875 resultados para Non-contact technique
In this Letter, we present a non-contact method of controlling and monitoring photomechanical actuation in carbon nanotubes (CNT) by exposing it to ultra-violet radiation at different pulse rates (10 to 200 Hz). This is accomplished by imparting a reversible photo induced strain (5-330 mu epsilon) on CNT coated fibre Bragg gratings; CNT undergoes an internal reversible structural change due to cyclic photon absorption that leads to the development of mechanical strain, which in turn allows reversible switching of the Bragg wavelength. The results also reveal an interesting pulse rate dependent rise and fall times of photomechanical actuation in CNT. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
Prognosis regarding durability of composite structures using various Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) techniques is an important and challenging topic of research. Ultrasonic SHM systems with embedded transducers have potential application here due to their instant monitoring capability, compact packaging potential toward unobtrusiveness and non-invasiveness as compared to non-contact ultrasonic and eddy current techniques which require disassembly of the structure. However, embedded sensors pose a risk to the structure by acting as a flaw thereby reducing life. The present paper focuses on the determination of strength and fatigue life of the composite laminate with embedded film sensors like CNT nanocomposite, PVDF thin films and piezoceramic films. First, the techniques of embedding these sensors in composite laminates is described followed by the determination of static strength and fatigue life at coupon level testing in Universal Testing Machine (UTM). Failure mechanisms of the composite laminate with embedded sensors are studied for static and dynamic loading cases. The coupons are monitored for loading and failure using the embedded sensors. A comparison of the performance of these three types of embedded sensors is made to study their suitability in various applications. These three types of embedded sensors cover a wide variety of applications, and prove to be viable in embedded sensor based SHM of composite structures.
Microarraying involves laying down genetic elements onto a solid substrate for DNA analysis on a massively parallel scale. Microarrays are prepared using a pin-based robotic platform to transfer liquid samples from microtitre plates to an array pattern of dots of different liquids on the surface of glass slides where they dry to form spots diameter < 200 μm. This paper presents the design, materials selection, micromachining technology and performance of reservoir pins for microarraying. A conical pin is produced by (i) conventional machining of stainless steel or wet etching of tungsten wire, followed by (ii) micromachining with a focused laser to produce a microreservoir and a capillary channel structure leading from the tip. The pin has a flat end diameter < 100 μm from which a 500 μm long capillary channel < 15 μm wide leads up the pin to a reservoir. Scanning electron micrographs of the metal surface show roughness on the scale of 10 μm, but the pins nevertheless give consistent and reproducible spotting performance. The pin capacity is 80 nanolitres of fluid containing DNA, and at least 50 spots can be printed before replenishing the reservoir. A typical robot holds can hold up to 64 pins. This paper discusses the fabrication technology, the performance and spotting uniformity for reservoir pins, the possible limits to miniaturization of pins using this approach, and the future prospects for contact and non-contact arraying technology.
Ordered granular systems have been a subject of active research for decades. Due to their rich dynamic response and nonlinearity, ordered granular systems have been suggested for several applications, such as solitary wave focusing, acoustic signals manipulation, and vibration absorption. Most of the fundamental research performed on ordered granular systems has focused on macro-scale examples. However, most engineering applications require these systems to operate at much smaller scales. Very little is known about the response of micro-scale granular systems, primarily because of the difficulties in realizing reliable and quantitative experiments, which originate from the discrete nature of granular materials and their highly nonlinear inter-particle contact forces.
In this work, we investigate the physics of ordered micro-granular systems by designing an innovative experimental platform that allows us to assemble, excite, and characterize ordered micro-granular systems. This new experimental platform employs a laser system to deliver impulses with controlled momentum and incorporates non-contact measurement apparatuses to detect the particles’ displacement and velocity. We demonstrated the capability of the laser system to excite systems of dry (stainless steel particles of radius 150 micrometers) and wet (silica particles of radius 3.69 micrometers, immersed in fluid) micro-particles, after which we analyzed the stress propagation through these systems.
We derived the equations of motion governing the dynamic response of dry and wet particles on a substrate, which we then validated in experiments. We then measured the losses in these systems and characterized the collision and friction between two micro-particles. We studied wave propagation in one-dimensional dry chains of micro-particles as well as in two-dimensional colloidal systems immersed in fluid. We investigated the influence of defects to wave propagation in the one-dimensional systems. Finally, we characterized the wave-attenuation and its relation to the viscosity of the surrounding fluid and performed computer simulations to establish a model that captures the observed response.
The findings of the study offer the first systematic experimental and numerical analysis of wave propagation through ordered systems of micro-particles. The experimental system designed in this work provides the necessary tools for further fundamental studies of wave propagation in both granular and colloidal systems.
[EUS] Aurreko Ligamendu Gurutzatuen (ALG) lesioa gaur egun kirolean gehien ematen den lesioetako bat da. Lesio hau askoz ere ohikoagoa da emakumeengan, eta batez ere kontakturik gabeko egoeretan ematen da. Lesio honen tratamendu eta errekuperazio metodo desberdinak daude gaur egun. Lan honetan bi kasu desberdinen konparaketa egingo da, batez ere, operazio ondorengo errekuperazioan ematen diren desberdintasunetan, eta hauen emaitzetan zentratuz ondorioak atera ahal izateko.
We are investigating the use of flywheels for energy storage. Flywheel devices need to be of high efficiency and an important source of losses is the bearings. In addition, the requirement is for the devices to have long lifetimes with minimal or no maintenance. Conventional rolling element bearings can and have been used, but a non-contact bearing, such as a superconducting magnetic bearing, is expected to have a longer lifetime and lower losses. At Cambridge we have constructed a flywheel system. Designed to run in vacuum this incorporates a 40kg flywheel supported on superconducting magnetic bearings. The production device will be a 5kW device storing 5 kWh of retrievable energy at 50,000 rpm. The Cambridge system is being developed in parallel with a similar device supported on a conventional bearing. This will allow direct performance comparisons. Although superconducting bearings are increasingly well understood, of major importance are the cryogenics and special attention is being paid to methods of packaging and insulating the superconductors to cut down radiation losses. The work reported here is part of a three-year program of work supported by the EPSRC. © 1999 IEEE.
Accurately measuring the electronic properties of nanowires is a crucial step in the development of novel semiconductor nanowire-based devices. With this in mind, optical pump-terahertz probe (OPTP) spectroscopy is ideally suited to studies of nanowires: it provides non-contact measurement of carrier transport and dynamics at room temperature. OPTP spectroscopy has been used to assess key electrical properties, including carrier lifetime and carrier mobility, of GaAs, InAs and InP nanowires. The measurements revealed that InAs nanowires exhibited the highest mobilities and InP nanowires exhibited the lowest surface recombination velocity. © 2013 Copyright SPIE.
50mm SiC films with high electrical uniformity are grown on Si(111) by a newly developed vertical low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) reactor.Both in-situ n- and p-type doping of 3C-SiC are achieved by intentional introduction of ammonia and boron into the precursor gases.The dependence of growth rate and surface morphology on the C/Si ratio and optimized growth conditions is obtained.The best electrical uniformity of 50mm 3C-SiC films obtained by non-contact sheet resistance measurement is ±2.58%.GaN films are grown atop the as-grown 3C-SiC/Si(111) layers using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE).The data of both X-ray diffraction and low temperature photoluminescence of GaN/3C-SiC/Si(111) show that 3C-SiC is an appropriate substrate or buffer layer for the growth of Ⅲ-nitrides on Si substrates with no cracks.
本文给出了一种基于视觉的、造价低廉实用的非接触式机器人直线轨迹测量系统 .该测量系统由结构光视觉传感器、测量轨道、主控计算机及相关软件组成 .视觉传感器可固定于机器人末端 .当机器人末端带动视觉传感器沿测量轨道做直线运动时 ,通过传感器测量相对测量轨道的连续位姿关系 ,就可间接描述机器人末端的运动轨迹 .当重复同一直线运动时 ,可检测出机器人的轨迹重复性 .本文综述了机器人直线轨迹测量设备的研究现状 ,介绍了轨迹检测系统的测量原理 ,重点讨论了该测量系统的两个关键技术 :空间特征点的图象提取技术和三维坐标计算方法 ,并描述了该系统的结构、性能指标和测量试验结果 .
The land subsidence of soft clay is including natural and man-made content, which leads to the research on the mechanism of land subsidence constituted by two different aspects, which are studied by geological engineers and geologist. The main major research is focused on the effects of engineering. The land subsidence engineering of soil mechanics is caused by the consolidation and compression of soft clay, the content of which is including the micro-structural characteristics, the stress - strain constitutive relation, porous law, and consolidation theory. In this paper, it is discussed the nonlinear consolidation and compression theory of soft clay. The main studies and conclusions of this thesis are as follows. (1)The micro-structure and its stability are closely related to the engineering characters of soft clay. The stiffness and force connection status of micro-structure plays a controlling influence to its stability. (2)Under saturated state, clay particles remain in a non-full contact or non-contact status, so it is needed to modify the Terzaghi effective stress principle. With the discharge of pore water, the effective stress is increasing, and part of weakly bound-water begins flow, while the porosity and permeability are became lower. (3)It exist non-linear flow in soft clay, which is caused by the shear flow situation of weakly bounded-water. In this case, permeability coefficient is a nonlinear function of hydraulic gradient. (4)In the initial consolidation stage of soft clay in the initial stage, the porous flow is mainly caused by the excretion of free water. With the decrease of free water content, combined bonded-water start to supply free water. At the later stage of consolidation, the flow of fluid is mainly consisted by weakly bounded-water. The exchange between bonded-water and free water is played a role, which slows down the consolidation process.
We introduce and explore an approach to estimating statistical significance of classification accuracy, which is particularly useful in scientific applications of machine learning where high dimensionality of the data and the small number of training examples render most standard convergence bounds too loose to yield a meaningful guarantee of the generalization ability of the classifier. Instead, we estimate statistical significance of the observed classification accuracy, or the likelihood of observing such accuracy by chance due to spurious correlations of the high-dimensional data patterns with the class labels in the given training set. We adopt permutation testing, a non-parametric technique previously developed in classical statistics for hypothesis testing in the generative setting (i.e., comparing two probability distributions). We demonstrate the method on real examples from neuroimaging studies and DNA microarray analysis and suggest a theoretical analysis of the procedure that relates the asymptotic behavior of the test to the existing convergence bounds.
The phototherapy effects in the skin are related to biomodulation, usually to accelerate wound healing. However, there is no direct proof of the interrelation between the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and light-emitting diode (LED) in neuropeptide secretion, these substances being prematurely involved in the neurogenic inflammation phase of wound healing. This study therefore focused on investigating LLLT and LED in Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP) secretion in healthy rat skin. Forty rats were randomly distributed into five groups with eight rats each: Control Group, Blue LED Group (470 nm, 350 mW power), Red LED Group (660 nm, 350 mW power), Red Laser Group (660 nm, 100 mW power), and Infrared Laser Group (808 nm, 100 mW power) (DMCA (R) Equipamentos Ltda., So Carlos, So Paulo, Brazil). the skin of the animals in the experimental groups was irradiated using the punctual contact technique, with a total energy of 40 J, single dose, standardized at one point in the dorsal region. After 14 min of irradiation, the skin samples were collected for CGRP and SP quantification using western blot analysis. SP was released in Infrared Laser Group (p = 0.01); there was no difference in the CGRP secretion among groups. Infrared (808 nm) LLLT enhances neuropeptide SP secretion in healthy rat skin.
Kargl, Florian; Sj?str?m, J.; Fernandez-Alonso, F.; Swenson, J., (2007) 'The dynamics of water in hydrated white bread investigated using quasielastic neutron scattering', Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 pp.415119 RAE2008
La termometría es una técnica no invasiva que permite cuantificar los cambios en la temperatura cutánea y evaluarla de forma cuantitativa. El aumento significativo de la temperatura puede indicar la existencia de patología. Se ha demostrado que la actividad muscular induce procesos de transferencia de calor entre los músculos y las capas superficiales de tejido. En este estudio queremos cuantificar los cambios de temperatura que se producen en los músculos del pie y miembro inferior tras una carrera de 30 km, para ello hemos utilizado una cámara termográfica de alta resolución. Contamos con la colaboración voluntaria de 32 sujetos sanos a los que procedimos a tomar fotografías de la planta del pie, parte anterior de la pierna, parte posterior de la pierna, parte anterior del muslo y parte posterior del muslo en dos etapas, primero antes de la carrera y segunda toma después de la carrera de 30 km, de esta manera pudimos valorar si había o no variación de temperatura en las zonas seleccionadas. Tras el análisis de los datos obtenidos encontramos significativas variaciones térmicas en Talón, cabeza primer metatarsiano, cabeza segundo metatarsiano, cabeza tercer metatarsiano, cabeza cuarto metatarsiano, cabeza quinto metatarsiano, apófisis estiloides quinto metatarsiano, arco longitudinal interno, maléolo interno, maléolo externo, peroneo lateral largo, vasto interno, vasto externo, recto femoral, tensor de la fascia lata, inserción cuádriceps, gemelo interno, tendón de Aquiles y Biceps femoral.
Silicone elastomer vaginal rings are currently being pursued as a controlled-release strategy for delivering microbicidal substances for the prevention of heterosexual transmission of HIV. Although it is well established that the distribution of drugs in delivery systems influences the release characteristics, in practice the distribution is often difficult to quantify in-situ. Therefore, the aim of this work was to determine whether Raman spectroscopy might provide a rapid, non-contact means of measuring the concentrations of the lead candidate HIV microbicide TMC120 in a silicone elastomer reservoir-type vaginal ring. Vaginal rings loaded with TMC120 were manufactured and sectioned before either Raman mapping an entire ring cross-section (100 µm resolution) or running line scans at appropriate time intervals up to 30 h after manufacture. The results demonstrated that detectable amounts of TMC120, above the silicone elastomer saturation concentration, could be detected up to 1 mm into the sheath, presumably as a consequence of permeation and subsequent reprecipitation. The extent of permeation was found to be similar in rings manufactured at 25 and 80°C.