979 resultados para Natural products -- Synthesis
Secondary metabolites synthesised by sessile invertebrates appear to play a role in creating and maintaining space on hard substrata by repelling competitors. In this study, we investigated the responses of the larvae of the ascidian Herdmania curvata to haliclonacyclamine A (HA), the major component of a suite of cytotoxic alkaloids extracted from the sponge Haliclona sp. 628. Both Haliclona sp. 628 and Herdmania curvata inhabit the crest and slope of Heron Island Reef. High rates of settlement were induced in competent H. curvata larvae by a range of concentrations of HA, all lower than that naturally occurring in the sponge. HA did not induce precompetent larvae to settle. Although early metamorphosis of HA-induced larvae was normal, larvae exposed to all but the lowest concentration of HA were developmentally arrested after completion of tail resorption, at about 4 h after the initiation of metamorphosis. These postlarvae underwent extensive cellular necrosis within 24 h. We also demonstrate that the addition of a transcriptional inhibitor, actinomycin D, to larvae also causes inhibition of metamorphosis after tail resorption is completed. Analyses of incorporation of radiolabelled nucleotides to measure levels of transcription during normal development and after the addition of the transcriptional inhibitor indicate that there is a significant burst of transcriptional activity just after tail resorption is completed. Despite inhibiting metamorphosis at the same stage as actinomycin D, HA increases initial rates of RNA synthesis after induction of metamorphosis in a manner similar to that observed in normal postlarvae until the onset of cellular necrosis. We conclude that HA initially induces H. curvata larvae to settle and progress through early metamorphosis possibly by engaging the same pathway as other artificial and environmental cues but subsequently inhibits completion of metamorphosis, resulting in death of the postlarvae. Since HA does not affect overall transcription rates, it appears to disrupt another important developmental process during early metamorphosis.
The title compound (3) has been synthesized and its presence sought in the urinary metabolites of the brushtail possum. © CSIRO 2001
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica
We investigated the reductive intramolecular cyclization of bromopropargyl ethers derivatives, catalyzed by electrogenerated (1,4,8,11-tetramethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraaza-cyclotetradecane)nickel(I), [Ni(tmc)]+ as the catalysts in N,N,N-trimethyl-N-(2- hydroxyethyl)ammonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide,[N1 1 1 2(OH)][NTf2] and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [C2mim][NTf2] by cyclic voltammetry and controlled-potential electrolysis. The results show that the reaction leads to the formation of the expected cyclic compounds, which are important intermediates in the synthesis of natural products with possible biological activities.
The health industry has always used natural products as a rich, promising, and alternative source of drugs that are used in the health system. Propolis, a natural resinous product known for centuries, is a complex product obtained by honey bees from substances collected from parts of different plants, buds, and exudates in different geographic areas. Propolis has been attracting scientific attention since it has many biological and pharmacological properties, which are related to its chemical composition. Several in vitro and in vivo studies have been performed to characterize and understand the diverse bioactivities of propolis and its isolated compounds, as well as to evaluate and validate its potential. Yet, there is a lack of information concerning clinical effectiveness. The goal of this review is to discuss the potential of propolis for the development of new drugs by presenting published data concerning the chemical composition and the biological properties of this natural compound from different geographic origins.
El tema principal del treball és sobre l'estudi teòric de l'estructura i reactivitat en carbens de Fischer de la forma (CO)5Cr=C(X)R (X= OH, NH2, OMe, NMe2 i R= CHCH2 i Ph). Particularment, el nostre interès va sorgir del tipus de reaccions de cicloadicció que donen lloc a la síntesi de productes naturals i fàrmacs de gran valor afegit. Hem estudiat els mecanismes de reacció dels casos més comuns de cicloanul•lació: la reacció de benzanul•lació de Dötz i ciclopentanulacions que es troben en competència amb el primer cas, derivats de l'inserció de acetilè i fenilacetilè. En l'últim pas de les reaccions que comporten la formació d'un sistema de més d'un anell, hi tenim una migració del complex metàl•lic de crom d'un extrem a un altre anomenat com rearranjament haptotròpic. Aleshores, hem investigat sobre els mecanismes de migració haptotròpica de Cr(CO)3 sobre hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics analitzant l'efecte de la mida i la curvatura del sistema així com la complexació d'un segon fragment metàl•lic a la manera de coordinació als anells. D'una altre banda, vam estudiar l'aromaticitat en 54 cúmuls cíclics de molecules inorgàniques mitjançant metodologia desenvolupada al nostre grup de recerca i altres. Vam proposar la tècnica del scan-NICS com nova mesura quantitativa d'aromaticitat i reportar l'escassa correlació entre els distints índexs d'aromaticitat a la literatura. Finalment, com resultat de col•laboracions en estades de recerca, he desenvolupat propostes de mecanismes de reacció en sistemes catalítics de isonitrils i fosfinetà-amides i en dímers de gassos nobles.
A rational method of search for natural neolignans of desired structures is outlined. This involves consultation of a collection of chemical profiles of plant families. The profiles are assembled considering the biosynthetic class (in the present case lignoids), subclass (neolignans), structural types (neolignan skeleta) and relative frequency of substitutional derivatives belonging to each type (known compounds). The method is of course applicable to ani class of natural products. Its use in the case of neolignans is here selected as an exemple in view of the recently discovered antagonism towards PAF of kadsurenone, a representative of this subclass of phytochemicals. Application of the chemical profiles to phylogenetic studies is illustrated.
Fructus Schisandrae sinensis Baill, a traditional Chinese medicine, used as tonic and sedative, has been shown at the beginning of 70's to lower the elevated serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) levels of patients suffering from chronic viral hepatitis. Durign past 20 years, a series of neolignans have been isolated and identified as effective principles. Pharmacological studies revealed that they increased liver protein and glicogen synthesis, antagonized liver injuries from CCl4 and thioacetamide. The mechanism of SGPT lowering was considered as a hepato-protective and membrane stabilize action, although inhibition of the activity of liver GPT may also be existed. It was found that some principles of Schisandrae have an inducing effect on hepatic microsomal drug-metabolizing enzynme system P-450, thus explained their anti-toxic, anti-carcinogenic and anti-mutagenic effects. A synthetic derivative compound of Schisandrin called DDB has most of the above mentioned actions now used widely in Chine as a hepato-protective drug with high effectiveness in normalizing liver functions and very low side effects. From Schisandrin to synthesized DDB, pointed out a successful way in the development of new drugs from natural products.
Search of new activity substances starting from chemotherapeutic agents, continously appears in international literature. Perhaps this search has been done more frequently in the field of anti-tumor chemotherapy on account of the unsuccess in saving advanced stage patients. The new point in this matter during the last decade was computer aid in planning more rational drugs. In near future "the accessibility of supercomputers and emergence of computer net systems, willopen new avenues to rational drug design" (Portoghese, P. S. J. Med. Chem. 1989, 32, 1). Unknown pharmacological active compounds synthetized by plants can be found even without this eletronic devices, as tradicional medicine has pointed out in many contries, and give rise to a new drug. These compounds used as found in nature or after chemical modifications have produced successful experimental medicaments as FAA, "flavone acetic acid" with good results as inibitors of slow growing animal tumors currently in preclinical evaluation for human treatment. In this lecture some international contributions in the field of chemical modified compounds as antineoplasic drugs will be examined, particularly those done by Brazilian researches.
Obtenció de nous anàlegs amb activitat brassinoesteroide mitjançant modelització molecular i síntesi
Els brassinoesteroides són productes naturals que actuen com a potents reguladors del creixement vegetal. Presenten aplicacions prometedores en l’agricultura degut a que, aplicats exògenament, augmenten la qualitat i la quantitat de les collites. Ara bé, el seu ús s’ha vist restringit degut a la seva costosa obtenció. Aquest fet ha motivat la recerca de nous compostos actius més assequibles. En aquest projecte es planteja el disseny i obtenció de nous anàlegs seguint diferents estratègies que impliquen tant l’ús de mètodes de modelització molecular com de síntesi orgànica. La primera d’aquestes estratègies consisteix en buscar compostos actius en bases de dades de compostos comercials a través de processos de Virtual Screening desenvolupats amb mètodes computacionals basats en Camps d’Interacció Molecular. Així, es van establir i interpretar models de Relacions Quantitatives Estructura-Activitat (QSAR) emprant descriptors independents de l’alineament (GRIND) i, amb col•laboració amb la Universitat de Perugia, aquest criteri de cerca es va ampliar amb l’aplicació de descriptors FLAP de nova generació. Una altra estratègia es va basar en intentar substituir l’esquelet esteroide dels brassinoesteroides per una estructura equivalent, fixant com a cadena lateral el grup (R)-hexahidromandelil. S’han aplicat dos criteris: mètodes computacionals basats en models QSAR establerts amb descriptors GRIND i també en la metodologia SHOP (scaffold hopping), i, per altra banda, anàlegs proposats racionalment a partir d’un estudi efectuat sobre disruptors endocrins no esteroïdals. Sobre les estructures trobades s’hi va unir la cadena lateral comercial esmentada per via sintètica, en la qual s’ha hagut de fer un èmfasi especial en grups protectors. En total, 49 estructures es proposen per a ser obtingudes sintèticament. També s’ha treballat en l’obtenció un agonista derivat de l’hipotètic antagonista KM-01. Totes les molècules candidates, ja siguin comercials o obtingudes sintèticament, estant sent avaluades en el test d’inclinació de la làmina d’arròs (RLIT).
We live in a "Demon-Haunted World". Human health care requires the ever increasing resistance of pathogens to be confronted by a correspondingly fast rate of discovery of novel antibiotics. One of the possible strategies towards this objective involves the rational localization of bioactive phytochemicals. The conceptual basis of the method consists in the surprisingly little known gearings of natural products with morphology, ecology and evolution of their plant source, i. e. an introspection into the general mechanisms of nature.
The development of new drugs is one strategy for malaria control. Biochemical pathways localised in the apicoplast of the parasite, such as the synthesis of isoprenic precursors, are excellent targets because they are different or absent in the human host. Isoprenoids are a large and highly diverse group of natural products with many functions and their synthesis is essential for the parasite's survival. During the last few years, the genes, enzymes, intermediates and mechanisms of this biosynthetic route have been elucidated. In this review, we comment on some aspects of the methylerythritol phosphate pathway and discuss the presence of diverse isoprenic products such as dolichol, ubiquinone, carotenoids, menaquinone and isoprenylated proteins, which are biosynthesised during the intraerythrocytic stages of Plasmodium falciparum.
This study examined whether the antidermatophytic activity of essential oils (EOs) can be used as an indicator for the discovery of active natural products against Leishmania amazonensis. The aerial parts of seven plants were hydrodistilled. Using broth microdilution techniques, the obtained EOs were tested against three strains of dermatophytes (Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum gypseum and Microsporum canis). To compare the EOs antifungal and antiparasitic effects, the EOs activities against axenic amastigotes of L. amazonensis were concurrently evaluated. For the most promising EOs, their antileishmanial activities against parasites infecting peritoneal macrophages of BALB/c mice were measured. The most interesting antifungal candidates were the EOs from Cymbopogon citratus, Otacanthus azureus and Protium heptaphyllum, whereas O. azureus, Piper hispidum and P. heptaphyllum EOs exhibited the lowest 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) values against axenic amastigotes, thus revealing a certain correspondence between both activities. The P. hispidum EO was identified as the most promising product in the results from the infected macrophages model (IC50: 4.7 µg/mL, safety index: 8). The most abundant compounds found in this EO were sesquiterpenes, notably curzerene and furanodiene. Eventually, the evaluation of the antidermatophytic activity of EOs appears to be an efficient method for identifying new potential drugs for the treatment of L. amazonensis.
A list of opisthobranch molluscs species from the western Mediterranean and nearby Atlantic is presented. These species have natural products that are of interest because of their chemical structure, origin and/or function in benthic ecosystems. This review contains data on the origin and activity of these molecules, collection sites of the animals, and their bibliographic references. A discussion of these subjects is also included.
Human inhibitor NF-κB kinase 2 (hIKK-2) is the primary component responsible for activating NF-κB in response to various inflammatory stimuli. Thus, synthetic ATP-competitive inhibitors for hIKK-2 have been developed as anti-inflammatory compounds. We recently reported a virtual screening protocol (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016903) that is able to identify hIKK-2 inhibitors that are not structurally related to any known molecule that inhibits hIKK-2 and that have never been reported to have anti-inflammatory activity. In this study, a stricter version of this protocol was applied to an in-house database of 29,779 natural products annotated with their natural source. The search identified 274 molecules (isolated from 453 different natural extracts) predicted to inhibit hIKK-2. An exhaustive bibliographic search revealed that anti-inflammatory activity has been previously described for: (a) 36 out of these 453 extracts; and (b) 17 out of 30 virtual screening hits present in these 36 extracts. Only one of the remaining 13 hit molecules in these extracts shows chemical similarity with known synthetic hIKK-2 inhibitors. Therefore, it is plausible that a significant portion of the remaining 12 hit molecules are lead-hopping candidates for the development of new hIKK-2 inhibitors.