653 resultados para Mythology, Assyro-Babylonian.


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Como estudar uma cultura ou uma comunidade perdida nos tempos bíblicos? Esta é um questão motriz para o autor. Foi dessa maneira que surgiu o seu interesse em discutir a possibilidade do uso do mito cosmogônico para o entendimento da comunidade dos cativos judaítas em Babilônia. É uma iniciativa, que precisava ser trilhada pelos pesquisadores que se dispusessem ao estudo das culturas do mundo bíblico. Assim se elegeu o tema Mito Cosmogônico no Primeiro Testamento como instrumento de aprofundamento da pesquisa bíblica. O mito é uma escolha mais ou menos óbvia, pela sua capacidade de funcionar como paradigma, pragmática e traditiva contra-hegemônica dentro de um contexto social interétnico. Estas eram ponderações vindas de matrizes como a do fenomenólogo Mircea Eliade, do Antropólogo Roger Bastide e do teólogo e fenomenólogo José Severino Croatto. É por isto que um paralelo é traçado entre o mito de Marduk e o texto de Isaías 51, 9-11, que fala de Javé como sendo criador do mundo e que luta contra as forças do caos. Isto é feito, com vistas à percepção da profecia do Isaías do exílio, como parentesco e sua justaposição com a mitologia babilônica, e ambos se aproximam bastante de forma sintagmática e histórico-social. Coube ainda saber se a profecia do Dêutero-Isaías atuava da mesma maneira que o poema Enuma elish funcionava para os babilônicos. Ou seja, fazia-se surgir modelos sociais às comunidades de escravos dentro do Império Neobabilônico; se com base nestes cânticos, os cativos conseguiam construir um ordenamento para as suas comunidades, que gozavam de uma relativa autonomia, tais como colônias e guetos ; se de posse dessa ousada profecia, os judeus da golah eram capazes de elaborar uma desobediência cívil nos termos de um nutrir nos corações, uma utopia que rompesse com o status quo do passado, comprometendo-os com a esperança no Javé criador.(AU)


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Purpose - This paper provides a deeper examination of the fundamentals of commonly-used techniques - such as coefficient alpha and factor analysis - in order to more strongly link the techniques used by marketing and social researchers to their underlying psychometric and statistical rationale. Design/methodology approach - A wide-ranging review and synthesis of psychometric and other measurement literature both within and outside the marketing field is used to illuminate and reconsider a number of misconceptions which seem to have evolved in marketing research. Findings - The research finds that marketing scholars have generally concentrated on reporting what are essentially arbitrary figures such as coefficient alpha, without fully understanding what these figures imply. It is argued that, if the link between theory and technique is not clearly understood, use of psychometric measure development tools actually runs the risk of detracting from the validity of the measures rather than enhancing it. Research limitations/implications - The focus on one stage of a particular form of measure development could be seen as rather specialised. The paper also runs the risk of increasing the amount of dogma surrounding measurement, which runs contrary to the spirit of this paper. Practical implications - This paper shows that researchers may need to spend more time interpreting measurement results. Rather than simply referring to precedence, one needs to understand the link between measurement theory and actual technique. Originality/value - This paper presents psychometric measurement and item analysis theory in easily understandable format, and offers an important set of conceptual tools for researchers in many fields. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Twenty-five years ago today the Velvet Revolution kicked off in what was then Czechoslovakia to bring an end to the one-party government of the Communist Party. This exclusive translation of a feature from the Czech journal A2 Cultural Bi-Weekly explains that the events of 1989 were about more than just Václav Havel, a playwright and leader in the revolution who was elected president in 1990. A generation of unfulfilled promises later, Czechs are struggling to revive the spirit of not only democracy and humanism, but also socialism. This article originally appeared in Ricochet, November 17, 2014.


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Individual and collective efforts to mitigate climate change in the form of carbon offsetting and emissions trading schemes have recently become the focus of much media attention. In this paper we explore a subset of the UK national press coverage centered on such schemes. The articles, selected from general as well as specialized business and finance newspapers, make use of gold rush, Wild West and cowboy imagery which is rooted in deeply entrenched myths and metaphors and allows readers to make sense of very complex environmental, political, ethical, and financial issues associated with carbon mitigation. They make what appears complicated and unfamiliar, namely carbon trading and offsetting, seem less complex and more familiar. A critical discussion of this type of imagery is necessary in order to uncover and question tacit assumptions and connotations which are built into it and which might otherwise go unnoticed and unchallenged in environmental communication.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Os Kamaiurá são um povo de língua Tupi que, juntamente com povos das famílias linguísticas Aruak, Karib, Tupi e da língua isolada Trumai, habita o Alto Xingu (MT). A homogeneidade cultural entre esses povos é evidenciada em múltiplos aspectos, como forma e disposição das aldeias, tipo de habitação, hábitos alimentares, reclusão pubertária, pinturas e adornos corporais, uso do uluri pelas mulheres, festas e cerimônias, como o Kwaryp. Esse padrão cultural comum resulta da longa ocupação de uma mesma área geográfica e da frequência de casamentos interétnicos. O presente trabalho mostra como o saber sobre a saúde do corpo é construído a partir de elementos que compõem a visão do mundo Kamaiurá, em que observação, experimentação e mitologia se conjugam. Descreve os cuidados dispensados ao corpo e as regras culturais e espirituais relativos às diferentes etapas do ciclo vital.


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The first problem of the Seleucid mathematical cuneiform tablet BM 34 568 calculates the diagonal of a rectangle from its sides without resorting to the Pythagorean rule. For this reason, it has been a source of discussion among specialists ever since its first publication. but so far no consensus in relation to its mathematical meaning has been attained. This paper presents two new interpretations of the scribe`s procedure. based on the assumption that he was able to reduce the problem to a standard Mesopotamian question about reciprocal numbers. These new interpretations are then linked to interpretations of the Old Babylonian tablet Plimpton 322 and to the presence of Pythagorean triples in the contexts of Old Babylonian and Hellenistic mathematics. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Shell mounds ceased to be built in many parts of coastal northern Australia about 800-600 years ago. They are the subject of stories told by Aboriginal people and some have been incorporated in ritual and political activities during the last 150 ears. These understandings emerged only after termination of the economic and environmental system that created them, 800-600 years ago, in a number of widely separated coastal regions, Modern stories and treatments of these mounds by Aboriginal people concern modern or near-modern practices. Modern views of the mounds, their mythological and ritual associations, may be explained by reference to the socioeconomic transitions seen in the archaeological record; but the recent cultural, social and symbolic statements about these places cannot inform us of the process or ideology concerned with the formation of the mounds. Many Aboriginal communities over the last half a millennium actively,formed understandings of new landscapes and systems of land use. Attempts to impose historic ideologies and cosmologies on earlier times fail to acknowledge the magnitude and rate of economic and ideological change on the tropical coastline of Australia.


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Reviews the literature to provide an overview of the historical significance of the elephant in Sri Lankan society, an association which dates back more than 4,000 years. The present status of this relationship assessed on the basis of the findings of a recent study undertaken on the total economic value of elephants in Sri Lanka. This paper, first briefly outlines the history, evolution, nature and their distribution of the Asian elephant while providing some insights on the status of the elephant (Elephas maxima maxima) in Sri Lanka. Next, it reviews the literature in order to assess the historical affiliation that the elephant has maintained with the Sri Lankan society, its culture, history, mythology and religion. The empirical evidence on the economic value of conservation of the remaining elephant population in Sri Lanka is reviewed and the Sri Lankan people’s attitudes towards conserving this species of wildlife. Literature reviewed and analysis undertaken indicates that the elephant in Sri Lanka, still, as in the past has a special place in Sri Lankan society, particularly, in its culture, religion and value system. Thus, there is a strong case for ensuring the survival of wild elephant population in Sri Lanka. Furthermore, it also suggests that the community as a whole will experience a net benefit from ensuring the survival of wild elephants in Sri Lanka.


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Como concebe James G. March, professor da Universidade de Stanford e considerado um dos maiores teóricos actuais das organizações,a mudança ou, pelo menos, as condições para a sua existência numa organização? Evocando os mitos da gestão, James G. March aborda o tema de um modo original.


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Projecto do Mestrado de Teatro especialização em Artes Performativas


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The Haida were a First Nations group located on the Northwest Coast of Canada. They were exceptional wood carvers that produced various types of works, the most monumental of which were their totem poles. This dissertation analyses 26 of these open architectural structures, each of which belonged to one of the following five types: frontal, mortuary, memorial, house post, or corner post. Of the representations found on poles, 28 different figures were identified. However, individual poles were found to contain between one and fourteen different figures with frontal poles generally featuring the most. The predominant figures on the inventoried poles proved to be birds, humans, and bears. An iconographic structure of a tripartite character was detected that reflects the religious ideology of the Haida population with birds being featured at the top of the poles, humans in the middle, and bears at the lowest point. It also suggests the possible transition from a hunter-gatherer economy to a food producing economy.***********************************************************************************Os Haida foram um grupo das Primeiras Nações que habitaram a costa Noroeste do Canadá. Eram excepcionais escultores de madeira, tendo produzido variados tipos de artefactos, dos quais os totem poles eram os mais monumentais. Na presente dissertação são analisadas 26 dessas estruturas arquitectónicas de exterior, sendo que cada uma delas pertenceria a um dos seguintes cinco tipos: frontal, funerário, memorial, travemestra, ou postes de esquina. Das representações encontradas nos postes, foram individualizadas 28 figuras. No entanto, em postes isolados foi possível identificar entre uma e catorze figuras distintas, sendo os postes frontais os que apresentavam, geralmente, o maior número. A análise destes postes permitiu detectar uma estrutura iconográfica tripartida que reflectia a ideologia religiosa das populações Haida, representando-se as aves no topo, os humanos a meio, e os ursos na base dos postes. Por outro lado, foi possível sugerir, para estas populações, a transição de uma economia baseada na caça-recolecção para uma economia de produção alimentar.