838 resultados para Neutrophil


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Leukocyte transmigration is mediated by endothelial cell (EC) junctional molecules, but the associated mechanisms remain unclear. Here we investigate how intercellular adhesion molecule-2 (ICAM-2), junctional adhesion molecule-A (JAM-A), and platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule (PECAM-1) mediate neutrophil transmigration in a stimulus-dependent manner (eg, as induced by interleukin-1beta [IL-1beta] but not tumor necrosis factor-alpha [TNF-alpha]), and demonstrate their ability to act in sequence. Using a cell-transfer technique, transmigration responses of wild-type and TNF-alpha p55/p75 receptor-deficient leukocytes (TNFR(-/-)) through mouse cremasteric venules were quantified by fluorescence intravital microscopy. Whereas wild-type leukocytes showed a normal transmigration response to TNF-alpha in ICAM-2(-/-), JAM-A(-/-), and PECAM-1(-/-) recipient mice, TNFR(-/-) leukocytes exhibited a reduced transmigration response. Hence, when the ability of TNF-alpha to directly stimulate neutrophils is blocked, TNF-alpha-induced neutrophil transmigration is rendered dependent on ICAM-2, JAM-A, and PECAM-1, suggesting that the stimulus-dependent role of these molecules is governed by the target cell being activated. Furthermore, analysis of the site of arrest of neutrophils in inflamed tissues from ICAM-2(-/-), JAM-A(-/-), and PECAM-1(-/-) mice demonstrated that these molecules act sequentially to mediate transmigration. Collectively, the findings provide novel insights into the mechanisms of action of key molecules implicated in leukocyte transmigration.


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To investigate the presence of epithelial neutrophil-activating peptide 78 (ENA-78) in peritoneal fluid of women with and without endometriosis and to identify the cells that produce this inflammatory protein.


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Neutrophils recruited to the postischemic kidney contribute to the pathogenesis of ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI), which is the most common cause of renal failure among hospitalized patients. The Slit family of secreted proteins inhibits chemotaxis of leukocytes by preventing activation of Rho-family GTPases, suggesting that members of this family might modulate the recruitment of neutrophils and the resulting IRI. Here, in static and microfluidic shear assays, Slit2 inhibited multiple steps required for the infiltration of neutrophils into tissue. Specifically, Slit2 blocked the capture and firm adhesion of human neutrophils to inflamed vascular endothelial barriers as well as their subsequent transmigration. To examine whether these observations were relevant to renal IRI, we administered Slit2 to mice before bilateral clamping of the renal pedicles. Assessed at 18 hours after reperfusion, Slit2 significantly inhibited renal tubular necrosis, neutrophil and macrophage infiltration, and rise in plasma creatinine. In vitro, Slit2 did not impair the protective functions of neutrophils, including phagocytosis and superoxide production, and did not inhibit neutrophils from killing the extracellular pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. In vivo, administration of Slit2 did not attenuate neutrophil recruitment or bacterial clearance in mice with ascending Escherichia coli urinary tract infections and did not increase the bacterial load in the livers of mice infected with the intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. Collectively, these results suggest that Slit2 may hold promise as a strategy to combat renal IRI without compromising the protective innate immune response.


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Bone marrow (BM) holds a large reserve of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) that are rapidly mobilized to the circulation and tissues in response to danger signals. SerpinB1 is a potent inhibitor of neutrophil serine proteases neutrophil elastase (NE) and cathepsin G (CG). SerpinB1 deficiency (sB1(-/-)) results in a severe reduction of the BM PMN reserve and failure to clear bacterial infection. Using BM chimera, we found that serpinB1 deficiency in BM cells was necessary and sufficient to reproduce the BM neutropenia of sB1(-/-) mice. Moreover, we showed that genetic deletion of CG, but not NE, fully rescued the BM neutropenia in sB1(-/-) mice. In mixed BM chimera and in vitro survival studies, we showed that CG modulates sB1(-/-) PMN survival through a cell-intrinsic pathway. In addition, membrane permeabilization by lysosomotropic agent l-leucyl-l-leucine methyl ester that allows cytosolic release of granule contents was sufficient to induce rapid PMN death through a CG-dependent pathway. CG-mediated PMN cytotoxicity was only partly blocked by caspase inhibition, suggesting that CG cleaves a distinct set of targets during apoptosis. In conclusion, we have unveiled a new cytotoxic function for the serine protease CG and showed that serpinB1 is critical for maintaining PMN survival by antagonizing intracellular CG activity.


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Persistently low white blood cell count (WBC) and neutrophil count is a well-described phenomenon in persons of African ancestry, whose etiology remains unknown. We recently used admixture mapping to identify an approximately 1-megabase region on chromosome 1, where ancestry status (African or European) almost entirely accounted for the difference in WBC between African Americans and European Americans. To identify the specific genetic change responsible for this association, we analyzed genotype and phenotype data from 6,005 African Americans from the Jackson Heart Study (JHS), the Health, Aging and Body Composition (Health ABC) Study, and the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study. We demonstrate that the causal variant must be at least 91% different in frequency between West Africans and European Americans. An excellent candidate is the Duffy Null polymorphism (SNP rs2814778 at chromosome 1q23.2), which is the only polymorphism in the region known to be so differentiated in frequency and is already known to protect against Plasmodium vivax malaria. We confirm that rs2814778 is predictive of WBC and neutrophil count in African Americans above beyond the previously described admixture association (P = 3.8 x 10(-5)), establishing a novel phenotype for this genetic variant.


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Among the first white blood cells to respond to bacterial and fungal infections, neutrophils are produced in the bone marrow, released into circulating blood, and recruited to inflamed tissue. The cytokine granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G


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In bacterial meningitis, neutrophils cope with bacterial infection but also lead to tissue damage. The balance of beneficial and harmful effects may depend on the lifespan of the neutrophils in the CNS. Here, we show that CSF of patients with meningococcal meningitis contains a neutrophil apoptosis-inhibiting capacity that correlates with TNF-α content. In vitro experiments show that Neisseria meningitidis as well as LPS derived from these bacteria regulated neutrophil apoptosis mainly by stimulating TNF-α production in monocytes. Whereas LPS-induced PI3K-dependent survival signals in monocytes are critical for neutrophil survival, PI3K signaling in granulocytes did not contribute to the increased lifespan of neutrophils. We conclude that LPS-driven PI3K signaling in monocytes regulates neutrophil apoptosis and thereby, may be crucial in the initiation of secondary brain damage in bacterial meningitis.


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BACKGROUND Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) is a protein that is used in human medicine as a real-time indicator of acute kidney injury (AKI). HYPOTHESIS Dogs with AKI have significantly higher plasma NGAL concentration and urine NGAL-to-creatinine ratio (UNCR) compared with healthy dogs and dogs with chronic kidney disease (CKD). ANIMALS 18 healthy control dogs, 17 dogs with CKD, and 48 dogs with AKI. METHODS Over a period of 1 year, all dogs with renal azotemia were prospectively included. Urine and plasma samples were collected during the first 24 hours after presentation or after development of renal azotemia. Plasma and urine NGAL concentrations were measured with a commercially available canine NGAL Elisa Kit (Bioporto® Diagnostic) and UNCR was calculated. A single-injection plasma inulin clearance was performed in the healthy dogs. RESULTS Median (range) NGAL plasma concentration in healthy dogs, dogs with CKD, and AKI were 10.7 ng/mL (2.5-21.2), 22.0 ng/mL (7.7-62.3), and 48.3 ng/mL (5.7-469.0), respectively. UNCR was 2 × 10(-8) (0-46), 1,424 × 10(-8) (385-18,347), and 2,366 × 10(-8) (36-994,669), respectively. Dogs with renal azotemia had significantly higher NGAL concentrations and UNCR than did healthy dogs (P < .0001 for both). Plasma NGAL concentration was significantly higher in dogs with AKI compared with dogs with CKD (P = .027). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE Plasma NGAL could be helpful to differentiate AKI from CKD in dogs with renal azotemia.


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FcαRI (CD89), the human Fc receptor for IgA, is highly expressed on neutrophil granulocytes. In this study, we show that FcαRI induces different forms of neutrophil death, depending on the inflammatory microenvironment. The susceptibility of inflammatory neutrophils from sepsis or rheumatoid arthritis toward death induced by specific mAb, or soluble IgA at high concentrations, was enhanced. Although unstimulated cells experienced apoptosis following anti-FcαRI mAb stimulation, preactivation with cytokines or TLR agonists in vitro enhanced FcαRI-mediated death by additional recruitment of caspase-independent pathways, but this required PI3K class IA and MAPK signaling. Transmission electron microscopy of FcαRI-stimulated cells revealed cytoplasmic changes with vacuolization and mitochondrial swelling, nuclear condensation, and sustained plasma membrane. Coculture experiments with macrophages revealed anti-inflammatory effects of the partially caspase-independent death of primed cells following FcαRI engagement. Our data suggest that FcαRI has the ability to regulate neutrophil viability and to induce different forms of neutrophils depending on the inflammatory microenvironment and specific characteristics of the ligand-receptor interactions. Furthermore, these findings have potential implications for FcαRI-targeted strategies to treat neutrophil-associated inflammatory diseases.


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Members of the WD-repeat protein interacting with phosphoinositides (WIPI) family are phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3P) effectors that are essential for the formation of autophagosomes. Autophagosomes, unique double-membraned organelles, are characteristic for autophagy, a bulk degradation mechanism with cytoprotective and homeostatic function. Both, WIPI-1 and WIPI-2 are aberrantly expressed in several solid tumors, linking these genes to carcinogenesis. We now found that the expression of WIPI-1 was significantly reduced in a large cohort of 98 primary acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patient samples (complex karyotypes; t(8;21); t(15,17); inv(16)). In contrast, the expression of WIPI-2 was only reduced in acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), a distinct subtype of AML (t(15,17)). As AML cells are blocked in their differentiation, we tested if the expression levels of WIPI-1 and WIPI-2 increase during all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA)-induced neutrophil differentiation of APL. According to the higher WIPI-1 expression in granulocytes compared with immature blast cells, WIPI-1 but not WIPI-2 expression was significantly induced during neutrophil differentiation of NB4 APL cells. Interestingly, the induction of WIPI-1 expression was dependent on the transcription factor PU.1, a master regulator of myelopoiesis, supporting our notion that WIPI-1 expression is reduced in AML patients lacking proper PU-1 activity. Further, knocking down WIPI-1 in NB4 cells markedly attenuated the autophagic flux and significantly reduced neutrophil differentiation. This result was also achieved by knocking down WIPI-2, suggesting that both WIPI-1 and WIPI-2 are functionally required and not redundant in mediating the PI3P signal at the onset of autophagy in NB4 cells. In line with these data, downregulation of PI3KC3 (hVPS34), which generates PI3P upstream of WIPIs, also inhibited neutrophil differentiation. In conclusion, we demonstrate that both WIPI-1 and WIPI-2 are required for the PI3P-dependent autophagic activity during neutrophil differentiation, and that PU.1-dependent WIPI-1 expression is significantly repressed in primary AML patient samples and that the induction of autophagic flux is associated with neutrophil differentiation of APL cells.


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BACKGROUND Distinct populations of neutrophils have been identified based on the expression of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM1, CD54) and chemokine receptor 1 (CXCR1, interleukin 8 receptor α). AIM We analyzed the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 (VEGFR1), a physiological negative regulator of angiogenesis, on distinct populations of neutrophils from the blood of patients before and after adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS Neutrophil populations were distinguished as reverse transmigrated (ICAM1(high)/CXCR1(low)), naïve (ICAM1(low)/CXCR1(high)), or tissue-resident neutrophils (ICAM1(low)/CXCR1(low)), and their VEGFR1 expression quantified. RESULTS Reverse transmigrated ICAM1(high)/CXCR1(low) neutrophilic granulocytes decreased significantly after chemotherapy and these were also the cells with highest mean fluorescence intensity for VEGFR1. CONCLUSION Chemotherapy mainly reduces the number of reverse transmigrated long-lived ICAM1(high)/CXCR1(low) VEGFR1-expressing neutrophils. The decrease of antiangiogenic VEGFR1 may have a potential impact on tumour angiogenesis in patients undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy.


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BACKGROUND Acute thrombotic microangiopathies (TMAs) are characterized by excessive microvascular thrombosis and are associated with markers of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) in plasma. NETs are composed of DNA fibers and promote thrombus formation through the activation of platelets and clotting factors. OBJECTIVE The efficient removal of NETs may be required to prevent excessive thrombosis such as in TMAs. To test this hypothesis, we investigated whether TMAs are associated with a defect in the degradation of NETs. APPROACH AND RESULTS We show that NETs generated in vitro were efficiently degraded by plasma from healthy donors. However, NETs remained stable after exposure to plasma from TMA patients. The inability to degrade NETs was linked to a reduced DNase activity in TMA plasma. Plasma DNase1 was required for efficient NET-degradation and TMA plasma showed decreased levels of this enzyme. Supplementation of TMA plasma with recombinant human DNase1 restored NET-degradation activity. CONCLUSIONS Our data indicates that DNase1-mediated degradation of NETs is impaired in patients with TMAs. The role of plasma DNases in thrombosis is, as of yet, poorly understood. Reduced plasma DNase1 activity may cause the persistence of pro-thrombotic NETs and thus promote microvascular thrombosis in TMA patients. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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In acute neuroinflammatory states such as meningitis, neutrophils cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and contribute to pathological alterations of cerebral function. The mechanisms that govern neutrophil migration across the BBB are ill defined. Using live-cell imaging, we show that LPS-stimulated BBB endothelium supports neutrophil arrest, crawling, and diapedesis under physiological flow in vitro. Investigating the interactions of neutrophils from wild-type, CD11a(-/-), CD11b(-/-), and CD18(null) mice with wild-type, junctional adhesion molecule-A(-/-), ICAM-1(null), ICAM-2(-/-), or ICAM-1(null)/ICAM-2(-/-) primary mouse brain microvascular endothelial cells, we demonstrate that neutrophil arrest, polarization, and crawling required G-protein-coupled receptor-dependent activation of β2 integrins and binding to endothelial ICAM-1. LFA-1 was the prevailing ligand for endothelial ICAM-1 in mediating neutrophil shear resistant arrest, whereas Mac-1 was dominant over LFA-1 in mediating neutrophil polarization on the BBB in vitro. Neutrophil crawling was mediated by endothelial ICAM-1 and ICAM-2 and neutrophil LFA-1 and Mac-1. In the absence of crawling, few neutrophils maintained adhesive interactions with the BBB endothelium by remaining either stationary on endothelial junctions or displaying transient adhesive interactions characterized by a fast displacement on the endothelium along the direction of flow. Diapedesis of stationary neutrophils was unchanged by the lack of endothelial ICAM-1 and ICAM-2 and occurred exclusively via the paracellular pathway. Crawling neutrophils, although preferentially crossing the BBB through the endothelial junctions, could additionally breach the BBB via the transcellular route. Thus, β2 integrin-mediated neutrophil crawling on endothelial ICAM-1 and ICAM-2 is a prerequisite for transcellular neutrophil diapedesis across the inflamed BBB.


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In an mRNA profiling screen performed to unveil novel mechanisms of leukemogenesis, we found that the sentrin-specific protease 5 (SENP5) was significantly repressed in clinical acute myeloid leukemia when compared to healthy neutrophil samples. SENP5 is an enzyme that targets and cleaves small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) residues from SUMOylated proteins. Further investigation with AML neutrophil differentiation cell models showed increased SENP5 expression upon induction of differentiation; in contrast, knocking down SENP5 resulted in significantly attenuated neutrophil differentiation. Our results support a new role of SENP5 in AML pathology, and in particular in the neutrophil differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells.