861 resultados para Mach-Zehnder interferometers


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The underlying work to this thesis focused on the exploitation and investigation of photosensitivity mechanisms in optical fibres and planar waveguides for the fabrication of advanced integrated optical devices for telecoms and sensing applications. One major scope is the improvement of grating fabrication specifications by introducing new writing techniques and the use of advanced characterisation methods for grating testing. For the first time the polarisation control method for advanced grating fabrication has successfully been converted to apodised planar waveguide fabrication and the development of a holographic method for the inscription of chirped gratings at arbitrary wavelength is presented. The latter resulted in the fabrication of gratings for pulse-width suppression and wavelength selection in diode lasers. In co-operation with research partners a number of samples were tested using optical frequency domain and optical low coherence reflectometry for a better insight into the limitations of grating writing techniques. Using a variety of different fabrication methods, custom apodised and chirped fibre Bragg gratings were written for the use as filter elements for multiplexer-demultiplexer devices, as well as for short pulse generation and wavelength selection in telecommunication transmission systems. Long period grating based devices in standard, speciality and tapered fibres are presented, showing great potential for multi-parameter sensing. One particular scope is the development of vectorial curvature and refractive index sensors with potential for medical, chemical and biological sensing. In addition the design of an optically tunable Mach-Zehnder based multiwavelength filter is introduced. The discovery of a Type IA grating type through overexposure of hydrogen loaded standard and Boron-Germanium co-doped fibres strengthened the assumption of UV-photosensitivity being a highly non-linear process. Gratings of this type show a significantly lower thermal sensitivity compared to standard gratings, which makes them useful for sensing applications. An Oxford Lasers copper-vapour laser operating at 255 nm in pulsed mode was used for their inscription, in contrast to previous work using CW-Argon-Ion lasers and contributing to differences in the processes of the photorefractive index change


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We investigate the feasibility of simultaneous suppressing of the amplification noise and nonlinearity, representing the most fundamental limiting factors in modern optical communication. To accomplish this task we developed a general design optimisation technique, based on concepts of noise and nonlinearity management. We demonstrate the immense efficiency of the novel approach by applying it to a design optimisation of transmission lines with periodic dispersion compensation using Raman and hybrid Raman-EDFA amplification. Moreover, we showed, using nonlinearity management considerations, that the optimal performance in high bit-rate dispersion managed fibre systems with hybrid amplification is achieved for a certain amplifier spacing – which is different from commonly known optimal noise performance corresponding to fully distributed amplification. Required for an accurate estimation of the bit error rate, the complete knowledge of signal statistics is crucial for modern transmission links with strong inherent nonlinearity. Therefore, we implemented the advanced multicanonical Monte Carlo (MMC) method, acknowledged for its efficiency in estimating distribution tails. We have accurately computed acknowledged for its efficiency in estimating distribution tails. We have accurately computed marginal probability density functions for soliton parameters, by numerical modelling of Fokker-Plank equation applying the MMC simulation technique. Moreover, applying a powerful MMC method we have studied the BER penalty caused by deviations from the optimal decision level in systems employing in-line 2R optical regeneration. We have demonstrated that in such systems the analytical linear approximation that makes a better fit in the central part of the regenerator nonlinear transfer function produces more accurate approximation of the BER and BER penalty. We present a statistical analysis of RZ-DPSK optical signal at direct detection receiver with Mach-Zehnder interferometer demodulation


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We have experimentally investigated two non-inverting optical memory configurations: a TOAD based device & an integrated hybrid Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Experimental results for both devices and a comparison of the two techniques is presented.


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In this paper, we propose a simplified approach to optical signal predistortion based on adaptive pulse shaping through asymmetrical control of a Mach-Zehnder modulator above its switching voltage. The scheme allows natural tailoring of transmitted pulses by optimizing the received pulse. We demonstrate enhancement of the power tolerance in nonrepeated systems and improved OSNR/BER performance and dispersion tolerance in ultra-long-haul fiber systems operating at 10 Gb/s and 20 Gb/s channel rates. The improved performance is demonstrated through simulations and experiment.


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We present a novel apodisation scheme for photo-induced waveguide gratings. The apodisation is implemented with double exposures that have reversely varying duty cycles. We have successfully applied the proposed scheme to remove the sidelobes of long period gratings (LPGs). We also observed for the first time super strong sidelobes in LPGs when creating them with only a single varying-duty-cycle exposure. The strong sidelobes can be well explained with a Mach-Zehnder interference model.


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We investigate the design of electronic dispersion compensation (EDC) using full optical-field reconstruction in 10Gbit/s on-off keyed transmission systems limited by optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR). By effectively suppressing the impairment due to low- frequency component amplification in phase reconstruction, properly designing the transmission system configuration to combat fiber nonlinearity, and successfully reducing the vulnerability to thermal noise, a 4.8dB OSNR margin can be achieved for 2160km single-mode fiber transmission without any optical dispersion compensation. We also investigate the performance sensitivity of the scheme to various system parameters, and propose a novel method to greatly enhance the tolerance to differential phase misalignment of the asymmetric Mach-Zehnder interferometer. This numerical study provides important design guidelines which will enable full optical-field EDC to become a cost-effective dispersion compensation solution for future transparent optical networks.


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We present a phase locking scheme that enables the demonstration of a practical dual pump degenerate phase sensitive amplifier for 10 Gbit/s non-return to zero amplitude shift keying signals. The scheme makes use of cascaded Mach Zehnder modulators for creating the pump frequencies as well as of injection locking for extracting the signal carrier and synchronizing the local lasers. An in depth optimization study has been performed, based on measured error rate performance, and the main degradation factors have been identified.


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The tolerance of a 42.65 Gbit/s dual-gate asynchronous digital optical regenerator using a single Mach-Zehnder modulator to optical signal-to-noise-ratio degradation and chromatic dispersion is experimentally demonstrated.


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We numerically investigate the combination of full-field detection and feed-forward equalizer (FFE) for adaptive chromatic dispersion compensation up to 2160 km in a 10 Gbit/s on-off keyed optical transmission system. The technique, with respect to earlier reports, incorporates several important implementation modules, including the algorithm for adaptive equalization of the gain imbalance between the two receiver chains, compensation of phase misalignment of the asymmetric Mach-Zehnder interferometer, and simplified implementation of field calculation. We also show that in addition to enabling fast adaptation and simplification of field calculation, full-field FFE exhibits enhanced tolerance to the sampling phase misalignment and reduced sampling rate when compared to the full-field implementation using a dispersive transmission line.


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We show an improved DPSK receiver design which can increase useful dispersion tolerance by up to a factor of two. The increased dispersion tolerance is achieved through optimization of the optical filter at the receiver and the delay of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. In this paper we fully explain the concept, quantify the gain and provide an explanation for the operation of the receiver. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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We present a novel differential phase shift keying receiver design under strong optical filtering. The receiver design is based on the different offset filtering performances of the output ports of the NRZ-DPSK Mach Zehnder Interferometer. The asymmetrical filtered receiver design can significantly increase performance by 2 dB in calculated Q for an OSNR of 15 dB.


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We present a novel differential phase shift keying receiver design under strong optical filtering. The receiver design is based on asymmetrical filtering at the destructive port of the Mach Zehnder Interferometer. The asymmetrical filtered receiver design can significantly increase performance by 2 to 4.7dB in calculated "Q".


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We present a novel differential phase shift keying receiver design under strong optical filtering. The receiver design is based on asymmetrical filtering at the destructive port of the Mach Zehnder Interferometer. The asymmetrical filtered receiver design can significantly increase performance by 2 to 4.7dB in calculated "Q".


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A novel transmitter for 100 Gbit-Ethernet applications is proposed, based on the serial cascade of two 50 Gbit/s inverse-return-to-zero (also known as dark soliton) transmitters based on Mach-Zehnder modulators. The proposed transmitter and demultiplexer system uses commercially available components optimised for 40 Gbit/s applications. A 2.9 dB penalty at 100 Gbit/s is obtained using a single-stage OTDM demultiplexer and a preamplified receiver.


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A 42.6 Gbit/s all-optical non-retum-to-zero (NRZ) to return-to-zero (RZ) format converter using a single SOA followed by an asymmetrical Mach-Zehnder interferometer is presented. The format converter generates a correctly-coded RZ signal with a controllable duty-cycle. It has the advantages of flexible input N RZ wavelength, preserved input polarity, negative bit error rate power penalty and low switching pulse energy (15fJ).