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Background: Experimental elevation of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFAs) impairs endothelial function, but the effect of NEFA composition is unknown. Objective: The objective was to test the effect of acute elevation of NEFAs enriched with either saturated fatty acids (SFAs) or SFAs with long-chain (LC) n−3 (omega-3) PUFAs on vascular function measured via flow-mediated dilatation (FMD), laser Doppler iontophoresis (LDI), and digital volume pulse (DVP). Design: In 59 subjects (30 men and 29 women), repeated oral fat feeding of either palm stearin (SFA) or palm stearin with DHA-rich fish oil (SFA + LC n−3 PUFA) was performed on 2 separate occasions with continuous heparin infusion to elevate NEFAs for a duration of 60 to 240 min. Vascular function was measured at baseline and at the end of NEFA elevation; venous blood was collected for measurement of lipids and circulating markers of endothelial function. Results: NEFA elevation during consumption of the SFA-rich drinks was associated with a marked impairment of FMD, whereas consumption of SFAs + LC n−3 PUFAs improved FMD response, with a mean (±SEM) difference of 2.06 ± 0.29% (P < 0.001). Positive correlations were found with percentage weight of LC n−3 PUFAs in circulating NEFAs and change in FMD response [Spearman's rho (rs) = 0.460, P < 0.001]. LDI measures increased during both treatments (P ≤ 0.026), and there was no change in DVP indexes. Conclusions: The composition of NEFAs can acutely affect FMD. The beneficial effect of LC n−3 PUFAs on postprandial vascular function warrants further investigation but may be mediated by nitric oxide–independent mechanisms. This trial is registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01351324.
The changes occurring in the levels of nutritionally relevant oil components were assessed during repeated frying of potato chips in a blend of palm olein and canola oil (1:1 w/w). The blend suffered minimal reductions in omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. There was no significant difference between the fatty acid composition of the oil extracted from the product and that of the frying medium, in all three cases. The blend also contained a significant amount of tocols which add a nutritional value to the oil. The concentration of the tocols was satisfactorily retained over the period of oil usage, in contrast to the significant loses observed in the case of the individual oils. The blend also performed well when assessed by changes in total polar compounds, free fatty acids, p-anisidine value. When fried in used oil, the product oil content increased progressively with oil usage time. This study shows that blended frying oils can combine good stability and nutritional quality
Milk provides many key nutrients but the saturated and trans fatty acids in milk fat are associated with perceived negative effects on human health, especially cardiovascular disease. Recent epidemiological studies and dietary intervention trials challenge this perception, however; available evidence does not support the concept that consumption of saturated fats or dairy products adversely affects the risk of coronary heart disease (although replacing some saturated fats with mono or polyunsaturated fats is likely to provide benefit). Furthermore, the trans fats found in dairy products are consumed in very low amounts and do not appear to have the negative health effects associated with the consumption of industrial sources of trans fat. Milk fat is an excellent source of oleic acid that originates mainly by endogenous synthesis from stearic acid, but increasing the milk fat content of unsaturated fatty acids requires dietary formulations that bypass rumen biohydrogenation. Recent research indicates that long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acids have potential beneficial effects in health maintenance and the prevention of chronic diseases. Enhancing the milk fat content of these fatty acids offers exciting possibilities, but educating consumers about inaccurate and inappropriate generalisations about fat remains the primary challenge. Finally, individuals do not simply consume milk-fat-derived fatty acids on their own, but rather as components in dairy foods which are highly complex and may contain many beneficial ingredients. Overall, dairy products are critical in providing many of the essential nutrients in the human diet. Nevertheless, dairy products vary in their nutrient composition, including fat, and this needs to be considered in the context of dietary recommendations and our need to consume a balanced diet.
Abstract BACKGROUND: Cinnamon has been shown to delay gastric emptying of a high-carbohydrate meal and reduce postprandial glycemia in healthy adults. However, it is dietary fat which is implicated in the etiology and is associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. We aimed to determine the effect of 3 g cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) on GE, postprandial lipemic and glycemic responses, oxidative stress, arterial stiffness, as well as appetite sensations and subsequent food intake following a high-fat meal. METHODS: A single-blind randomized crossover study assessed nine healthy, young subjects. GE rate of a high-fat meal supplemented with 3 g cinnamon or placebo was determined using the 13C octanoic acid breath test. Breath, blood samples and subjective appetite ratings were collected in the fasted and during the 360 min postprandial period, followed by an ad libitum buffet meal. Gastric emptying and 1-day fatty acid intake relationships were also examined. RESULTS: Cinnamon did not change gastric emptying parameters, postprandial triacylglycerol or glucose concentrations, oxidative stress, arterial function or appetite (p < 0.05). Strong relationships were evident (p < 0.05) between GE Thalf and 1-day palmitoleic acid (r = -0.78), eiconsenoic acid (r = -0.84) and total omega-3 intake (r = -0.72). The ingestion of 3 g cinnamon had no effect on GE, arterial stiffness and oxidative stress following a HF meal. CONCLUSIONS: 3 g cinnamon did not alter the postprandial response to a high-fat test meal. We find no evidence to support the use of 3 g cinnamon supplementation for the prevention or treatment of metabolic disease. Dietary fatty acid intake requires consideration in future gastrointestinal studies.
Background: There is a metabolic pathway by which mammals can convert the omega-3 (n-3) essential fatty acid α-linolenic acid (ALA) into longer-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC n-3 PUFA) including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). As far as we know there are currently no studies that have specifically examined sex differences in the LC n-3 PUFA response to increased dietary ALA intake in humans, although acute studies with isotope-labelled ALA identified that women have a significantly greater capacity to synthesise EPA and DHA from ALA compared to men. Findings: Available data from a placebo-controlled, randomised study were re-examined to identify whether there are sex differences in the LC n-3 PUFA response to increased dietary ALA intake in humans. There was a significant difference between sexes in the response to increased dietary ALA, with women having a significantly greater increase in the EPA content of plasma phospholipids (mean +2.0% of total fatty acids) after six months of an ALA-rich diet compared to men (mean +0.7%, P = 0.039). Age and BMI were identified as predictors of response to dietary ALA among women. Conclusions: Women show a greater increase in circulating EPA than men during increased dietary ALA consumption. Further understanding of individual variation in the response to dietary ALA could inform nutrition advice, with recommendations being specifically tailored according to habitual diet, sex, age and BMI.
This study investigated the effect of, and interactions between, contrasting crossbreed genetics (US Brown Swiss [BS] × Improved Braunvieh [BV] × Original Braunvieh [OB]) and feeding regimes (especially grazing intake and pasture type) on milk fatty acid (FA) profiles. Concentrations of total polyunsaturated FAs, total omega-3 FAs and trans palmitoleic, vaccenic, α-linolenic, eicosapentaenoic and docosapentaenoic acids were higher in cows with a low proportion of BS genetics. Highest concentrations of the nutritionally desirable FAs, trans palmitoleic, vaccenic and eicosapentaenoic acids were found for cows with a low proportion of BS genetics (0-24% and/or 25-49%) on high grazing intake (75-100% of dry matter intake) diets. Multivariate analysis indicated that the proportion of OB genetics is a positive driver for nutritionally desirable monounsaturated and polyunsaturated FAs while BS genetics proportion was positive driver for total and undesirable individual saturated FAs. Significant genetics × feeding regime interactions were also detected for a range of FAs.
Recommendation to reduce fat consumption from ruminant meat does not consider the contribution of nutritionally beneficial fatty acids in lean beef. Here we report effects of production system (organic vs conventional) and finishing season on meat and fat quality of sirloin steaks from retail outlets and simulated fatty acid intakes by consumers. There was little difference in meat quality (pH, shear force and colour), but the fat profiles varied considerably between production systems and season. Meat fat from organic and summer finished cattle contained higher concentrations of conjugated linoleic acid, its precursor vaccenic acid and individual omega-3 fatty acids and had a lower ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids compared with non-organic and winter finished cattle respectively. The fat profile from summer finished organic beef aligns better to recommended dietary guideline including those for long chain omega-3 fatty acids compared with that from winter finished, non-organic steak.
Many studies show concentrations of nutritionally desirable fatty acids in bovine milk are lower when cows have no access to grazing, leading to seasonal fluctuations in milk quality if cows are housed for part of the year. This study investigated the potential to improve the fatty acid profiles of bovine milk by oilseed supplementation (rolled linseed and rapeseed) during a period of indoor feeding in both organic and conventional production systems. Both linseed and rapeseed increased the concentrations of total monounsaturated fatty acids, vaccenic acid, oleic acid and rumenic acid in milk, but decreased the concentration of the total and certain individual saturated fatty acids. Linseed resulted in greater changes than rapeseed, and also significantly increased the concentrations of α-linolenic acid, total polyunsaturated fatty acids and total omega-3 fatty acids. The response to oilseed supplementation, with respect to increasing concentrations of vaccenic acid and omega-3 fatty acids, appeared more efficient for organic compared with conventional diets.
This study investigates the quality of retail milk labelled as Jersey & Guernsey (JG) when compared with milk without breed specifications (NS) and repeatability of differences over seasons and years. 16 different brands of milk (4 Jersey & Guernsey, 12 non specified breed) were sampled over 2 years on 4 occasions. JG milk was associated with both favourable traits for human health, such as the higher total protein, total casein, α-casein, β-casein, κ-casein and α-tocopherol contents, and unfavourable traits, such as the higher concentrations of saturated fat, C12:0, C14:0 and lower concentrations of monounsaturated fatty acids. In summer, JG milk had a higher omega-3:omega-6 ratio than had NS milk. Also, the relative increase in omega-3 fatty acids and α-tocopherol, from winter to summer, was greater in JG milk. The latter characteristic could be of use in breeding schemes and farming systems producing niche dairy products. Seasonality had a more marked impact on the fatty acid composition of JG milk than had NS milk, while the opposite was found for protein composition. Potential implication for the findings in human health, producers, industry and consumers are considered.
There is increasing concern that the intensification of dairy production reduces the concentrations of nutritionally desirable compounds in milk. This study therefore compared important quality parameters (protein and fatty acid profiles; α-tocopherol and carotenoid concentrations) in milk from four dairy systems with contrasting production intensities (in terms of feeding regimens and milking systems). The concentrations of several nutritionally desirable compounds (β-lactoglobulin, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-3/omega-6 ratio, conjugated linoleic acid c9t11, and/or carotenoids) decreased with increasing feeding intensity (organic outdoor ≥ conventional outdoor ≥ conventional indoors). Milking system intensification (use of robotic milking parlors) had a more limited effect on milk composition, but increased mastitis incidence. Multivariate analyses indicated that differences in milk quality were mainly linked to contrasting feeding regimens and that milking system and breed choice also contributed to differences in milk composition between production systems.
Abnormal surface expression of HLA-DR by leukocytes is associated with a poor prognosis in critical care patients. Critical care patients often receive total parenteral nutrition with lipid emulsion (LE). In this study we evaluated the influence of fish oil LE (FO) on human monocyte/macrophage (M phi) expression of surface HLA-DR under distinct activation states. Mononuclear leukocytes from the peripheral blood of healthy volunteers (n = 18) were cultured for 24 hours without LE (control) or with 3 different concentrations (0.1, 0.25, and 0.5%) of the follow LE: a) pure FO b) FO in association (1:1 v/v) with LE composed of 50% medium-chain trygliceride and 50% soybean oil (MCTSO), and c) pure MCTSO. The leukocytes were also submitted to different cell activation states, as determinate by INF-gamma addition time: no INF-gamma addition, 18 hours before, or at the time of LE addition. HLA-DR expression on M phi surface was evaluated by flow cytometry using specific monoclonal antibodies. In relation to controls (for 0.1%, 0.25%, and 0.5%: 100) FO decreased the expression of HLA-DR when added alone [in simultaneously-activated M phi, for 0.1%: 70 (59 +/- 73); for 0.25%: 51 (48 +/- 56); and for 0.5%: 52.5(50 +/- 58)] or in association with MCTSO [in simultaneously-activated M phi, for 0.1%: 50.5 (47 +/- 61); for 25%: 49 (45 +/- 52); and for 05 %: 51 (44 +/- 54) and in previously-activated M phi, for 1.0 % : 63 (44 +/- 88); for 0.25%: 70 (41 +/- 88); and for 0.5%: 59.5 (39 +/- 79)] in culture medium (Friedman p<0.05). In relation to controls (for 0.1%, 0.25%, and 0.5%: 100), FO did not influence the expression of these molecules on non-activated M phi [for 0.1 % : 87.5 (75 +/- 93); for 0.25%: 111 (98 +/- 118); and for 0.5%: 101.5 (84 +/- 113)]. Results show that parenteral FO modulates the expression of HLA-DR on human M phi surface accordingly to leukocyte activation state. Further clinical studies evaluating the ideal moment of fish oil LE infusion to modulate leukocyte functions may contribute to a better understanding of its immune modulatory properties.
The electronic structure and spectroscopic properties of a manifold of states of a new molecular species, BeAs, have been investigated theoretically at the complete active space self-consistent field/multireference single and double excitations configuration interaction (CASSCF/MRSDCI) approach, using the aug-cc-pV5Z-PP basis set for arsenic, which includes a relativistic effective core potential, and the cc-pV5Z set for beryllium. Potential energy curves of five quartet and eight doublet (I > + S) states correlating with the five lowest-lying dissociation limit are constructed. The effect of spin-orbit coupling is also included in the description of the ground state, and of the doublet states correlating with the second dissociation channel. Dipole moment functions and vibrationally averaged dipole moments are also evaluated. The similarities and differences between BeAs, BeP, and BeN are analyzed. Spin-orbit effects are small for the ground state close to the equilibrium distance, but avoided crossings between Omega = 1/2 states, and between Omega = 3/2 states changes significantly the I > + S curves for the lowest-lying doublets.
Multiconfiguration second-order perturbation theory, with the inclusion of relativistic effects and spin-orbit Coupling, was employed to investigate the nature of the ground and low-lying Lambda-S and Omega states of the TcN molecule. Spectroscopic constants, effective bond order, and potential energy curves for 13 low-lying Lambda-S states and 5 Omega states are given, The computed ground state of TcN is of Omega = 3 symmetry (R(e) = 1.605 angstrom and omega(e) = 1085 cm(-1)), originating mainly from the (3)Delta Lambda-S ground state. This result is contrasted with the nature of the ground state for other VIIB transtion-metal mononitrides, including X(3)Sigma(-) symmetry for MnN and Omega = 0(+) symmetry for ReN, derived also from a X(3)Sigma(-) state.
An increasing interest in society towards environmental and ecological issues have beaconed consumer¿s behavior research, particularly the ones related to the identification of the impact of environmental agendas on consumer habits. The objective of the present study is to attitudes related to brands, advertising and purchase intention. The study was based on data gathered through a ¿between subjects¿ experimental research, with three levels of manipulation. One hundred and sixty eight students from the city of Rio de Janeiro were selected for the experiment. The hypothesis suggested that subjects who were exposed to ecological cues demonstrate a more favorable behavior towards advertising attitude (H1A), brand attitude (H1B) and purchase intentions (H1C) than the ones who were not. In addition, an intrinsic health cue called ¿Omega 3¿ was introduced to the experiment to enhance the results of the research. The results have shown that subjects are indifferent to ecological cues regarding their attitudes towards the advertising and purchase intention. However, the study determined a more favorable attitude towards the brand by subjects exposed to the ecological cue. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that although ecological cues exposed in advertisements do not result on an increase of a positive of the product label is enhanced positively due to the relation of the brand with environmentally sound practices.
We did a numerical investigation of the propagation of short light pulses in the region of 1.55 mu m and the conversion efficiency (CE) for the four wave mixing generation (FWM) of ordinary and dispersion decreasing fibers for use in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems, Our simulations studies three different profiles, linear, hyperbolic. and constant, One conclude that for all the profiles there is decrease of the conversion efficiency with the increase in the channel separation. The hyperbolic profile present a higher efficiency of around 1000 above in magnitude compared with the others profiles at 0.2 nm of channel separation. We calculate the conversion efficiency versus the fiber length for the three profiles. The conversion efficiency for the hyperbolic profile is higher when compared to the constant and linear profiles. The other interesting point of the hyperbolic profile is that the increase of the CE in the beginning of the fiber does not show my oscillation in the CE value (log eta), which was observed for the constant and linear profiles. For all the profiles there is an increase of the conversion efficiency with the increase of the pump power. The compression factor C-i for the generated FWM signal at omega(3) was measured along the DDF's and the constant profile fibers. One can conclude that with the use of decreasing dispersion profile (DDF) fibers one can have a control of the (CE) conversion efficiency and the compression factor of the four wave mixing (FWM) generation in WDM systems. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.