966 resultados para Organizações não governamentais (ONGs)
Historically the provision of childcare facilities in Brazil was short of demand. This problem affects a large part of the population and has a tendency to worsen, due to the accelerated decline in the number of parents of dedication exclusive family. The program called "Nova Semente" seeks to accelerate the creation of childcare facilities in the county, enabling the opening of units at low cost and in record time, through partnerships between government, non-governmental and civil society organizations. This study conducted a process evaluation of the implementation of public policy, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the policy. In real terms, this paper seeks to understand the motivation for the development of the program, identifying the reasons set out in the project match what is being sent; Understand how it is giving practical partnership between the government entity and the entities "non-state"; Identify the degree of achievement of goals that should be met even in the implementation phase; verify employment of instruments provided for its implementation. For this, the literature of public policy evaluation is used, and fits the criteria and mechanisms for analysis in the assessment of efficacy, to answer the question motivating the work, which deals with uncertainty about the durability of the Program. the framework is the criteria and mechanisms for analysis in the assessment of efficacy, to answer the question motivating the work, which deals with uncertainty about the durability of the Program
Our object of study in this work concerns to the movement of fight for the housing in the Great João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil, and looks for to investigate the conditions and context of the occupations of building, public or private, for devoid populations that do not have where to live. Front to the absence of politics effective directed to the habitation or the cities, in a picture of unemployment and impoverishment of the population, the result of the habitation point of view, is the absolute lack of popular housings, the degradation of the cities and the growth of the number of homeless and also of its occupations. The urban occupations today represent a reply of these devoid populations that from an involvement with parties or Not Governmental Organizations, and social movements leave for the class action known by the occupation of abandoning public or private buildings. These occupations, even so initially if assume as pressure instrument or of visibility for attainment of housings, for the delay in obtaining the attention of the public agencies and a solution for the problem, becomes definitive or is drawn out per many years. E this if gives although the deficiencies, of the accumulation or families neither in an adequate, always precarious space nor in sanitary installations, that the necessary privacy does not allow. The study it consisted of an empirical research, through the participant comment and open and half-open interviews, and counted on the audiovisual register of two occupations, one in the downtown of João Pessoa City (old building of the INSS, in the Ponto dos Cem Réis) and other (Community of the Cajueiro), next to the Beach "Praia do Jacaré", in the city of Cabedelo.The choice of the Visual Anthropology as research instrument is on to a concern in better translating other ways of life, therefore the accomplishment of the video in allows them to know with more precision the reality where the citizens of the research live. We also use as methodological resource in the research the deepened interview, in intention to better understand the description of the way of life of the studied families and the movements of fight for the housing, particularly the MDM - Movement of Right for the Housing, and the MNLM- Nacional Movement of Fight for the Housing
Buscou-se cartografar as instituições de assistência social que atendem à infância e à adolescência consideradas em situação de risco pessoal e social, em um município do interior do estado de São Paulo, utilizando o instrumental da análise institucional. O papel de membro do Conselho Municipal dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente e do Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social facultou a realização de uma análise documental nos arquivos desses Conselhos, relativa às entidades assistenciais cadastradas, tais como organizações governamentais, organizações não-governamentais e outros estabelecimentos filantrópicos. Os resultados indicam que, no universo da Assistência Social, a constelação criança/adolescente orbita em torno do astro-rei socioeducativo. Todas as atividades desenvolvidas nas entidades parecem recobertas por esse significantemestre, que conota dimensões pedagógicas e terapêuticas, educativas e corretivas, de vigilância e de prevenção, promovendo controle e normalização.
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This research is based on the physical characterization of the environment to support definition of the best land use for the county of Colorado D'Oeste, in State of Rondônia, Brazil. Remote sensing and geoprocessing techniques were applied to support the preparation of a Geoenvironmental Zoning, which was used to define strategies of territorial and environmental management in that county. Digital and analogical remote sensing products, acquired by satellites, and additional cartographic and thematic maps allowed a morphostructural analysis to define low and high structural associated study site tectonic. Subsequently, this information was used to support analysis of the physiographic compartmentation of the study area. Based on this study information, it is possible to define geoenvironmental subzones and local hidrological regime, soils, mineral components, texture, color, and sedimentary materials. By integrating previous described information, a synthesis cartographic map generated. Accordingly, this Cartographic Sheet spatially defined the best land use over the study area, indicates zones for conservation, agricultural, and regeneration (areas that should be recovered). Finally, the results of this research can contribute and support governmental and non-governmental organization and local communities could improve land use and soil management, avoiding natural resource destruction and future land scarcity in the county of Colorado D'Oeste.
Análise dos projetos ambientais desenvolvidos em um bairro de Bauru (SP) sob a perspectiva educativa
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Educação rural e desenvolvimento local sustentável: a lógica subjacente das relações inter-setoriais
Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar os modelos de educação gerados nos processos de ocupação da terra nos municípios Juazeiro, Uauá e Valente no Estado da Bahia, tanto nas áreas irrigadas quanto nas de sequeiro, tendo como hipótese norteadora a educação rural como mecanismo disseminador de informações à população e grande mobilizadora das transformações social, econômica, política e cultural das comunidades, na promoção do seu desenvolvimento sustentável. A metodologia da pesquisa tomou por base a análise das redes de relações sociais engendradas no processo, elegendo-se como categorias preferências para a compreensão do fenômeno estudado o capital social, o desenvolvimento local, pedagogias alternativas, currículo escolar e as parcerias intersetoriais, através da ruptura com o antagonismo dos conceitos de indivíduo e de sociedade. Trata-se de pesquisa quanti-qualitativa fundamentada numa abordagem de caráter interativo, onde o discurso emerge como espaço de negociação do sentido e da construção dos sujeitos aprendizes, cujos subsídios somados às evidências quantitativas permitiram o aprofundamento da complexidade dos fenômenos, suas contradições e seu relacionamento com o contexto. A análise dos dados permitiu compreender que a Educação Rural nas áreas pesquisadas vive duas situações: uma, veiculada pelo sistema público de ensino que, salvo algumas experiências pontuais, não atende aos interesses dos povos que habitam e trabalham no campo. Outra, exercitada por Organizações Não Governamentais que valorizando o rural como espaço de vida, forma indivíduos com um repertório de saberes, habilidades e valores capaz de mobilizá-los para uma ação transformadora.
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE