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Spin-density maps, deduced from polarized neutron diffraction experiments, for both the pair and chain compounds of the system Mn2+Cu2+ have been reported recently. These results have motivated us to investigate theoretically the spin populations in such alternant mixed-spin systems. In this paper, we report our studies on the one-dimensional ferrimagnetic systems (S-A,S-B)(N) where hi is the number of AB pairs. We have considered all cases in which the spin Sri takes on allowed values in the range I to 7/2 while the spin S-B is held fixed at 1/2. The theoretical studies have been carried out on the isotropic Heisenberg model, using the density matrix renormalization group method. The effect of the magnitude of the larger spin SA On the quantum fluctuations in both A and B sublattices has been studied as a function of the system size N. We have investigated systems with both periodic and open boundary conditions, the latter with a view to understanding end-of-chain effects. The spin populations have been followed as a function of temperature as well as an applied magnetic field. High-magnetic fields are found to lead to interesting re-entrant behavior. The ratio of spin populations P-A-P-B is not sensitive to temperature at low temperatures.


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The title compound, C15H11NO, consists of a planar isoquinolinone group to which a phenyl ring is attached in a twisted fashion [dihedral angle = 39.44 (4)degrees]. The crystal packing is dominated by intermolecular N-H center dot center dot center dot O and C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds which define centrosymmetric dimeric entitities.


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In the title moleclue, C19H21NO, the 4-piperidone ring adopts a chair conformation in which the two benzene rings and the methyl group attached to C atoms all have equatorial orientations. In the crystal structure, centrosymmetric dimers are formed through weak intermolecular C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds [the dihedral angle between the aromatic rings is 58.51 (5)degrees].


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A new theory of shock dynamics has been developed in the form of a finite number of compatibility conditions along shock rays. It has been used to study the growth or decay of shock strength for accelerating or decelerating piston starting with a nonzero piston velocity. The results show good agreement with those obtained by Harten's high resolution TVD scheme.


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The two articles that comprise this analysis springboard from the availability and increased popularity of the term genius to nineteenth and twentieth century educational scholars and its (temporary) location along a continuum of mindedness that was relatively new (i.e., as opposite to insanity). Three generations of analysis playfully structure the argument, taking form around the gen‐ root’s historical association with tropes of production and reproduction. Of particular interest in the analysis is how subject‐formation, including perceptions of non‐formation and elusivity, occurs. I examine this process of (non)formation within and across key texts on genius, especially in relation to their narrative structures, key binaries and sources of authority that collectively produce and embed specific cosmologies and their moral boundaries. The argument is staged across two articles that embody the three generations of analysis.


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We report the growth of one-dimensional ZnO nanostructures with different morphologies such as nanoneedles, nanorods, nanobelts from Zn powder/granule. The growth process is different from the conventional vapor-solid mechanism. The advantage of this method is that neither a catalyst nor any gas flow is required for the synthesis of nanostructures. Depending upon the Zn powder or Zn granules as the starting material different nanostructures have been synthesized which demonstrates the versatility of the technique.


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A one step, clean and efficient, conversion of arylaldehydes, ketones and ketals into the corresponding hydrocarbon using ionic hydrogenation conditions employing sodium cyanoborohydride in the presence of two to three equivalents of BF3. OEt(2) is described.


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The structure and conformation of a second crystalline modification of 19-nortestosterone has been determined by X-ray methods. M r = 274, monoclinic P2 l, a=9.755(2), b= 11.467(3), c= 14.196(3)/L fl=101.07(2) ° , V=1558.4 (8) A 3, Z=4, Ox= I. 168 g cm -3, Mo Ka, 2 = 0.7107 ,/k, ~ = 0.80 cm -l, F(000) = 600, T= 300 K. R = 0.060 for 2158 observed reflections. The two molecules in the asymmetric unit show significant differences in the A-ring conformation from that of the previously reported form of the title compound [Precigoux, Busetta, Courseille & Hospital (1975). Acta Cryst. B31, 1527-1532]. The l a,2fl-half-chair conformation of the A ring increases its conformational freedom compared with testosterone.


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Conventional thinkin g holds that increased energy consumption is a prerequisite for economic and social development. This belief, together With the prospect of dwindling global petroleum supplies and the high costs of expanding energy supply generally, lead many to believe that it is not feasible to improve living standards substantially in the developing countries. But by shifting to high-quality energy carriers and by exploiting cost-effective opportunities for more efficient energy use, it would be possible to satisfy basic human needs and to provide considerable further improvements in living standards without significantly increasing per-capita energy use above the present level.


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A novel method is proposed to treat the problem of the random resistance of a strictly one-dimensional conductor with static disorder. It is suggested, for the probability distribution of the transfer matrix of the conductor, the distribution of maximum information-entropy, constrained by the following physical requirements: 1) flux conservation, 2) time-reversal invariance and 3) scaling, with the length of the conductor, of the two lowest cumulants of ζ, where = sh2ζ. The preliminary results discussed in the text are in qualitative agreement with those obtained by sophisticated microscopic theories.


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It is maintained that the one-parameter scaling theory is inconsistent with the physics of Anderson localisation.


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Examination of the symmetric Hantzsch 1,4-dihydropyridine ester derivatives of the prototypical nifedipine molecule indicates the tendency of this class of molecule to form a common packing motif. Crystal structure analysis of 2,6-dimethyl-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylic diesters and analogs reveals that they form extended chains, characterized as the C(6) packing motif, via intermolecular (amine) N-H...O=C (C3,C5 carbonyl) hydrogen bonds. In addition, all the prepared derivatives also satisfy the basic structural requirements for their high binding efficiency to the receptor. The reproducible C(6) packing motif observed among these compounds has a use in the design of solid-state materials.


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In this paper, we generalize the existing rate-one space frequency (SF) and space-time frequency (STF) code constructions. The objective of this exercise is to provide a systematic design of full-diversity STF codes with high coding gain. Under this generalization, STF codes are formulated as linear transformations of data. Conditions on these linear transforms are then derived so that the resulting STF codes achieve full diversity and high coding gain with a moderate decoding complexity. Many of these conditions involve channel parameters like delay profile (DP) and temporal correlation. When these quantities are not available at the transmitter, design of codes that exploit full diversity on channels with arbitrary DIP and temporal correlation is considered. Complete characterization of a class of such robust codes is provided and their bit error rate (BER) performance is evaluated. On the other hand, when channel DIP and temporal correlation are available at the transmitter, linear transforms are optimized to maximize the coding gain of full-diversity STF codes. BER performance of such optimized codes is shown to be better than those of existing codes.


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Tarkastelen pro gradu -työssäni perinteisten, lähinnä duuri-mollitonaalisen musiikin analysoimiseen kehitettyjen metodien synteesin soveltuvuutta nykyjazzin tutkimisessa. Musiikkianalyysin kohteena on amerikkalaisen jazzkitaristin Pat Methenyn (s. 1954) säveltämä kappale 'The Red One' levyltä I Can See Your House From Here (1994). Nykyjazz rakentuu paljolti länsimaisen taidemusiikin tonaalisille ja modaalisille käytänteille, joten sitä on perusteltua tutkia länsimaisen taidemusiikin analysointiin kehitetyin metodein. Jazzin runsas lisäsävelisyys ja improvisointi aiheuttavat kuitenkin perinteisille analyysimetodeille ongelmia – olenkin analyyttisissä ongelmatapauksissa kiinnittänyt huomion metodien tarkasteluun ja kehittämiseen jazzin musiikillisia käytänteitä vastaaviksi. 'The Red Onesta' on saatavana ainakin kaksi erilaista painettua nuottia (Liite 3), mutta analyysin olen tehnyt kappaleen esitykseen perustuvan transkription pohjalta (Liite 1), joka poikkeaa ajoittain huomattavastikin painetuista nuoteista. Työni pohjalta väitänkin, että jazzkappaleita on mielekkäintä analysoida transkriptioon tai tarkkaan analyyttiseen kuunteluun tukeutuen: jazz on luonteeltaan improvisatorista ja esittäjälähtöistä; painetuista nuoteista on tavallisesti poistettu useita yksityiskohtia. Läpi tutkimuksen painotan musiikin historian ja analyysimetodien tuntemista: Luvussa kaksi esittelen jazzin historiaa aina varhaisesta bluesista nykyiseen elävään musiikkitraditioon. Luvussa kolme käyn läpi työni kannalta merkittävimmät analyysimetodit. Varsinaisessa käsittelyluvussa yhdistän perinteisen sointuanalyysimetodin sointu-asteikkoteoriaan ja esittelen uuden analyyttisen merkintätavan. Uusi merkintätapa koostuu kolmesta hierarkkisesta osiosta, joiden merkitystä voidaan muuttaa aina kulloinkin analysoitavan kappaleen ehdoilla siten, että osioiden välinen suhde korostaa mielekkäästi tutkittavan kappaleen tekstuuria; usean osion käyttäminen mahdollistaa musiikillisen kontekstin huomioimisen oli analyysin painopiste sitten harmoniassa, melodiassa tai esimerkiksi tietyssä instrumentissa.