ortodôntico.
OBJETIVO: verificar se o mini-implante no palato é eficaz como ancoragem direta para distalização dos molares superiores. MÉTODOS: foi utilizado um modelo em acrílico da arcada superior. Após a confecção da canaleta na região correspondente aos alvéolos dentários, os dentes em acrílico foram fixados com cera #7, montado aparelho ortodôntico com a técnica Edgewise e inserido um mini-implante (SIN, São Paulo) no local correspondente à rafe palatina. Foram colocados arco 0,19" x 0,25" e barra transpalatina, soldados na barra dois ganchos para retenção de dois elásticos em cadeia de dois elos, a uma carga de 150g/f de cada lado (Unitek), que se estenderam dos ganchos até o mini-implante. O modelo da maxila foi mergulhado 40 vezes em banheira e fotografado após cada mergulho para observação da movimentação dentária. Os dados foram analisados pela análise da variânçia (ANOVA) e teste de Tukey. RESULTADOS: os molares deslocaram-se distalmente 3,1mm, em média, com inclinação distal entre 3 e 5mm. CONCLUÕES: a movimentação dos molares ocorreu pela inclinação distal, com leve rotação, mas sem efeito extrusivo.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of mesiodens in deciduous and mixed dentitions and its association with other dental anomalies. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Panoramic radiographs of 1,995 orthodontic patients were analyzed retrospectively, obtaining a final sample of 30 patients with mesiodens. The following aspects were analyzed: gender ; number of mesiodens; proportion between erupted and non-erupted mesiodens; initial position of the supernumerary tooth; related complications; treatment plan accomplished; and associated dental anomalies. The frequency of dental anomalies in the sample was compared to reference values for the general population using the chi-square test (c²), with a significance level set at 5%. RESULTS: The prevalence of mesiodens was 1.5% more common among males (1.5:1). Most of the mesiodens were non-erupted (75%) and in a vertical position, facing the oral cavity. Extraction of the mesiodens was the most common treatment. The main complications associated with mesiodens were: delayed eruption of permanent incisors (34.28%) and midline diastema (28.57%). From all the dental anomalies analyzed, only the prevalence of maxillary lateral incisor agenesis was higher in comparison to the general population. CONCLUSION: There was a low prevalence of mesiodens (1.5%) in deciduous and mixed dentition and the condition was not associated with other dental anomalies, except for the maxillary lateral incisor agenesis.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA
Examining three bleaching systems, this in vivo clinical trial evaluated the relationship among tooth sensitivity, light activation, and agent concentration, and it correlated dental sensitivity with tooth thickness.Materials and Methods: Eighty-seven volunteer patients were included. Inclusion criteria were the presence of anterior teeth without restorations as well as the absence of a previous bleaching experience and absence of non-carious cervical lesions or dental pain. Exclusion criteria included pregnancy or breastfeeding, a maximum of TF3 hypoplasia, tetracycline-fluorosis stains, malpositioned teeth, orthodontic treatment, periodontal disease, and/or analgesic/anti-inflammatory intake. Patients were randomly assigned to three bleaching groups: Group A (n=25) was treated with 15% H2O2 and nitrogenous-titanium-dioxide and was light activated (Lase Peroxide Lite, DMC, SaoCarlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil); Group B (n=27) was treated with 35% H2O2 and was light activated (Lase Peroxide Sensy, DMC); and Group C (n=35) was treated with 35% H2O2 (White Gold Office, Dentsply, 38West Clark Ave., Milford, USA) without light activation. Tooth sensitivity (TS) was self-reported by the patients using the visual analog scale (VAS) at baseline (TSO), immediately after treatment (TSI), and at seven days after treatment (TS7). In 46 patients, tooth thickness was determined by computed tomography. TSO, TSI, and TS7 were compared between the A and B groups to determine the effect of concentration and between the B and C groups to determine the effect of light using analysis of covariance. The correlation between tooth thickness and TSI was determined by Spearman Rho test (SPSS 15).Results: Eighty-seven patients were evaluated at baseline, and 61 were evaluated at seven days. Separated by groups, tooth sensitivity, expressed as VAS value at the time points TS0, TS1, and TS7, respectively, were as follows: Group A: 13.76 +/- 13.53, 24.40 +/- 25.24, and 5.94 +/- 5.5; Group B: 15.07 +/- 18.14, 42.4 +/- 31.78, and 8.68 +/- 17.99; and Group C: 10.80 +/- 14.83, 31.51 +/- 29.34, and 7.24 +/- 9.2. Group A showed significantly lower tooth sensitivity than group B at TSI (p=0.032). No differences were observed in the tooth sensitivities between groups B and C. No correlation was encountered between tooth thickness and tooth sensitivity immediately after treatment (Rho=-0.088,p=0.563). The median tooth thickness was 2.78 +/- 0.21 mm.Conclusions: Increases in the concentration of bleaching agents directly affect tooth sensitivity, and LED/laser activation and tooth thickness are not correlated with tooth sensitivity after dental bleaching.