914 resultados para Management Accounting -Global practices


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This study addresses the gap in our understanding of the processes used to recruit and select Vice-Chancellors for Australian Universities. There are presently 39 recognised Universities in Australia and between them they provide the nation with the academically qualified leaders of the future. As such one would expect that not only would they be the vessels of our knowledge, but also that they would be managed and led in ways that were similar to those in use in the private sector. The changes that have taken place in the higher education system have meant that additional pressures have been placed upon the senior executive of each University. The transition from a binary system to the current unified system, the advent of the global community, increased technology and new management practices have created the need for University management to adopt recognised management and leadership practices. The Federal government has moved to reduce the dependence of the system upon recurrent funding and there has been an increase in managerialism within Universities. One outcome has been the need for the Chief Executive Officer (Vice-Chancellor) to develop additional management and leadership skills in order to cope with the changes occurring and the rate of change. In the United States, the selection criteria used to recruit Vice-Chancellors (or University Presidents) have changed to reflect the desire for candidates to have backgrounds in management and leadership. The role of the Vice-Chancellor is critical to the success of educational institutions that are now being managed as autonomous business units responsible for budget, growth, mergers as well as maintaining academic credibility. A literature review revealed that the work undertaken by David Sloper formed virtually our entire knowledge base of Vice-Chancellors in Australia. Sloper identified democratic and incumbency patterns, social characteristics, the legal basis for the role and what incumbents actually do. Thus we know quite a deal about the role and incumbents. However the same literature review showed that while this data existed, it did not extend to the processes that were used within the Higher Education system, to target, identify and select suitable candidates. Clearly there was also no examination as to the effectiveness of such processes or how they could be improved if necessary. Given the importance of Universities in Australia and their role in Higher Education, this lack of knowledge provided the basis for this study and the systematic review of all available data. The study also identified a paradox in addition to the lack of research on recruitment and selection practices in this unique microcosm. The paradox concerns the fact that many of the successful candidates do not come from a ‘business’ discipline as may be expected for a role considered to be the Chief Executive Officer of the institution. Yet in Australia, previous research indicated that the ‘rules’ for recruiting Vice-Chancellors have changed little and that traditionally candidates have come from the science disciplines (Sloper, 1994). While this in itself does not indicate that incumbents are lacking in fundamental management and leadership knowledge and expertise, an obvious question arises. Why are Australian Vice-Chancellors not drawn from faculties where this expertise resides or why are they not drawn from the business community? In order to further examine the processes in place and to a lesser extent the paradox, all available data was collected regarding the roles of Vice-Chancellors, the paths they have taken to the position as well as selection criteria, position outlines, job adverts and related material. This was thoroughly examined and then a brief questionnaire was forwarded to current incumbents and other involved stakeholders. Interviews were conducted to clarify specific issues and case studies prepared accordingly. Thus this qualitative study thoroughly researches the recruitment and selection practices in use, attempts to determine their effectiveness and addresses the paradox in order to provide a detailed framework that allows these elements to be explained.


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This paper provides survey evidence captured from a sample of 113 respondents to a 2008 questionnaire that was sent to 344 listed non-financial companies in Thailand. The study examines how Thai companies manage their exchange rate exposure post Asian Financial Crisis.

Thailand is an interesting case study because it was a country at the core of the 1997 financial meltdown and was one of the first forced by the crisis to move from a fixed to a floating exchange rate regime. It is therefore constructive to examine how businesses in Thailand have coped with a shift from a fixed to floating exchange rate and to examine how they manage their exchange rate exposure post 1997.

Findings indicate that companies that use currency derivatives do so to reduce volatile cash flows are less risky and tend to be more profitable than companies that do not use currency derivatives. This is consistent with the theory that hedging increases the value of the firm.

The type of instruments that companies in Thailand use and how they are used is similar to what other studies find in other countries. Matching and the use of forward contracts are the most common ways that companies manage transaction exposure. The study also confirms that companies with higher levels of international business engagement are more likely to use currency derivatives.

What is unique in Thailand is that Thai businesses are less rigorous in their internal control of their currency hedging activities. It is therefore recommended that companies consider a documented hedging policy and that senior management actively monitor the policy and currency hedging activity.


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Using legitimacy theory this paper contrasts the values portrayed by public accounting firms via their recruitment practices and society's expectations of the responsibilities of a professional accountant. Society confers on organisations legitimacy when the value system of the organisation is congruent with the value system of the larger social system (Deegan, 2006). It is argued that there is increasing incongruence between the value system of public accounting firms (that employ accounting graduates) and society's value system that includes an expectation of accountants to act in the public interest. This study draws on evidence from recent corporate collapses, to question whether the attributes/skills displayed by accountants have reduced their capacity to act in the public interest. Interviews with employers show that preferences for employment are given to graduates who 'fit the culture' of the organisation and have the ability to 'market' the firm to clients. Attributes that define the professional accountant appear to be less highly valued. It is concluded that the attributes valued in the workplace today have the potential to increase the risk of 'severing the social contract' between the accounting profession and society.


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This paper establishes the Full Potential Management (FPM) Model based upon the social model of disabilities coupled with principles of diversity management and disability-oriented human resource management. Despite the fact that the concept of management was once envisioned as having 'value to society ' by improving the quality of life through efficient practices (Rimler, 1976), management literature has narrowly defined management as a means to gain increased productivity and achieve organizational goals, thus overlooking the social formation and implementation design for a better life (Diener & Seligman, 2004; Small, 2004; Whitley 1989). Based upon the diversity literature, we propose that social-oriented diversity management principles and practices are the key to transforming management concepts from achieving organizational potential to achieving social aims that maximize the potential and quality of life of each person.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relations between perceived business uncertainty (PBU), use of external risk management (RM) consultants, formalisation of RM, magnitude of RM methods and perceived organisational outcomes.
Design/methodology/approach – This paper is based on a questionnaire survey of members of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants in the UK. Using AMOS 17.0, the paper tests the strength of the direct and indirect effects among the variables and explores the fit of the overall path model.
Findings – The results indicate significant and positive associations exist between the extent of PBU and the level ofRMformalisation, as well as between the level ofRMformalisation and the magnitude of RMmethods adopted. The use of externalRMconsultants is also found to have a significant and positive impact on the magnitude of RM methods adopted. Finally, both the extent of RM formalisation and the magnitude of RM methods adopted are seen to be significantly associated with overall improvement in organisational outcomes.
Research limitations/implications – The study uses perceptual measures of the level of business uncertainty, usage of RM and organisational outcomes. Further, the respondents are members of a management accounting professional body and the views of other managers, such as risk managers, who are also important to the governance process are not incorporated.
Originality/value – This study provides empirical evidence on the impact ofRMdesign and usage on improvements in organisational outcomes. It contributes to the RM literature where empirical research is needed in order to be comparable with the traditional management control system literature.


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This paper provides survey evidence captured from a sample of 113 respondents to a 2008 questionnaire sent to 344 companies in Thailand. The study examines Thai hedging practices following the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997. Thai companies, like their international counterparts, rely predominantly on matching and forward contracts to hedge transaction exposure. Thai companies, however, appear to be less rigorous when it comes to internal control and supervision of derivative activity. It is recommended that Thai companies improve their risk management practices by putting into place a documented hedging policy, which includes a requirement that senior staff be actively engaged in the risk management activities of the firm.


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The lack of knowledge of how resilience management supports enterprise system (ES) projects accounts for the failure of firms to leverage their investments in costly ES implementations. Using a structured-pragmatic- situational (SPS) case study research approach, this paper reports on an investigation into the resilience management of a large utility company as it implemented an ES upgrade. Drawing on the literature and on the case study findings, we developed a process-based resilience management framework that involves three strategies (developing situation awareness, demystifying threats, and executing restoration plans) and four organisational capabilities that transform resilience management concepts into practices. We identified the crucial phases of ES upgrade implementation and developed indicators for how different strategies and capabilities of resilience management can assist managers at different stages of an ES upgrade. This research advances the state of existing knowledge by providing specific and verifiable propositions for attaining a state of resilience, the knowledge being grounded in the empirical reality of a case study. Moreover, the framework offers ES practitioners a roadmap to better identify appropriate responses and levels of preparedness.


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In 1997, the New Labour government inherited a ‘crisis’ in the UK National Health Service from the outgoing Conservative government. To address this perceived crisis, New Labour offered investment and, contrary to expectations, further neo-liberal health service reforms. In particular, the government extended the scope of performance management beyond financial numbers to encompass all aspects of managerial and organisational performance. Drawing on an analytics of government framework, this paper demonstrates how reforms were framed and given meaning through a framework of hierarchical accountability and centralised control. These panoptical arrangements relied on performance-management technologies of targets and ratings, which were linked to patient choice and a prospective funding system called ‘Payment by Results’. In turn, these top-down technologies disciplined knowledge, identity, and visibility and control of practice.


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A sobrevivência de uma empresa no cenário atual, de incertezas e mudanças contínuas, depende cada vez mais de sua capacidade de gerenciar seu recurso mais importante: o conhecimento. Uma empresa que investe permanentemente na qualificação e aprendizagem de seus empregados está preparada para enfrentar os desafios da concorrência cada vez maior. Neste sentido, a gestão empresarial voltada para o aumento dos níveis de qualidade produtividade, assim como para a gestão do conhecimento, é fundamental para toda empresa, independente de seu setor, tamanho ou localização. A partir deste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é identificar a contribuição do Programa Gaúcho de Qualidade e Produtividade (PGQP) na gestão do conhecimento em empresas de serviços contábeis no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). O PGQP é um programa de qualificação voltado para o aprimoramento de produtos e serviços das empresas do RS, objetivando o beneficio ao consumidor final. Este programa está estruturado com base nos Fundamentos e Critérios para a Excelência em Gestão elaborados pela Fundação Nacional da Qualidade, os quais, entre outros aspectos, identificam os processos relacionados às informações e conhecimentos como importantes para um sistema eficaz de gestão empresarial. O setor das empresas de serviços contábeis no Estado possui um Comitê específico para trabalhar em parceira com o PGQP. auxiliando as empresas a implementarem o Programa. Assim, para a realização da pesquisa foram selecionadas dez empresas que aderiram ao PGQP e outras 11 que não implementaram. Para os gestores destas empresas, foi aplicado um questionário contendo questões fechadas e abertas, relacionadas às práticas de gestão do conhecimento realizadas na empresa, e também a percepção e comprometimento dos empregados em relação às mesmas. Nas questões fechadas, utilizou-se uma escala de frequência, para medir a realização de práticas relacionadas aos elementos construtivos da gestão do conhecimento do modelo de Probst, Raub e Romhardt (2002), que são: identificação, aquisição, desenvolvimento, compartilhamento e distribuição, utilização e retenção do conhecimento. Estes elementos são apresentados no Referencial Teórico, juntamente com a discussão sobre os conceitos de conhecimento, sua geração e gestão. Os resultados encontrados permitem concluir que a implementação do PGQP contribui positivamente para a gestão do conhecimento, uma vez que no grupo de empresas que aderiram ao Programa, as médias de frequência das práticas de gestão do conhecimento foram superiores as do outro grupo. Além disto, as respostas às questões abertas também permitiram inferir conclusões da mesma natureza.


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Este trabalho objetivou investigar, através de um estudo exploratório e descritivo, a relação existente entre os procedimentos, técnicas e métodos adotados na alocação de custos indiretos em cinco indústrias de calçados da região do Vale dos Sinos (RS) e aqueles apontados na literatura de custos. Também, buscou-se obter depoimentos dos principais usuá rios da informação de custos das empresas sobre a utilidade da alocação de custos indiretos no processo de gerência. Desta forma, procedeu-se a uma revisão de fundamentos teóricos da Contabilidade de Custos, sob a ótica da Contabilidade Gerencial, a partir do qual delineou-se um Plano de Referência que orientou as etapas da pesquisa. A seguir, apresenta-se a metodologia utilizada, justificando- se as razões de seu emprego, assim como as limitações inerentes a esse tipo de estudo exploratório. Com base nos dados obtidos através de entrevistas, mediante a aplicação de um questionário e análise de documentos, fez-se uma descrição dos mecanismos utilizados pelas empresas es tudadas, na prática da alocação de custos indiretos, bem como re latou-se os depoimentos dos gerentes entrevistado~ sobre a utilidade das alocações de custos indiretos, em relação à necessidade de informações gerenciais como: avaliação de estoques, determinação de resultados, fixação de preços, controle e avaliação de desempenho, planejamento e tomada de decisão.Os resultados obtidos permitiram a análi·se comparativa das práticas adotadas pelas empresas com o referencialtéÕ rico previamente levantado. Também, oportunizou a que se chegasse a importantes conclusões, além de fornecerem subsídios para algumas recomendações e sugestões para futuras pesquisas.


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Green teams are frequently considered in the state-of-the-art literature as an essential factor for companies aiming to implement and improve environmental management approaches and practices. However, most of the available literature on green teams is conceptual and theoretical by nature. Therefore, the main purpose of this article is to evaluate the main characteristics of green teams in Brazilian companies and to analyse the relationships between green teams and the maturity level of environmental management in those companies. Based on a conceptual background on corporate environmental management and green teams, a research was done in two complementary phases: a survey of 94 companies with ISO 14001 certification; and a multiple case study of four industrial companies. Survey results suggest that 82% of the studied companies have cross-functional green teams, i.e. involving various companies' departments; and 65% have functional green teams, i.e. individual department teams. The results of the case study suggest that the use of green teams is an instrument to the greening of companies with ISO 14001 in Brazil. The company with the most proactive and advanced environmental management is the same company which uses green teams more intensely. Green teams are especially necessary for implementing more technical environmental management practices, e.g. Life Cycle Assessment. Since this is one of the first studies analysing green teams, the results presented can be useful for companies and public policies aiming to implementation of environmental initiatives. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O princípio da controlabilidade prevê que os gestores deveriam ser avaliados com base em fatores controláveis. Consequentemente, os incentivos gerenciais estariam relacionados a práticas de contabilidade gerencial capazes de evitar que os gestores sejam responsabilizados por resultados financeiros além do controle gerencial, tais como análise por centro de responsabilidade, custo padrão, preço de transferência, orçamento e avaliação de desempenho. Este artigo desenvolve um estudo de campo para investigar se há relação entre a presença de incentivos gerenciais e as práticas de contabilidade gerencial associadas ao princípio da controlabilidade. Entrevistas in loco foram realizadas para a coleta de dados em nível organizacional e testes estatísticos não paramétricos foram utilizados para a análise dos dados. Entre as práticas de contabilidade gerencial examinadas, os resultados sugerem que apenas orçamento anual, análise por centro de responsabilidade e avaliação de desempenho estão associados à presença de sistemas de incentivos nas empresas entrevistadas.


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O princípio da controlabilidade prevê que os gestores deveriam ser avaliados com base em fatores controláveis. Consequentemente, os incentivos gerenciais estariam relacionados a práticas de contabilidade gerencial capazes de evitar que os gestores sejam responsabilizados por resultados financeiros além do controle gerencial, tais como análise por centro de responsabilidade, custo padrão, preço de transferência, orçamento e avaliação de desempenho. Este artigo desenvolve um estudo de campo para investigar se há relação entre a presença de incentivos gerenciais e as práticas de contabilidade gerencial associadas ao princípio da controlabilidade. Entrevistas in loco foram realizadas para a coleta de dados em nível organizacional e testes estatísticos não paramétricos foram utilizados para a análise dos dados. Entre as práticas de contabilidade gerencial examinadas, os resultados sugerem que apenas orçamento anual, análise por centro de responsabilidade e avaliação de desempenho estão associados à presença de sistemas de incentivos nas empresas entrevistadas.


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Management Control System (MCS) research is undergoing turbulent times. For a long time related to cybernetic instruments of management accounting only, MCS are increasingly seen as complex systems comprising not only formal accounting-driven instruments, but also informal mechanisms of control based on organizational culture. But not only have the means of MCS changed; researchers increasingly ap-ply MCS to organizational goals other than strategy implementation.rnrnTaking the question of "How do I design a well-performing MCS?" as a starting point, this dissertation aims at providing a comprehensive and integrated overview of the "current-state" of MCS research. Opting for a definition of MCS, broad in terms of means (all formal as well as informal MCS instruments), but focused in terms of objectives (behavioral control only), the dissertation contributes to MCS theory by, a) developing an integrated (contingency) model of MCS, describing its contingencies, as well as its subcomponents, b) refining the equifinality model of Gresov/Drazin (1997), c) synthesizing research findings from contingency and configuration research concerning MCS, taking into account case studies on research topics such as ambi-dexterity, equifinality and time as a contingency.