931 resultados para Operaatio Iraqi Freedom


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Vortex-Induced Vibration (VIV) experiments were carried out with yawed cylinders. The purpose was to investigate the validity of the Independence Principle (IP) for properly describing the flow characteristics and the dynamics of structures subjected to oblique flow. Five yaw angles in relation to the direction perpendicular to the free stream velocity were tested, namely View the MathML sourceθ=0°,10°,20°,30° and 45°. Both the upstream and downstream orientations were tested. The models were mounted on a leaf spring apparatus that allows experiments with one or two degrees of freedom. The Reynolds numbers based on the component normal to the cylinder axis fell in the interval 3×103freedom experiments. This indicates the validity of the IP for this yaw angle range. For yaw angles larger than 20°, a decrease in the maximum amplitude was observed. The decrease in the oscillation amplitudes was related to a larger modulation in the phase shift between force and displacement. Differences in the results for upstream and downstream were observed and were more evident for the larger yaw angle. These differences can be associated to the asymmetric cylinder end conditions.


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The investigation of vortex-induced vibration on very short cylinders with two degrees of freedom has drawn the attention of a large number of researchers. Some investigations on such a problem are carried out in order to have a better understanding of the physics involved in vortex-induced motions of floating bodies such as offshore platforms. In this paper, experiments were carried out in a recirculating water channel over the range of Reynolds number 6000freedom, three different small mass ratios (m⁎=1.00; 2.62 and 4.36) and very low aspect ratios (0.3≤L/D≤2.0) were shown and the results were discussed in depth. Conversely to what would be expected for cylinders with very low aspect ratio, the results showed large motions in the transverse direction with maximum amplitudes around 1.5 diameters for cylinders with L/D=2.0, despite being smaller when the aspect ratio is reduced. Moreover, the response amplitudes presented high values around 0.4 diameters in the in-line direction. In fact, the large transverse motions were related to a strong coupling with the in-line responses, visibly identified in the plots of nondimensional frequency, as well as by the trajectories in the XY-plane, Lissajous figures, particularly in the case of m⁎=1.00 and L/D=2.0, when 8-shape trajectories were clearly observed. The case of m⁎=1.00 deserves more attention because of its smaller amplitude compared to the cases with the same aspect ratio and a larger mass ratio. This counter-intuitive behavior seems to be related to the energy transferring process from the steady stream to the oscillatory hydroelastic system. Finally, it is noteworthy that the characteristic of the “Strouhal-like” number decreases when the aspect ratio decreases, as also observed in previous works available in the literature, most of them for stationary cylinders.


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Im Mittelpunkt der Studie "The Sound of Democracy - the Sound of Freedom". Jazzrezeption in Deutschland (1945 - 1963) steht ein Korpus von 16 Oral-History-Interviews mit Zeitzeugen der deutschen Jazzszene. Interviewt wurden Musiker ebenso wie bildende Künstler, Journalisten, Clubbesitzer und Jazzfans, die die Jazzszene in den 1950ern bildeten. Die Interviews werden in einen Kontext zeitgenössischer Quellen gestellt: Zeitschriftenartikel (hauptsächlich aus dem "Jazz Podium" ebenso wie Radiomanuskripte des Bayerischen Rundfunks.rnDie Ausgangsüberlegung ist die Frage, was der Jazz für sein Publikum bedeutete, mit anderen Worten, warum wählte eine studentische, sich selbst als elitär wahrnehmende Schicht aus dem großen Fundus an kulturellen Ausdrucksformen, die nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg aus den USA nach Deutschland strömten, ausgerechnet den Jazz als persönliche Ausdrucksform? Worin bestand seine symbolische Strahlkraft für diese jungen Menschen?rnIn Zusammenhang mit dieser Frage steht die Überlegung: In welchem Maße wurde Jazz als dezidiert amerikanische Ausdrucksform wahrgenommen und welche Amerikabilder wurden durch den Jazz transportiert? Wurde Jazz bewusst als Werkzeug der Besatzer zur demokratischen Umerziehung des deutschen Volkes eingesetzt und wenn ja, in welcher Form, beziehungsweise in welchem Maß? Wie stark war die Symbolleistung und metaphorische Bedeutung des Jazz für das deutsche Publikum und in welchem Zusammenhang steht die Symbolleistung des Jazz mit der Symbolleistung der USA als Besetzungs- bzw. Befreiungsmacht? rn


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Geometric packing problems may be formulated mathematically as constrained optimization problems. But finding a good solution is a challenging task. The more complicated the geometry of the container or the objects to be packed, the more complex the non-penetration constraints become. In this work we propose the use of a physics engine that simulates a system of colliding rigid bodies. It is a tool to resolve interpenetration conflicts and to optimize configurations locally. We develop an efficient and easy-to-implement physics engine that is specialized for collision detection and contact handling. In succession of the development of this engine a number of novel algorithms for distance calculation and intersection volume were designed and imple- mented, which are presented in this work. They are highly specialized to pro- vide fast responses for cuboids and triangles as input geometry whereas the concepts they are based on can easily be extended to other convex shapes. Especially noteworthy in this context is our ε-distance algorithm - a novel application that is not only very robust and fast but also compact in its im- plementation. Several state-of-the-art third party implementations are being presented and we show that our implementations beat them in runtime and robustness. The packing algorithm that lies on top of the physics engine is a Monte Carlo based approach implemented for packing cuboids into a container described by a triangle soup. We give an implementation for the SAE J1100 variant of the trunk packing problem. We compare this implementation to several established approaches and we show that it gives better results in faster time than these existing implementations.


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Denosumab is an approved therapy for postmenopausal women with osteoporosis at high or increased risk for fracture. In the FREEDOM study, denosumab reduced fracture risk and increased bone mineral density (BMD). We report the spine and hip dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) BMD responses from the overall study of 7808 women and from a substudy of 441 participants in which more extensive spine and hip assessments as well as additional skeletal sites were evaluated. Significant BMD improvements were observed as early as 1mo at the lumbar spine, total hip, and trochanter (all p<0.005 vs placebo and baseline). BMD increased progressively at the lumbar spine, total hip, femoral neck, trochanter, 1/3 radius, and total body from baseline to months 12, 24, and 36 (all p<0.005 vs placebo and baseline). BMD gains above the least significant change of more than 3% at 36 months were observed in 90% of denosumab-treated subjects at the lumbar spine and 74% at the total hip, and gains more than 6% occurred in 77% and 38%, respectively. In conclusion, denosumab treatment resulted in significant, early, and continued BMD increases at both trabecular and cortical sites throughout the skeleton over 36mo with important gains observed in most subjects.


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The European Union’s (EU) area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ) portfolio comprises policy areas such as immigration and asylum, and police and judicial cooperation. Steps were taken to bring this field into the mandate of the EU first by the Maastricht Treaty, followed by changes implemented by the Amsterdam and Lisbon Treaties, the last one ‘normalizing’ the EU’s erstwhile Third Pillar. As the emergent EU regime continues to consolidate in this field, NGOs of various kinds continue to seek to influence policy-making and implementation, with varying success. This article seeks to establish the context in which NGOs carry out their work and argues that the EU-NGO interface is impacted both by the institutional realities of the European Union and the capacities of EU-oriented NGOs to seize and expand opportunities for access and input into the policy cycle. Using EU instruments representing three different policy bundles in AFSJ (immigration, asylum and judicial cooperation in criminal matters), the article seeks to map out NGO strategies in engaging and oftentimes resisting European Union policy instruments.


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BACKGROUND: In order to optimise the cost-effectiveness of active surveillance to substantiate freedom from disease, a new approach using targeted sampling of farms was developed and applied on the example of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) and enzootic bovine leucosis (EBL) in Switzerland. Relevant risk factors (RF) for the introduction of IBR and EBL into Swiss cattle farms were identified and their relative risks defined based on literature review and expert opinions. A quantitative model based on the scenario tree method was subsequently used to calculate the required sample size of a targeted sampling approach (TS) for a given sensitivity. We compared the sample size with that of a stratified random sample (sRS) with regard to efficiency. RESULTS: The required sample sizes to substantiate disease freedom were 1,241 farms for IBR and 1,750 farms for EBL to detect 0.2% herd prevalence with 99% sensitivity. Using conventional sRS, the required sample sizes were 2,259 farms for IBR and 2,243 for EBL. Considering the additional administrative expenses required for the planning of TS, the risk-based approach was still more cost-effective than a sRS (40% reduction on the full survey costs for IBR and 8% for EBL) due to the considerable reduction in sample size. CONCLUSIONS: As the model depends on RF selected through literature review and was parameterised with values estimated by experts, it is subject to some degree of uncertainty. Nevertheless, this approach provides the veterinary authorities with a promising tool for future cost-effective sampling designs.


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Trichinellosis is a food-borne zoonotic disease caused by the nematode Trichinella spp. Many omnivorous and carnivorous animal species can act as host for this parasite, including domestic pigs. To protect public health, it should be ensured that pork should not contain infective Trichinella larvae. Surveillance for Trichinella spp. can be done using direct (larval detection) and indirect (antibody detection) diagnostic techniques. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the absence of infection in Swiss domestic pigs. An ELISA was used as the initial screening test, and sera reacting in ELISA were further investigated using both a Western blot for serology and an artificial digestion test with 20 g of diaphragm tissue for larval detection. A total of 7412 adult pigs, 9973 finishing pigs and 2779 free-ranging pigs were tested. Samples from 17 (0.23%) adult pigs, 16 (0.16%) finishing pigs and nine (0.32%) free-ranging pigs were ELISA-positive, but all of these sera were subsequently negative by Western blot and by the artificial digestion method. Based on these findings, an absence of Trichinella infections in adult pigs (target prevalence 0.04%) and finishing pigs (target prevalence 0.03%) can be concluded. The results also demonstrated that the prevalence of Trichinella infections does not exceed 0.11% in free-ranging pigs, the group with the highest risk of exposure.


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Traditionally, the routine artificial digestion test is applied to assess the presence of Trichinella larvae in pigs. However, this diagnostic method has a low sensitivity compared to serological tests. The results from artificial digestion tests in Switzerland were evaluated over a time period of 15 years to determine by when freedom from infection based on these data could be confirmed. Freedom was defined as a 95% probability that the prevalence of infection was below 0.0001%. Freedom was demonstrated after 12 years at the latest. A new risk-based surveillance approach was then developed based on serology. Risk-based surveillance was also assessed over 15 years, starting in 2010. It was shown that by using this design, the sample size could be reduced by at least a factor of 4 when compared with the traditional testing regimen, without lowering the level of confidence in the Trichinella-free status of the pig population.